Voicexml skype voicentmunkák
Kizárólag magyar anyanyelvű és angolul jól tudó (csak olvasás) jelentkezőket várok (2-3 fő)! Ez egy max egy órás Skype/WhatsApp beszélgetés lenne (videó nélkül) Itt arról beszélgetnénk, hogy: Miért használod a Freelancert? Milyen más oldalon keresel még online munkát (esetleg UpWork, Guru, . . . )? Mi okoz nehézséget a keresésben? Használsz-e valamilyen külső alkalmazást a kereséshez? Mindig az összes projektet böngészed, vagy valamilyen módon szüröd a projektek? Milyen szűrési feltételeket használsz? (pl a munkaadó...
Szia, Apukam evtizedek ota naplot vezet es az elmult par evben mindent be is gepelt szamitogepbe. Ami inkabb tenyszeru leiras, mint osszefuggo gondolatmenet. Nagy alma, hogy egyszer konyv legyen belole. Parommal ugy gondoltuk, hogy jo otlet lenne, ha valaki neki ebben segiteni tudna. Az arat meg tudjuk beszelni, ha erdekel az ajanlat. Le...mindent be is gepelt szamitogepbe. Ami inkabb tenyszeru leiras, mint osszefuggo gondolatmenet. Nagy alma, hogy egyszer konyv legyen belole. Parommal ugy gondoltuk, hogy jo otlet lenne, ha valaki neki ebben segiteni tudna. Az arat meg tudjuk beszelni, ha erdekel az ajanlat. Lehet meg kene nezned az anyagot es aztan el tudod donteni. Apukam Dunakeszin lakik. Nem tudom mennyire problema. De van skype elerhetose, illetve telefonon is tudod majd hi...
A feladat két részből állna: Az első rész egy kb. 30 perces Skype-os/telefonos interjú lenne. Ebben arról lenne szó, hogy miért regisztráltál a freelancer.com-ra, miként használod és keresel neked való projekteket, használsz-e esetleg másik hasonló oldalt (Upwork, stb). A második rész kb 4-6 héten belül lenne. Itt egy az első ponthoz kapcsolódó egyszerű weboldalt kellene felhasználói szemmel megnézni és használni. Mivel ez angol nyelvű, így kell egy minimális angol nyelvtudás. Kérem, hogy csak olyanok jelentkezzenek, akik aktívan használjá...
Egy MAGYAR nyelvű szakdolgozatot kellene lektorálni MAGYAR nyelven. Kérem, hogy csak olyanok jelentkezzenek, akik ezen a nyelven tudnak dolgozni. A szakdolgozat témája: Adattudományi fejlesztések az információkeresésben A dolgozat briefjét mellékelem. A szakdolgozat nyers változata megvan, kb. 65 oldal. A feladat leírása: 1. El kell olvasni a szakdolgozatot 2. Skype konzultáció a szerzővel (1 óra) 3. az össszes lábjegyzet-hivatkozást szabályos alakra kell hozni, tehát szerző - ha van, cím, megjelenés helye (blog, vagy honlap megnevezése is) és ideje, URL, letöltés vagy ...
Kedves jozsefk, bocsánat, hogy magyarul írok, de neve alapján beszéli ezt a nyelvet. Cégünk főállású web fejlesztőt keres magasszintű php ismeretekkel. Ön ilyennek tűnik nekünk. Kérem, hogyha szívesen dolgozna távmunkában egy budapesti székhelyű, nemzetközi ügyfélkörrel rendelkező cégnek, akkor küldje el elérhetőségeit (skype, telefon), hogy egyeztetni tudjunk a munkakörről egy beszélgetés keretén belül. Köszönöm, Losonczi Balázs
Kedves Bence, Kapacitásbővítést keresünk digitális ügynökségünknél az alábbi területeken: - HTML sitebuild - Egyszerűbb DOM manipulációk, jQuery - BackboneJS vezérlők (router, controller) programozása - ExpressJS REST API programozás (MongoDB) Két hetes SCRUM sprintekben dolgozunk és számolunk el a bedolgozó csapatokkal óradíj alapján, JIRA feladatkezelőt...manipulációk, jQuery - BackboneJS vezérlők (router, controller) programozása - ExpressJS REST API programozás (MongoDB) Két hetes SCRUM sprintekben dolgozunk és számolunk el a bedolgozó csapatokkal órad&iac...
