Install cpanel centos 7 linodemunkák


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    2,000 install cpanel centos 7 linode munkát találtunk

    ...érzelmek ábrázolása 5. Modul: Test rajzolása * 5.1 Lecke: A test alapvető arányai és anatómiája * 5.2 Lecke: Kezek és lábak rajzolása * 5.3 Lecke: Dinamikus pózok és mozgás ábrázolása 6. Modul: Ruházat és haj rajzolása * 6.1 Lecke: Különböző anyagok és textúrák ábrázolása * 6.2 Lecke: Redők és árnyékok rajzolása a ruhák és hajon * 6.3 Lecke: Különböző frizurák és ruházati stílusok tervezése 7. Modul: Színezés és árnyékolás * 7.1 Lecke: Sz&ia...

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr licitátlag
    7 árajánlat

    ...kommunikáljon játékosokkal, középiskolai edzőkkel és szülőkkel, hogy kifejezze érdeklődését, kérdéseket tegyen fel, vagy látogatásokat ütemezzen be. 5. **Értékelő eszközök**: A játékosok nyomon követése és értékelése értékelési rendszerek, megjegyzések és összehasonlítások segítségével. 6. **Ütemezéskezelés**: Integrálható egy naptárral a látogatások, játékok és toborzási események ütemezéséhez. 7. **Analytics (előfizeté...

    €1382 Average bid
    €1382 licitátlag
    8 árajánlat

    Üdv, Sergii T.! Van egy VPS-em, teljesen frissen telepített Docker és PostreSQL. Szeretném feltelepíteni rá a mattermost OpenSource rendszerét. Azt írják, hogy rém egyszerű, de én nem boldogultam vele.

    €39 Average bid
    €39 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Trophy icon Design a set of 10 banner
    Véget ért left

    ...used: 6, 7, 22 3. Black November Texts to be on the banner: Egész hónapban akció Minden 200.000 Ft fölötti rendelésre 10.000 Ft kedvezmény a november kuponkóddal Pictures to be used: 5, 21, 31 4. Karácsonyi akció (Christmas theme to be used) Texts to be on the banner: Télapó ajándéka - minden 300.000 Ft fölötti rendelésnél 20.000 Ft kedvezmény Használja a karacsony kupont a 20.000 Ft-os kedvezményért Pictures to be used: 2, 23, 30 5. Ifjúsági bútorok Texts to be on the banner: Lepje meg gyerekét egy trendi szobával Minden ifjúsági bútorösszeáll&ia...

    €29 Average bid
    47 pályamű

    Az aktualizalano applikacio egy talalat szamlalo program, amely Eclipse alatt irodott 7 evvel ezelött (Android 2). Az App a telefonhoz csatlakoztatott Wired Headset "Stop" gombjanak megnyomasakor keletkezett broadcast-okat szamolja es egy tablazatban kilistazza a gombnyomasok idejet. Az App az Android 8.0 verzioig kifogastalanul müködik. Az Android 8.0 felett megvaltozott a MediaButton kezelese es az Broadcast Receiver nem kapja meg a broadcastokat, ugyhogy nem szamolja a gombnyomasokat. A MediaButton kezeleset kellene modositani, hogy a nyomogomb felismeres ujra müködjön.

    €15 / hr Average bid
    €15 / hr licitátlag
    11 árajánlat

    Instagram követő bàzis növelèse ideàlis ügyfelekkel és engagement boostolàsra keresek heti 7 óràra egy social media menedzsert. Tartalomgyàrtàs nem kell, csak egy àltalam kialakított Instagram stratègiànak a napi alkalmazàsa. Az oldal tèmaköre: Online Marketing, nemzetközi piacra szól Coachoknak. A feladat elvègzèsèhez nagyon fontos az angol kommunikàció íràsban.

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr licitátlag
    10 árajánlat

    A feladat két részből állna: Az első rész egy kb. 30 perces Skype-os/telefonos interjú lenne. Ebben arról lenne szó, hogy miért regisztráltál a, miként használod és kerese...(Upwork, stb). A második rész kb 4-6 héten belül lenne. Itt egy az első ponthoz kapcsolódó egyszerű weboldalt kellene felhasználói szemmel megnézni és használni. Mivel ez angol nyelvű, így kell egy minimális angol nyelvtudás. Kérem, hogy csak olyanok jelentkezzenek, akik aktívan használják a Csak akkor jelentkezz, ha- havonta legalább öt licitet leadsz ...

