Dear Sir, I can design your any type of antenna because I have done my master's degree in the domain of design and development of antenna for different applications.
I did so many projects on:
Antenna for Biomedical application
Antennas for Telemetry applications
Antennas for Patient health monitoring
LPDA, Yagi antennas and Vivaldi for DF system
Microstrip Patch Antennas
Reconfigurable Antennas
Rogowski Coil-based sensor for high impulse current sensing
Metamaterials-based reconfigurable antenna for Radar applications
Metasurfaces, FSS, EBG
RFIDs, PIFA Antenna for mobile communications
MIMO Antenna for 5G applications
Slot Antennas for RF Energy Harvesting
UWB Antennas
Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW)
Antennas for Radar Applications
Microwave passive and active components designing.
Power divider, couplers, Power Amplifiers, LNA, Filters etc designing.
Besides antenna designing, I have also work experience in MMIC design and microwave active and passive components design. I have expertise in the professional tools of antenna and electromagnetic structure design and analysis like CST Microwave Studio, HFSS, Keysight ADS, AWR and MATLAB. For PCB designing I have experience with Altium Designer. Moreover, I have hands-on experience in antenna and RF circuit testing and measurements.
Also, I am sharing the list of projects and antennas that I did recently for the industry and academic.