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    2,000 ups xml tracking vb net munkát találtunk

    XML FEED készítése website crawl módszerrel unas webshopnak. További infó telefonon.

    €440 Average bid
    €440 licitátlag
    9 árajánlat
    Excel Utokalkuláció
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    Nyomtató által létrehozott csv / vagy xml. fájlból kellene automatikus kimutatást készíteni. A csv-ben szereplő adatokból a "Media" tipusokat paraméterezni kell beviteli mezőben megadott árral. Az "ink" úgyszintén paraméterezendő az árral. Tervezett kb végeredmény a pdf-ben.

    €123 Average bid
    €123 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    ...vállalatnál új on premise Data Lake architektúra kialakítása - Dokumentum orientált telematikai adatcsomagok kezelése nagy tömegben, billiós (1012+) nagyságrend - Alkalmazandó technológiák kiválasztása, például, de nem kizárólagosan: Hadoop, Elastic, MongoDB, Cloudera - Üzemeltetés támogatása: telepítés, skálázás, failover, 7/24 service, monitoring, data management tools - Fejlesztés támogatása: .NET connectors, data management APIs, querying, data security, diagnosztika, dev/test sandboxes Amit várunk - Releváns szakmai kompetenciák, munkata...

    €17 - €34 / hr
    €17 - €34 / hr
    0 árajánlat

    Egy excel alapú bevételező, raktárkezelő és receptúrázó "alkalmazást" kellene Accessre ültetni, nemi fejlesztéssel (vélhetően Form és VB macro)

    €16 / hr Average bid
    €16 / hr licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    Jelenleg wix weblapszerkesztővel dolgozunk, szeretnénk az oldalunkat összekötni az árukeresővel és árgéppel és szükségünk van a csv és xml fájlra, amelyet egy szerverre fel lehet tölteni, majd az URL-jét elküldhetjük a szolgáltatónak. Ezen az URL-en keresztül töltik be minden nap az adatokat. Az lenne a jó megoldás ha ezt a wixen belül meg tudnánk oldani.

    €133 Average bid
    €133 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Kedves Szabadúszó! Segítséget szeretnék kérni woocommerce webshopunk összekötésében Árukereső és Árgép oldalakkal. Jelenleg csak az XML fájlunkkal van hiba, ebben kérném segítségedet, egy XML pluginnel bizonyára ez könnyen elkészíthető, nekem sajnos nincs rá időm. Van minta XML fájl. Feladat: - és kompatibilis XML kimenetel készítése Köszönettel, Máté

    €9 - €28
    €9 - €28
    0 árajánlat

    ...nélkül). A programot a nagyobb megbízhatóság, átláthatóság érdekében úgy látjuk célszerűnek kialakítani, hogy a forráskód a felhasználó számára látható legyen (ezért gondoltunk a Python-ra). A felhasználó itt tipikusan IT vagy adatelemző szakértő lesz. A program felhasználói (ablakokkal) felülettel rendelkezik. A program funkciói: 1. Fájl beolvasása Fájl kiválasztása (txt, csv) (később xml, Json egyelőre ez most nem a feladat része) elválasztójel definiálása (text, csv esetén ...

    €320 Average bid
    €320 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Írjon szoftvert
    Véget ért left

    Incident management software Django frontend-del, MS SQL Server adatbázissal, .NET vékonykliens ticketing üzenetek előnézetéhez, REST API

    €20 / hr Average bid
    €20 / hr licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    - nagykereskedő weboldalára automatikus belépés után árlista/készlet információ letöltése ( tömörített file XLS vagy csv formátumban) - a fenit xls feldolgozása, mysql be való feltöltése, megadott paraméterek alapján - aloldal létrehozása, ahol viszonteladó meg tudja feleltetni nagykereskedő árlistában szereplő cikkszámokat a saját cikkszá...viszonteladó meg tudja feleltetni nagykereskedő árlistában szereplő cikkszámokat a saját cikkszámaival ) tömeges feltöltési lehetőség csv ből - aloldal létrehozása, ahol gyárt&oa...

