Spark client remote desktop controlmunkák
..."start": [0, 0], "end": [5000, 0] }, { "start": [5000, 0], "end": [5000, 2000] }, { "start": [5000, 2000], "end": [2700, 2000] }, { "start": [2700, 2000], "end": [2700, 3000] }, { "start": [2700, 3000], "end": [0, 3000] }, { "start": [0, 3000], "end": [0, 0] } ], "wallHeight": 3000, "wallColor": "#ffffff", "floorColor": "#dcdcdc" } Here is how we define an object: { "client": {… }, "name": "cabinet with shelfs", "objectId": 63, /*with this ID you can connect an item with an object*/ "position": "[0, 2530, 170]&quo...
Sziasztok, Keresek egy olyan kreatív és dinamikus segítőt aki: ⤵️ - segít videózásban egy oktatóanyag felvételében, esetleges utómunkáiban (nem gondolom, hogy sok lesz, nyelvoktatás a to...van valakiben ehhez kapacitás, affinitás és rendelkezik az ehhez szükséges eszközökkel ( jó minőségű kamera, mikrofon, fények stb ) akkor nagyon - nagyon megköszönöm nagyon ha kaphatok egy árajánlatot és egy pár soros bemutatkozást. A felvétel elején míg minden beállításra kerül, addig ott kell lenned, de utána nem kell jelen lenni csak mikor végez...
For example : import { classNamesHelper } from '@archibald/client'; import CategoryName from '@components/atoms/category-name/CategoryName'; import Icon from '@components/atoms/icon/Icon'; import Link, { LinkType } from '@components/atoms/link/Link'; import ShowMoreButton from '@components/atoms/show-more/ShowMoreButton'; import Classes from '@components/organisms/product-listing/facets/category/tree/item/'; import { getSearchPathObject } from '@helpers/search'; import { CategoryHierarchy } from '@interfaces/base/category'; import { IconType } from '@constants'; import { useState } from 'react'; interface ICategoryItem { category: CategoryHierarchy; currentCategoryId: stri...
...assesment benchmark feldolgozása, grafikus megjelenítése (dB struktúra, recordset minta, űrlap minták, tervek elérhetők). Tech: linux, mySQL, MariaDB, 7.4PHP, Apache, Joomla Platform 13.xx. Fabrik comp. PILOT alatt mindössze 2-3 nettó nap kapacitásra van szükségünk (egyeztetés és a kérdéseitek vagy javaslatok alapján lehet több is) Feladat befejezés Augusztus közepéig. A munkavégzés full remote (zoom meetingek, telefon) . Több infóért a feladatmegértés pontosítása miatt már ehéten interjúkat szerveznénk. Kölcsönös elégedetts&...
...consultants who can help you understand the objectives of your project and develop the most suitable strategy. Customized solutions: We understand that every client is unique, and therefore we tailor each project to their specific needs. Based on individual requirements, we create an optimal project description that supports the achievement of successful results. Quality and precision: We prioritize delivering excellent quality work and meeting deadlines. Our project writing is based on thorough research and accurate information gathering to ensure the highest level of quality. Flexibility: We are flexible in our working methods. We offer remote work options that allow you to collaborate with us comfortably from anywhere. Affordable prices: We believe in providing qual...
+ 12 hónap Full remote QA software testing tapasztalat, min 2 év API Tesztelés
ASP.NET Developer pozíció! Szakembert kereső ügyfelünk egy angol-ír tulajdonú fintech vállalat. (Az csatolt budget-értéket kérem ne vegye figyelembe, az ezzel kacsolatos részletek megállapodás szerint alakulnak!) A pozíció részletei: - remote munkavégzés - kontraktori jogviszony - minimum 6 hónapos projektre (hosszabbítható akár 18 hónapra is) Elvárások: - C# / ASP.NET -ben minimum 3 éves tapasztalat - MVC, Web API ismeretek - Számlaképesség - Kommunikáció képes angol nyelvtudás Feladat: - Egy már meglévő alkamazás új v...
Fintech Web app MVP developmenthez keresünk freelance frontend codert. Projekt munkáról van szó, nem szükségszerűen full-time (eddig jellemzően heti 10 és 30 óra között raktunk bele munkát). A meglevő kódot én raktam össze, de a jövőben más projekten kell dolgoznom, és eb...kódot én raktam össze, de a jövőben más projekten kell dolgoznom, és ebben mint lead dev maradnék csak benne (megbeszéljük a feature requesteket és átnézem a PR -ket). Kb. 6-8 heti munka van még hátra az első public release -ig, a folytatás ezután közös döntés alapján. Stack: Must: ...
