Powerpoint example college management system projectmunkák
Szeretnék egy testnevelés feladatkártya tervező programot. Grafikust keresek aki meg tud rajzolni különböző tornatermi eszközöket, figurákat, sportpályákat, majd azokat egy powerpoint fájba be tudja integrálni. A feltöltött programhoz hasonlót szeretnék.
...tanulmányi teljesítményt fizetett előfizetési csomaggal. **Gimnáziumi kosárlabdázóknak:** 1. **Profil létrehozása**: Hozzon létre egy részletes profilt, amely bemutatja kosárlabda-készségeit, tanulmányi eredményeit és személyes adatait. 2. **Videófeltöltés**: Töltsön fel és osszon meg kiemelt tekercseket, játékfelvételeket és készségvideókat, hogy bemutassa tehetségét az egyetemi edzőknek. 3. **College Search**: Hozzáférés a főiskolákra és kosárlabda programjaikra vonatkozó információkhoz...
Why choose us? Experience: With over 10 years of experience in project management, we have a team of skilled and experienced writers and consultants who can help you understand the objectives of your project and develop the most suitable strategy. Customized solutions: We understand that every client is unique, and therefore we tailor each project to their specific needs. Based on individual requirements, we create an optimal project description that supports the achievement of successful results. Quality and precision: We prioritize delivering excellent quality work and meeting deadlines. Our project writing is based on thorough research and accurate information gathering to ensure the highest level of quality. Flexibility: We are flexible in ...
Újonnan indult barkács kiskereskedelmi webáruház kiszervezett marketingesét keressük. A Főbb feladatok: - Árazás figyelése - Akciók, csomag ajánlatok összeállítása (grafikai munkákat megcsináljuk) - Social media (FB, Insta, stb) postok összeállítása - Link építés - PPC management - Cím adatbázis építése - DM - Remarketing - Analytics követése és reagálás Tehát nem csak PPC kiszervezésről van szó hanem a teljes marketing tevékenységet szeretnénk átadni. Magyar nyelv ismerete szükséges
I'm searching for IBM Cognos TM1 supporter for occasional failure management and development.
Sziasztok, Szeretnénk Shopifyra fejleszteni egy egyedi privát alkalmazást, vagyis nem publikust, csak mi használnánk. Röviden amire lenne szükségünk: - Egy kisebb admin rész, ahova importálhatjuk az eddigi felhasználókat egyenleggel együtt, illetve ahol láthatjuk a jövőben ezeket - Regisztrált felhasználók automatikusan kerüljenek be a referall pluginba -Legyen egy kimásolható linkje a felhasználónak a profilban vagy a menüsorban (menüben jobb lenne), -Profilban egy referall előzmények rész, ki rendelt alóla és mennyi jutalékot kapott, és ugyanez kellene ha a meghívottjá...
...irányításában, technológiai döntések meghozásában is számítanánk Rád. Startupunk jelenleg számos projekten dolgozik. Mit kínálunk? • Szakmai kihívást jelentő, érdekes feladatok • Megfelelő bérezés • Év végi bónusz • Távmunka • Rész- vagy teljes munkaidő • Rugalmas beosztás • Scrum módszertan Követelmények: • Általános szoftverfejlesztői ismeretek • Javascript ismeretek • React ismeretek • State management toolok ismerete • Backend modellek és megoldások ismerete (MVC, REST API) • PHP ...
Pozíció leírása A budapesti székhelyű Leonet Holdings Keresk...functions • Javascript ismeretek • Váltózó definíciós kifejezések között különbségek (const, let, var) • Hoisting • Callback, closure • Következő generációs nyelvi elemek használata (arrow function, rest) React ismeretek • Props és state használati különbségek • Functional component fogalma • Controlled component fogalma • Lifecycle függvények használata • Komponensekre bontás • Redux vagy más state management tool használata • Re-render optimalizálás...