    €173 Average bid
    €173 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    Adott egy 1.7.2-es verzióval el látott MineCraft kliens. Ehhez szeretnék egyedi indító panelt, mely a következőket tartalmazná: - Választható RAM használat, tehát hogy mennyivel fusson a kliens. 512MB, 1GB és 2GB-al. - Felhasználónév, és jelszó használat. Csak akkor engedjen be a kliensbe, ha ...használat. Csak akkor engedjen be a kliensbe, ha meg egyeznek az adatok a weboldalon és az adatbázisban tárolt adatokkal. - Néhány érdekesség: CPU, RAM, VGA, Java verzió, OS információk lekérése, hogy mindenki láthassa saját maga, hogy milyen konfigurációva...

    €3851 Average bid
    €3851 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    ...using WooCommerce plugin. To keep my stock up-to-date my wholesaler provides me a password protected XML channel which contains all the available products I can sell and also it's quantity. I need someone who connects my WooCommerce to this XML channel. I believe this work should be pretty easy to someone who is familiar with WooCommerce and XML. I woud need the job done within a month but rather in middle of september. *** MAGYAR *** Egy webshopot készítek, amihez az alábbira volna szükségem: adott egy jelszóval védett XML forrás, ahonnan a termékeket és a készletnyilvántartást kéne összekapcsolni egy wordpress alá telepített WooComm...

    €63 Average bid
    €63 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    Mobilfejlesztő iOS / Android / Windows8 Feladatok: • együttműködés a fejlesztésben résztvevő kollégákkal • programterv elkészítése • automatikus teszt rutinok megírása • együttműködés az árajánlathoz szükséges feladatbecslésben Elvárások: • Java, vagy .NET programozói ismeretek • mobile SDK felépítésének és kezelésének ismerete • SQL, SQL Lite ismerete • kliens-szerver hálózati kommunikáció programozás tapasztalat • 0-2 éves fejlesztői tapasztalat • gyors tanulási k&eacut...

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr licitátlag
    5 árajánlat

    Az elképzelés: Egy modul, vagy plug-in, ami a kliens és Sharepoint szerver oldal közötti adatforgalmat tömöríti egy algoritmussal, így kevesebb sávszélességet igényelve. A magja a programnak C++, ami aztán egy C#/.NET alkalmazásba van bújtatva(az első sebesség, az utóbbi pedig komponensek közötti kompatibilitás miatt). Tehát a modul/plug-in, beáll a küldött adat elé, tömöríti azt, majd másik oldalon kicsomagolja. A projekt befejezettnek tekintett egy bug-mentes kezdeti verziónál, ami átmegy egy terheléses teszten

    €3307 Average bid
    €3307 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat
    opencart xlm
    Véget ért left

    Dear programmer! Interested to know if there is any (oc1.5.4.x) store an XML extension that generates the following Order to enable and disable admin panel. Just the inclusion discounted products (which do not discount the product does not have to) -Bruttoár -Akciósár -Akciósár Duration of the start and end (if applicable) -Cikkszám write-off -Terméklink -Fotólink category -Gyártó all of which can be associated with the product are free to add or remove. Multi-language compilations thanks Tisztelt programozo! Érdeklődnék,hogy (oc1.5.4.x) áruházhoz létezik-e olyan XML kiterjesztés amely a következőket legenerálja Admin felül...

    €94 Average bid
    €94 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Revamp VB scripts.
    Véget ért left


    €46 / hr Average bid
    €46 / hr licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    1) Üzleti folyamat specifikáció alapján és a kész termékre vonatkozó elvárások megértését követően az alkalmazás Excel frontend és funkcionalitások tervezése. A megrendelő és a fejlesztő közösen alakítja ki a koncepciót. Becsült munkaóra (BMó): 40 2) A működési koncepció implementálása Excel/VBA/.NET VB környezetek felhasználásával. BMó: 60 3) Fejlesztői kód dokumentáció. BMó: 20 4) Teszt esetek kidolgozása a megrendelővel közösen, azok végrehajtása, dokumentálása. BM...

    €2159 Average bid
    €2159 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat

    Java programozás, xml parse, egyszerű megjelenítés, konzultáció, kb 1 nap (8 óra) munka. Minták rendelkezésre állnak.