    €10 - €29
    €10 - €29
    0 árajánlat
    php cpanel api edditor
    Véget ért left

    php cpanel api edditor php cpanel api edditor

    €28 Average bid
    €28 licitátlag
    7 árajánlat

    Kedves Shan Bin S.! A profilja alapján Önnek szeretném felajánlani a projektem. Kérem, nézze meg a projektleírást, és beszéljük meg a részleteket!

    €483 Average bid
    €483 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Printz Ákos spinning
    Véget ért left

    ...szettet összerakni szíveskedj, amit fel tudok majd használni első spinning órámon. Tervezett órám az alábbiak szerint nézne ki (zárójelben a bpm szám). 1. SIK ÜLVE (90-110 PM) BEMELEGÍTÉS KB 5 PERC 2. JUMPOK (90 BMP) ÁTMOZGATÁS KB 5 PERC-7 PERC BENNE 4,8,16 JUMP 3. ÁLLVA HEGYEN (75 BMP) KB 7 PERC 4. ÜLVE HEGY (65 BMP) KB 5 PERC ERŐS ELLENÁLLÁS 5. SIK ÜLVE (90 BMP) KB 5 PERC 6. FUTÁS (80-90 BMP) KB 3 PERC 7. ÁLLVA HEGYEN (75 BMP) 5 PERC 8. JUMPOK (85 BMP) 5 PERC 9. FUTÁS VÉGÉRE (90 BPM) 2 PERC 10. LEVEZETÉS SIK NAGYON LAZA (80 BMP) 3 PERC Összesen: 5+7+7+5+5+...

    €34 - €34
    €34 - €34
    0 árajánlat

    Linux (CentOS 7) alapú VPS-emen fent van a Vesta CP, viszont a DNS beállítások kifogtak rajtam, ezért ennek beállítására keresem a megfelelő munkavállalót!

    €24 Average bid
    €24 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat

    Drupal 7 alapú weboldal egyes oldalaira a one page oldalaknál jellemző CSS megoldásokkal kellene a tartalmat megjeleníteni. HTML kód és hozzá a CSS megvan, a feladat az, hogy ezt integrálni kellene a weboldal megfelelő oldalaiba.

    €31 Average bid
    €31 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    Kedves nagyzoltan68, a profilja alapján szeretném Önnek felajánlani a projektem. Kérem, nézze meg a projektleírást, és vitassuk meg a részleteket.

    €135 Average bid
    €135 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Lektoráljon valamit
    Véget ért left

    Egy MAGYAR nyelvű szakdolgozatot kellene lektorálni MAGYAR nyelven. Kérem, hogy csak olyanok jelentkezzenek, akik ezen a nyelven tudnak dolgozni. A szakdolgozat témája: Adattudományi fejlesztések az információkeresésben A dolgozat briefjét mellékelem. A szakdolgozat nyers változata megvan, kb. 65 olda...figyelme az idézett írás gondolatmenetében, nehezen áll össze a dolgozat saját iránya. A tagolás segíthetne, rendet, rendszert teremthetne egy - a jelenleginél - sokkal részletesebb, kifejezőbb (leíróbb) fejezet- és alfejezet címekkel fölállított tartalomjegyz&eacu...

    €146 Average bid
    €146 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    ...ha az imént keletkezett N. indexű halmazt összeuniozzuk a 0. halmazzal, akkor megkapjuk az N+1 indexű halmazt, amelynek tartalma: (0, 1, 3) lesz. Egy ilyen műveletet a 2 operandus indexével tudunk megadni. Input: A bemenet egy vesszővel elválasztott számsor. N*2 elemből áll, és N darab zárt intervallumot jelöl alsó/felső határokkal. Példa inputra: 1,2,0,3,1,5,2,6,3,7,3,7,4,7,6,6 A fenti példa N=7 intervallumot jelöl, ezek sorban -> [1..2], [0..3], …, [6..6] Grafikusan ábrázolva ezek az intervallumok így néznek ki: Feladat: Egy olyan műveleti sor meghatározása, melynek végrehajtása során a keletkezett halmazok lefe...

