Sped test projectmunkák
For example : import { classNamesHelper } from '@archibald/client'; import CategoryName from '@components/atoms/category-name/CategoryName'; import Icon from '@components/atoms/icon/Icon'; import Link, { LinkType } from '@components/atoms/link/Link'; import ShowMoreButton from '@components/atoms/show-more/ShowMoreButton'; import Classes from '@components/organisms/product-listing/facets/category/tree/item/'; import { getSearchPathObject } from '@helpers/search'; import { CategoryHierarchy } from '@interfaces/base/category'; import { IconType } from '@constants'; import { useState } from 'react'; interface ICategoryItem { category: CategoryHierarchy; currentCategoryId: string; ...
...generálása és koncepció kialakítása * 3.2 Lecke: Karakter személyiségének és hátterének meghatározása * 3.3 Lecke: Részletes karakterterv készítése (ruházat, frizura, kiegészítők) 4. Modul: Fej és arc rajzolása * 4.1 Lecke: A fej és arc alapvető arányai * 4.2 Lecke: Szem, orr, száj és fül rajzolása különböző szögekből * 4.3 Lecke: Arckifejezések és érzelmek ábrázolása 5. Modul: Test rajzolása * 5.1 Lecke: A test alapvető arányai és anatómiája * 5.2 Lecke: Kezek és l&...
Hello Everyone, We have an old webshop which is were poor. We would like to offer to our customer better why we would like to test a new one. There are 21 days to free testing. We would like to see is it going to work at all. There is the API link for the new shop: I will provide the API link of the old web store upon request. The old websop has about +200k products. THX, Best Regards Klm
Keresek valakit, aki tudna huawei OLT-t beállítani/kezelni (távolról). Az OLT-t az ONT-k tesztelésére szeretném használni. Először be kellene állítani konzolról, és meg kell oldani az ONT-k hozzáadását majd rövid teszt után az ONT-t cseréjét másikr...ONT-t cseréjét másikra. Ha rendelkezik a fenti tudással, akkor a fenti manuális teszt beállítása után tovább mehetünk egy komplex tesztkörnyezet elkészítésére. I am looking for someone who could configure/manage a huawei OLT (remotely). We would like to use OLT to test ONTs. First it need...
Creating an auto betting bot with betfair api for my own basketball strategy,test it and store all the earnings and losts in a database like.
...orientált telematikai adatcsomagok kezelése nagy tömegben, billiós (1012+) nagyságrend - Alkalmazandó technológiák kiválasztása, például, de nem kizárólagosan: Hadoop, Elastic, MongoDB, Cloudera - Üzemeltetés támogatása: telepítés, skálázás, failover, 7/24 service, monitoring, data management tools - Fejlesztés támogatása: .NET connectors, data management APIs, querying, data security, diagnosztika, dev/test sandboxes Amit várunk - Releváns szakmai kompetenciák, munkatapasztalat és projekt referenciák - A megvalósítás és bevezetés szak...
A karakterszám az ismétlődések levonásával értendő, azaz olyan fordítót keresünk, aki tudja használni a Tradost. 3db PDF használati utasításról van szó. A határidő május 15. 12:00. A projekt során elvárjuk, hogy a fordító rendszeresen pontos jelentést adjon az aktuális készültségi szintről. Azon jelentkezők akik kitöltik az alábbi tesztet...tudja használni a Tradost. 3db PDF használati utasításról van szó. A határidő május 15. 12:00. A projekt során elvárjuk, hogy a fordító rendszeresen pontos jelentést adjon a...