    €92 Average bid
    €92 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Termék katalógus oldalt szeretnék létrehozni kép- és videógalériával egyedi mezőkkel. AJAX keresés és szűrés szintén kell. Valamint egy árösszehasonlitó modul amiben a termékek forgalmazóitól kapott árakat (CSV vagy XML) jeleniti meg a termék adatlapján.

    €713 Average bid
    €713 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    ...solution app. The app will provide bike and car solutions for public needs, inspired by unique features used by travelers in China and Japan. Key Features: Route Optimization: Help working professionals traveling the same routes daily. Cost Savings: Enable users to save daily travel expenses by sharing rides or using their vehicles. Innovative Design: Incorporate unique features like real-time tracking, smart route suggestions, and user-friendly interfaces. Scalability: Design a scalable app that can grow with user demand. Requirements: Proven experience in designing dynamic and innovative mobile applications. Portfolio showcasing similar projects (ride-sharing or travel apps preferred). Ability to work within a lower budget for this initial phase. Willingness to collab...

    €87 Average bid
    €87 licitátlag
    19 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a WordPress expert with experience working with OptinMonster and GHL embedded forms to help me track UTM values. The main goal is to understand user behavior through tracking. - Specific Actions: I need to track form submissions, page visits and button clicks using UTM values. - OptinMonster Integration: The integration will be with pop-up forms from OptinMonster. Ideal candidates should have a deep understanding of WordPress, OptinMonster and GHL, as well as expertise in UTM tracking.

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr licitátlag
    36 árajánlat

    We are seeking creative and fresh-minded individuals to brainstorm and come up with a unique and catchy brand name for our sports app. The app covers a wide range of sports and fitness-related features, including workout tracking, sports events, daily activities, diet plans, workout charts, and personalized planners. We want a name that resonates with active users, reflects the app's dynamic nature, and stands out in the sports and fitness industry. Key Features of the App: Covers all types of sports Tracks workouts, daily activities, and fitness progress Includes personalized diet and workout charts Allows users to plan and manage their fitness journey Facilitates access to upcoming sports events Requirements: - Name should be catchy, easy to remember, and relatable to spo...

    €61 Average bid
    €61 licitátlag
    13 árajánlat

    I'm currently working on a project focused on .NET API development and I'm in need of some professional assistance. The project heavily utilizes several AWS services, specifically Lambda, EC2, and S3. Your role will primarily focus on the development aspect of the project, with potential involvement in the deployment and maintenance phases as the project progresses. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in .NET development, specifically with API creation - Proficiency in using AWS services, particularly Lambda, EC2, and S3 - Prior experience with Terraform for infrastructure management - Strong problem-solving skills and ability to work independently - Excellent communication skills for clear project updates and discussions.

    €325 Average bid
    €325 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    ...compelling ad copy and visuals that align with brand voice Proven experience with Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and other digital advertising platforms Strong analytical skills and data-driven decision-making Ability to manage multiple campaigns simultaneously Creative mindset with attention to detail Excellent communication and collaboration skills Experience with A/B testing and performance tracking tools Preferred: Experience with eCommerce Fashion or lead generation ads Knowledge of SEO and content marketing Certifications from Google, Facebook, or other relevant platforms To Apply: Please submit your portfolio or examples of past campaigns you’ve managed. Tell us about your process for optimizing campaigns and how you measure success. We’re excited to find a...

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr licitátlag
    40 árajánlat able to choose services via WhatsApp. - Calendar integration for scheduling appointments. 3. Product Purchasing & Payments: - Integration with payment gateways to allow transactions within WhatsApp. - Order confirmation messages upon successful payments. 4. Automated Invoice & Order Details: - Auto-generate and send invoices to customers. - Order summary and tracking information via WhatsApp. 5. CRM Dashboard & Admin Panel: - Business entity should be able to manage interactions and track customer activity. - Centralized panel to monitor orders, appointments, and messages. # Technical Requirements: - Expertise in WhatsApp Business API and chatbot development. - Experience with CRM integrations and payment gatewa...

    €73 Average bid
    €73 licitátlag
    11 árajánlat

    ...input lessons, quizzes, flashcards, and multimedia (audio/video) content without coding knowledge. Key Features & Requirements: ✅ User Dashboard • Personalized interface with progress tracking • Course selection (English, German, Indonesian, Korean, etc) • Daily lesson recommendations ✅ Lesson & Review System • Interactive lessons with text, grammar explanations, and exercises • Listening & Speaking exercises (listen and imitation-based practice) • Flashcards & quizzes (multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blanks, typing tests) • Review section with mistake tracking and vocabulary practice • Progress tracking and Day Streaks • Leaderboard ✅ Community & Blog Features • Discussion forum for le...

