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2,000 work home copy paste job canada munkát találtunk
Photoshop work
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I would like it if you could create a vector graphic image in Photoshop for me in psd format, which is an equilateral triangle whose sides consist of 1-1 sine signals. the wave goes outwards halfway up the side, then returns halfway up the side, then goes inward and returns from there to the corner of the triangle. the rise of the sine should be 3 divided by PI. In the second part of the task, I want a grid structure from these wavy triangles that is 100 wavy triangles and wavy triangles in both width and height. It would look roughly like a checkered notebook, only with these wavy triangles. I have attached pictures to show how I thought. the green lines are only guide lines. pink is the approximate shape.

€21 Average bid
€21 licitátlag
26 árajánlat

About the job Egy prémium tortakiszállítással foglalkozó hazai startup vagyunk, édes kis csapatunkba várjuk lelkes, új tagunkat. Olyan embert keresünk, aki élvezi a munkát, mert hisszük, hogy azt tudjuk hatékonyan csinálni, amit örömmel végzünk. Szívesen látjuk az ötleteidet és csodás, ha feltalálod magad. Feladatkörök Social media kezelés ⁃ social media felületek kezelése ⁃ social media plan alapján posztok elkészítése, beidőzítése ⁃ szövegírás ⁃ (sablon alapján) grafikai anyag elkészítése ⁃ napi sto...

€747 Average bid
€747 licitátlag
1 árajánlat
PPC hirdetés kezelő
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Google és Facebook hirdetések kezelésében jártas szakembert keresünk nagy márkák kampányainak kezelésére teljes munkaidőben. Irodáink Budapesten és Veszprémben vannak, de a home office sem ismeretlen számunkra.

€789 Average bid
€789 licitátlag
6 árajánlat

Vasaroltunk egy templatet WP es a fooldalon kellene beallitani az altalunk megadott kategoriakat. es a mega menut. A fooldalt kellene ugy formalni ahogy a demoban van csak a mi termekeinkkel es kategoriakkal.

€124 Average bid
€124 licitátlag
13 árajánlat
Marketing ügyintéző
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Sziasztok, STRICTLY JUST HUNGARIAN APPLICANTS, please ! Turisztikai csapathoz, online marketingben tapasztalt partnert keresünk, home office munkavégzéssel. További részletek és jelentkezés:

€51 Average bid
€51 licitátlag
12 árajánlat
Véget ért left

Full content writing of a blog site in Hungarian: home page, about us, contact us, multiple email templates and so on.

€124 Average bid
€124 licitátlag
16 árajánlat

Sziasztok! Új project, termékek gyártása és sales copy irás zajlik. Mi az a Fit Mommy? 30+ anyukáknak segitünk lefogyni és visszanyerni az őnbizalmukat otthon végezhető videós edzéstervekkel és egészséges táplálkozással. Miben más, mint a többi? Ez nem egy 28 napos program, ahol gyorsan ledobnak 20 kilót, aztán vissza is szedik a következő hónapban, hiába éheztek és vettek meg minden drága táplálék kiegészitőt és csoda fogyasztószert. Hosszú ávú és fentartható eredményt szeretnénk elérni k&ou...

€60 Average bid
€60 licitátlag
6 árajánlat

We want a Wordpress site for Dental Aesthetics Clinic. The site should have a blog function and a complex menu structure. The site should be dual-language (Hungarian and English) Hungarian Menu text copy located here: English will be added later (however we’ve translated the main menu titles to english) This SEO rules need to be followed during the website built: Attached you find design elements and photos about the team. Example site in style: Attached media: Photos about the team () Logos (Csiki_Fogszabaolyozas_1 ) Visualization () Menu structure: Híreink (News in english, this is the Blog block) Rólunk

€212 Average bid
6 pályamű

Folyamatos munkám van az előző projektekhez kapcsolódóan 'Design a vitamin box label with videogame theme'

