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Artur K.



AI Integration Expert & Full Stack Architect

$20 USD / óra
Poland (2:12 de.)
Ekkor csatlakozott: január 26, 2025
$20 USD / óra
I am a dedicated and results-driven Senior Software Engineer with over 7 years of experience in Fullstack development, specializing in Python, JavaScript, ROR and diverse array of modern technologies. My expertise spans across both front-end and back-end development, with a strong command of various frameworks, cloud services, and databases. Worked on a diverse range of industries, including Real Estate, Chat Bots, Media Agencies, Ecommerce, Textile, Health Tech, Government, Education, Fintech, B2B, and B2C. I have a strong background in AI, leveraging it to develop innovative solutions that drive efficiency and effectiveness. My technical skills include: Technical Skills - Programming Languages: Python, JavaScript, ROR, RUBY, AI (Artifical Intelligence) - Web Frameworks: Django, Flask, FastAPI, Node.js, React.js, Express.js, DRF - Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, AJAX, JSON, RESTful APIs - Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MS SQL - Cloud Services: AWS, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Digital Ocean - Version Control Systems: Git, GitHub Application Development - Developed and maintained enterprise-level applications across various domains using Python, Django, Flask, and FastAPI. - Designed scalable backend systems and implemented RESTful APIs and MVC patterns. - Leveraged AWS services for deployment, including Elastic Load Balancer, Route 53, EBS, and EC2. Testing and Automation - Wrote unit, integration, and functional tests using Python and PyUnit. - Automated complex workflows and repetitive tasks using Python and shell scripts. Project Management - Collaborated with Project Managers, Product managers, Product Owners for requirement gathering, use case development, and business process modeling. - Experienced in utilizing testing tools like Jenkins and JIRA. Communication and Collaboration - Proficient in Python IDEs including VS Code and PyCharm, and adept with version control systems like Git and GitHub. Projects 1- Project: AlgoSoft A UAE-based platform for poker enthusiasts, offering strategic gameplay analysis and training tools. Utilized React.js, Python, Django, and AWS. Role: Senior Software Engineer, Lead Fullstack developer 2- Project: Gigimot (HealthCare, Health Tech) A fitness app for scheduling and booking sessions. Developed APIs in Node.js and the app using Python. Role: Senior Software Engineer, Senior Full-stack developer 3- Project: nymcard (Fintech) Revamped the official website for improved SEO and performance by migrating from React.js to Next.js. Role: Senior Software Engineer, Senior Frontend Developer 4- Project: AI-Based Applications Designed and developed scalable backend solutions using Python Flask and AWS. Role: Senior Software Engineer
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