Kedves cj748s16, Kapacitásbővítést keresünk digitális ügynökségünknél az alábbi területeken: - HTML sitebuild - Egyszerűbb DOM manipulációk, jQuery - BackboneJS vezérlők (router, controller) programozása - ExpressJS REST API programozás (MongoDB) Két hetes SCRUM sprintekben dolgozunk és számolunk el a bedolgozó csapatokkal óradíj alapján, JIRA feladatkeze...manipulációk, jQuery - BackboneJS vezérlők (router, controller) programozása - ExpressJS REST API programozás (MongoDB) Két hetes SCRUM sprintekben dolgozunk és számolunk el a bedolgozó csapatokkal órad&iac...
Kedves ITproLANCE, Kapacitásbővítést keresünk digitális ügynökségünknél az alábbi területeken: - HTML sitebuild - Egyszerűbb DOM manipulációk, jQuery - BackboneJS vezérlők (router, controller) programozása - ExpressJS REST API programozás (MongoDB) Két hetes SCRUM sprintekben dolgozunk és számolunk el a bedolgozó csapatokkal óradíj alapján, JIRA feladatke...manipulációk, jQuery - BackboneJS vezérlők (router, controller) programozása - ExpressJS REST API programozás (MongoDB) Két hetes SCRUM sprintekben dolgozunk és számolunk el a bedolgozó csapatokkal órad&iac...
Kedves MetaC, Kapacitásbővítést keresünk digitális ügynökségünknél az alábbi területeken: - HTML sitebuild - Egyszerűbb DOM manipulációk, jQuery - BackboneJS vezérlők (router, controller) programozása - ExpressJS REST API programozás (MongoDB) Két hetes SCRUM sprintekben dolgozunk és számolunk el a bedolgozó csapatokkal óradíj alapján, JIRA feladatkezelőt...manipulációk, jQuery - BackboneJS vezérlők (router, controller) programozása - ExpressJS REST API programozás (MongoDB) Két hetes SCRUM sprintekben dolgozunk és számolunk el a bedolgozó csapatokkal órad&iac...
Kedves metabolic1986, Kapacitásbővítést keresünk digitális ügynökségünknél az alábbi területeken: - HTML sitebuild - Egyszerűbb DOM manipulációk, jQuery - BackboneJS vezérlők (router, controller) programozása - ExpressJS REST API programozás (MongoDB) Két hetes SCRUM sprintekben dolgozunk és számolunk el a bedolgozó csapatokkal óradíj alapján, JIRA felada...manipulációk, jQuery - BackboneJS vezérlők (router, controller) programozása - ExpressJS REST API programozás (MongoDB) Két hetes SCRUM sprintekben dolgozunk és számolunk el a bedolgozó csapatokkal órad&iac...
Kedves PerCreActive csapat! Kapacitásbővítést keresünk digitális ügynökségünknél az alábbi területeken: - HTML sitebuild - Egyszerűbb DOM manipulációk, jQuery - BackboneJS vezérlők (router, controller) programozása - ExpressJS REST API programozás (MongoDB) Két hetes SCRUM sprintekben dolgozunk és számolunk el a bedolgozó csapatokkal óradíj alapján, JIR...manipulációk, jQuery - BackboneJS vezérlők (router, controller) programozása - ExpressJS REST API programozás (MongoDB) Két hetes SCRUM sprintekben dolgozunk és számolunk el a bedolgozó csapatokkal órad&iacu...
Egyetemi tanulmányokhoz CNC forgácsolásban és programozásban jártas korrepetítort keresek. Magyar nyelven, skype-on keresztül.
Elsősorban Skype-on keresztül kell a leendő értékesítő munkatársnak online német tanfolyamokat értékesíteni.
Az Amway és leányvállalata az Alticor a világ legnagyobb közvetlen értékesítéssel foglalkozó vállalata. A z Amway-t a két gyermekkori jóbarát és üzlettárs, Rich DeVos és Jay Van Andel alapította 1959-ben. Ma a DeVos és Van Andel családok viszik tovább a kemény munkára és szorgalomra épülő filozófiát, amely éppolyan sikeressé tette az Amway-t a 2...évszázadban. A vállalat teljes árbevétele 2012-ben elérte a 2,44 billió forintot. Regisztráljon most a következő linken és legyen önből is partner ajánlja ...