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr licitátlag
1 árajánlat

Folyamatos munkám van az előző projektekhez kapcsolódóan 'Create logo for Mamini clothing manufacturer'

€10 - €10 / hr
€10 - €10 / hr
0 árajánlat

Folyamatos munkám van az előző projektekhez kapcsolódóan 'Tervezzen logót'

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr licitátlag
1 árajánlat

Folyamatos munkám van az előző projektekhez kapcsolódóan 'Facebook cover, profile picture and ad needed'

€30 / hr Average bid
€30 / hr licitátlag
4 árajánlat

Folyamatos munkám van az előző projektekhez kapcsolódóan 'Design a mockup for a dog(gallery) website'

€24 / hr Average bid
€24 / hr licitátlag
1 árajánlat

Folyamatos munkám van az előző projektekhez kapcsolódóan 'Illustrate our new slogan'

€29 / hr Average bid
€29 / hr licitátlag
1 árajánlat

Folyamatos munkám van az előző projektekhez kapcsolódóan 'Logo for a hotel marketing agency'

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr licitátlag
1 árajánlat
Web Page , HomePage
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Egyenlőre weblap vázlatokat keresek, vagyis csak dizájnt. Az index-t kellene elkészíteni, vagyis a HOME Page-t, mivel a projekt nem nagy így az árazása sem. De amennyiben a munka elnyeri tetszésem , úgy az egész weboldalt ami 3 oldalból fog állni. A weboldal témája PCB gyártás és beültetés. példa: Kezdőlapra nem szeretnék semmi extrát kirakni csak , hogy árajánlat kérést, Modern FLAT design-t keresek. Amennyiben , van mód rá úgy 4 box-t ami tartalmazza a következőket. 1. PCB 2. Stencil 3. webshop 4. Assembly

€25 Average bid
€25 licitátlag
3 árajánlat
Do some Excel Work
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Working in Excel, introducing dates, calcules

€93 Average bid
€93 licitátlag
26 árajánlat
Lektoráljon valamit
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Én is lehetek Copy tudományos munkát lektorálnék

€29 - €241
€29 - €241
0 árajánlat
Anything and good job
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plzz contact me

€1445 - €2891
€1445 - €2891
0 árajánlat
Lotus Home
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Szia! A Lotus Home weboldalaval kapcsolatban munkat ajanlanek, legyszives kuldj egy mobil szamot es visszahivlak: peter@ +1 310 2798054

€145 Average bid
€145 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

Folyamatos munkám van az előző projektekhez kapcsolódóan 'website travel booking system'

€10 / hr Average bid
€10 / hr licitátlag
1 árajánlat

Egy szokincsfejleszto honlap koncepciojan dolgozom, es a tervezesi folyamat soran felmerult kerdesekben szeretnek segitseget, illetve ahhoz kapcsolodoan arajanlatot kerni.rnrnAlapvetoen nem csak egy programozasi feladat megoldasat szeretnek kerni, hanem egy adott problema/feladat megbeszeleset Skype-on, videotelefonalasos csatornan keresztul, hogy azt fel tudjam venni, es kesobb vissza tudjan nezni, alkalmazni.rnrnAmennyiben ez megfelelo Onnek es felkeltette az erdeklodeset, nezze at kerem a levelem tovabbi reszemben a feladatokhoz kapcsolodo leirasokat, es valaszaban kuldje el, hogy mennyiert tudna adott munkakat vallalni, vagyis, hogy mennyi idore lenne szukseg hozza a felkeszulessel es telenbeszelgetessel egyutt. rn(Ha nem erdekli a lehetosege, kerem egy rovid valaszban azt is...

