I want to get a typographical design done for the Indian name "Shilpa", meaning 'A Perfect Sculpture' . I am looking at a design of the original word and the translation of its meaning in different languages. The different translations are given below along with the original word.
Original : Shilpa
Different Translations :
escultura, scultura, sculpture, sculptuur, szobrászat, patung, Скулптурата, sochařství, פסל, نحت, 雕塑 , مجسمه سازی ,
शिल्पा , dealbhóireacht, քանդակել, skulpturë, heykəltəraşlıq , eskilti , 彫刻 , veistos , ქანდაკება , مجسمہ , 조각 ,
uchongaji , cerflun , סקולפּטור
Note : 'Shilpa' is a feminine name. The design I am looking for will have to be perfect, delicate but at the same time very passionate. I am not looking for gaudy or loud colours/design. I will be taking a print of the final design on A3 size paper. For your reference, I have attached a word document which contains the Original name and the translations mentioned above.
The theme : Simple & Elegant yet full of passion.
In case of any further help needed on the same, feel free to contact me.
Bhavesh Agrawal