Üdv! Egy kezdő-haladó java programozó kerestetik. Bot kliens készítése vagy már meglevő Kliens API-ját használva script készítés. Projektenként kapna pénzt, az összeget szeretném megbeszélni az alkalmas személlyel! Elérhetőségek: Skype: Zsidakabra Ha érdekel a munka akkor az egyik elérhetőségemen tudsz értesíteni! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello! I am searching for a Java Programmer that will use a softwares API to write script's for me. -Knowing Hungarian Language is preferred. You will get the money for e...
Egy szokincsfejleszto honlap koncepciojan dolgozom, es a tervezesi folyamat soran felmerult kerdesekben szeretnek segitseget, illetve ahhoz kapcsolodoan arajanlatot kerni.rnrnAlapvetoen nem csak egy programozasi feladat megoldasat szeretnek kerni, hanem egy adott problema/feladat megbeszeleset Skype-on, videotelefonalasos csatornan keresztul, hogy azt fel tudjam venni, es kesobb vissza tudjan nezni, alkalmazni.rnrnAmennyiben ez megfelelo Onnek es felkeltette az erdeklodeset, nezze at kerem a levelem tovabbi reszemben a feladatokhoz kapcsolodo leirasokat, es valaszaban kuldje el, hogy mennyiert tudna adott munkakat vallalni, vagyis, hogy mennyi idore lenne szukseg hozza a felkeszulessel es telenbeszelgetessel egyutt. rn(Ha nem erdekli a lehetosege, kerem egy rovid valaszban...
Olyan vezetőket keresek akik tisztában vannak a network marketinggel. A Swiss Halley olyan turisztikai nagyvállalat, amely 2011 óta 60 országban van jelen több mint 40.000 felhasználóval. Jelenleg a turizmus területén a legkomplexebb szolgáltatást nyújtja a l...szolgáltatást nyújtja a legjobb árakon. Kezdve a hotelfoglalástól a repjegy és autóbérlésen keresztül a síutakig stb... A feladat: Felépíteni egy világra szóló utazóközönséget. Ezáltal ingyen utazhatunk és komoly Európai színvonalú jövedelem a garantált. [Contact det...
Olyan vezetőket keresek akik tisztában vannak a network marketinggel. A Swiss Halley olyan turisztikai nagyvállalat, amely 2011 óta 60 országban van jelen több mint 40.000 felhasználóval. Jelenleg a turizmus területén a legkomplexebb szolgáltatást nyújtja a l...szolgáltatást nyújtja a legjobb árakon. Kezdve a hotelfoglalástól a repjegy és autóbérlésen keresztül a síutakig stb... A feladat: Felépíteni egy világra szóló utazóközönséget. Ezáltal ingyen utazhatunk és komoly Európai színvonalú jövedelem a garantált. [Contact det...
Szia Zsolt,nnKis Robert vagyok, Angliaban elo web designer, developer. Senior-kent dolgozom egy nagy promocios es marketing cegnel, emellett a sajat vallalkozasomat egyengetem. nKeresek, lehetoleg hosszutavra, egy megbizhato es kreativ tarsat, aki az altalam megtervezett grafikai terveket atirja magas szintu Worpress templatbe a jelenlegi es a leendo...ugyfeleim a gyorsasag, inkabb a magas minoseg a cel. Egyelore 5 dizajn var meglositasra a kovetkezo hetekre, honapokra ha meg tudunk egyezni. A kozeli jovoben pedig egy nagyobb lelegzetu, hoszabb projectben is erdekelt vagyok amiben dolgozhatnank egyutt. nElvarasaim: Wordpress, HTM5, CSS3, responsive, WP pluginek ismerete, integracioja. nFizetes Paypal : Skype, telefonnnElore is koszonom:nKiss Robert
...models on Xilinx-based FPGAs through TVM. The goal is to execute AI models trained with TensorFlow on a Xilinx FPGA, specifically the Ultra96v2 board. We are following the guidelines to execute a TVM-compiled AI model using the Vitis AI DPU. We are looking for validated tips to solve each issue and require remote support or virtual meetings. The available platforms for remote assistance include Skype, Zoom, Webex, and Microsoft Teams. Currently, we are using TensorFlow version 2.18, PYNQ version 3.0.1, Vitis AI version 2.5, and TVM version 0.19. 1. TensorFlow Model Conversion Error While following the example (), to convert a TensorFlow AI model into a relay model, we encountered an error using the function
I'm looking for an experienced system administrator to set up a remote Ubuntu server for me. The setup should include the XFCE desktop environment, an xrdp server, and the installation of Skype, Telegram, Google Chrome, and WhatsApp. fcitx Sogou input methods . Key Requirements: - Enable further program installation via Snap - Allow multiple users to log in simultaneously - Create scripts to: - Create users - Set each user's UI language and input methods - No user should have sudo (administrative) privileges - User authentication should be password-based - Optimize for performance for remote access Ideal skills for this job include extensive experience with Ubuntu server setups, knowledge of the XFCE desktop environment, and familiarity with creating user scripts. S...