Feladat: - Piacvezető telematikai megoldásszállító vállalatnál új on premise Data Lake architektúra kialakítása - Dokumentum orientált telematikai adatcsomagok kezelése nagy tömegben, billiós (101...NET connectors, data management APIs, querying, data security, diagnosztika, dev/test sandboxes Amit várunk - Releváns szakmai kompetenciák, munkatapasztalat és projekt referenciák - A megvalósítás és bevezetés szakmai motorja - Asszertív kommunikáció, prezentációs készség Amit kínálunk: - 3+ hónapos intenzív projekt munka - Vállalkozói sze...
...skills (Java) - Algorithms, data stuctures - Object Oriented programming - Version control (git) - Agile software development (Scrum) - Spring framework (Spring DI, Spring MVC, Spring Security, - Spring data, Thyemeleaf) - REST - JPA Munkavégzés helye: Budapest, 3. kerület Our company deals with Junior Programmer training, where our trainers are mainly freelancer developers. What we offer: - flexible working hours (up to 1-2 times a week, but full-time work) - start-up, youthful, cheerful office - competitive salary - youthful, good-looking team Knowledge required for work: - Basic programming skills (Java) - Algorithms, data stuctures - Object Oriented programming - Version control (git) - Agile software development (S...
A DiabTrend startup kreatív csapata angol és német nyelven tudó fordítót és lektorálót keres. Elvégezendő munkatevékenységek: - Social media felületeken (Facebook, Instagram) m...fordítót és lektorálót keres. Elvégezendő munkatevékenységek: - Social media felületeken (Facebook, Instagram) megjelenő posztok, hirdetések fordítása; - Angol és német nyelven válaszadás az ügyfelek kérdéseire, kommentjeire; - Marketing anyagok, konkrétan a DiabTrend cikkei és az applikáció bizonyos részeinek fordítása és...
Cégünk a magyar és nemzetközi számítástechnikai piacon SAP vállalatirányítási rendszerek bevezetésével, üzemeltetésével és tanácsadással foglalkozik. Üzleti partnereink között mind a magyar kö...migrációs feladatok támogatása Elvárások: • SAP logisztika modultanácsadói tapasztalat • Aktív középfokú angol nyelvtudás (szóban, írásban egyaránt) • MM vagy SD vagy WM ismerete • projekt során önálló munkavégzés • folyamatos rendelkezésre állás- hossz&...
Cégünk a magyar és nemzetközi számítástechnikai piacon SAP vállalatirányítási rendszerek bevezetésével, üzemeltetésével és tanácsadással foglalkozik. Üzleti partnereink között mind a magyar középvállalati ...fejlesztői munkák ütemezése • Ügyféligények felmérése- folyamatos kapcsolattartás az ügyfelekkel Elvárások: • ABAP mellett SAP modulok ismerete • aktív, középfokú angol nyelvtudás (szóban, írásban egyaránt) • széles technológiai tapasztalat • hossz&ua...
Email marketing beállítása - kezelése, részletek privát üzenetben. Setting up email marketing client for automated emails. Details in private
Hello! Erdeklodni szeretnek, hogy tudnal-e olyan windows desktop applikaciot irni, ami kulonbozo poker kliensekbol nyitja meg a poker asztalokat?Van egy kliens, amit QT kodolast hasznal es injection-t kene alkalmazni. koszi David
Desktop alkalmazás fejlesztéséhez keresünk wxWidgets használatában jártas C++ fejlesztőt. Az elkészülő kódnak Windows, OSX és Linux platformokon kell futnia. Igény: - több éves C++ fejlesztési tapasztalat - wxWidgets könyvtár ismerete Előny: - keresztplatformos fejlesztésben szerzett tapasztalat - felhasználói felület kialakításában szerzett tapasztalat. (Megjegyzés: Magyarországon élő embert keresünk, több személyes találkozó lebonyolítása miatt.)