€21 / hr Average bid
€21 / hr licitátlag
3 árajánlat

QAWFafAFafsaffgsgfsagfsafsa vdklmnásldknsad'nksa;dl dfb'lsa bks b'ls bvlk;SBVKsbvSBVSnb'sBKL SA B SAB SA BDSA B SAB ASDBADSB BDSA SA DS SD BDS dsfbsB

€267 Average bid
€267 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

...for the website (1-3#) ( for the following keywords: online, penztargep, onlinepenztargep in Hungary ) without any black SEO that could lead to penalty. Since it is not an overcrowded keyword, please bid low. And in the private message, please let me know, who are you going to accomplish the task (not the whole process, just some information). Our treasury told me that I can only pay you if the work is done correctly. ---------- Egy szabadúszót keresek aki nagyon rövid idő alatt meg tudná csinálni ezt a projektet. Tulajdonképpen, a lehető legjobb pozíciót kellene elérni a Google keresési találat listáján ami lehetséges a weboldalhoz. (Pl: 1-3 helyezés) A következő ku...

€162 Average bid
€162 licitátlag
5 árajánlat
Design work
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Grafikai tervezés, képek címerek egyéb logók vektoros és 3D szerkesztése. Graphic design, photo editing and vector coats of arms of other logos in 3D. Diseño gráfico, edición de fotos y capas de vectores de armas de otros logos en 3D

€241 - €723
€241 - €723
0 árajánlat

...and things are feeling frenzied. Your website is taking longer than expected, but it’s essential to get it right. It can be challenging to hit all the high notes—nailing the tone, perfecting the technical details, and creating content that resonates with your vision for the business. Why not hire an expert? As a seasoned copywriter who listens to your needs, I pour my heart and soul into crafting copy that you will love. What You Get: 1 Homepage, 1 About Us, 1 Service/Landing Page + 3 Blogs Package 800 words 's Included:Multiple revisionsCompetitor analysisDeep target audience researchSEO keyword analysis and SEO-friendly contentNo AI writing (if required)Grammarly premium-checked content—all my offerings don't perfectly fit your requirements, I&...

€578 Average bid
€578 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

I am seeking a seasoned social media management specialist for Instagram & TikTok. The primary goal is to boost sales through strategic ad placements. Industry: Travel Market: Indonesia Key Responsibilities: - Creative conceptualization of engaging feed and video ads - Crafting compelling copy to accompany visuals - Designing eye-catching, brand-consistent content Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in Instagram management, specifically with sales-focused campaigns - Expertise in video ad creation and Instagram ad placements - Exceptional skills in creative design and copywriting - Ability to analyze performance and adjust strategies accordingly Please include examples of previous Instagram video ad campaigns you've managed, along with their outcomes, in your proposa...

€29 Average bid
€29 licitátlag
5 árajánlat

...extend his growing capability six fold. Another person in India had a mobile car cleaning business in India that utilized minimal materials, and only needed a few hundred to grow into a team of 8, which would cover the whole west side of his city. If solid ideas are presented, I will present your idea to investors. Keep the price of activity below $100k. If it is larger than that, I will need a copy of your business plan--approaching anyone here in New York for consideration of your idea, requires the clearer explanation of the plan. Either way, I would love to see your business plan if smaller. That is fine as well. Let me know what you are thinking! A bit of a strange request, yes, but if it works out/draws enough interest up here with my colleagues, you can grab a p...

€24 Average bid
€24 licitátlag
5 árajánlat

I want to create the figma designs based on these functionality: Fengshui AI Agent – Functional Specification 1. Overview The Fengshui AI Agent is an AI-powered chatbot designed to provide Fengshui consultations through WhatsApp, WeCha...API 4. Future Enhancements 1. Audio Call Consultations (AI-based voice Fengshui master) 2. Live Video Call Feature (Consult real Fengshui masters) 3. Personalized AI Fengshui Reports 4. Fengshui Marketplace (Buy related products) 5. Augmented Reality (AR) Floorplan Scanning (AR-assisted placement) Other Ideas • Fengshui AI for Homebuyers: Suggests best homes based on user’s Bazi. • AI-Powered Home Décor Guide: Recommends decorations & plants for better energy flow. • AI Fengshui Calendar App: Syncs with use...

