Brand and Company Name Matching
$15-25 USD / óra
I need assistance with matching two lists of brand and company names. The data is in Excel format.
- The first list has 4 columns and the second list has 1 column.
- The type of matching required is 'fuzzy match'.
Ideal skills for this project include proficiency in Excel, experience with data analysis, and knowledge of fuzzy matching techniques.
The work needs to be completed by Friday morning India time .
Projektazonosító: #39054529
A projektről
78 szabadúszó tett átlagosan 19$/órás árajánlatot erre a munkára
As an experienced Full stack Developer for over 7 years, my expertise in Excel, Web Scraping and Automation, is a strong match for your Brand and Company Name Matching project. I've been fortunate enough to work with i Továbbiak
With every project I undertake, I bring my proficient skill set in Excel, data analysis, and web scraping to ensure we achieve the optimal outcome. Specifically, when it comes to your project of matching brand and comp Továbbiak
As a dedicated freelancer proficient in Excel, data analysis and experienced in fuzzy matching techniques, I empathize deeply with the task at hand. My career has been centered around providing solutions through data a Továbbiak
I am confident that I can successfully complete this project for you. With my proficiency in Excel, experience in data analysis, and knowledge of fuzzy matching techniques, I am well-equipped to efficiently match the t Továbbiak
Hello! Greetings, Having carefully reviewed your project description, I am confident in my ability to execute this project to perfection. I possess a broad spectrum of skills, knowledge, and experience in this speci Továbbiak
Dear Client, I'm excited to assist you with matching two lists of brand and company names using fuzzy matching techniques in Excel. With my proficiency in Excel, experience in data analysis, and knowledge of fuzzy mat Továbbiak
Dedicated Freelancer Ready to Elevate Your Project for Brand and Company Name Matching. I have a solid background in BPO, Data Processing, Data Entry, Excel and Web Search, I bring valuable expertise to your project. Továbbiak
Hello Dear, I am available to assist you in matching two lists of brand and company names using fuzzy matching techniques in Excel. With expertise in data analysis, Excel functions, and fuzzy matching algorithms, I ca Továbbiak
Hello Romina, how are you? Let me assist you with this formula. I am very familiar with searching through tables using approximate matching techniques. I have over 20 years of experience working with Excel. ✨ I’m Hil Továbbiak
Hi! I’m confident my skills make me a great fit for your project. I deliver quality results efficiently and would love the chance to collaborate. Looking forward to your response! Amanda
Hi Romina Cespi C.. No problem this for me. I am very excited with your project because I have completed similar project recently. The skills required for your project ---Brand and Company Name Matching--- are my main Továbbiak
and fuzzy matching techniques, I can efficiently compare your lists and match the data accurately. I have experience in data processing, data entry, and analysis, ensuring the task is completed on time (by Friday morni Továbbiak