...viszont - az installálást követően meglévő adatbázisok betöltése, áttöltése, valamint - a szerver biztonságos felkonfigurálása, - esetleges feltörés, vagy hardverhiba esetén a szerver gyors visszaállíthatósága - adatveszés elkerülése végett archiválások megoldása - folyamatos üzemelés A hardverkonfiguráció adottnak tekintendő: - i5 2.8G CPU - 16G RAM - 2x1TB Server HDD párban - 2x1TB Desktop HDD párban Jelentkezni feladat-, és ütemtervvel, valamint szakmai önéletrajzzal, vagy rövid cégismertetővel, valamint referenci...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a bot for a Windows desktop application. The bot should be able to interact with the application, solve ReCAPTCHA challenges, and select desired items from drop-down lists. Key Requirements: - Experience in bot development for desktop applications is essential. - Proficiency in Windows operating system. - Familiarity with ReCAPTCHA and techniques to bypass it. - Capability to program the bot to select items from drop-down lists. Your expertise in these areas will be crucial for the success of this project. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.
...details to designated Telegram and Discord channels. Ensure posts include the product title, price (Amazon and other platforms), and a review link from our discussion thread on Discord. Categorize posts based on product type, availability (e.g., India-only products), or platform source. Automatically post trending products if available on our subscribed affiliate websites. Customization & Control: Option to edit product details before posting. Ability to set posting schedules (instant or scheduled posting). Support for multiple Telegram and Discord channels with category-based posting. Dashboard or configuration file to manage filters, channels, and posting rules. AI-generated product descriptions and reviews for better engagement. Performance & Security: Ensur... This site will need to include the following pages and functionalities: Website Pages: - About Us: This page will detail our company's mission, vision, and team. - Services: Here we will showcase our offerings in a clear and engaging way. - Contact Us: This page will provide our contact details and a map to our office. Key Functions: - Lead Generation Form: This will capture potential client information and interest. - Live Chat Support: A function that allows for real-time communication with website visitors. - Booking/Appointment System: This will enable clients to schedule appointments directly through the site. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in corporate website development. - Proficiency in integrating live chat support...
I am seeking 100 Desktop Engineers for a 1-week project in Hyderabad and Vizag. The engineers will primarily be working in a corporate office setting. Key Responsibilities: - Troubleshooting hardware issues - Software installation and updates Ideal Candidates: - No special certifications are required - Proven experience in a corporate office setting is preferred - Exceptional problem-solving skills - Proficiency in software installation and hardware troubleshooting Please note, the engineers will not need any special certifications such as A+ or Microsoft certification. The task is mainly focused on hardware troubleshooting and software updates.
I need a skilled React.js developer to enhance my existing website's print functio...should be disabled - Right-click should be disabled - Developer tools (F12) should be disabled Requirements for the job include: - Expertise in React.js - Knowledge of browser security limitations and JavaScript techniques for UI control - Experience handling print functionality customization in browsers The job involves: - Supporting all major browsers - Modifying the print functionality for specific pages only - Keeping the print layout the same as the on-screen display Freelancers with a strong background in React.js and demonstrable experience in UI control and print customization are preferred. Your understanding of browser security limitations will be key in implementing the n...
...working with Node.js and (minimum 2-3 years). - Strong understanding of JavaScript/TypeScript and backend development principles. - Experience with RESTful APIs, GraphQL, and microservices architecture. - Familiarity with databases such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, or MongoDB. - Knowledge of authentication and authorization mechanisms (e.g., JWT, OAuth). - Experience with version control systems (e.g., Git). - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail. - Excellent communication skills and ability to work independently or in a team. Preferred Skills (Optional but a Plus): - Experience with cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. - Knowledge of Docker and containerization. - Familiarity with CI/CD pipelines. - Experience with testing ...
Job Description article will be prepared in a format to be published in q3 or q4 journals. 2. the article will be a meta-analysis article; all studies will be studies conducted between 2020-2025 from web of scien, pubmed, google scholer, EBSCO, OVID, Med-line databases controlled trials retrospective or prospective cohort studies, case control studies will be included 5. all analyzed cases included in the study will be cases diagnosed with sleep apnea 6. sleep apnea cases will include all obstructive central and mix type cases and subgroup analyzes will be performed 6. the subjects analyzed in the study will be divided into 2 groups as CPAP users and non-CPAP users 7. the study will be an article examining the effects of CPAP /BPAP therapy applied in addition
Milestone 1: 15000 INR User Management & Roles (Week 1-2) Admin can create user accounts and assign roles. Role-based access control (restrict searches and model access). Admin can create and manage AI models via OpenAI API. Users can log in, view models, and start chatting.