€512 Average bid
€512 licitátlag
33 árajánlat

I'm seeking a skilled and experienced copywriter who specializes in crafting product descriptions for high-end home goods. The ideal candidate should have a knack for writing in a luxury and high-end tone, making ordinary products sound extraordinary. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in writing product descriptions, particularly for home goods - Strong understanding of luxury branding and high-end marketing - Ability to convey product features and benefits in an engaging and persuasive manner - Excellent command of the English language with impeccable grammar and spelling - Skills in SEO and understanding of how to incorporate keywords naturally into product descriptions

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr licitátlag
15 árajánlat

I need a new freelancer of Junior level. I'm in search of a skilled 3D animator to bring my vision to life. you can use blender or any other latest software Key Tasks: - Create 3D designs - Develop a short, captivating 3D animation

€84 / hr Average bid
€84 / hr licitátlag
6 árajánlat

Fengshui AI Agent – Functional Specification 1. Overview The Fengshui AI Agent is an AI-powered chatbot designed to provide Fengshui consultations through WhatsApp, WeChat, Line, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger. Users can interact wit...API 4. Future Enhancements 1. Audio Call Consultations (AI-based voice Fengshui master) 2. Live Video Call Feature (Consult real Fengshui masters) 3. Personalized AI Fengshui Reports 4. Fengshui Marketplace (Buy related products) 5. Augmented Reality (AR) Floorplan Scanning (AR-assisted placement) Other Ideas • Fengshui AI for Homebuyers: Suggests best homes based on user’s Bazi. • AI-Powered Home Décor Guide: Recommends decorations & plants for better energy flow. • AI Fengshui Calendar App: Syncs with use...

€2175 Average bid
€2175 licitátlag
34 árajánlat

...through and the specifics would be discovered together, in general it will include sections such as: - Dashboard - Email management - Contact management - Events/calender overview - Tasks - Bookmarks/links - etc... A big part of this engagement will be disussing the options and building out the UI for the functionality as discoverd. As such I would want someone who can critically think and not just copy a given design. # UI Requirements - Mostly using components from either DaisyUI components or shadcdn - Dark & light mode # Skills - Proficiency in UX/UI design - Experience with DaisyUI and/or Shadcdn - Ability to implement specific color schemes - Strong understanding of web design principles > NOTE: This is for UI/UX designs only, if you also have the frontend...

€11 / hr Average bid
€11 / hr licitátlag
19 árajánlat

...particular option choices. That last part may be too detailed a focus, sorry sometimes I ramble, but I dont really know the extent of material you can collect and assemble for someone making a large choice in their account. NOTE: Any files are sent through a personal firewall of my company, that is geared to report specific violations of automated / copyright infringement. If you copy from AI, or from any report, I will lose my job, and you will not be able to be considered for further projects. Do not even think about using it. I would have asked AI already instead of reaching out to you, so please respect that. Also note: I only have optionstrat subscription, yahoo finance vanilla and robinhood and a few other things, but I can still tell that the current market condi...

€75 Average bid
€75 licitátlag
12 árajánlat

I am currently looking for reliable recruiters with experience sourcing or recruiting candidates using Indeed to assist with posting job listings on Indeed. The responsibilities for this role include: Posting Jobs: You will receive job titles and descriptions from me, and your task will be to post these jobs on Indeed using your own employer account. Managing Applications: Once candidates apply to the posted jobs, you will need to export their information and send it to me. Requirements: Indeed Employer Account: You must have your own Indeed employer account, as I will not provide one. Experience: Ideally, you have experience posting jobs and managing applications on Indeed. Ongoing Availability: This is an ongoing project, so availability for continuous collaboration is es...

€77 Average bid
€77 licitátlag
2 árajánlat

I'm looking for 10 users of Jo Malone & Diptyque home fragrance products in Japan,to complete an online questionnaire Survey, It is an online survey about home fragrance products. need to speak primary the goal for this project is to gather insights for market reach out if you are interested.