    €157 Average bid
    €157 licitátlag
    40 árajánlat

    ...Model, Issue Description, Upload Photos/Videos. ✅ Unique tracking ID assigned to each repair request. ✅ Customers can check their request status using this ID. 2. Admin Dashboard (Repair Tracking & Management) ✅ View all submitted repair requests. ✅ Assign repairs to service centers (own or partner service centers). ✅ Update service status (Received, Under Repair, Ready for Delivery, Completed). ✅ Add internal notes for repair history. ✅ Send automated SMS/Email notifications to customers for status updates. 3. Quotation System ✅ Admin can generate and send repair estimates. ✅ Customers can approve or reject estimates online. 4. Payment Integration ✅ Secure online payment processing. ✅ Multiple payment options: UPI, Credit/Debit Card, Net Banking, etc. ✅ Paym...

    €284 Average bid
    €284 licitátlag
    30 árajánlat

    I'm looking for an experienced professional who can assist me with setting up my Zoho CRM. Key tasks include: - Configur...for an experienced professional who can assist me with setting up my Zoho CRM. Key tasks include: - Configuring the CRM for effective lead management - Setting up the system for comprehensive sales pipeline tracking - Customizing the CRM for optimal customer support module usage As the project progresses, I may also need help with data migration from other sources, so familiarity with such processes would be a plus. Ideal skills for this project: - Extensive experience with Zoho CRM - Strong understanding of lead management systems - Proficient in setting up sales pipeline tracking - Knowledgeable in CRM customer support module - Potential dat...

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr licitátlag
    15 árajánlat

    ...engaging social media content across platforms (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok). Reels & Video Editing – Create high-quality, scroll-stopping reels and videos to captivate our audience. Graphic Design – Design professional and eye-catching visuals that align with our brand. Audience Growth & Engagement – Implement strategies to increase followers, boost engagement, and drive leads. Performance Tracking – Analyze content success and refine strategies based on data. What We’re Looking For: ✅ Experience managing social media accounts and growing audiences ✅ Strong skills in video editing & motion graphics (Reels, TikToks, YouTube Shorts) ✅ Proficiency in Canva, Adobe Creative Suite, or other design tools ✅ A creative storyteller who u...

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr licitátlag
    51 árajánlat

    I am seeking a Shopify expert to address several critical issues on my platform. - Warehouse Integration: The API integration with our warehouse is malfunctioning, leading to discrepancies in inventory tracking. - Invoice Problems: There are inconsistencies with our invoices, primarily relating to data errors. - Data Discrepancies: There are significant problems with company data, QR code data, and bank details appearing post payment. Product Page Variant Issues: Variant option is not working properly, product images and videos are also not displaying properly The ideal freelancer for this project is someone with extensive experience in Shopify troubleshooting and API integration, with a keen eye for detail and strong problem-solving skills.

    €150 Average bid
    €150 licitátlag
    84 árajánlat

    ...performance and efficiency of my existing project developed using SignalR, VC++, and .NET. The primary focus should be on enhancing the code structure, as well as addressing high memory consumption issues primarily caused by SignalR message handling. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze and optimize the existing code structure for better performance and scalability. - Identify and resolve high memory consumption issues related to SignalR message handling. - Enhance real-time communication and reduce latency. - Improve overall memory management and streamline VC++ integration. - Leverage .NET's latest features for increased responsiveness. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with SignalR, VC++, and .NET. - Proven track record in code optimization and struc...

    €501 Average bid
    €501 licitátlag
    8 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a creative designer to craft an encouraging, energetic and inspiring poster for a children's badminton coaching camp. The primary aim is to entice sign-ups from our young sports enthusiasts. Key Requirements: - Design a visually appealing poster that resonates with kids. - Infuse an energetic and inspiring tone. - Emphasize the fun and excitement of badminton. Ideal Skills: - Graphic design experience, particularly in creating youth-oriented material. - Understanding of sport-themed visuals and messaging. - Ability to blend fun with an inspiring tone.

