Odoo Project

Befejezett Kiadva: 3 évvel ezelőtt Kiszállításkor fizetve
Befejezett Kiszállításkor fizetve

Need to set up odoo community version 13 or above on my server , I will need an affiliate program installed or built . Similar to one found here : [login to view URL]

It is a plus if you already have access to the affiliate plugin mentioned above. We Need this installed and running within the next 24 hours.

Python ERP PHP Szoftverarchitektúra MySQL

Projektazonosító: #32815573

A projektről

12 ajánlat Távolról teljesíthető projekt Utoljára aktív: 3 évvel ezelőtt


(88 értékelés)

12 szabadúszó tett átlagosan 237$ összegű árajánlatot erre a munkára


Hi there,I'm biddin on your project "Odoo Project " I have read your project description and i'm an expert in Python and machine learning therefore i can do this project for you perfectly.I still have a few questions. Továbbiak

$250 USD 3 napon belül
(97 vélemény)

Hi there, I am a odoo erp technical expert with rich experiences in all odoo modules and strong skills in implementation, customisation and integration. I have installed a lot odoo version in different different VPS Továbbiak

$250 USD 5 napon belül
(16 vélemény)

Hello I noticed you need to install odoo 13 community edition and need to configured Mentioned affiliate plugin in next 24 hours. I m skilled odoo full stack developer And have worked with server implementation and co Továbbiak

$250 USD 1 napon belül
(17 vélemény)

As discussed As discussed As discussed ( I am the one you are looking for. ) Hello, Warm Greetings! I read the job detail and found the project very interesting. I would love to know more about this project and clar Továbbiak

$250 USD 1 napon belül
(14 vélemény)

Hi, Dear Employer, I have read your job post carefully. I can write clean validated python code and make a device-supported py. File. I have over 12+-plus years of experience at ✔python, ✔Django ✔Algorithm ✔java, and o Továbbiak

$100 USD 1 napon belül
(32 vélemény)

I am Ring. I am about 19+ years experienced in GNU/Linux based system, server installation and customization, develop, deploy, security and support. I may help you in this regard.

$250 USD 1 napon belül
(17 vélemény)