...and the complexity of the script. Please provide an estimated timeline when applying. Payment: A fixed payment will be negotiated after the developer confirms that the VPS can run the Python Script. Payment milestones may be considered. Communication: We expect regular updates on the progress of the project and a clear channel for communication. Communication could be handled via: WhatsApp, Skype, TeamViewer, or other commonly used channels. Note on Bidding and Pricing: Please provide a realistic and well-considered quote for this project. Bids that appear significantly lower than the expected effort and complexity of the project will be viewed as an attempt to secure the project with the intention of renegotiating the price later. This practice is unacceptable and wi...
Virtual Friendship Line Call Center About Us We are a virtual friendship line call center with 15 years of experience, known for fostering meaningful and friendly conversations. We’re excited to invite you to join our new project as a freelancer. Role Overview As a freelancer, your role will involve: - Using an assigned virtual name and a **dedicated Skype account to manage audio calls. - Being paired with a caller for a 15-day cycle. You will focus on building rapport, as your pay depends on call durations**—longer calls lead to higher earnings. - Strictly avoiding sharing any personal details. This allows you to create your virtual identity freely. - Effectively managing client interactions while maintaining professionalism and engagement. Payment &...
My project, built on the phpyii1 framework, is experiencing a bug with message sending in our Skype automation component. The issue is as follows: - The bug manifests as a failure to send messages: this occurs randomly, without a discernable pattern. This inconsistency is causing significant disruption to our automation processes. - There have been recent changes to the code, which may be contributing to this issue. I'm looking for an expert with experience in RabbitMQ, Python and PHP to diagnose and fix this bug as soon as possible. Understanding of the phpyii1 framework will be a significant advantage. Please provide examples of similar projects you've worked on in your bid.
I'm seeking a dedicated Virtual Assistant to help manage my daily routine at my marketing company. The ideal candidate must have a laptop with a decent internet connection, be able to work daily at 11 am Mountain Standard Time, and possess a good understanding of Google Sheets and Skype. Daily Tasks: - Managing emails - Scheduling appointments - Social media management Google Sheets Responsibilities: - Handling client information Client Interaction Tasks: - Updating client records - Generating client reports - Managing client communication Key Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Google Sheets - Excellent communication skills - Experience in managing emails and scheduling - Familiarity with social media management - Able to work at specified times - Access to a laptop a...
I am seeking a skilled backend developer who can create a simple solution to retrieve user data from an API. I have some basic programming skills and would like to not only have the solution created, but also understand how it is done in order to make adjustments if needed. Create simple TG bot: - it will get information...API. I have some basic programming skills and would like to not only have the solution created, but also understand how it is done in order to make adjustments if needed. Create simple TG bot: - it will get information from API from two sources, compare them and create conditional notification - I would like to be involved in creating it (best way to create it on my machine, via TeamViewer, Skype) I would like to understand step by step. - good English/Polis...
...social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, etc.). • Guidance on privacy settings and safe usage. • Scheduling posts to stay connected with family and friends. 2. Email Support • Assistance with creating and managing email accounts. • Organizing emails into folders. • Teaching how to send, forward, and reply to emails confidently. 3. Video Calling Setup • Guidance on using Zoom, FaceTime, or Skype. • Step-by-step help for joining virtual family gatherings or appointments. 4. Online Shopping Assistance • Help setting up accounts on platforms like Amazon. • Teaching how to search for and buy products safely. 5. Photo & Memory Organization • Uploading, organizing, and sharing family photos. • Creating digital ...
