Remote control sparkmunkák
Sziasztok, Keresek egy olyan kreatív és dinamikus segítőt aki: ⤵️ - segít videózásban egy oktatóanyag felvételében, esetleges utómunkáiban (nem gondolom, hogy sok lesz, nyelvoktatás a to...van valakiben ehhez kapacitás, affinitás és rendelkezik az ehhez szükséges eszközökkel ( jó minőségű kamera, mikrofon, fények stb ) akkor nagyon - nagyon megköszönöm nagyon ha kaphatok egy árajánlatot és egy pár soros bemutatkozást. A felvétel elején míg minden beállításra kerül, addig ott kell lenned, de utána nem kell jelen lenni csak mikor végez...
...assesment benchmark feldolgozása, grafikus megjelenítése (dB struktúra, recordset minta, űrlap minták, tervek elérhetők). Tech: linux, mySQL, MariaDB, 7.4PHP, Apache, Joomla Platform 13.xx. Fabrik comp. PILOT alatt mindössze 2-3 nettó nap kapacitásra van szükségünk (egyeztetés és a kérdéseitek vagy javaslatok alapján lehet több is) Feladat befejezés Augusztus közepéig. A munkavégzés full remote (zoom meetingek, telefon) . Több infóért a feladatmegértés pontosítása miatt már ehéten interjúkat szerveznénk. Kölcsönös elégedetts&...
...individual requirements, we create an optimal project description that supports the achievement of successful results. Quality and precision: We prioritize delivering excellent quality work and meeting deadlines. Our project writing is based on thorough research and accurate information gathering to ensure the highest level of quality. Flexibility: We are flexible in our working methods. We offer remote work options that allow you to collaborate with us comfortably from anywhere. Affordable prices: We believe in providing quality services at accessible prices. With our flexible pricing policy and competitive rates, we ensure that you receive solutions that align with your budget. Contact us today to discuss your project writing needs! We are eager to assist you in developing ...
+ 12 hónap Full remote QA software testing tapasztalat, min 2 év API Tesztelés
ASP.NET Developer pozíció! Szakembert kereső ügyfelünk egy angol-ír tulajdonú fintech vállalat. (Az csatolt budget-értéket kérem ne vegye figyelembe, az ezzel kacsolatos részletek megállapodás szerint alakulnak!) A pozíció részletei: - remote munkavégzés - kontraktori jogviszony - minimum 6 hónapos projektre (hosszabbítható akár 18 hónapra is) Elvárások: - C# / ASP.NET -ben minimum 3 éves tapasztalat - MVC, Web API ismeretek - Számlaképesség - Kommunikáció képes angol nyelvtudás Feladat: - Egy már meglévő alkamazás új v...
Fintech Web app MVP developmenthez keresünk freelance frontend codert. Projekt munkáról van szó, nem szükségszerűen full-time (eddig jellemzően heti 10 és 30 óra között raktunk bele munkát). A meglevő kódot én raktam össze, de a jövőben más projekten kell dolgoznom, és eb...kódot én raktam össze, de a jövőben más projekten kell dolgoznom, és ebben mint lead dev maradnék csak benne (megbeszéljük a feature requesteket és átnézem a PR -ket). Kb. 6-8 heti munka van még hátra az első public release -ig, a folytatás ezután közös döntés alapján. Stack: Must: ...
Feladat: - Piacvezető telematikai megoldásszállító vállalatnál új on premise Data Lake architektúra kialakítása - Dokumentum orientált telematikai adatcsomagok kezelése nagy tömegben, billiós (101...NET connectors, data management APIs, querying, data security, diagnosztika, dev/test sandboxes Amit várunk - Releváns szakmai kompetenciák, munkatapasztalat és projekt referenciák - A megvalósítás és bevezetés szakmai motorja - Asszertív kommunikáció, prezentációs készség Amit kínálunk: - 3+ hónapos intenzív projekt munka - Vállalkozói sze...
