Multilingual ChatGPT Translation Chat Service

Lezárva Kiadva: 1 hónapja Kiszállításkor fizetve
Lezárva Kiszállításkor fizetve

I need a developer to integrate the ChatGPT Translation API into a chat service on my site. This service should facilitate user-to-user communication and support multiple languages.

Key Requirements:

- Integration of ChatGPT Translation API into a chat service

- Enabling user-to-user communication

- Supporting multiple languages

Ideal Skills:

- Proficiency in API integration

- Experience in developing chat services

- Understanding of multilingual support in software

The service should be accessible on Android, iOS, PWA, and web, allowing other site operators to connect to the translation function for customer consultation. Please provide a solution that can be easily connected to other sites.

Android PHP Mobile App Development Szoftverarchitektúra HTML

Projektazonosító: #39054915

A projektről

22 ajánlat Távolról teljesíthető projekt Utoljára aktív: 1 hónapja

22 szabadúszó tett átlagosan 171$ összegű árajánlatot erre a munkára


Hello... I am interested

$145 USD 7 napon belül
(193 vélemény)

Hello, I am excited about the opportunity to help you integrate the ChatGPT Translation API into your chat service. I understand the importance of facilitating seamless user-to-user communication while supporting mult Továbbiak

$200 USD 10 napon belül
(17 vélemény)

Hello Dlfma T. Hope you are doing well! This is Efan , I checked your project detail carefully. I am pretty much experienced with Mobile App Development, PHP, HTML, Android and Software Architecture for over 8 years, Továbbiak

$160 USD 1 napon belül
(11 vélemény)

Hello, I can integrate the ChatGPT Translation API into your chat service, enabling seamless user-to-user communication across multiple languages. The service will be designed to support Android, iOS, PWA, and web p Továbbiak

$145 USD 7 napon belül
(6 vélemény)

Hey there, I can help integrate the ChatGPT Translation API into your chat service, enabling seamless user-to-user communication while supporting multiple languages. This integration will ensure that users can communi Továbbiak

$145 USD 2 napon belül
(4 vélemény)

Hi there, I can develop a multilingual chat service by integrating the ChatGPT Translation API, enabling seamless user-to-user communication across different languages. This solution will support Android, iOS, PWA, Továbbiak

$280 USD 7 napon belül
(5 vélemény)

Hello wkehdaoao, I am rajat23091969, a seasoned developer with expertise in various programming languages and software development. I am excited about the opportunity to integrate the ChatGPT Translation API into your Továbbiak

$196 USD 3 napon belül
(10 vélemény)

I can help integrate the ChatGPT Translation API into your chat service, enabling seamless user-to-user communication with multilingual support. The solution will be designed to work across Android, iOS, PWA, and web p Továbbiak

$145 USD 7 napon belül
(3 vélemény)

✅✅✅Hello. AI/ML/NLP/ChatBot/LLM/AI Integration Expert Here!!!✅✅✅✅ How are you, Dlfma T.? I appreciate for your job posting first. I have gone through your description and I am reaching out to you with my interest in th Továbbiak

$10 USD 3 napon belül
(2 vélemény)

Hello Mate!Greetings Dlfma T., Good morning! I’ve carefully checked your requirements and really interested in this job. I’m full stack node.js developer working at large-scale apps as a lead developer with U.S. and E Továbbiak

$10 USD 3 napon belül
(0 vélemény)

Hey Dlfma T., I just finished reading the job description and I see you are looking for someone experienced in Mobile App Development, HTML, Android, Software Architecture and PHP. This is something I can do. Please r Továbbiak

$10 USD 3 napon belül
(0 vélemény)

Hello Dlfma T., I have thoroughly reviewed the job description, and it seems you are looking for someone skilled in PHP, Android, Mobile App Development, HTML and Software Architecture. I believe this aligns well with Továbbiak

$10 USD 1 napon belül
(0 vélemény)

I will integrate the ChatGPT Translation API into your chat service, enabling seamless multilingual user-to-user communication across Android, iOS, PWA, and web. The system will be scalable and easily connectable for o Továbbiak

$30 USD 5 napon belül
(0 vélemény)

Hello, I am a seasoned .NET and full-stack developer with extensive experience in API integration, chat services, and multilingual support. I propose integrating the ChatGPT Translation API into your chat platform to e Továbbiak

$250 USD 7 napon belül
(0 vélemény)

I will develop this chatbot who can communicate in any language also give you preferred language translation. I will also to integratable in your website. Please reach me out for further discussion.

$100 USD 7 napon belül
(0 vélemény)

Hello Rohit Y., I noticed your job posting and was excited to see you’re looking for expertise in Software Architecture, Android, Mobile App Development, HTML and PHP. With a proven track record of delivering top-no Továbbiak

$50 USD 1 napon belül
(0 vélemény)