I'm seeking a dedicated language tutor to help me reach advanced fluency in either Croatian or Russian, primarily for travel purposes. Key Requirements: - Expertise in teaching Croatian or Russian - Experience in preparing students for advanced fluency - Ability to tailor lessons for travel-related language skills - One-on-one tutoring experience Ideal Skills: - Native or near-native profici...Croatian or Russian - Understanding of travel-specific vocabulary and phrases - Patience and adaptability to different learning speeds - Excellent communication skills Please note, the primary goal is to be able to navigate travel situations, understand cultural nuances, and communicate effectively during my trips. The tutoring sessions will be conducted online via a platform such as Zoom o...
...time management skills - Ability to maintain confidentiality and handle sensitive information - High-speed internet connection and reliable computer equipment Work Schedule and Availability: - Expected working hours: [insert hours, e.g., 20 hours/week] - Availability: Immediate start, with flexibility to work varying hours Communication and Reporting: - Preferred communication channels: Email, Skype, or phone - Frequency of progress reports: Weekly or bi-weekly updates Budget and Compensation: - Hourly rate: $5.00 CAD/hour - Payment terms: Weekly or bi-weekly payments via (link unavailable) Additional Requirements: - Reliable internet connection and computer equipment - Ability to work independently with minimal supervision If you're a motivated and detail-oriented ...
We need help with CSS work, we want a good CSS developer who we can talk to on Skype about various issues. We expect 1-3 hours of work.
Confecção de ensaio biográfi...contrato. Deparei-me com profissionais que não sabiam assinar nem preencher um contrato, ficando a dúvida se era por falta de experiência ou ato tendencioso à má-fé. Evitando-se ficar transmitindo a troca de mensagens através do WhatsApp, com isso tomando parte do tempo e às vezes tornando as mensagens transmitidas indefinidas. É imprescindível (atenção) ser marcada uma reunião remota, online, usando Skype ou Google Meet, para ser mostrado através do computador, parte do projeto, trazendo uma visibilidade melhor sobre ele. Não fazer contato: se não puder fazer a reunião, curiosos e nem agenciadores. Todo servi...
I'm seeking an AWS DevOps expert with a strong focus on ECS and ECR. We are building out first microservice and we need to understand how it will be run inside Fargate. This is going to be a 1 hr consulting session on skype where I would like to get demo of 1) Set up a cluster in ECS 2) Set up a task 3) Tell us why task or service 4) Connect to ECR image and answer few questions 5) Tell us about capacity sizing (we see different options) 6) Explain the workflow - how will code come from github to image to container 7) Working with port and permissions 8) How to use volumes with containers from within ECS 9) Any other relevant questions that we can squeeze inside one hour
We are seeking a talented UI/UX designer with proven experience in designing mobile games to bring our classic card game project to life. A comprehensive project brief will be provided to guid...experience in designing mobile games to bring our classic card game project to life. A comprehensive project brief will be provided to guide the design process. Requirements: - Strong portfolio demonstrating mobile game UI/UX expertise. - Ability to deliver high-quality, editable vector designs in Adobe Illustrator. Selection Process: Candidates shortlisted for the role will participate in a brief Skype video interview, where you will showcase your design skills in a live setting. If you're passionate about creating visually stunning and user-friendly game interfaces, we’d lov...
Hello Everyone, I am currently looking for an experience Virtual Assistant to list best selling products on my Shopify store. Product research experience, Shopify store management, order fullfillment, social media and ad management I have a pet ...you roles in running your stores? Are there multiple Va’s working with you or are you solely working? * Are you optimizing the store? * How long have your stores been open? * How old is the account? * What is your monthly revenue? * What are your profit margins? * How many stores have you taken to 4 to 5 figures on profit? * Are you comfortable working alone or with others? I will like to Skype who ever is interested in this job to make sure things are official!! I’m looking for someone ASAP!! *...