...skills (Java) - Algorithms, data stuctures - Object Oriented programming - Version control (git) - Agile software development (Scrum) - Spring framework (Spring DI, Spring MVC, Spring Security, - Spring data, Thyemeleaf) - REST - JPA Munkavégzés helye: Budapest, 3. kerület Our company deals with Junior Programmer training, where our trainers are mainly freelancer developers. What we offer: - flexible working hours (up to 1-2 times a week, but full-time work) - start-up, youthful, cheerful office - competitive salary - youthful, good-looking team Knowledge required for work: - Basic programming skills (Java) - Algorithms, data stuctures - Object Oriented programming - Version control (git) - Agile software development (S...
A DiabTrend startup kreatív csapata angol és német nyelven tudó fordítót és lektorálót keres. Elvégezendő munkatevékenységek: - Social media felületeken (Facebook, Instagram) m...fordítót és lektorálót keres. Elvégezendő munkatevékenységek: - Social media felületeken (Facebook, Instagram) megjelenő posztok, hirdetések fordítása; - Angol és német nyelven válaszadás az ügyfelek kérdéseire, kommentjeire; - Marketing anyagok, konkrétan a DiabTrend cikkei és az applikáció bizonyos részeinek fordítása és...
Cégünk a magyar és nemzetközi számítástechnikai piacon SAP vállalatirányítási rendszerek bevezetésével, üzemeltetésével és tanácsadással foglalkozik. Üzleti partnereink között mind a magyar kö...migrációs feladatok támogatása Elvárások: • SAP logisztika modultanácsadói tapasztalat • Aktív középfokú angol nyelvtudás (szóban, írásban egyaránt) • MM vagy SD vagy WM ismerete • projekt során önálló munkavégzés • folyamatos rendelkezésre állás- hossz&...
Cégünk a magyar és nemzetközi számítástechnikai piacon SAP vállalatirányítási rendszerek bevezetésével, üzemeltetésével és tanácsadással foglalkozik. Üzleti partnereink között mind a magyar középvállalati ...fejlesztői munkák ütemezése • Ügyféligények felmérése- folyamatos kapcsolattartás az ügyfelekkel Elvárások: • ABAP mellett SAP modulok ismerete • aktív, középfokú angol nyelvtudás (szóban, írásban egyaránt) • széles technológiai tapasztalat • hossz&ua...
...details to designated Telegram and Discord channels. Ensure posts include the product title, price (Amazon and other platforms), and a review link from our discussion thread on Discord. Categorize posts based on product type, availability (e.g., India-only products), or platform source. Automatically post trending products if available on our subscribed affiliate websites. Customization & Control: Option to edit product details before posting. Ability to set posting schedules (instant or scheduled posting). Support for multiple Telegram and Discord channels with category-based posting. Dashboard or configuration file to manage filters, channels, and posting rules. AI-generated product descriptions and reviews for better engagement. Performance & Security: Ensur...
I need a skilled React.js developer to enhance my existing website's print functio...should be disabled - Right-click should be disabled - Developer tools (F12) should be disabled Requirements for the job include: - Expertise in React.js - Knowledge of browser security limitations and JavaScript techniques for UI control - Experience handling print functionality customization in browsers The job involves: - Supporting all major browsers - Modifying the print functionality for specific pages only - Keeping the print layout the same as the on-screen display Freelancers with a strong background in React.js and demonstrable experience in UI control and print customization are preferred. Your understanding of browser security limitations will be key in implementing the n...
...working with Node.js and (minimum 2-3 years). - Strong understanding of JavaScript/TypeScript and backend development principles. - Experience with RESTful APIs, GraphQL, and microservices architecture. - Familiarity with databases such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, or MongoDB. - Knowledge of authentication and authorization mechanisms (e.g., JWT, OAuth). - Experience with version control systems (e.g., Git). - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail. - Excellent communication skills and ability to work independently or in a team. Preferred Skills (Optional but a Plus): - Experience with cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. - Knowledge of Docker and containerization. - Familiarity with CI/CD pipelines. - Experience with testing ...