...megoldásszállító vállalatnál új on premise Data Lake architektúra kialakítása - Dokumentum orientált telematikai adatcsomagok kezelése nagy tömegben, billiós (1012+) nagyságrend - Alkalmazandó technológiák kiválasztása, például, de nem kizárólagosan: Hadoop, Elastic, MongoDB, Cloudera - Üzemeltetés támogatása: telepítés, skálázás, failover, 7/24 service, monitoring, data management tools - Fejlesztés támogatása: .NET connectors, data management APIs, querying, data security, diagnosztika, dev/test sandboxes Amit várunk - ...
Kongresszusi technikusi felügyeleti munka (PowerPoint előadásanyagok átvétele, összegyűjtése és azok program szerinti elindítása) helyszín: Hotel Nautis, Gárdony időpont: június 24. 10-18 h június 25. 8-16 h június 26. 8-12 h
Kongresszusi technikusi felügyeleti munka (PowerPoint előadásanyagok átvétele, összegyűjtése és azok program szerinti elindítása) helyszín: Siófok időpont: szeptember 14. egész nap és 15. délelőtt.
...Költségvetések, #4 Jelentések/beállítások melyeket vízszintes képernyő elmozdítással lehet váltani. A karikák a különböző Ikonok helyét jelzik. Kiadás widget felületen is működhetne: Számla => pl. készpénz (+dátum), Kiadás (+leírás) (Ezt nem tartalmazza a .pdf) ENG - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - To manage a private customer's own / family budget. Jar-type cash management, revenue and expenses. Its basic task is to distribute the variable amount of time and amount of incoming money into different units by a predetermined percentage distribution. Also, units split i...
Kedves Angela H.! A profilja alapján Önnek szeretném felajánlani a projektem. Sürgős határidővel, pár napon belül lenne szükségem a következő feladatra: Körlevél megszerkesztése (a pontos leírását el tudom küldeni a feladatnak) Powerpoint prezentáció elkészítése (ennek is a leírása egy fájlban van) Excel adatbevitel Mindhárom feladat egyenként kb 1-2 órát vesz igénybe, tehát összesen kb. 3-6 óra legfeljebb. A kérdésem, hogy el tudná e vállalni ezt a projektet pénteki határidővel? Óránként nettó ...
Job for people from Hungary,Serbia,Croatia. Pozdrav, trazim developera koji ima iskustva u editovanje WP tema i Paymen system ( Woocommerce) Na primer: Dodati jos 3 sekcija u WP theme,Editovati Woocommerce plugin. Üdvözlet, Wordpress Woocommerce plugin módositásában jártas szakembert keresek projekt munkára. Ha nem okoz neked gondot,hogy a WP témát kibővisd pl: 3 új 'section'-al vagy kicseréld a fizetési rész stilusát, akkor nyugodtan jelentkezz.
A szaktudás amit keresünk - churn folyamatok, rendszerek. A feladat - churn kezelés megalapozása a szervezetben; lehetséges opciók felvázolása > döntés előkészítés; folyamatok kidolgozása; technológiai támogatásra lehetőségek felmérése; szervezet beoktatása
HR tanácsadó cég vagyunk. Főbb területeink: Keresés-kiválasztás és szervezetfejlesztés (tréing és coaching). Szervezetfejlesztési, tréning, coaching tevékenységekkel foglalkozó divíónk számára szeretnénk olyan tanulás támogató rendszert (LMS) fejlesztetni amely együttműködik a jelenlegi keresés-kiválasztási és ügyfélmenedzsment rendszerünk főbb elemeivel (beléptetés, hozzáférési szintek, belső projekt adminisztráció, jogosultsági rendszer) de önálló rendszerként képes ügyfelek ig&...
Incident management software Django frontend-del, MS SQL Server adatbázissal, .NET vékonykliens ticketing üzenetek előnézetéhez, REST API
Megahost wordpress template-re web design tervezése. Az oldal WHMCS backend rendszerre épül.
Fiatal, dinamikus és innovatív, kreatív gondolkodású webfejlesztőt keresek, aki összetettebb projektet is képes megvalósítani, fejleszteni, továbbgondolni és a kitűzött célokat kihívásnak tekinti. Elvárások: - Kreatív problémamegoldó gondolkodás - Szakmai tapasztalat, vagy annak megszerzésére irányuló éhség - Hard working hozzáállás - Széleskörű programozói ismeret - Nem elrugaszkodott és irreális árazás Cserébe: - Hosszútávú együttműködés és további projektek - Vers...