    €13 Average bid
    €13 licitátlag
    20 árajánlat

    ...function. - Class Scheduling: The system needs to manage the timetable for different classes and centres. - Fee Management: The software must keep track of fees, payments and outstanding balances. - Teacher Recruitment: It should manage the recruitment process for teachers. - Donor Enrollment: A key component will be managing our donors. - Student Progress Review: The software should facilitate the tracking of student progress. - Group Messaging and Mailing: The software should include a communication module for group messaging and mailing. - Accounts Maintenance: It should help keep the financial records. - Attendance Record: The system must track attendance for both students and teachers. Priority Functions: The highest priority for me is the software's ability to handle ...

    €267 Average bid
    €267 licitátlag
    41 árajánlat

    We are seeking a developer to create a Windows-based background service that allows remote monitoring and software/script deployment via a secure web-based control panel. The system should enable real-time device tracking, software updates, and task automation across multiple endpoints efficiently. This solution is intended for IT administrators and business users who need a streamlined approach to managing remote systems, deploying updates, and monitoring system health. ⸻ Project Requirements 1. Windows Background Service • Runs silently in the background as a system service. • Auto-starts with Windows on system boot. • Receives and executes automated updates or scripts sent from the control panel. • Secure, encrypted communication with the web panel. &...

    €444 Average bid
    €444 licitátlag
    46 árajánlat

    ...implementation of content strategy across channels • SEO Strategy: Under guidance of the Marketing Manager India, ensure the implementation of a content roadmap that enhances search engine visibility and drives organic traffic. • Content Calendar Management: Oversee and maintain a comprehensive content calendar to ensure a consistent and timely delivery of content across all channels. • Performance Tracking and Optimization: Track content performance and identify areas for optimization, driving a continuous improvement and learning process. • Community and MQL Management: Manage community engagement and Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL) within the CRM Key stakeholders This role will closely collaborate with: • Solplanet Digital Marketing Manager: alignment...

    €187 Average bid
    €187 licitátlag
    13 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a skilled app developer to create a rideshare application for both iOS and Android platforms. The app should support three user roles: Rider, Driver, and Admin. Key Features: - Real-time Ride Tracking: The app needs to offer a reliable and user-friendly interface for tracking rides in real-time. - Payment Integration: This includes support for various payment methods such as Credit/Debit Cards, Mobile Wallets, and In-App Purchases. - User Reviews and Ratings: A system for riders and drivers to review and rate each other is crucial. Ideal Candidates: - Proven experience in mobile app development, particularly rideshare applications. - Expertise in creating secure and seamless payment integrations. - Ability to design intuitive and engaging user interfac...

    €2627 Average bid
    €2627 licitátlag
    116 árajánlat

    ...performed for a video-based golf club tracking and analysis application. The application uniquely locates an existent rotation point along the length of a golf club, which can be near impossible to accurately locate with just the naked eye. Accurately locating the point is critical toward golfing performance, and the point location can vary significantly from golfer to golfer, even for the same golf club. Previous attempts have been partially but not completely successful, and an unknown amount of that work might potentially be usable here. A 2D video from a single, standard 2D camera is all that is foundationally required and will be utilized here. The needed video specimen is actually captured before a swing technically even begins, so the club tracking requirements are...

    €448 Average bid
    €448 licitátlag
    17 árajánlat

    I'm looking to develop a comprehensive taxi management application, compatible with both web and mobile platforms. The application should have three user interfaces: an Admin interface, a Drive...Zone management: Define operational areas and optimize coverage. - Ride management: Track trip details, statuses, and histories. - Payment processing: Facilitate fare calculations and transactions. - Cost estimation: Provide fare estimates based on distance, time, and other factors. - Real-time Tracking: Essential for all rides. The ideal candidate for this project should be an experienced app developer with a strong portfolio in creating management applications. Familiarity with real-time tracking systems is crucial. I'm seeking developers who can deliver these functional...

