LinkedIn Content Creation: Posts & Article

Folyamatban Kiadva: 3 hónapja Kiszállításkor fizetve
Folyamatban Kiszállításkor fizetve

I'm looking for a creative content strategist who can help me to build a strong presence on LinkedIn. I need 4 engaging posts and 1 informative article per month, aimed primarily at potential clients.

Content Focus:

- The primary focus of the content is educational and informative for the IoT/Wireless product development industry. The idea is to showcase our expertise, provide valuable insights and spark conversations that could resonate with potential clients.


- The content should have a conversational and friendly tone. It should be professional, yet approachable, inviting potential clients to engage with our content and our brand.

Ideal Skills:

- Proven experience in content creation for LinkedIn.

- Excellent writing skills with the ability to adapt to a specific tone and target audience.

- Strong understanding of our industry and potential client needs.

- Ability to create educational and informative content in a friendly, approachable manner.

The content should focus on the latest trends and insights in the tech industry. Each post should be around 100-150 words, and each article should be 600-800 words. successful product development and manufacturing of IoT/Wireless devices The content should be tailored specifically for startups and mid-sized companies that need help developing their IoT products. The primary goal of the content is to generate leads and attract potential clients.

Cikk újraírás Article Writing Tartalomírás Szövegírás Szellemírás

Projektazonosító: #38879277

A projektről

19 ajánlat Távolról teljesíthető projekt Utoljára aktív: 3 hónapja