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Margarethe H.
Content creator | B.A. | MSc
$25 USD / óra
Austria (4:36 du.)
Ekkor csatlakozott: szeptember 12, 2022
$25 USD / óra
Diligent, detail-oriented writer and editor with 4 years of professional experience. Skills in proofreading, helping others develop their own ideas, and content creation of various types (be it academic papers, informational articles, short stories, blog posts, etc.)
Current duties center around providing technical support for the organization of the bank’s ESG initiatives through app-building with the Microsoft Power Platform
febr., 2022 – Jelenleg is
2 év, 11 hónap
Bard College Berlin
okt., 2015 - aug., 2019
3 év, 10 hónap
Writer for Student Blog
okt., 2015 - aug., 2019
3 év, 10 hónap
Contributor of both fiction and non-fiction pieces to "Die Bärliner" until graduation from Bard College Berlin
Primary Editor of Student Blog
szept., 2016 - máj., 2019
2 év, 8 hónap
Main duties involved organizing the publishing schedule, soliciting contributions, offering advice on all narrative elements of any contribution and collaborating with the author before publishing
okt., 2015 - aug., 2019
3 év, 10 hónap
Universität Wien
2019 - 2022
3 év
MSc in Banking and Finance
2019 - 2022
3 év
Bard College
2015 - 2019
4 év
B.A. Economics, Politics, and Social Thought with dual concentration in Economics and Politics
United States
2015 - 2019
4 év
International Baccalaureate
International Baccalaureate
An academic program regarded as an alternative to the A-levels
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