Wordpress - contractor work - NEED ASAP

Befejezett Kiadva: 3 évvel ezelőtt Kiszállításkor fizetve

Looking for someone who’s good with Wordpress and can do websites start to finish or even do maintenance and odds and ends, will be contracted work, want to see portfolio.

You won’t have direct contact with my clients.

PHP Webdesign WordPress CSS HTML

Projektazonosító: #31467506

A projektről

14 ajánlat Távolról teljesíthető projekt Utoljára aktív: 3 évvel ezelőtt



I m professional website developer and designer and data entry operator I will do on budget on time I will help you u can hire me

$3 AUD / óra
(69 értékelés)

14 szabadúszó tett átlagosan 18$/órás árajánlatot erre a munkára


Hello Sir! I am a web developer and expert in html,css,jquery/js,php, mysql, Codeigniter, Wordpress. I can build your wordpress website and can fix issues related to your website. Please initiate PMB (Message Board) Továbbiak

$40 AUD / óra
(112 vélemény)

Hi there: i would like to help you in this wordpress project. i am very much interested to have the contract with you. i will not override your contacts for sure. i am an wordpress expert and can do anything with wordp Továbbiak

$20 AUD / óra
(54 vélemény)

Hi, I'm a senior in Website and App Development. I read the job details extremely carefully. I think I can help you to complete your project with my rich knowledge and experience. I'm ready to do it now. Should you req Továbbiak

$17 AUD / óra
(0 vélemény)

Hi there, I will summarize all the job description and provide you with clear, concise, mobile/Desktop friendly website. I am Specialize Website Designer / Developer having 8+ years experience working on PHP, HTML, CS Továbbiak

$17 AUD / óra
(1 Visszajelzés)