€26 Average bid
€26 licitátlag
2 árajánlat

I'm seeking a construction expert to advise the rehab crew in Houston, Texas. The ideal candidate ...Texas. The ideal candidate is a Spanish-speaking property inspector or construction consultant based in LATIN AMERICA. Key Responsibilities: - Provide construction guidance to my Spanish-speaking rehab crew [Removed by Admin] - Offer expert advice on property inspections and renovations Requirements: - Fluent in Spanish - Construction guidance expertise - Property inspections, construction, or home rehab experience - Able to communicate effectively and provide remote guidance Preferred Qualifications: - Experience with U.S. real estate, construction, or rehab projects - Property rehab advice expertise If you're interested or know someone who is qualified, please r...

€20 / hr Average bid
€20 / hr licitátlag
2 árajánlat

Estoy en busca de profesionales con experiencia en el sector inmobiliario que puedan ayudarme a captar inmobiliarias interesadas en mis servicios publicitarios. Principalmente, estamos creando Renders 3D ,imágenes y videos de Home Staging para mejorar la ventas de los inmuebles. Secundariamente: - Tipo de servicios publicitarios: Principalmente campañas en redes sociales, anuncios en Google y creación de contenidos. Idealmente busco alguien en España con contactos inmobiliarios o que se capaz de conseguir clientes para los servicios de forma recurrente.

€53 Average bid
€53 licitátlag
8 árajánlat

Finish squarespace website with template-aesthetics (can’t figure out how to change one font —i have lots of copy. integrations for scheduling, invoicing, (Paperbell? Mail chimp? Acuity? Google workspace? SS payments?) Feedback on logo, domain choice, custom email, Integrating all the workbooks/mktg templates/fonts/graphics —I’ve purchased the “simplify everything” packages/tools, but I’m now so confused and overwhelmed. I thought Paperbell would be the answer, but I can’t connect Stripe for some reason—and I’ve never used stripe and don’t really want to figure it out—I need someone who can take my jumbled files/site/business assets and organize it into a functioning website with email mkt, service packages, sc...

€1001 Average bid
€1001 licitátlag
56 árajánlat

Preciso que todo o design de um protótipo de aplicativo jurídico de inteligência artificial seja melhorado. O aplicativo precisa ter comportamento responsivo com uma boa aparência para o usuário. Link para o app:

€99 Average bid
€99 licitátlag
8 árajánlat

I'm seeking an expert in digital marketing, particularly focused on social media platforms and search engine marketing, to enhance visibility and inquiries for home loans. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a comprehensive digital marketing strategy targeting potential home loan customers. - Optimize content for the following social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. - Utilize Search Engine Marketing techniques to increase web traffic and enhance online presence. - Create engaging and informative content to promote home loan services. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in digital marketing, specifically in the finance or real estate sector. - Expertise in leveraging social media platforms for brand promotion and custo...

€71 Average bid
€71 licitátlag
10 árajánlat

...brands in Canada. I am looking for a skilled graphic designer who can assist us with visual designs for various marketing projects. My aim is to create a long-term collaboration, where the designer becomes deeply immersed in our brand. Key Responsibilities: - Design marketing materials such as brochures, flyers and print advertisements - Create visually appealing graphics for our social media platforms Current Brand Guidelines: - We have some brand guidelines to follow up regards of differents brand, we also have past work that you can work with. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in graphic design, particularly in creating marketing materials - Strong understanding of brand development and visual identity - Experience in designing for social media ...

€13 / hr Average bid
€13 / hr licitátlag
46 árajánlat

I'm in need of a bilingual (English and Portuguese) traditional and classic styled fence building website. It should be simple, with the following pages: - Home - About - Contact There's a need for a simple contact form that connects to my email. Bonus points if you're able to implement SEO optimization. In the future, I will require an ongoing task: a developer who can create an image-based form for the website. This form should be able to provide an approximate quote using simple math, an algorithm, and images that I will supply. Ideal skills for this project include: - Web development - SEO optimization - Familiarity with creating interactive forms Experience with traditional and classic web design is a plus.

