Create Dry Brine Solution for Chicken

Lezárva Kiadva: 1 hónapja Kiszállításkor fizetve
Lezárva Kiszállításkor fizetve

I'm in need of a culinary expert to devise a unique, organic-based dry brine solution for chicken. This project involves creating a blend with minimal salts, utilizing herbs, spices, and other organic ingredients.

Ideal skills and experience:

- Expertise in culinary arts, particularly in meat preparation

- Knowledge of organic ingredients and their uses

- Ability to create low-salt blends

- Experience with herbs and spices

Need for health concious people

Food Safety Vegyészet Biotechnológia

Projektazonosító: #38896053

A projektről

4 ajánlat Távolról teljesíthető projekt Utoljára aktív: a múlt héten

4 szabadúszó tett átlagosan 7750₹ összegű árajánlatot erre a munkára


Hey there, we are a group of biochemist (HPLC experienced)and veterinary doctor (Microbiology experienced)working as scientific researchers, biological sciences teachers and translators, we can help in your project of Továbbiak

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As a Chemical Engineer with expertise in food chemistry and process development, I will: 1. Ingredient Selection: - Use minimal natural salts (e.g., Himalayan pink salt) combined with organic flavor boosters lik Továbbiak

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Hi there! My name is Aisha and I'm a culinary expert with a burning passion for creating healthy, flavorful dishes. I've mastered the art of meat preparation, which makes me well-suited to your unique project. What set Továbbiak

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