Write a Book For Me Test Draft PROJWrite a Book For Me Test Draft PROJWrite a Book For Me Test Draft PROJWrite a Book For Me Test Draft PROJWrite a Book For Me Test Draft PROJWrite a Book For Me Test Draft PROJWrite a Book For Me Test Draft PROJWrite a Book For Me Test Draft PROJWrite a Book For Me Test Draft PROJWrite a Book For Me Test Draft PROJ
Design a Website Mockup Test Design a Website Mockup Test Design a Website Mockup Test Design a Website Mockup Test Design a Website Mockup Test Design a Website Mockup Test Design a Website Mockup Test
this is a test. Don't bird. ádfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf
Write a Report test 101 Write a Report test 101 Write a Report test 101 Write a Report test 101 Write a Report test 101 Write a Report test 101 Write a Report test 101 Write a Report test 101 Write a Report test 101 Write a Report test 101 Write a Report test 101 Write a Report test 101 Write a Report test 101 Write a Report test 101 Write a Report test 101 Write a Report test 101 Write a Report test 101 Write a Report test 101 Write a Report test 101 Write a Report test 101 Write a Report test 101 Write a Report test 101 Write a Report test 101 Write a Report test 101 Write a Report test 101
Üdv! Egy kezdő-haladó java programozó kerestetik. Bot kliens készítése vagy már meglevő Kliens API-ját használva script készítés. Projektenk...érdekel a munka akkor az egyik elérhetőségemen tudsz értesíteni! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello! I am searching for a Java Programmer that will use a softwares API to write script's for me. -Knowing Hungarian Language is preferred. You will get the money for each project done. For requirements I would like you to write an easy test script for me , to see if you are comfortable with the API. Writing scripts for t...
Website Revision (Existing Code). Pictorial Puzzle application.
Valami történhetnee máár De ha nem akkor kurca mércesz leszek xD de probálnááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááádf
Folyamatos munkára keresek szakért?t a következ? tapasztalattal: Quicktest pro , Loadrunner . A szakért? feladata fenti alkalmazásokhoz szükséges script fejlesztés, hibajavítás. A munkavégzés helye nyelv ismerete kötelezo.
We are looking for someone to perform an in-person audit at a testing center in Rio De Janeiro. This audit is being conducted to assess if the staff on site is following the rules and regulations and are monitoring test takers to ensure there is no cheating going on. This is a great opportunity to help improve standardized test administration. We provide full training and this assignment. ***PLEASE NOTE: Once you are booked the audit cannot be postponed or assigned to a different freelancer.***
I'm seeking experienced QA testers for a thorough examination of my web application. The application needs testing across both desktop and mobile platforms. Key Responsibilities: - Test user authentication processes for seamless access and security. - Evaluate data input and processing for accuracy and efficiency. - Inspect payment system integration for reliability and correctness. Ideal candidates will possess: - Extensive experience in web application QA testing. - Proficiency in assessing functionalities on both desktop and mobile platforms. - Expertise in scrutinizing user authentication, data processing, and payment systems. Your contributions will be pivotal in ensuring a smooth, user-friendly experience for my application.
Wi-Fi Scheduling Algorithm Testbed Using OpenWRT and Raspberry Pi Project Overview This project aims to develop a Wi-Fi scheduling algorithm testbed using an OpenWRT-installed router and multiple Raspberry Pis (RPis). The testbed will evaluate different packet scheduling algorithms in real-time by analyzing key network parameters such as Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), Received Signal Strength (RSS), packet loss, retransmissions, and latency. The system is designed to support dynamic scheduling, automated packet transmission logging, and the ability to test both predefined and custom user-uploaded scheduling algorithms. Motivation & Problem Statement Modern wireless networks face challenges in optimizing data transmission due to variable network conditions and conges...
I'm seeking a meticulous tester for my website. The primary focus would be on evaluating the user interface and performance Key Testing Are...on evaluating the user interface and performance Key Testing Areas: - User Interface: Ensure all elements are functioning as intended and provide a smooth user experience. - Performance: Identify any potential bottlenecks or slowdowns in load times or transitions. Browser Testing: - Google Chrome: Primary browser for testing. - Mozilla Firefox: Ensure compatibility and functionality. - Safari: Test performance on this browser too. Ideal skills and experience: - Previous experience in website testing. - Strong attention to detail. - Proficient in testing across multiple browsers. - Excellent understanding of UI and performance testing...