Job Description article will be prepared in a format to be published in q3 or q4 journals. 2. the article will be a meta-analysis article; all studies will be studies conducted between 2020-2025 from web of scien, pubmed, google scholer, EBSCO, OVID, Med-line databases controlled trials retrospective or prospective cohort studies, case control studies will be included 5. all analyzed cases included in the study will be cases diagnosed with sleep apnea 6. sleep apnea cases will include all obstructive central and mix type cases and subgroup analyzes will be performed 6. the subjects analyzed in the study will be divided into 2 groups as CPAP users and non-CPAP users 7. the study will be an article examining the effects of CPAP /BPAP therapy applied in addition
Milestone 1: 15000 INR User Management & Roles (Week 1-2) Admin can create user accounts and assign roles. Role-based access control (restrict searches and model access). Admin can create and manage AI models via OpenAI API. Users can log in, view models, and start chatting.
I'm seeking an experienced PLC Programmer with a minimum of 5 years in Automation and Robotic applications. The ideal candidate should possess in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience with PLC, HMI, SCADA ladder programming and logic design, particularly with brands such as Omron,, including Modbus, RS232, and Ethernet TCP/IP - Essential Skills and Experience: - Thorough understanding of PLC, HMI, SCADA - Hands-on experience with Omron, Delta, Mitsubishi, Allen Bradley, Siemens - Knowledge of Servo Motor and Stepper Motor drivers - Familiarity with communication protocols like Modbus, RS232, Ethernet TCP/IP - Proficiency in designing and drawing electrical control circuits using AUTOCAD - Ability to select components based on logic and create a Bill of ...
...intuitive, and optimized for remote control navigation. • The interface should work smoothly on both low and high-resolution displays. • I agree with having dedicated tabs for Movies, Games, Marketplace, and other features. • Would love to see a wireframe concept from you to visualize how the navigation will work. - Offline & Online Content Management: • Offline Users: • Can access preloaded content only (movies, games, music). • Limited to basic information such as taxi services, restaurant details, and nightclub phone numbers & addresses. • Marketplace listings will be available but without real-time updates (only weekly updates). • All updates will be done manually by a technician using a USB flash drive or external hard d...
...The application should also have control buttons to send commands to the Pico. Key Requirements: - Design a single-page dashboard GUI with a combination of icon-based and text-based control buttons. - Visualize the following sensor data as numerical values: - Accelerometer Sensor: X, Y, Z values - Gyroscope Sensor: Angular Velocity - Magnetometer Sensor: Magnetic Field Data - Implement a Command & Control Section with on/off, reboot/reset, and docking activation status buttons. - Create a Battery Status Panel, Communication status, Position & Orientation Panel, and a Data Transmission Panel. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in C# and experience in GUI development. - Familiarity with Raspberry Pi Pico W and C++. - Previous experience in creating c...
We need a developer to integrate and set up two connected AI platforms: 1. Lunara () – A voice AI agent constructor similar to ElevenLabs. Users select AI models (DeepSeek, ChatGPT, Gemini 2.0), train them, choose ...AI agents to handle phone conversations. Includes a user dashboard, analytics, and automated campaign management. Key Tasks: ✅ API integrations: DeepSeek, ChatGPT, Gemini 2.0, Azure Speech, Google Cloud, Twilio. ✅ Develop an AI training interface and widget embedding system. ✅ Set up a user-friendly dashboard for AI configuration and call management. ✅ Implement automated payment and access control. ✅ Ensure a scalable and secure architecture. Looking for an experienced full-stack developer with expertise in AI, API integration, and Twilio.