    €2618 Average bid
    €2618 licitátlag
    150 árajánlat

    ...and JavaScript - Improve page load speed and performance - Add clear comments in code for future updates - Optimize images and implement lazy loading if needed - Ensure mobile responsiveness and cross-browser compatibility 2. SEO Enhancements - Add/update meta tags, alt attributes, and heading structures - Improve internal linking and provide basic schema markup - Review or create and XML sitemap - Optimize for Google PageSpeed and SEO tools 3. Service Catalog Update - Update the services section with provided content - Ensure a clean layout, consistent design, and SEO-friendly structure - Add or update visuals/icons if necessary 4. Optional: HTML Form Design - Design a responsive contact form (name, email, message, etc.) - Include JavaScript validation - Advise on submission...

    €18 Average bid
    €18 licitátlag
    18 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a developer to create a secure crypto escrow wallet for holding transactions. The wallet should support Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Ripple (XRP),...looking for a developer to create a secure crypto escrow wallet for holding transactions. The wallet should support Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Ripple (XRP), USDT . Key features: - Two-factor authentication for enhanced security - Comprehensive transaction history tracking - Automated notifications for transaction updates Ideal candidates should have a strong background in cryptocurrency development, specifically in creating secure wallets. Experience with implementing two-factor authentication and transaction tracking systems is a plus. Please include examples of similar projects you've ...

    €412 Average bid
    €412 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    I'm seeking an expert in Cin7 to assist with setting up inventory management for my consumer electronics business. Key areas of focus: - Comprehensive setup of inventory management within Cin7 - Optimizing processes for tracking and managing physical goods - Creating templates to look exactly what we currently use. - fix integration of cin7 and shopify / orders not flowing through/showing correctly. Ideal Freelancer: - Extensive experience with Cin7, particularly in inventory management - Previous work with consumer electronics inventory preferred - Ability to deliver a seamless, efficient setup Please provide your relevant experience with Cin7 and managing inventory for consumer electronics in your proposal.

    €640 Average bid
    €640 licitátlag
    43 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a skilled bookkeeper to manage my bookkeeping using Xero. The primary tasks include: - Bank reconciliation: Ensuring all transactions are recorded accurately and reconciling bank statements. - Expense tracking: Keeping an eye on all expenditures, categorizing them, and ensuring they align with budgets. In addition, I occasionally need financial reports generated. Therefore, experience with Xero's reporting features would be beneficial. Please note, there is no need for payroll management. Ideal candidates will have prior experience with Xero and bookkeeping, with a keen eye for detail and strong numerical skills.

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr licitátlag
    8 árajánlat

    Job Overview: We are seeking an experienced no-code developer to create a web-based prototype of an ERP system tailored for government contractors. The prototype will focus on financial tracking and AI-powered B2B lead generation, enabling contractors to manage finances and identify contract opportunities efficiently. This prototype is for market validation before full-scale development. Applicants must have knowledge of Finance/Accounting ERP systems (SAP, Oracle, ect.) ? Key Responsibilities ? 1. Financial Tracking Features • EAC Module – Implement Estimate at Completion (EAC) calculations. • Trapped Cash Analysis – Identify unbilled and unrecovered costs. • P&L Financial Statements – Track revenue, expenses, and pr...

    €2355 Average bid
    €2355 licitátlag
    22 árajánlat Key Deliverables - Competitive market research - Pricing strategy development - Sales collateral creation: * Cold email templates * LinkedIn outreach scripts * Pitch deck * Sales process documentation Sales Outreach Strategy - lead generation setup * Account configuration * Targeted list building * Contact filtering * Sequence creation * Performance tracking Target Markets - Primary: E-commerce - Secondary: * Small to medium businesses * Service industries * Online service providers * Educational platforms * Professional services Specific Tasks 1. Develop cold email strategy using 2. Create sales conversion process 3. Design follow-up and consultation approach 4. Prepare proposal templates 5. Develop objection handling guid...