Folyamatos munkám van az előző projektekhez kapcsolódóan 'website travel booking system'
I'm looking for an expert web developer who can give my website a modern and clean redesign on Squarespace. The new site should be user-friendly and visually appealing, reflecting a contemporary aesthetic. ...Squarespace: You should be proficient in building and customizing sites on Squarespace. - Web Design Skills: A strong portfolio demonstrating modern and clean web designs will be favorable. - Integration of a Booking System: Although I haven't decided on the specific type of booking system yet, you should have experience with various systems such as appointment scheduling, event ticketing, and reservation management. You should be able to provide me with the best options based on my needs. Please note, the specifics of the pages and booking systems wil...
...your unique needs. Our team ensures seamless user experiences, robust functionality, and reliable hosting solutions. From initial design to ongoing support, we manage your digital assets with precision and excellence. Digital Marketing: Unlock your brand's potential with our data-driven digital marketing strategies. We enhance your online presence through SEO, content marketing, social media management, and targeted campaigns, turning clicks into conversions and connecting you with your audience effectively. Logo & Branding Design: Stand out in the marketplace with our bespoke logo and branding design services. We create distinctive and memorable brand identities that capture your essence and resonate with your target audience, ensuring a strong and impactful brand prese...
I've encountered a troubling situation with a Google review for m...troubling situation with a Google review for my corporate entity. The review contains false information that could potentially harm our reputation. I've attempted to contact Google support regarding this issue but, unfortunately, have not received a response. I'm seeking a professional who can assist in removing this review. Key requirements: - Proven experience in dealing with online reputation management, particularly with Google reviews - Strong understanding of corporate entity concerns - Excellent communication skills to liaise with Google support if necessary - Ability to handle this matter with discretion and professionalism Your expertise in this field will be invaluable in helping to pro...
A risk management specialist is a role appointed within organizations to identify potential risks that might negatively affect the business. This role has traditionally focused on financial risks. But more and more, risk managers are being tasked with identifying potential risks affecting employees, third-party risks, cybersecurity threats and privacy-related issues. As a result, the scope of risk management has grown to include finance, employees, facilities, IT, data and reputation. Despite the aspects of market risk that emerged in early 2020, the field of risk management was already one of the fastest-growing jobs in enterprise management. In the wake of recent changes and climate change, companies are increasing the demand for risk management specia...
I'm in need of a contact management Android app designed specifically for business use. The app should have a sleek, modern design and be user-friendly. Key Features: - Import/Export of Contacts: The ability to easily manage and transfer contacts is crucial. Integration: - Social Media Platforms: The app should seamlessly integrate with various social media platforms to facilitate easy contact management and networking. Ideal Skills: - Android App Development: Proficient in creating efficient and user-friendly Android applications. - UI/UX Design: Skilled in designing modern and sleek interfaces. - API Integration: Experience in integrating applications with social media platforms. Experience in developing business-oriented apps would be a significant advantage. Pl...
We are looking for a highly skilled freelancer to host and configure multiple websites on OVH servers. This project requires setting up separate server instances for various domains, ensuring secure and reliable developer access, and delivering thorough documentation for ongoing maintenance. ————— Scope of Work 1. Website Instances and Hosting Setup The project involves configuring the following websites. Each domain will have its own server instance, except one instance hosting two websites: • Instance 1: , (Maintenance page) • Instance 2: • Instance 3: • Instance 4: (currently hosted at ) • Instance 5: • Instance 6: • Instance 7: • Instance 8: galarace
I'm seeking a meticulous data entry professional to help with organizing and validating customer data. The data is currently in Excel/CSV files and requires...requires detailed validation for accuracy. Key Responsibilities: - Input, sort, and organize customer data with precision. - Perform detailed validation checks to ensure data accuracy. - Assist with data management and reporting as needed. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional attention to detail and accuracy. - Proficiency with Excel/CSV files. - Experience with data entry and quality control. - Strong administrative support skills. With over 24 years of experience in administrative roles, including expertise as a Steno-Typist, Personal Assistant, and Admin Manager, I am confident this project will be a success. I look...