I'm looking for a Python developer to create a Credit Card (CC) checker. The CC checker should have the following key features: - Transaction simulation: The CC checker should be able to simulate transactions to test the validity of credit cards. This will help in assessing the cards' functionality without needing a real transaction. - Third-party API integration: The CC checker needs to integrate with a third-party API for card validation. This will ensure that the checks are accurate and up to date. The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience in Python programming and should be comfortable with API integrations. Knowledge and experience in transaction simulation will be a significant advantage. see attatched picture as an example of ho...
Project Title: Conversion of Page Object Model Framework to Python-Based Automation Project Description: We are looking for an experienced automation engineer to convert an existing Page Object Model (POM) framework to a Python-based test automation suite. The current framework is implemented in another programming language (e.g., Java, C#) and needs to be migrated to Python using Selenium, Pytest, and relevant automation libraries. Project Scope: Convert existing Page Object Model structure into Python, ensuring modularity and maintainability. Implement Selenium WebDriver with Python to interact with web applications. Use Pytest or an equivalent test runner for test execution and reporting. Integrate logging, exception handling, and utilitie...
... I will provide you with SSH access to the server. Important Instructions: - Prior to the installation on my server, please install and test the software locally. - Upon successful installation and testing, share a screenshot with me as proof. - The project will be awarded to you upon confirmation that you can complete the task. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Ubuntu is essential - Experience with software installation and configuration from GitHub - SSH knowledge for remote server access - Ability to provide clear communication and updates Timeframe: - The sooner the project is completed the better. Please note that specific configuration changes or customizations for the installations have not been identified at this stage. --- The solution should
...hearing impairments to evaluate the accessibility features of our MySecondLine App. This test aims to ensure that the app is fully accessible for individuals using screen readers, Bluetooth hearing aids, real-time captioning, and other assistive technologies. Testing Requirements: Test Subjects: Individuals with visual or hearing impairments who use assistive tools (screen readers, hearing aids, etc.). Test Content: Bluetooth Hearing Aid Connectivity: Test audio streaming quality via Bluetooth hearing aids. Real-Time Captioning: Test captioning accuracy during calls and messages. Message Accessibility: Verify the clarity of text-based communication, including captions for voice messages. Functionality Testing: Test core app functions (sending m...
Spannende kans voor vloeiende moedertaalsprekers Nederlands (vrouwen)! Doe mee aan een baanbrekend Text-to-Speech (TTS) onderzoeksproject en help de toekomst van stemtechnologie vorm te geven. ? Dringend: We Hebben Jou Nu Nodig! ? We zoeken per direct native of vloeiende Nederlands sprekers voor een groot TTS-project. De testopname (3 uur) moet binnen 24 uur worden voltooid, en geselecteerde kandidaten kunnen meteen beginnen! Overzicht van het Project: We verzamelen ongeveer 50 uur aan stemopnames van native Nederlands sprekers. De eerste stap is een testopname van 3 uur, waarvoor deelnemers een vergoeding van $60 ontvangen. Na een succesvolle testfase kunnen geselecteerde deelnemers tussen de $30 en $60 per uur verdienen, afhankelijk van prestaties en ervaring. Jouw stem...
We are seeking an experienced developer to support the completion of critical components for our application. This role involves ensuring workflows, database architecture, API integrations, and deployment processes are optimized for scalability, performance, and efficiency. Primarily seeking three skilled freelancers for an initial project phase. This is a chance to demonstrate your abilities and potentially secure a long-term engagement with our company as the lead developer on this app. Key Responsibilities: 1. Workflow Development and Optimization: - Finalize and refine complex workflows to ensure seamless user interactions across different modules. - Troubleshoot issues in data-dependent workflows, ensuring they handle edge cases without errors. - Implement
...is Results based. Rank first page get paid. Will pay $3-5 per first page ranking - Conducting a FREE test listing to determine if you can rank on first page (And can do what you say you can). You will provide title, brand, bullet 1, bullet 2, and description. I will update listing link so we can both watch and follow. If it ranks then we can begin and I will send you batches of listings to optimize on an ongoing basis -Will determine if you know what you are doing with Merch on demand for Amazon tshirts (not products which are different) The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of the Amazon A10 algorithm and can demonstrate their ability to rank T-shirts through a 1st free test listing. If successful, I have hundreds of designs that require ongoing ranking ser...