...3. Agent Functionality: Agent Management: Create agents and assign direct dialing numbers from the DIDs. Create agents for internal calling with SIP-based outgoing calls. Restrict international dialing to specific agents. Click-to-Call API: Provide an API to enable Click-to-Call functionality. Support parameter-based configuration to specify whether the agent or customer number is dialed first. Remote Agent Support: Allow agents to connect remotely via a dialer and perform all call-related functions. Call Conferencing: Enable agents to create conference calls with multiple participants, including PSTN numbers and internal extensions. 4. Monitoring and Supervision: Live Call Monitoring: Authorized managers should be able to monitor live calls. Managers should have a whisper featu...
...service that allows remote monitoring and software/script deployment via a secure web-based control panel. The system should enable real-time device tracking, software updates, and task automation across multiple endpoints efficiently. This solution is intended for IT administrators and business users who need a streamlined approach to managing remote systems, deploying updates, and monitoring system health. ⸻ Project Requirements 1. Windows Background Service • Runs silently in the background as a system service. • Auto-starts with Windows on system boot. • Receives and executes automated updates or scripts sent from the control panel. • Secure, encrypted communication with the web panel. • Lightweight and optimized for mini...
Job Description Job title: Content Marketing Manager India Overview and purpose of the role The Content Marketing Manager India is responsible for implementing under supervision of the Marketing Manager India, the local content strategy in the country. This content strategy will be based on the global Solplane...accuracy and consistency in content creation, branding, and campaign execution. • Customer-Centric Mindset: Keeps the target audience at the core of all content marketing strategies and decisions. • Problem-Solving Skills: Proactively identifies challenges and implements effective Work setup • Freelance contract • 3 to 6 months contract with the potential to extend • Full-time or part time • Remote work mode • Preferably located in ti...
I'm looking for an expert in Ansible to facilitate the deployment of my core PHP (MySQL) and Spring Boot Angular (PostgreSQL) projects. The setup will be on a central Ubuntu server, from which deployments will be managed across both QA and Production envir...Automate code deployment, database setup and migration, as well as service restart and monitoring. - Ensure seamless integration with my Git-based code repositories. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Ansible and Ubuntu server management. - Solid experience with core PHP, MySQL, Spring Boot and Angular. - Expertise in PostgreSQL and service monitoring tools. - Strong understanding of Git and version control systems. I'm looking for a freelancer with a proven track record in this area who can ensure a smooth and efficient...
...Logisim-Evolution: A combinational logic circuit that performs 2-bit binary multiplication and displays the result on a 7-segment display. A sequential logic circuit that detects a specific bit sequence ("0111") using a finite state machine (FSM) of type Moore Key Requirements: Combinational Logic Design: Experience designing multipliers and display drivers. 7-Segment Display Control: Ability to generate appropriate control signals for segment activation. Sequential Logic Implementation: Knowledge of FSM design for pattern detection in a bitstream. Strong Problem-Solving Skills: Ability to optimize circuits using Boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps, and decoders/multiplexers. Deliverables: Circuit diagrams and implementations in Logisim-Evolution (.circ files). A te...
I am looking to develop a consulting services website, based on The main goal of this site is to generate leads for my marketing, HR, business development, quality control, accounting, and innovation consulting business. Key Features: - The site should encourage visitors to schedule consultations and sign up for a newsletter. - It should be SEO optimized and designed to attract potential clients who need a consultation for the above services. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web design and development, particularly with lead generation sites. - Strong knowledge of SEO and digital marketing strategies. - Experience creating user-friendly interfaces that encourage visitor engagement. - Knowledge of the marketing industry is a plus.