...should be able to bet while the game is in progress. - Profile management: Users should be able to manage their profiles with options for Agent/Partner/Master ID. - Customizable interface: Allow users to personalize their experience according to their preferences. - Multilingual support: The site should target a global audience. It should implement the currency of the target audience country. - Security and compliance: The platform should comply with all legal and regulatory requirements. Additional features: - Bonuses and promotions: Integrate attractive bonuses and promotions to attract and retain users. - Mobile app: A mobile application for the platform is essential. - Customer support: Implement a reliable customer support system. - Responsible gambling: Include featu...
I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a e-commerce website for selling jewellery products. Key...website should have a user-friendly interface and seamless navigation. - A reliable and secure shopping cart functionality. - A section for customer reviews to enhance user interaction and trust. - An efficient inventory management system to keep track of stock. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in developing e-commerce websites. - Proficiency in web development languages and e-commerce platforms. - Skills in creating responsive and mobile-friendly designs. - Ability to integrate secure payment gateways. - Experience in implementing customer review systems and inventory management tools. Please include examples of previous e-commerce websites ...
I'm looking for a skilled WordPress developer with experience in building websites using the DIVI builder. We have a functional website and need someone who can upload content with a basic design on our blog section. Key Responsibilities: - Upload 5-6 blog pages daily with images - Ensure proper optimisation for SEO Project Duration: - This is a 2-3 month project, renewable on a monthly basis Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WordPress and DIVI builder - Experience in blogging and SEO - Ability to follow a professional tone - Familiarity with using stock photos The primary goal of our blog section is to increase our website traffic. Therefore, your role is crucial in helping us achieve this objective. The tone of the blogs will be consistently professiona...
I'm seeking a professional to manage the booking system of my hotel platform. The focus will primarily be on handling reservations while ensuring everything runs smoothly and efficiently. Key Responsibilities: - Overseeing and managing hotel reservations - Ensuring the booking system is user-friendly - change price - for better bulky booked Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience with hotel booking systems such as , airbnb, Expedia - Proficient in third-party reservation software - Excellent organizational and communication skills Please note, the booking system is powered by third-party software, so familiarity with such platforms is crucial for success in this role. I look forward to hearing from qualified candidates. Pay by per month , only 2 pr...
...an experienced JavaScript developer to collaborate with us in building a feature-rich coupon code website. The platform will leverage a Headless WordPress setup, where WordPress will serve as the backend and the frontend will be developed entirely in JavaScript. This is a high-priority project, and we require someone who can work in a pair programming mode with our team. Copy-pasting from external sources is strictly prohibited; only seasoned professionals with hands-on coding expertise need apply. Project Overview We aim to create a sleek, modern coupon code website with the following key pages and features: Frontend Pages Store Page: Lists all coupons for a specific store. Features filters (e.g., category, popularity, expiration date). Responsive and user-friendly...
I'm looking for an experienced freelancer to help clean up my Ubuntu server. The project involves optimizing disk space, so it's crucial to have a good understanding of Ubuntu system management. The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience with Ubuntu server management - Strong skills in identifying and removing unnecessary files - Ability to organize files and directories efficiently - Familiarity with disk management tools Please note, while I haven't specified crucial data or applications, some files and applications will need to be preserved during the cleanup. I have no automatic disk management tools currently in place.
I'm looking for an expert to create a database that holds detailed information about my customers and their vehicles. This database will not only store customer contact information but also help in m...number, address, service history, and preferences. - Vehicle Information: For each vehicle, we need to store details like the vehicle make and model, license plate number, and service history. - Invoicing: The database should have a section for managing invoices. - Conflict Checks: It should also help in tracking potential conflicts. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in database creation and management. - Familiarity with customer service tracking and invoicing systems. - Excellent attention to detail to ensure all necessary information i...