...efficiently. Responsibilities: 1. Design and develop a responsive and interactive dashboard using 2. Implement a clean, modern UI/UX that aligns with the project’s objectives 3. Integrate key functionalities such as data visualization, user authentication, dynamic content, and API connections if required 4. Optimize performance to ensure fast loading times and smooth user interactions 5. Test and debug to guarantee a fully functional and error-free dashboard 6. Provide documentation or a short walkthrough to explain dashboard functionalities Requirements: 1. Proven experience in development with a portfolio of previous projects 2. Strong understanding of UI/UX principles for dashboard design 3. Ability to integrate APIs and automate workflows within 4. Experience
## **? Detailed Setup Guide: How to Build & Connect Everything** This guide explains **how to build, set up, and connect all components** while ensuring the system is **scalable** for multiple users. --- # **? System Architecture Overview** The system consists of **4 ma...getenv('TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN')}/sendMessage", json={"chat_id": chat_id, "text": text}) ``` --- ## **✅ Final Steps: Deployment & Load Testing** ✅ Deploy API Gateway (`uvicorn --host --port 8000 --workers 4`). ✅ Deploy Subscription Bot (`python `). ✅ Deploy Answer Bot (`python `). ✅ Package Client for Windows/macOS (`PyInstaller --onefile `). ✅ **Load Test** using `locust -f `. All the details are here just need to make api gatewa...
...the required specifications. - Usability Testing: Evaluate the user interface and overall user experience to ensure it's intuitive and user-friendly. - Performance Testing: Determine the software's responsiveness, speed, scalability, and stability under varying conditions. Critical Areas: Our main concern is the Data Management aspect of the application. Specific Features: - Filters: Test the effectiveness and efficiency of data filters. - Data Revelation: Assess the software's ability to reveal data appropriately and securely. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in software testing, particularly functional, usability and performance testing. - Proven track record in testing SaaS applications. - Proficient in PHP and React based ap...
Looking for ballpark instant quote or a price range. I have three different small STL models for a frame to hold electronics. Each stl is less than 100mm square footprint. - The three models, when printed together, should use a total of 42.22 g (14.04 m) of PLA filament. - The total print time of a test print was 1.5 hours for one set of the three models. - Ultimately, I need a total of 140 sets of these models. Ideal skills for the job include experience understanding filament properties and printing time estimation.
I'm facing issues with my web app's Facebook credentials during the app revi...issues with my web app's Facebook credentials during the app review process. The app is getting rejected due to invalid or insufficient credentials provided. I need an experienced developer who can troubleshoot this issue and ensure that my app can be fully reviewed by Facebook's team. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Facebook app development and review process - Ability to create and verify proper test credentials - Knowledge of Developer Policy 1.6 and App Review Rejection Guides - Experience working with web apps - Strong problem-solving skills The issue arises during the submission stage, so I need someone who can quickly resolve this before my next submission. If you can fix th...
I'm facing issues with my web app's Facebook credentials during the app revi...issues with my web app's Facebook credentials during the app review process. The app is getting rejected due to invalid or insufficient credentials provided. I need an experienced developer who can troubleshoot this issue and ensure that my app can be fully reviewed by Facebook's team. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Facebook app development and review process - Ability to create and verify proper test credentials - Knowledge of Developer Policy 1.6 and App Review Rejection Guides - Experience working with web apps - Strong problem-solving skills The issue arises during the submission stage, so I need someone who can quickly resolve this before my next submission. If you can fix th...