    €21615 Average bid
    €21615 licitátlag
    8 árajánlat

    Egy Linode cloud szerveren telepítem a ServerPilot platformot. Ez már önmagában jó alap, de ezt szeretném tovább optimalizálni, beállítani a lehető legjobb konfigurációt. Automata, időzített adatbázis mentés és esetleg fájl mentés beállítása külső szerverre, valamint egyéb javasolt biztonsági beállítások kellenek még. Ideális esetben szükségem van további karbantartásra, felügyeletre, hibajavításra, akár garantált készenléttel.

    €119 Average bid
    €119 licitátlag
    3 árajánlat
    Készítsen weboldalt
    Véget ért left

    Helység: Miskolc Kategória: IT / telekommunikáció Karrierszint: 1-2 év tapasztalat Munkaidő: Teljes munkaidő Junior php fejlesztőt keresünk Miskolci munkavégzésre vagy távmunkába, állandó vagy részmunkaidőben...Karrierszint: 1-2 év tapasztalat Munkaidő: Teljes munkaidő Junior php fejlesztőt keresünk Miskolci munkavégzésre vagy távmunkába, állandó vagy részmunkaidőben. Várható feladatok: - PHP 5.3, 5.4 (oop, Smarty, Memcached, Elasticsearch) - Mysql (Procedures, partitioning) - Javascript (natív és jquery) - HTML 4,5 és CSS3 - Java (Minimális ismeret) - Linux alapszintű ismerete (U...

    €510 Average bid
    €510 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    Kedves Grafikusok! Egy nagyszerű lehetősé sonkás : 1090 ft helyett 890 ft telefonszám, a logónkban amit csatolva küldök szerepeljen a házhozszállítás szó, nyitvatartás:11.00-23.00 és a szlogen: Ez az élet túl rövid ahhoz ,hogy sz@r pizzát egyél! . érdekel a grafikus és képes megoldás is. Mi egy A4 –es félbehajtott méretre gondoltunk a belső oldalra kerülne a menü. 32 db pizza 32 cm es és 42 cm es, 6db gyros, falafel, 6 db hamburger, 7 db saláta, 15-20 féle üdítő egyenlőre mennyiségileg hogyan lehet dekoratívan elhelyezni. A kreatívokat a kis. ...

    €28 Average bid
    €28 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    differenciál geometria
    Véget ért left

    7-8 differenciálgeometriai feladat megoldására keresek embert

    €98 Average bid
    €98 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    1. ütem -WordPress telepítés a megbízó szerverére -WordPress multidomain konfiguráció (7 domain) -az alábbi WordPress designok telepítése (5 domainhoz) (2 domainhoz) 2. ütem Fél vagy egy napos személyes oktatás Budapesten (Wordpress használata) 3. ütem Adatfeltöltés - (erre nem kérünk ajánlatot, mi csináljuk) 4. ütem A fejlesztést egy ideiglenes aldomain alatt (teszt szerveren) kell elvégezni. Tartalom feltöltés után át kell tenni az éles szerverre. Az 1., 2., 4.-es ütem árára és határidejére kérünk aj&aa...

    €389 Average bid
    €389 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat

    ...specific scenarios for the voice Agent Development: Our team develops an AI voice agent tailored to your business, ensuring the voice agent can manage a wide range of inquiries with human-like comprehension and & Deployment: The AI voice agent is seamlessly integrated into your current systems and set up to make outbound Features:Scalable outreach with 24/7 AvailabilityCustom Voice Personality that to aligns with your brandMulti-Language SupportIdeal for: Businesses looking to scale their outreach without compromising on the personal : Standard Package: Starts at $5,000 - Includes basic voice agent development, integration with one platform, and standard reporting Notes: Calls are priced per minute depending on the voice

    €10 Average bid
    €10 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    I'm encountering error messages during the installation of my Linux. The errors appear when I try to install packages. I would appreciate your assistance in resolving these issues so I can complete the installation.