Descripción: Busco un desarrollador para crear una aplicación d...desarrollador para crear una aplicación de facturación e inventario dirigida a colmados y negocios independientes en República Dominicana (como tiendas de ropa, heladerías, etc.). La app debe permitir facturación simple, gestión básica de inventario y sincronización en la nube. Requisitos: • Compatible con Android y Web (PC/Navegador). • Interfaz intuitiva y fácil de usar. • Registro de ventas y control de inventario. • Sincronización en la nube para acceder desde cualquier dispositivo. • Opción para exportar reportes en Excel o PDF. Presupuesto: $1,000 Plazo estimado: 4-6 semanas Si puedes desar... a car, which lights up when the engine RPM crosses a set limit (5000 RPM in this case) Key Features: - A small, fixed marker is placed at the 5 on the RPM gauge to help detect the red needle movement. - The LED is powered by a battery. - The LED can change into different colors via an infrared remote, which I can also change. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Knowledge in LED circuitry and car compatibility. - Experience in creating battery-operated devices. - Proficiency in designing remote-controlled devices, particularly with infrared technology. - Ability to create a user-friendly interface for color change. This project requires attention to detail and a clear understanding of both automotive and electronic systems. Your ability to deliver a reliable, easy to ins...
...for speed, security, SEO, and mobile responsiveness. Excellent Communication Able to translate technical ideas into clear action steps. Willingness to participate in regular check-ins and adapt to feedback. Preferred Qualifications: Familiarity with UI/UX principles to create a visually appealing and user-friendly site. Background or interest in emerging AI technologies. Experience with version control (Git) and collaborative project management (like Jira or Trello)....
We’re Hiring a Social Media Ads Expert to Scale Our Brand! Are you a results-driven social media ads manager who can turn high-quality content into high-converting ad campaigns? Do you have experience scaling brands through Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn ads? If so, we want you on our team! Who We Are Success Can’t Buy Me Love is a fast-growing brand that helps high-achievers balance success and relationships. Our journal, coaching programs, and digital courses are designed for entrepreneurs and professionals who want to thrive in business without losing the people they love. We provide all the content—we need YOU to build, manage, and optimize our paid social campaigns. What You’ll Do ✅ Create, launch & optimize paid ad campaigns on Facebook, ...
I’m launching Trident, a next-gen AI-powered cybersecurity company, and I’m looking for a skilled individual who can develop ransomware protection solutions AND acquire high-ticket clients. This is a revenue-share opportunity, meaning you’ll earn a percentage of ev...client deal: You (Freelancer): ? 30% ($3,000 per client) Sales & Marketing (If needed): 20% ($2,000 per client) Me (Founder & CEO): 50% ($5,000 per client) ? This means if you close just 3 deals per month, you make $9K/month! Why Join? ? High-Earning Potential – No income cap, the more deals, the more you make! ? Build the Future of Cybersecurity – Work on cutting-edge AI security solutions ? Remote & Flexible – Work from anywhere and on your own schedule Apply now and...
... application. Ensure seamless integration with existing application architecture. Provide access control and security measures compliant with industry standards. Deliver a solution that supports high availability and disaster recovery. 3. Scope of Work 3.1 Planning & Design Assess current storage requirements and data management workflows. Define storage architecture and access policies. Design data flow and integration strategy with Azure Blob Storage. 3.2 Development & Integration Set up Azure Blob Storage containers and configure access policies. Develop APIs and middleware for to interact with Azure Blob Storage. Implement role-based access control (RBAC) and encryption protocols. Ensure integration with existing authentication mechan... media platforms (Instagram expertise required). Strong writing skills for newsletters and promotional content. Proficiency in [list tools/software, e.g., Microsoft Office, WordPress, social media schedulers, etc.]. Ability to communicate transparently, promptly, and precisely in a remote setting. Self-motivated with a commitment to safeguarding confidential information. [Optional: Experience with film festival submissions or production workflows a plus.] Work Arrangement: This is a remote position, requiring reliable internet access for seamless communication and task execution. Occasional travel may be required for film festivals, premieres, or other events; all trip expenses (travel, lodging, meals) will be fully covered by the production. Please track yo...
...LinkedIn. The primary focus of this role is lead generation with a bit of brand awareness. About the Company: Kyros AI is one of the fastest-growing EdTech startups, headquartered in Silicon Valley. As the world's first GPS for the educational journey, Kyros is an AI navigation system for college and career success, proven to 5x admissions rates at 1/10 the cost. About the Job: This is a contract remote role for a Social Media Manager at Kyros AI. The Social Media Manager will be responsible for creating engaging content, managing and growing the company's social media presence across channels, communicating brand messages effectively, developing content fluidly across mediums, and helping to build a robust partner ecosystem. Qualifications Social Media Marketing ...