...verbal communication skills. - Ability to work independently and meet deadlines. Tools You'll Use: - Social Media Management: Zoho Social, Later, Buffer. - SEO: Google Analytics, SEMrush, Moz, Ahref. - WordPress: WordPress CMS, relevant plugins (e.g., Yoast SEO, Elementor). - Email Marketing: Zoho Campaign, Mailerlite. - CRM: Zoho CRM, and Hubspot. - Accounting: Zoho Books. - Communication: Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, Zoho. Benefits: - Flexible working hours and remote work opportunity. - Opportunity to work directly with a passionate solopreneur and gain exposure across multiple industries. - Competitive compensation based on experience and skills. $3 CAD/ Hour We look forward to welcoming a dedicated Virtual Assistant who shares our enthusiasm for business growth and o...
I need guidance on implementing PayPal's Standard Checkout on my PHP website. I can share my screen over Skype for a live session where you can help me set things up. I believe we can finish in less than an hour as I've already made some progress. Key Details: - Current Status: I have obtained the access token but I'm struggling with configuring the order to ensure funds are properly received. - Testing Environment: We're using Sandbox for testing, so it's fine if we encounter some errors. - Nature of the Purchase: The setup is for a one-time purchase. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PHP - Extensive experience with PayPal's Standard Checkout integration - Strong troubleshooting skills - Excellent communication skills for real-time instruction and guid...
I'm looking for an experienced WordPress professional to help me redesign the user interface of my short term accommodation site. The main focus will be the homepage layout, which involves swapping out pictures, reducing text, and making other similar adjustments. I have all the new pictures and text content ready to go. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with Word...redesign the user interface of my short term accommodation site. The main focus will be the homepage layout, which involves swapping out pictures, reducing text, and making other similar adjustments. I have all the new pictures and text content ready to go. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with WordPress - Proven track record in UI redesign - Fluent English speaker - Able to work using Skype o...
I'm seeking a dedicated full-time freelancer for a 6-month engagement, focusing on Full Stack solutions in the automobile industry. Key Details: - Position: Java Full Stack with AWS - Location: Remote in India - Working Hours: 8 hours daily from 6.30pm to 3.30pm IST (PST) - Communication: Via Skype Essential Experience: - Minimum of 12+ years in the field - Extensive expertise in AWS - Proficient in Java Full Stack technologies, specifically Node and React This role primarily revolves around Full Stack solutions, so a strong candidate will be well-versed in both frontend and backend development. The ideal freelancer should have significant experience in the automobile industry, demonstrating a solid understanding of its unique software demands and challenges. Skills and E...
...this link (It's not our website). Issue: Whenever we click on 'Launch,' an error message appears, halting the process. Requirement: 1. The error message should not be displayed. (It should be hidden.) 2. The process flow should not be interrupted. Additional Note: The solution should be adaptable and applicable to other applications, such as Skype. We have relevant screenshots for better clarity and will provide them upon request. Please share your approach, timeline, and estimated cost for resolving this issue. The ideal candidate for this project would be someone with extensive experience in IT support, with the ability to troubleshoot and resolve access issues swiftly and efficiently. Please provide me with an outline of your approach
Project Description: I need a festive, fun, and playful WordPress landing page designed and built for the NVG Christmas Members Draw 2024. This is a rush job that must be finalized today. The page should be visually engaging, embodying the holiday spirit while maintaining a clean and modern design. Key Requirements: * Design: A festive, playful a...color scheme. The countdown timer should be a simple countdown clock with days, hours, minutes, and seconds displayed. Set up analytics tracking to monitor visitor interactions and conversions. Include simple hover effects for interactive visual enhancements. Set up Google Analytics tracking to monitor visitor interactions and conversions. Please be available for real-time chat via Freelancer or Skype for feedback and revisions throughou...
...NET (Core) and PHP for backend development. HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS for frontend work. SQL Server for database integration. Cron jobs for automation and reporting. IIS and Windows Server configurations. Ability to build a website with a CMS or similar functionality to enable future edits and page creation without technical expertise. Strong communication skills and availability for updates via Skype. Familiarity with integrating gaming platforms (bingo preferred) is a plus. Budget and Payment Terms Progress payments will be made upon completing key milestones: Website design and initial functionality & Platform integration. Testing and deployment. Payment processor integration (later milestone). The project may take a few weeks, depending on milestones and external factor...