    €20 / hr Average bid
    €20 / hr licitátlag
    25 árajánlat

    Task 1 Set Up; 1. Set up admin panel 2. Set up restaurant panel 3. Set website 4. Change landing page images in customer website 5. Set up 3 apps on firebase 6. Generate apks, aab and IPA 7. Change package name 8. Change logo 9. Change colour 10. Change onboarding screens and splash screens on all 3 apps (Welcome To GreenDash) 11. Change app name 12. Upload to play store and app store Universal text changes. These must be done on admin, website, restaurant panel, and all 3 apps. These apply everywhere including related urls. Please be conscious of the plurals, e.g. some instances it’s restaurant/store others it’s restaurants/stores 1. Change restaurant/s to store/s 2. Change food/s to product/s 3. Change non veg and veg to 4. Change Cuisines to Categories 5. Custome...

    €116 Average bid
    €116 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    ...tracked through a network system. Multi-Level Marketing (MLM): Earn percentages from sales or referrals made by others in the customer’s network. Store-Created Accounts: Allow the store to create and manage customer accounts. 6. Profit Share Calculation Partner Profit Splits: Calculate monthly profit splits for partners (e.g., 50/50, 40/60). Reporting: Generate detailed profit share reports. 7. Guided Store Setup Phone Repair Store Guide: Step-by-step setup guide for new stores, including product selection, cost estimation, and supplier integration. 8. Tablet Integration In-Store Tablets: Devices for customers to browse products, view prices, and generate checkout codes. 9. Billing and Invoices Automated Billing: Generate invoices for repairs and purchases. Tax ...

    €278 Average bid
    €278 licitátlag
    19 árajánlat

    ...Users can share their recipes, photos, and food experiences with the community. 7. Visually Appealing UI/UX o Modern and User-Friendly Design:  A contemporary, clean design that aligns with food and community culture.  Easy navigation with clear calls to action for registration, membership, and content browsing.  Optimized for mobile and desktop devices to provide a seamless experience across all platforms. o Interactive & Engaging Elements:  Visually rich elements such as food images, video content, and interactive forms (will provide the content to use , videos too have testimonies of members to use there)  Intuitive navigation with easily accessible ________________________________________ PAGES around 6-7 in total. Link to social media accounts at the bott...

    €743 Average bid
    €743 licitátlag
    88 árajánlat

    ...Group Creation & Structure Setup Set up a public Telegram group using Topics to organize different access levels: ? Public Chatters (Entry Level) ? Gold Chatters (Verified Pros) ? Platinum Chatters (Top Earners) ? Diamond Chatters (Elite Players - Invite Only) Configure admin and user permissions for different tiers. Set up onboarding automation for new members. 2. Bot Integration & Automation Install and configure bots to automate verification, moderation, and competitions: @RoseBot – Moderation & anti-spam. @Combot – Leaderboards & activity tracking. @Shieldy_bot – Prevent bot/spam entries. @Vortex_bot – Auto-promote members based on performance. @GiveawayBot – Automate competitions and prize distributions. Set up a Zapier integrati...

    €338 Average bid
    €338 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    ...rules. 2. Change payment keys to production mode. 3. Review all functionalities and fix any defects, ensuring the site and control panel work seamlessly together. 4. Develop a boost feature for public profiles, photo galleries, and videos. 5. Optimize website performance for a fast and smooth browsing experience. 6. Ensure the site is responsive, adapting to computers, tablets, and mobile phones. 7. Adjust translations to reflect correctly across all site sections. 8. Perform load tests, checking performance with up to 10,000 simultaneous users. 9. Improve design and layout, fixing misaligned elements, margins, buttons, fonts, and visual inconsistencies. 10. Create two explanatory videos: one for the website and another for the control panel, presenting the entire project with vo...