I'm seeking an experienced PLC Programmer with a minimum of 5 years in Automation and Robotic applications. The ideal candidate should possess in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience with PLC, HMI, SCADA ladder programming and logic design, particularly with brands such as Omron,, including Modbus, RS232, and Ethernet TCP/IP - Essential Skills and Experience: - Thorough understanding of PLC, HMI, SCADA - Hands-on experience with Omron, Delta, Mitsubishi, Allen Bradley, Siemens - Knowledge of Servo Motor and Stepper Motor drivers - Familiarity with communication protocols like Modbus, RS232, Ethernet TCP/IP - Proficiency in designing and drawing electrical control circuits using AUTOCAD - Ability to select components based on logic and create a Bill of ...
...businesses globally. We are now seeking to grow our presence in the Tunisia market. Key Responsibilities: Identify and engage potential B2B clients, including wholesalers, retailers, and manufacturers in the furniture and hardware sectors. Build and maintain strong relationships with key decision-makers to secure orders and partnerships. Act as a sourcing agent, identifying market trends and client needs, and communicating these insights to our team. Promote our range of furniture fittings, demonstrating their value and quality to potential buyers. Meet sales targets and contribute to the growth of the company in the Tunisia region. Requirements: Proven experience in B2B sales, sourcing, or a similar role within the furniture, hardware, or fittings industry. Strong network of...
I'm looking for a seasoned developer to create a custom integration with Zoom for my project. This will involve connecting the integration to a website, mobile app and a desktop application. Key Requirements: - Custom Zoom integration primarily focused on user authentication - Developer should demonstrate prior experience with Zoom API - Full integration with a website, mobile app and desktop application Skills Needed: - Proficiency in relevant programming languages (JavaScript, Python, etc.) - Experience with Zoom SDK and API - Strong understanding of custom user authentication systems - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail
I'm in need of a seasoned Business Development Executive to help my HR firm increase its client base, specifically targeting the manufacturing sector. The ideal candidate will be skilled in cold calling and have a proven track record in business development. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and pursue new business opportunities within the manufacturing industry. - Utilize cold calling as the primary method of client acquisition. - Develop and maintain a robust pipeline of potential clients. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional cold calling and communication skills. - Experience in HR and/or the manufacturing industry. - Strong business development and networking abilities. - Proficiency in client relationship management.
...intuitive, and optimized for remote control navigation. • The interface should work smoothly on both low and high-resolution displays. • I agree with having dedicated tabs for Movies, Games, Marketplace, and other features. • Would love to see a wireframe concept from you to visualize how the navigation will work. - Offline & Online Content Management: • Offline Users: • Can access preloaded content only (movies, games, music). • Limited to basic information such as taxi services, restaurant details, and nightclub phone numbers & addresses. • Marketplace listings will be available but without real-time updates (only weekly updates). • All updates will be done manually by a technician using a USB flash drive or external hard d...
...Integrate payment processing so that customers can pay for reservations online. Reservation & Delivery: Set up the reservation system to handle bookings, including delivery scheduling. Ensure notifications and confirmations are automated for a seamless customer experience. Customization & Template Tweaks: Customize the provided template to align with our brand identity. Optimize the site for both desktop and mobile usage. Deliverables: A fully operational Booqable website with complete product listings. Integrated e-commerce and reservation system ready for live transactions. Customizations that reflect our brand and improve user experience. Documentation and a brief training session (or guide) on managing and updating the site post-launch. Required Skills & Experien...
I'm seeking a talented web developer who can create a full-scale, modern and minimalistic portfolio website for me. Key elements of the project: - The website should be designed with a clean, simple aesthetic that aligns with modern minimalistic design principles. - While I haven't specified particular elements for the site, there's potential to integrate features such as an image gallery, client testimonials and an about me section. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proven experience in full-scale website development. - A strong portfolio of modern and minimalistic design work. - Excellent understanding of user experience design principles. Please include relevant examples of your work in your proposal.
...The application should also have control buttons to send commands to the Pico. Key Requirements: - Design a single-page dashboard GUI with a combination of icon-based and text-based control buttons. - Visualize the following sensor data as numerical values: - Accelerometer Sensor: X, Y, Z values - Gyroscope Sensor: Angular Velocity - Magnetometer Sensor: Magnetic Field Data - Implement a Command & Control Section with on/off, reboot/reset, and docking activation status buttons. - Create a Battery Status Panel, Communication status, Position & Orientation Panel, and a Data Transmission Panel. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in C# and experience in GUI development. - Familiarity with Raspberry Pi Pico W and C++. - Previous experience in creating c...
