Frontend Update to PHP8 Compatibility
€30-250 EUR
Kiszállításkor fizetve
I need an expert who can update my frontend to ensure compatibility with PHP8. The project involves updating all PHP packages and libraries. You find the frontend here [login to view URL]
Projektazonosító: #39050488
A projektről
28 szabadúszó tett átlagosan 232€ összegű árajánlatot erre a munkára
**** Frontend Update to PHP8 Compatibility**** Hello As per your requirement I will *** update your frontend to ensure compatibility with PHP8.. *** I will provide you with the best solution for your project. I'll Továbbiak
Hi,,, Being experienced professionals with over 8 years in the industry, our team at NJ Graphica knows how to navigate the updating process smoothly. We have a solid understanding of HTML, JavaScript, and PHP coupled Továbbiak
Hello Petra K., We went through your project description and it seems like our team is a great fit for this job. We are an expert team which have many years of experience on PHP, JavaScript, AJAX, MySQL, HTML Lets c Továbbiak