...join our team for an urgent project to build an e-commerce platform dedicated to the banking sector. The platform will sell rubber stamps used in banking operations. Additionally, we need to develop a comprehensive Admin Portal with production workflow management and other essential features. This is a high-priority development with an immediate need for someone who can work efficiently and deliver quickly. Key Responsibilities: Backend Development: Build and maintain the backend architecture for a secure and scalable e-commerce platform tailored to the banking industry. Admin Portal Development: Design and implement an admin portal with essential features, including user management, product tracking, production workflow, and order management. Database M...
I need a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation on a proposed landfill project north of Sydney, using a template I will provide. The presentation should include: - An in-depth overview of the project - An environmental impact assessment - An economic cost-benefit analysis - Visuals such as charts and diagrams to support the analysis I'd like you to utilize ChatGPT for the analysis of converting the abandoned mine into a landfill site. The ideal freelancer for this project should have strong skills in environmental science and economics, as well as experience in creating visually appealing and informative PowerPoint presentations.
I'm looking for a talented video producer to create a professional advertisement for our custom software, INGRESS PAY. This payroll management program integrates seamlessly with FINGERTEC biometric devices and is designed to simplify tasks for HR departments. Key Requirements: - The video must be in French, as we are targeting French-speaking audiences. - The tone of the advertisement should be professional, reflecting the high quality of our software. - The main message to convey is 'Time-saving automation'. We want to highlight how our software can save time for HR departments. - The final product should be suitable for posting on Facebook, our top priority for this advertisement. I will provide the benefits of the program, and I expect the freelancer to handle al...
description of a logo designer: *Job Title:* Logo Designer *Job Summary:* We're seeking a highly skilled and creative Logo Designer to join our team. As a Logo Designer, you will be responsible for creating...Creative Suite, specifically Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. 3. *Creativity and Originality:* Ability to think creatively and develop unique logo design concepts. 4. *Attention to Detail:* Strong attention to detail and ability to deliver high-quality designs. 5. *Communication Skills:* Excellent communication and collaboration skills to work effectively with clients and team members. 6. *Time Management:* Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously and meet deadlines. 7. *Adaptability:* Willingness to adapt to changing design trends, technologies, and clie...
I'm looking for a lead generation specialist to compile a database of 20,000–100,000 qualified leads for ship, boat, and oil tanker equipment sellers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in B2B lead generation - Familiarity with the maritime equipment industry - Proficiency in database management and data mining - Excellent understanding of email verification processes Specific Requirements: - Target leads from ship equipment sellers, boat equipment sellers and oil tanker equipment sellers - All company sizes and years in business are acceptable - Revenue range: $100k+ - Verification of leads should be done via email
I'm seeking a professional with extensive Mikrotik experience to assist with traffic management through a WG tunnel. The primary goal is to manage all traffic from a specific bridge, excluding the range. Summary: all traffic from a specific interface bridge destined towards internet should be sent through the WG tunnel, while traffic destined to should have default behavior (not get routed through that specific WG tunnel) Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Mikrotik configuration and management. - Familiar with WG (WireGuard) tunnels. - Experience in traffic management. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal. Thank you.
I'm seeking assistance with managing my financial records for the year-end. This includes categorizing transactions, reconciling accounts, and generating reports for my income and expenses. Your expertise will help me keep track of my financial health and prepare for the upcoming year. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in bookkeeping - Experience with income and expense management - Excellent analytical skills to reconcile accounts - Ability to generate clear and concise financial reports - Familiarity with various bookkeeping software
I'm seeking assistance with managing my financial records for the year-end. This includes categorizing transactions, reconciling accounts, and generating reports for my income and expenses. Your expertise will help me keep track of my financial health and prepare for the upcoming year. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in bookkeeping - Experience with income and expense management - Excellent analytical skills to reconcile accounts - Ability to generate clear and concise financial reports - Familiarity with various bookkeeping software
...rates, and increase sales. Shopify Store Optimization: Focus on conversion rate optimization (CRO), improving user experience (UX), enhancing product pages, optimizing checkout, and ensuring site performance. Paid Media Campaigns: Manage and optimize paid advertising campaigns across Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram, TikTok, and other relevant platforms to drive targeted traffic. SEO & SEM Management: Implement SEO best practices to improve organic search rankings. Manage and optimize paid search campaigns (Google Ads, Bing Ads) to drive conversions. Email Marketing Campaigns: Design and execute email marketing strategies (automated flows, newsletters, promotional offers) to engage and convert leads into customers. Analytics & Reporting: Use tools like Google Analytics...