Scope of Work: Fix Website Issues Without Elementor Pro Subscription Project Overview: We are experiencing issues with the display of the three Testimonials and pictures as well as the Our Blogs sections at the bottom of the website, www.jbncapital.com. After the integration of an AI bot and the update to Elementor Pro, these sections no longer appear as intended. The hosting company has suggested updating Elementor Pro to resolve the issue, but we do not wish to subscribe to Elementor Pro. The goal is to find a solution that does not require the renewal of the Elementor Pro subscription, restoring the Testimonials and Blog sections on the website. Objectives: Restore Testimonials Section: The Testimonials section is currently not visible on the front end of the website. This se...
...individual winners of an Artemis prize pack NASA will ultimately choose one design to fabricate and fly aboard the Orion spacecraft. Background Artemis II With Artemis, NASA will explore more of the Moon than ever before, learn how to live and work farther away from home, and prepare for future human exploration of Mars. Artemis II is targeted to launch in early 2026 and will be the first test flight of the Space Launch System rocket and the Orion spacecraft with humans aboard. Lasting about 10 days, the mission will launch four astronauts from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida to fly around the Moon before safely returning to Earth. The mission is a crucial step toward the Artemis III Moon landing mission in 2027. &nbs...
Kérjük, regisztráljon vagy jelentkezzen be a részletek megtekintéséhez!
...the site (row, col) if it is not open already public void open(int row, int col) // is the site (row, col) open? public boolean isOpen(int row, int col) // is the site (row, col) full? public boolean isFull(int row, int col) // returns the number of open sites public int numberOfOpenSites() // does the system percolate? public boolean percolates() // test client (optional) public static void main(String[] args) } Corner cases. By convention, the row and column indices are integers between 1 and n, where (1, 1) is the upper-left site: Throw an IllegalArgumentException if any argument to open(), isOpen(), or isFull() is outside its prescribed range. Throw an IllegalArgumentException in the constructor if n ≤ 0. Performance requi...
I am looking for someone that can type at least 50wpm on (3min medium difficulty) that can deliver in a few hours Ideal Skills: - Experience in creating typing tests or similar skill assessments. - Strong understanding of typing proficiency levels. - Excellent vocabulary to create diverse random words.
I am in need of an expert in operations research and mathematical modeling who can develop a multi-objective, multi-period location-routing model, based on several critical assumptions like heterogeneous vehicle and differents types of prod...Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in developing complex models for multi-objective optimization. - Strong understanding of both location and routing optimization. - Proficiency in GAMS programming. For this task, I expect the following deliverables: 1. Review the proposed model and adjust the formulation as needed to ensure valid results. 2. Refine the mathematical model in GAMS and validate it using test instances in Excel. 3. Implement the multi-objective weighting method to solve the problem and assess the relative importance of the objective ...
Project Opportunity: Develop the Wesal Alkhair Connect System We are seeking a skilled development team to build a comprehensive, integrated management system for our therapeutic riding program. The system, known as Wesal Alkhair Connect, will automate and consolidate data streams from multiple sources—including rider registration, assessments, medical histories, horse profiles, employee records, incident reporting, and volunteer tracking—into one unified, secure, and scalable platform. Below is a detailed description of every technical requirement and specification for the project. Project Overview Purpose: Automate data collection and management by integrating diverse forms and processes (rider registration, assessments, medical history, horse profile...
...its ability to differentiate between various streamers, allowing us to clip content to specific accounts. The software should identify potential viral clip segments using AI content analysis. It should not rely on simple metrics such as view count thresholds or user engagement metrics, but instead leverage advanced AI techniques to pinpoint content with viral potential. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in software development and programming. - Experience with AI and machine learning. - Familiarity with the specified streaming and social media platforms. - Understanding of content analysis and viral trend identification. Automated Viral Video Clipping Objective: Build a system to download VODs from streamers, clip them into viral segments, and distribute a...