We are seeking a part-time SEO expert to join our team for a long-term engagement. SEO Specialist (Part-Time, 20 hours/week) Company: Somer Design Location: Remote (Must be available during core UK office hours) Websites: • Somer Design • Care Connect Marketing We are looking for an SEO Specialist to manage our two company websites and our clients' SEO campaigns. You will be responsible for developing and implementing effective strategies that drive traffic, improve rankings, and increase conversions through organic search. Bonus: If you have experience running PPC (Google Ads) and Facebook Ads campaigns, that’s a huge plus! While SEO is the primary focus of this role, we’d love someone who can also support paid campaigns as needed.
Assistify Workforce Solution is seeking a results-driven Business Development Executive...relationship-building skills. ✔ Ability to work independently and meet sales targets. ✔ Experience in B2B sales and networking within the Chicago area. ✔ Familiarity with CRM tools, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, and cold outreach strategies. ? Compensation: ? Commission-Based Pay (Earn on every client you bring in!) ? Unlimited Earning Potential – The more clients you close, the higher your earnings. ? Remote Flexibility – Work from anywhere with strong client connections. ? How to Apply: If you are a motivated sales professional looking for a high-income opportunity, we’d love to hear from you! Please send your resume and a short introduction about your experience in lead gener...
We are looking for an RPA & Automation Analyst to support our intelligent automation projects. The ideal candidate will help map business processes, create Product Description Designs, and coordinate project updates. This role is FULLY REMOTE, and initially focused on RPA (Robotic Process Automation) but will expand into AI-driven automation in the near future. If you are passionate about automation, have experience working with RPA tools, and want to be part of cutting-edge AI automation projects, we’d love to hear from you! Responsibilities: Analyze and document business processes for automation opportunities. Develop Product Description Designs to define automation workflows. Work with developers and stakeholders to align requirements. Track and report project status ...
... 2. Infrastructure Setup - Configure Linux-based servers (Ubuntu/CentOS/Debian) . - Set up containerized environments using Docker & Kubernetes. - Implement CI/CD pipelines for automated deployments. 3. Installation & Configuration of Additional Components A. Document Management System (DMS) - Install and configure DMS for document storage. - Set up access control and version management for documents. B. BIM (Building Information Modeling) Integration - Integrate BIM models to visualize building structures. - Enable 3D asset visualization within CMDBuild/OpenMAINT. C. GeoServer Deployment - Install and configure GeoServer for GIS-based asset management. - Integrate map layers for geospatial asset visual...
Hello am looking to buiilt a remote desktop app or anything you can share , The app should be simple so i can acess client computers with their acess no unattended acess will be needed . Something like the download open app give code or password to connect and assist clients anywhere . It will be use mainly for computer repair or assistance for long distance compatibility mac , windows , ios , android. No teamviewer , anydesk etc something i can buy annually or one time go
... 2. Infrastructure Setup - Configure Linux-based servers (Ubuntu/CentOS/Debian) . - Set up containerized environments using Docker & Kubernetes. - Implement CI/CD pipelines for automated deployments. 3. Installation & Configuration of Additional Components A. Document Management System (DMS) - Install and configure DMS for document storage. - Set up access control and version management for documents. B. BIM (Building Information Modeling) Integration - Integrate BIM models to visualize building structures. - Enable 3D asset visualization within CMDBuild/OpenMAINT. C. GeoServer Deployment - Install and configure GeoServer for GIS-based asset management. - Integrate map layers for geospatial asset visual...