€184 Average bid
€184 licitátlag
62 árajánlat

I need you to improve my document of 2000 words.

€21 Average bid
€21 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

✅ Google Rank Visibility | ✅ SEMrush Error Solutions | ✅ Live Quality Backlinks | ✅ Increased Traffic Elevate Your Online Presence with SEO4Ranking Solutions! Dear Sir/Madam, We’re excited to share the outstanding results and client testimonials we’ve recently achieved: Client Results. At SEO4Ranking, our mission is to drive quality traffic to your site while ensuring it thrives with no risk of penalties from search engines. Our Monthly SEO Goals Include: ✅ Enhanced Google Rankings ✅ 200+ Quality Backlinks ✅ Increased Traffic & Conversion Rates On-Site Optimization: 1. Title Tag Optimization 2. Meta Description Tag Optimization 3. H1 & H2 Tag Optimization 4. URL Optimization 5. Italic/Bold Tag Optimization 6. Non-index Attribute Analysis 7. Optimization ...

€149 Average bid
€149 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

...# Looking for Professional Snapchat Ads Specialist Seeking a professional ads designer to create paid advertising campaigns on Snapchat for my online store in Saudi Arabia. The ideal candidate must have previous experience designing successful Snapchat ads, with deep understanding of the Saudi market and local consumers. Requirements: Design visually appealing 10-second ads, write compelling ad copy in Arabic, configure ad targeting to reach the appropriate audience, with ability to track and optimize campaign performance. Preference for those with knowledge of Snapchat's advertising platform and experience promoting e-commerce stores. Competitive payment, with potential for long-term relationship....

€29 Average bid
€29 licitátlag
3 árajánlat

...option choices. That last part may be too detailed a focus, sorry sometimes I ramble, but I dont really know the extent of material you can collect and assemble for someone making a large choice in their account. NOTE: Any files are sent through a personal firewall of my company, that is geared to report specific violations of automated / copyright infringement. If you copy from AI, or from any report, I will lose my job, and you will not be able to be considered for further projects. Do not even think about using it. I would have asked AI already instead of reaching out to you, so please respect that. Note: I know, and am sorry, that this is a small project at the moment, but future projects will be larger in budget. Let me see what you can do this first time, and ...

€19 Average bid
€19 licitátlag
8 árajánlat

...developer to audit and enhance the first iteration (MVP) of my GroceryDeal platform. The current MVP is built with Flask/Python and integrates with the Kroger API to aggregate grocery deals. However, the app currently only has a few screens and is facing issues with API endpoint configuration and token management (e.g., 404/403 errors and invalid tokens). Project Goals for MVP: Screens (3–4): -Home/Search Page: A simple page where users can enter a product query and zip code. -Results Page: Display aggregated grocery deals from the Kroger API (or fallback dummy data) based on the search query and location. -Product Details Page: Show detailed product information including nutrition data and images. -Blog Section: A minimal blog page with SEO content to boost organic traff...

€465 Average bid
€465 licitátlag
62 árajánlat

...will have extensive experience with New Relic and performance optimization. Key Focus Areas: - Load Times: The primary concern is the load times. - Server Stability: Diagnosing issues that could lead to server instability. - User Experience: Ultimately, the goal is to enhance the overall user experience. Specific Analysis Requirements: - Identifying and diagnosing issues causing delays on the home page. - Analyzing response times and database queries using New Relic. Skills and Experience Needed: - Deep understanding of New Relic's capabilities. - Previous experience in performance tuning and problem resolution using New Relic. - Strong analytical skills to interpret data and diagnose issues. If you have the required expertise and a proven track record in performance opt...

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr licitátlag
18 árajánlat