I'm facing issues with a SCORM 1.2 test file where multimedia (audio/video/quiz) content is not displaying correctly on my Learning Management System (LMS). I am seeking an experienced professional who can fix this file. If the file can be fixed, I will subsequently need four full programs developed in SCORM 1.2. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with SCORM 1.2 file creation and troubleshooting - Proficient in multimedia content integration - Familiar with various Learning Management Systems (LMS) - Experienced in instructional design and e-learning content development - Ability to deliver high-quality, interactive SCORM-compliant content
...a public repo on GitHub here: The live (and fully functional) app for Android: The live (but not working as intended) app on App Store: The goal is to bring the iOS app functionality in line with the existing Android version. This requires at least: * Correct location tracking of the iOS device. * Improved database fetching speed - may be related to location in the code. On-time delivery is critical. If you're unavailable for the next 75 hours, please don't respond. Clear communication is crucial for this project. If you accept this task, you must provide frequent updates, requiring excellent English
I am looking for a skilled writers to comple test of my project. Please let me know if you can help.
Description: We recently added a variant selector (1 Pot vs. 2 Pot) to our Shopify product page, but this has disabled the “Subscribe & Save” option that was previously working. We need a Shopify developer to fix the subscription box so that it appears for both variants. What Needs to Be Fixed: • ...it appears for both variants. What Needs to Be Fixed: • Ensure the “Subscribe & Save” option is visible for both 1 Pot and 2 Pot variants. • Check and update the or file to remove any restrictions that might be hiding the subscription option. • If we are using an app (Recharge, Bold, or Shopify’s built-in Subscriptions), ensure it applies to all variants. • Test the fix so that selecting either variant does not disable th...
Published usin It is a multi-user app (one requires an administrator and other users) that acts as an exam preparation site for multiple courses. Frameworks to be used These are the mandatory frameworks on which the project has to be built. Flask for application back-end Jinja2 templating, HTML, CSS and Bootstraps for application front-end SQLite for database (No other database is permitted) Note: All demos should be possible on your local machine. Roles The platform will have two roles: Admin - root access - It is the superuser of the app and requires no registration Admin is also known as the quiz master There is only one admin to this application The administrator login redirects to the quiz master/admin dashboard The administrator will manage all the other users The admin...
I'm seeking a professional WordPress site design for my Test and Measuring Instruments Company. The primary purpose of the site is to sell our products online. Key Requirements: - Basic e-commerce functionality: The site should include a straightforward product listing and checkout process. - Design: The design should be professional and corporate, aligning with the nature of our business. Ideal Skills: - WordPress development - E-commerce integration - Corporate website design Experience in designing and developing B2B e-commerce sites will be an added advantage. Please submit your bid if you believe you can deliver a high-quality, user-friendly site that meets these requirements.
...necessary audio permissions, list out microphones, show microphone status etc. - User will enter a project or select existing project to store screens and audio - Each start/stop creates a session in the project. - Session can be paused and resumed - The files will be stored on the local file system and metadata in the local mongodb - I have code for the server already written in Pytnon/Flask Ideal skills for this project include: - Solid experience with Chrome extension development. - Proficiency in screen and audio capture techniques. - Strong understanding of Javascript and Chrome's APIs. The project is 75% complete (I have written good part of the code) but need to finish remaining feature, test, update UI design (for a professional ...
I'm seeking a skilled professional to analyze my Linux server primarily for performance optimization. - Focus: The primary concern is memory usage. - Server Role: The server in question is running php webapplications Ideal candidates should have a strong background in Linux server management with specific experience in performance tuning and memory optimization. I want to test my webapplication and see the server performing, need a report on this too. What would be your plan ?
I'm looking for a freelancer for an immediate online data listing project. The guidelines for the task will be provided in a PDF. I will supply all necessary details and the payment will be based on the amount of work completed. There will also be a test to assess your suitability for the task. Newbies are most welcome to apply. Ideal skills for the job include: - Attention to detail - Ability to follow instructions - Basic computer skills - Efficient work pace Please note, I have not yet specified the type of data that needs to be listed, how the data will be provided, or the platform on which the data will be listed. These details will be provided in due course.