Arduino Expert Needed for ECU Data Extraction

Befejezett Kiadva: 4 hónapja Kiszállításkor fizetve
Befejezett Kiszállításkor fizetve

I'm looking for a seasoned Arduino developer to assist in extracting all available data from a car's ECU using an MCP2515 CAN bus module and an Arduino Nano. This project will require not only the retrieval of the data but also formatting it into a human-readable form on a serial monitor.

Key Responsibilities:

- Set up necessary connections with the ECU using the Arduino Nano and MCP2515 CAN bus module.

- Continuously stream all data from the ECU.

- Format the data for easy readability as text on a serial monitor.

Ideal Skills:

- Proficient in Arduino programming.

- Solid understanding of CAN bus communication.

- Passionate about automotive technology.

- Experience with data formatting and display.

If you're capable of delivering efficient solutions and have the requisite skills and experience, I would love to hear from you!

Arduino Elektronika Microkontroller C programozás Autóipar

Projektazonosító: #38763675

A projektről

13 ajánlat Távolról teljesíthető projekt Utoljára aktív: 3 hónapja



Are you looking for a seasoned Arduino developer to assist in extracting all available data from a car's ECU using an MCP2515 CAN bus module and an Arduino Nano. I’ve got your back. Hi, I am Zain. I can easily handle Továbbiak

₹1500 INR 3 napon belül
(8 értékelés)

13 szabadúszó tett átlagosan 7808₹ összegű árajánlatot erre a munkára


Hello there! I hope you're doing well. I am Abbas JawadWala, Co-Founder and CEO of SMB ElectroTech, I came across your project and found it highly engaging. At SMB ElectroTech, we bring over five years of industry exp Továbbiak

₹7000 INR 7 napon belül
(54 vélemény)

With a wealth of experience in embedded systems and IoT development, I am confident that I possess the proficiency your project demands. My in-depth knowledge of Arduino programming and CAN bus communication aligns per Továbbiak

₹7000 INR 3 napon belül
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HELLO; I am working as a research and development manager in a private company. I have more than 8 years of experience in embedded system software and hardware. As for software, I am proficient in microcontrollers such Továbbiak

₹7000 INR 5 napon belül
(11 vélemény)

As a seasoned embedded systems developer, microcontroller programming expert, and Arduino aficionado with over 4.5 years of experience, I am ideally suited to tackle your ECU data extraction project. My proficiency in Továbbiak

₹12000 INR 2 napon belül
(8 vélemény)

Hello, I just read your description and am interested in your project. I am an expert in ECU and have also worked on certain projects. If you need quality work then feel free to contact me. Thanks

₹7000 INR 7 napon belül
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Hello, I have read your job posting and I am interested in the same. I have a B. Tech (Computer Science) and MBA from the very best universities in the country with an acceptance rate of 0.01% of the applicants. I ha Továbbiak

₹7000 INR 7 napon belül
(1 Visszajelzés)

Hello, I'm excited to hear about your project and the opportunity to assist you in extracting data from a car's ECU using an Arduino Nano and MCP2515 CAN bus module. I have extensive experience in Arduino programming a Továbbiak

₹6000 INR 1 napon belül
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Hi, I have extensive experience working with Arduino and CAN bus communication, and I’m excited to help you retrieve and format data from your car’s ECU. I've previously worked on automotive projects involving the MCP Továbbiak

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I have development experience with Arduino and various other microcontrollers. I'm confident in my software and development skills; I enjoy working on projects and take pride in writing high quality code. With my backg Továbbiak

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