...customers. 5. Warranty & AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) Management ✅ Customers can check the warranty status of their products. ✅ Option for customers to renew AMC plans online. 6. Reports & Analytics ✅ Admin dashboard with insights on: Total repairs handled. Revenue generated. Average repair time. ✅ Downloadable reports for analysis. Additional Requirements: ✔ Responsive Web Design – Works on desktop and mobile browsers. ✔ User-Friendly UI/UX – Clean and easy-to-use interface. ✔ Automated Notifications – SMS/Email updates for customers. ✔ Secure & Scalable System – Fast and reliable performance. Freelancer Requirements: ? Must have experience in developing web-based service management systems. ? Prior experience in payment gateway inte...
I'm looking for a Windows compatible, straightforward billing software tailored for a tattoo business. This software should primarily focus on invoice generation. Key Features: - Manual and automati...compatible, straightforward billing software tailored for a tattoo business. This software should primarily focus on invoice generation. Key Features: - Manual and automatic invoice generation: The software should facilitate both manual and automatic invoicing. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Windows software development. - Experience in creating billing or invoicing software. - Good understanding of client database management systems, even though it is not a primary requirement. I'm looking for a freelancer who can deliver a simple, user-friendly solution that meets t...
We need a developer to integrate and set up two connected AI platforms: 1. Lunara () – A voice AI agent constructor similar to ElevenLabs. Users select AI models (DeepSeek, ChatGPT, Gemini 2.0), train them, choose ...AI agents to handle phone conversations. Includes a user dashboard, analytics, and automated campaign management. Key Tasks: ✅ API integrations: DeepSeek, ChatGPT, Gemini 2.0, Azure Speech, Google Cloud, Twilio. ✅ Develop an AI training interface and widget embedding system. ✅ Set up a user-friendly dashboard for AI configuration and call management. ✅ Implement automated payment and access control. ✅ Ensure a scalable and secure architecture. Looking for an experienced full-stack developer with expertise in AI, API integration, and Twilio.
I'm looking for a freelancer who can design a modern Proposify template for me. Once the template is designed, I need you to merge it with my database to create personalized proposals. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Proposify and template design - Experience with data merging and automation - Understanding of modern design aesthetics What You'll Need to Merge: - Client details - Destination Airport Data Sheet - Airlines Data sheets Skills & Experience: - Copy and graphic design - Proficient in modern design techniques - Ability to suggest color schemes and design elements based on best practices - Strong attention to detail to ensure all proposals are personalized and professionally presented.
...3. Agent Functionality: Agent Management: Create agents and assign direct dialing numbers from the DIDs. Create agents for internal calling with SIP-based outgoing calls. Restrict international dialing to specific agents. Click-to-Call API: Provide an API to enable Click-to-Call functionality. Support parameter-based configuration to specify whether the agent or customer number is dialed first. Remote Agent Support: Allow agents to connect remotely via a dialer and perform all call-related functions. Call Conferencing: Enable agents to create conference calls with multiple participants, including PSTN numbers and internal extensions. 4. Monitoring and Supervision: Live Call Monitoring: Authorized managers should be able to monitor live calls. Managers should have a whisper featu...
I'm a registered massage therapist pivoting into a multi-faceted healing and coaching service. I need an expert to help me transform my incomplete Wix site into an attracting and engaging platform. Key Requirements: - Redesign the existing site into a calm, soothing, and professional space that reflects the nature of my services. - Complete the site with all essential components a good website should have, including SEO, functional links, etc. - Showcase all my services: Massage therapy, Unconscious mind work, and Hypnosis healing etc. Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in Wix website development. - Strong understanding of SEO practices. - Previous experience in creating websites for wellness or coaching professionals will be an advantage. - Excellent design skills to create a ...
...service that allows remote monitoring and software/script deployment via a secure web-based control panel. The system should enable real-time device tracking, software updates, and task automation across multiple endpoints efficiently. This solution is intended for IT administrators and business users who need a streamlined approach to managing remote systems, deploying updates, and monitoring system health. ⸻ Project Requirements 1. Windows Background Service • Runs silently in the background as a system service. • Auto-starts with Windows on system boot. • Receives and executes automated updates or scripts sent from the control panel. • Secure, encrypted communication with the web panel. • Lightweight and optimized for mini...