...looking for a skilled network manager with a strong focus on enhancing and managing network security. The primary goal of this project is to improve security across my network, with particular emphasis on: - Firewall configuration and management - Intrusion detection and prevention - Data encryption and protection Additionally, this project will require seamless integration with existing cloud services. Therefore, experience with cloud services and their integration into network security is crucial. Skills and experience required: - Extensive background in network management with a focus on security - Proven experience with firewall configuration and management - Expertise in intrusion detection and prevention systems - Proficient in data encrypti...
I'm looking for an expert in social media management, specifically Instagram, to help foster a vibrant community around my brand. This project primarily focuses on community building through engaging content and interactions. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement strategies to grow our Instagram community - Create and curate compelling content (images, videos, stories, and live sessions) - Engage with followers and respond to queries - Monitor and report on community metrics Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in managing Instagram accounts - Excellent content creation skills, particularly in visual media - Strong communication skills for engaging with the community - Ability to analyze community metrics and adjust strategies accordingly - Must spe...
I'm developing a Flutter app that will use native IOS AVFoundation for camera code. Below are the items i'm looking to add to my Existing starter project. Looking for someone to collaborate with me closely on the project. 1. **Video Capture** - **AVCaptureSession**: Use `AVCaptureSession` to manage the flow of data from input devices (like the camera) to outputs. - **AVCaptureDevice**: Select and configure the camera as the input device. - **AVCaptureVideoDataOutput**: This output allows you to access each frame of video data as it's captured. You can use a delegate method to process each frame. 2. **Buffering Frames with DispatchQueue** - **CMSampleBuffer**: Each frame is captured as a `CMSampleBuffer`. You can access the pixel buffer and metad...
I'm in need of an AWS professional who can assist me with configuring the AWS Management Console for an AI-powered real estate platform I'm developing. The main tasks include setting up the necessary AWS services, ensuring secure access for ChatGPT Copilot, and establishing suitable IAM roles and permissions. Your role will be key in optimizing deployment settings for a secure and efficient integration. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with AWS services - Proficiency in setting up EC2, S3, and Lambda - Expertise in configuring IAM roles and permissions - Knowledge of network security measures - Experience with data encryption Experience with deploying AI platforms on AWS will be a significant advantage. Please note, specifics about the AWS services to be configured, ...
...talking to clients. Ideal Candidates Will: - Be from Mexico, Costa Rica, or Colombia. - Speak Spanish & English. - Proficient in using mobile, laptop to post & message on social media platform. Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in English and Spanish. - Previous experience as an Executive Assistant or in a similar role. - Strong analytical and research skills. - Excellent organizational and time management skills....
...other general subjects. Requirements: Strong expertise in Math, Physics, and Biology (board syllabus). Prior experience in teaching board-level students. Ability to simplify complex topics and ensure conceptual clarity. Flexible schedule to accommodate student needs. Responsibilities: Provide focused and result-oriented lessons tailored for board exams. Help students with problem-solving, time management, and exam strategies. Regular assessments and progress tracking. Job Details: Mode: Online/Offline (as per mutual convenience). Duration: Until board exam completion. Payment: Competitive rates (negotiable based on experience). How to Apply: Submit your profile and teaching experience on Freelancer. Mention "ICICI Board Tutor" in your application. Let’s ensur...
I am looking to create a comprehensive Point of Sale (POS) system tailored for a retail store. Given that the primary features have not been specified, the system should be flexible enough to incorporate key functionalities like inventory management, sales tracking, and possibly a customer loyalty program in the future. Key Skills and Experience Required: - Proven expertise in developing POS systems - Strong understanding of retail operations - Excellent software development skills - Experience with integrating hardware components (like barcode scanners, receipt printers, cash drawers) into software systems. The system should be user-friendly, reliable, and capable of scaling as the business grows. Please provide examples of similar projects you've com...