If you have never done this exact same task before , dont bid. I'm seeking a seasoned developer with extensive experience in WooCommerce, Git, and Bedrock to facilitate the synchronization of my WooCommerce setup with a Git repository. This project will involve: - Ensuring the version control and synchronization of all critical components of my WooCommerce setup, including WordPress configuration files, custom WooCommerce templates, and all installed plugins and themes, with the Git repository. - Implementing a Gitflow as the primary workflow for this synchronization process. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficient understanding of Git and its workflows, particularly Gitflow. - Deep knowledge and experience with WooCommerce and its configuration. - Famil...
I need an experienced professional to set up an Enhanced Webserver Admin Panel with OpenLiteSpeed (OLS) on my Linux server. The primary functionality required is user management, which will involve creating a system that allows for efficient oversight and control of server access. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Linux server administration - Experience with OpenLiteSpeed (OLS) - Knowledge of setting up and configuring webserver admin panels - Strong skills in implementing user management systems - Ability to create a simple yet effective setup Please note, the setup is expected to be straightforward with no complex configurations or customizations needed. A plain, standard setup will suffice.
...inspection schedule, agree with inspection companies, and supervise the process. Manage reports and documentation: PTC, production/factory success rates, weekly production timeline updates, sending samples to customer offices/tests, ensuring ATR shipments, managing production residues, initial supply chain contracts, official quality control inspection reports. Requirements: High level of English (proficiency). Experience in production inspection and quality control. Ability to manage issues and coordinate solutions with teams. Knowledge of safety compliance. Organizational skills for managing production scheduling and planning external inspections. Fluency in Spanish will be a plus. Company Offers: Work Model: Freelance. Payment Method: Invoice + Fuel expenses covered...
I'm seeking a professional with experience in landscape engineering to design a segmented retaining wall for me. Key Requirements: - The primary purpose of this wall is to help level a slope on my proper...The primary purpose of this wall is to help level a slope on my property. - The wall will be constructed using concrete blocks (Versa Lok or Belden), so familiarity with this material is essential. - It will need to be designed for a height between 3 to 6 feet. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in designing retaining walls is highly desirable. - A strong understanding of erosion control and landscaping is a plus. - Proficiency with structural design for concrete block walls is crucial. - Knowledge of local building codes and regulations is beneficial. - Lice...
We need a ready-made web-based gaming platform where users can: Play and earn money with admin-controlled win/loss outcomes. Contact admin via WhatsApp or any messaging app for deposits/withdrawals (no payment gateway). Manually update wallet balances based on payment screenshots. Key Features: ✅ Pre-built web-based games (casino, card games, spin wheel, crash games, etc.). ✅ Admin Control Panel – Manage users, adjust game odds, update wallet balances. ✅ Simple Wallet System – Manual balance updates based on user transactions. Next Steps: Would you like me to: Find providers offering a ready-made website for this? Suggest platforms where you can buy and customize such a website? Help set up the website with the required features?
I'm looking for a skilled professional to assist with migrating my WooCommerce website to GIT. The primary purpose of this transition is to leverage version control for better management of the site. Key Responsibilities: - Move the current WooCommerce site to a GIT repository. - Implement a branch strategy that is compatible with the WordPress Bedrock framework, suggesting the most efficient approach between single branch, feature branches, or Gitflow. Please note, I will be managing the repository myself, so clear communication and guidance on the initial setup and best practices for version control is crucial. A strong understanding of both GIT and WooCommerce, alongside experience with WordPress Bedrock, will be key to successfully completing this project.
Full-Stack Developer & WordPress & Elementor Expert – Remote Position About Us: Direct Deals is a leading telecommunications solutions provider, offering businesses innovative IT and network services. We're looking for a highly skilled Full-Stack Developer who is a WordPress and Elementor master and proficient in multiple programming languages. If you're a proactive problem-solver, a team player, and someone who thrives in a fast-paced environment, we want you on our team! Role Overview: We are seeking a Full-Stack Developer with expertise in WordPress, Elementor, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python, and other relevant web development technologies. The ideal candidate will be responsible for developing, maintaining, and optimizing our websites and web applic...
Hi I will share the details with the shortlisted candidates. Thanks