Job Description Job title: Content Marketing Manager India Overview and purpose of the role The Content Marketing Manager India is responsible for implementing under supervision of the Marketing Manager India, the local content strategy in the country. This content strategy will be based on the global Solplane...accuracy and consistency in content creation, branding, and campaign execution. • Customer-Centric Mindset: Keeps the target audience at the core of all content marketing strategies and decisions. • Problem-Solving Skills: Proactively identifies challenges and implements effective Work setup • Freelance contract • 3 to 6 months contract with the potential to extend • Full-time or part time • Remote work mode • Preferably located in ti...
I need a candlestick pattern identifier for the Forex market that can recognize bullish and bearish patterns. It should operate across all time frames - daily, hourly, and every 15 minutes. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Forex trading and understanding of candlestick patterns - Experience in developing desktop applications - Knowledge of data analysis and pattern recognition algorithms - Ability to code for real-time data processing - Familiarity with user-friendly interface design Please bid if you can create a tool that meets these specifications.
I'm looking for a professional to design a corporate HTML email signature for me. The signature needs to be compatible with Office 365 both on desktop and web version. Key requirements include: - Incorporation of our company logo, social media icons and a compliance disclaimer into the signature - A clean, corporate design style - Inclusion of my phone number, email address and office address Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in HTML coding and email signature design, with a keen eye for corporate branding. Social media icons should be designed in a uniform style, in line with our company branding. Compliance disclaimer should be seamlessly integrated into the design. Previous samples of corporate email signatures will be highly regarded.
I need a skilled developer to urgently fix my e-commerce site's menu issues. Key Requirements: - Fix responsive menu problems, specifically with disappearing dropdown menu items between mobile and desktop - Replicate the menu style from - Ensure the menu behaves identically on both mobile and desktop Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with WooCommerce and e-commerce site development - Proven track record of fixing responsive menu issues - Ability to replicate complex menu styles If you're available to start immediately, please let me know your availability, rate, and estimated timeline for completion. I look forward to your prompt response. Best regards
... particularly concerning tracking, have been partially successful in various ways, though no single attempt was operationally successful all the way through. Those attempts are systematically broken down in the separate documentation, including displaying whatever code I have for reference and potential use or reuse. I need to be able to work with and test any new efforts on my (Windows) desktop. Desktop and web versions are ultimately planned, and where a mobile version can be considered a bit later. So a programming language(s) that might work most effectively under this scenario may be helpful. Since not fully successful yet, to some degree I am still seeking a relatively basic version of the needed application that can at least operate sufficiently all the way through...
...a comprehensive taxi management application, compatible with both web and mobile platforms. The application should have three user interfaces: an Admin interface, a Driver interface, and a Customer interface. Key Features: - Taxi management: Oversee vehicle availability, maintenance schedules, and assignments. - Driver management: Handle driver profiles, schedules, and performance metrics. - Client management: Maintain customer databases and preferences. - Call management: Manage incoming service requests and dispatching. - Zone management: Define operational areas and optimize coverage. - Ride management: Track trip details, statuses, and histories. - Payment processing: Facilitate fare calculations and transactions. - Cost estimation: Provide fare estimates based on distance,...
I'm looking for a developer to create a Live Chat system for my WordPress site. The functionality should be similar to the LiveChat plugin, covering: - Chat and Monitoring - Asynchronous Communication - Statistics and Reports - Engagement - Customization - Management The chat system should also be accessible via a mobile app, allowing support agents to respond to client inquiries on-the-go. Access to the chat functionalities will be required for: - Customer Support Agents - Admins - Students Experience with WordPress plugin development and mobile app integration is essential. Understanding of customer service software and chat systems will be a significant advantage. I want to develop the chat to make it free to use as the chat plugins generally have a monthly fee.
I'm looking for an expert in Ansible to facilitate the deployment of my core PHP (MySQL) and Spring Boot Angular (PostgreSQL) projects. The setup will be on a central Ubuntu server, from which deployments will be managed across both QA and Production envir...Automate code deployment, database setup and migration, as well as service restart and monitoring. - Ensure seamless integration with my Git-based code repositories. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Ansible and Ubuntu server management. - Solid experience with core PHP, MySQL, Spring Boot and Angular. - Expertise in PostgreSQL and service monitoring tools. - Strong understanding of Git and version control systems. I'm looking for a freelancer with a proven track record in this area who can ensure a smooth and efficient...