    €176 Average bid
    €176 licitátlag
    11 árajánlat

    I need to route my SQL Server using Ngrok and a Windows-based web app effectively and either FTRP or The task is to make the SQL server accessible through a secure tunnel and set up my web app on a separate tunneling tool to be reachable via the domain All sub-paths should be accessible as .net core sites. Key Requirements: - Use Ngrok for SQL server tunneling - Set up web app with FTRP or - Configure domain to point to the web app root - Ensure all child paths are accessible - Implement password-based authentication for both, SQL server and the web app - Host on a Windows Server environment - SQL Server hosting an MSSQL database

    €29 Average bid
    €29 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat

    ...performance. ✔ Detail-Oriented & Organized: You can manage multiple campaigns at once. ✔ Independent & Reliable: You can take provided content and run with it. ✔ Familiar with Digital Products & Coaching: Bonus if you’ve worked with courses, books, or coaching programs. ? Tools You Should Know ? Facebook & Instagram Ads Manager ? YouTube & Google Ads ? LinkedIn Ads (Bonus) ? Google Analytics & Tracking Pixels ? A/B Testing & Retargeting Strategies ? Compensation ? Freelance/Contract Basis – Pay based on experience & results ? Part-time to start (5-10 hours/week), with potential for full-time ? Bonus incentives for hitting KPIs & ad performance milestones ? How to Apply ? Send your proposal with: ✔ Your experience managing pai...

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr licitátlag
    37 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a skilled developer with extensive experience in XAML and .NET within Visual Studio to create a desktop-based business application. Key Features: - The application will primarily revolve around data entry and processing, thus a strong emphasis on creating an intuitive, user-friendly interface is critical. - The application will also need robust reporting and analytics capabilities. Experience in implementing these features in previous projects will be a significant advantage. - The application needs to be compatible exclusively with Windows Desktop. Ideal Skills: - Proven track record in XAML .NET development - Extensive experience with Visual Studio - Strong UI/UX design capabilities - Experience in creating data processing and analytics software - Kno...

    €271 Average bid
    €271 licitátlag
    39 árajánlat
    Notion Project Timeline Setup
    6 nap left

    I'm in need of a Notion expert to set up a project timeline for our customer onboarding and training process. This timeline will be used for internal tracking, so precision and clarity are key. Key elements to include: - Task deadlines: Clearly mapping out when each task should be completed. - Milestones: Identifying key points in the project that signify significant progress or achievement. - Deliverables: Outlining what needs to be delivered at various stages of the project. - Client facing also The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience with Notion. - Excellent project management skills. - A keen eye for detail to ensure the timeline is accurate and easy to follow.

    €49 Average bid
    €49 licitátlag
    26 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a white-hat SEO and growth expert to enhance the technical aspects of my site ...- Mobile Optimization: Given the rise of mobile internet usage, it's important that my site is fully optimized for mobile devices. - Crawl and Indexing Issues: I'll need your expertise in identifying and resolving any potential crawl and indexing problems that may hinder my site's visibility. Tools: I already have Google Search Console set up. Your task will include leveraging this tool for tracking and improving our SEO efforts. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in technical SEO - Expertise in site speed and mobile optimization - Proficiency in identifying crawl and indexing issues - Familiarity with Google Search Console Web address will be expose...

    €1 / hr Average bid
    €1 / hr licitátlag
    18 árajánlat

    ...consistent growth - Create collaborative opportunities with industry peers - Drive meaningful discussions in relevant industry topics ## Requirements **Essential Skills** - Proven LinkedIn growth expertise with demonstrable results - Understanding of 2025 LinkedIn algorithm and content trends - Experience in building both personal and company page presence - Strong analytics and performance tracking capabilities Please include in your proposal: - Monthly rate and detailed service breakdown - Content creation vs. strategy guidance specifics - Weekly post frequency for both profiles - Portfolio of LinkedIn accounts grown - Detailed growth strategy and workflow plan The ideal candidate will demonstrate expertise in driving genuine engagement while building thought leadership in ...

    €131 Average bid
    €131 licitátlag
    28 árajánlat Key Deliverables - Competitive market research - Pricing strategy development - Sales collateral creation: * Cold email templates * LinkedIn outreach scripts * Pitch deck * Sales process documentation Sales Outreach Strategy - lead generation setup * Account configuration * Targeted list building * Contact filtering * Sequence creation * Performance tracking Target Markets - Primary: E-commerce - Secondary: * Small to medium businesses * Service industries * Online service providers * Educational platforms * Professional services Specific Tasks 1. Develop cold email strategy using 2. Create sales conversion process 3. Design follow-up and consultation approach 4. Prepare proposal templates 5. Develop objection handling guid...

    €153 Average bid
    €153 licitátlag
    12 árajánlat