Figma to Framer - Responsive Web Build
£20-250 GBP
Kiszállításkor fizetve
We are looking for a skilled web designer to convert an existing Figma design into Framer, ensuring seamless functionality across desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. Currently, only the desktop version is designed, so the designer will need to apply responsive design principles to create well-structured tablet and mobile versions.
This first page will act as a test project, and if successful, there’s potential for a larger collaboration to build out the full website.
• Convert an existing Figma design to Framer.
• Ensure the design is fully responsive for tablet and mobile.
• Apply best UI/UX practices to maintain design consistency.
• Work with speed and efficiency to meet tight deadlines.
Ideal Candidate:
• Experience in Figma & Framer.
• Strong understanding of responsive design.
• Ability to interpret and extend a design for different breakpoints.
• Can work quickly and efficiently while maintaining quality.
If this first page is delivered successfully, we’d be keen to discuss a full website build.
If you're interested, can you please DM me with projects you developed in Framer.
Projektazonosító: #39057603
A projektről
77 szabadúszó tett átlagosan 146£ összegű árajánlatot erre a munkára
Hello, there. We can create a responsive web build conversion from Figma to Framer for tablet and mobile devices. We use only professional clean modern ideas for design. We have years of experience in website de Továbbiak
Hi Yes got it - please message me so we can discuss in detail and i can clear the doubts i have. Tej.
⚠️ IF YOU'RE NOT HAPPY YOU DON’T PAY ⚠️ I think we are the perfect fit for your project. We specialize in converting Figma designs to Framer while ensuring seamless responsiveness across all devices. With over 60 5-st Továbbiak
Hello, I am a skilled web designer with experience in Figma and Framer. I will convert your existing Figma design into Framer, ensuring seamless functionality on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. I will apply respo Továbbiak
Hello! I am Markiyan. I am CEO of web agency. I can create a responsive Figma design in Framer, ensuring seamless functionality across devices. We have years of skills in 3d design (Blender, 3d-max, WebGL), illustrato Továbbiak
I’m Khurshid, a Figma designer with ten years of experience."Figma to Framer - Responsive Web Build" I propose creating intuitive and visually stunning designs that enhance user experience. My approach includes collabo Továbbiak
Hello, I hope you're doing well. I'm Ziaul Haque, a skilled web designer with extensive experience in Figma and Framer. I would love to assist you in converting your existing Figma design into Framer, ensuring that it Továbbiak
I'm excited about the opportunity to bring your Figma design to life in Framer with a fully responsive layout that seamlessly adapts to desktop, tablet, and mobile. Since only the desktop version is designed, I’ll care Továbbiak
Hello I have gone through your requirement and I will *** Figma to Framer - Responsive Web Build****. I'll make fully responsive website.. I have 11+ years of experience in website and application development and wor Továbbiak
Hello, How r u doing? I have gone through the project and i believe that i can handle it well having experience related to Website Design, Framer, Graphic Design, CSS and User Interface / IA. Please have a look at my p Továbbiak
I have reviewed the details of your project and I am confident that I possess the necessary skills and experience to complete it to your satisfaction. I am excited about the opportunity to work with you and deliver a f Továbbiak
With my 7+ years of experience in web design and development, I bring profound expertise in responsive design. As a skilled designer who has worked extensively with Figma and Framer, your project aligns perfectly with Továbbiak
Hello, I specialize in converting Figma designs to Framer with a focus on seamless functionality across various devices. I understand the importance of responsive design and will ensure that your project maintains con Továbbiak
With the Figma to Framer web project, I bring a unique and valuable skill set that directly aligns with your needs. Not only do I have extensive experience with Figma and Framer, but my understanding of responsive desi Továbbiak
Hi After reading in detail the requirements of your project and concluding that they match my areas of knowledge and skills, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Umair Anwar and I am the lead engineer for CSS Továbbiak