A small digital marketing agency is looking for a proactive SEO manager to manage SEO for our local SEO clients. We are looking for somebody long-term, initially for 20-30 hours per week. This is a remote position, you will work your own hours from your home. You must be available on skype during US business hours at least a couple of times per week. I am looking for somebody who has the following qualities: ---Perfect understanding of English Language ---Can write English perfectly ---Understands what a good backlink is and what a bad backlink is ---Has done backlink analysis in the past and is familiar with the process ---Understands On Page SEO, including best practices, site structure, how to optimize a site for speed, best internal linking structures, etc. ---Is familiar wit...
I'm in need of a versatile virtual assistant to support my cryptocurrency business. The tasks will span acros...inquiries and provide support - Handle social media interactions and post management - Assist with a range of administrative tasks Essential Skills: - Proficient in data analysis to help track and assess business metrics - Exceptional communication skills for clear and effective correspondence - Experience in or knowledge of the cryptocurrency sector is a plus Preferred Communication Channels: - Skype - Primarily via Email - Live chat interactions with clients and customers If you have a knack for understanding data, can communicate effectively, and have an interest in cryptocurrency, I would love to hear from you! The virtual assistant will have a flexible wo...
...system maintenance. • Experience with current technologies like desktop sharing cloud services, and communication tools like Skype and Zoom. • Capable of handling general administrative tasks. • Strong English communication skills - both orally and written - to report findings and progress. • Entrepreneurial spirit, high energy, results-oriented, motivated, hardworking, drive to succeed. • Reliable, adept at problem solving. • Well rounded, creative, resourceful, detail-oriented. • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment; Excellent organizational and time management skills and ability to multi-task. Requirements: • Reliable high-speed Internet connection; Skype and (free) Zoom account. • Significant experience in working as...
I'm seeking a seasoned AI developer to help me create an online platform for AI chatting, similar to a Copilot of Skype. The AI should primarily facilitate text-based conversations, with a particular emphasis on generating realistic photos during chats. Key Aspects of the Project: - **Chat Functionality**: The AI should engage in text-based conversations, simulating a human-like chat partner. - **Photo Creation**: At key points during the conversation, the AI should be able to generate realistic photos, enhancing the chat experience. Both chatting and photo creation are equally important for this platform. As such, the ideal freelancer for this project would be someone with robust AI development skills, particularly in the areas of text-based interaction and photo generation...
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I’m seeking a dedicated and experienced MMORPG player to help power level my character in the alpha version of a new MMO game. This will be a long-term position due to regular character wipes. The ideal candidate should: - Be well-versed in MMORPG mechanics and leveling strategies. - Quickl...games, finding efficient ways to level, especially in group settings. - Flexible hours to align with character wipe schedules and quick recoveries. - Owns a reliable high-speed internet connection for stable gameplay sessions. - Own a high-performance gaming PC for smooth gameplay. - Speak fluent English for effective communication, as we’ll discuss more specific details and build trust over a Skype interview. If you’re passionate about gaming and looking for a unique oppor...
I'm seeking a qualified speech therapist experienced with Apraxia to conduct 30-minute online sessions once a week with me, a 23-year-old. The primary goal of these sessions is to enhance my pronunciation and articulation. Ideal candidate should: - Have a strong background in treating Apraxia. - Be proficient in using Zoom or Skype. - Have experience conducting online speech therapy sessions. - Be patient, understanding and able to provide tailored, engaging sessions to meet my needs. We will not be using insurance so Applicants proficient in English not from USA will be accepted.
...communication skills. - Ability to work independently and meet deadlines. Tools You'll Use: - Social Media Management: Zoho Social, Later, Buffer. - SEO: Google Analytics, SEMrush, Moz, Ahref. - WordPress: WordPress CMS, relevant plugins (e.g., Yoast SEO, Elementor). - Email Marketing: Zoho Campaign, Mailerlite. - CRM: Zoho CRM, and Hubspot. - Accounting: Zoho Books. - Communication: Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, Zoho. Benefits: - Flexible working hours and remote work opportunity. - Opportunity to work directly with a passionate solopreneur and gain exposure across multiple industries. - Competitive compensation based on experience and skills. $3 CAD/ Hour How to Apply: Interested candidates should submit a resume/CV and a cover letter detailing relevan...