    €460 Average bid
    €460 licitátlag
    69 árajánlat

    I need about 5-7 pages made up about RX3 Founder profiles, strategy, portfolio of investments etc

    €48 Average bid
    €48 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    ...BUILT FOR WINDOWS IN PYTHON AND NEED IT UPDATED: 1. Learn current software and get IDE and Git working for our updates. 2. Update Python Windows software to collect from a PC Web Camera STREAM. (See attached image) 3. Update software to accept any video stream. 4. Make sure the current loaded model runs across the stream. 5. Make sure GPU is used. (Not CPU) 6. LOAD / SAVE models function. 7. SHOW GPS coordinate contained in the model. Previous programmer did only 50% of work and dissappeared, you are the next star in our software advancement. I need a simple MVP with the above. I hav e customers waiting to see the MVP working with a screen record. Any and all work is to be loaded to our PC and sent to Git/Bit Bucket DAILY. We have a team who will check the work...

    €116 Average bid
    €116 licitátlag
    15 árajánlat

    ...more complex issues, the chatbot should notify human agents via email. This project requires a professional with a strong background in AI, chatbot development and experience with customer service applications. The ideal candidate will have a proven track record of creating efficient and user-friendly chatbots. Please include examples of your previous work in your bid. Core Functionalities: ✅ 24/7 Automated Responses – Answer frequently asked questions (FAQs) instantly.✅ Live Chat Handoff – Forward complex queries to a human support agent when needed.✅ Multilingual Support – Support at least two languages (English + Arabic preferred).✅ Order Tracking & Support – Allow customers to check their order status via chatbot.✅ AI-Powered Responses – M...

    €521 Average bid
    €521 licitátlag
    26 árajánlat - Smooth motion graphics with 2D animation (3D elements can be used if necessary) - A light, friendly, and informative tone - Engaging background music Deliverables: - Full HD (1920x1080) animated video - Background music & sound effects - On screen Text - Source files & final rendered video in MP4 format Timeline & Milestones: - Storyboard & Style Frames: 3-4 days - First Draft Animation: 7-10 days - Revisions & Final Delivery: 3-4 days - Total Duration: 2-3 weeks...

    €166 Average bid
    €166 licitátlag
    7 árajánlat

    ...for Sales Campaigns: Measure the efficiency of paid advertising in generating sales opportunities. 6. Platform Management & Optimization (Sales Focused): Optimize Profiles for Lead Capture: Ensure profiles prominently feature contact information and clear calls to action for sales inquiries. Link to Sales Pages: Direct links should consistently lead to relevant sales information on the website. 7. Influencer Marketing (Real Estate & Lifestyle Focused): Partner with Real Estate Influencers/Experts: Collaborate with influencers who specialize in real estate, homeownership, property investment, or luxury living to reach potential buyers. Showcase Lifestyle & Community (Ownership Perspective): Influencers can highlight the lifestyle benefits of owning at Grand Court and...

    €7 / hr Average bid
    €7 / hr licitátlag
    28 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a talented video creator who can produce a 9-minute live-action video using stock footage, based on a title I'll provide. The video should be entertaining and aimed at a general audience. Key Requirements: - Use of AI to generate the script for the video - Utilization of copyright-free images from various sites - Proficient in editing and piecing together live-action stock footage - Understands the nuances of creating content for a broad, general audience Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in creating entertainment-focused videos - Strong understanding of pacing and engagement for a general audience - Proficiency with video editing software - Familiarity with AI tools for script generation - Access to a wide range of stock footage resources - Pr...

    €22 Average bid
    €22 licitátlag
    10 árajánlat

    ...required a box where we can add the schema markup code in header of each page 4) URL Redirections: We will be required a box where we can do the redirections of old url’s to new urls 5) SEO-friendly URLs 6) Content: We will be required access to add a content so we recommend to add rich text editor so we can add and format content as per needs , just above the footer section as can be seen here. 7) Dynamic XML sitemap: We suggest you to generate a dynamic , where whenever new Job post has been posting, the URL of that of that job post should automatically fetch in file. 8) Canonical tags: We will be required access to put a canonical tag to avoid duplicate content. Please create a box where we can add canonical tags. 9) Google Analytics (GA4): Please copy and paste it

    €39 Average bid
    €39 licitátlag
    17 árajánlat

    ...automations, acts delegations and documentations. • Experience in implementing and managing backup, disaster recovery and business continuity strategies: • Acts on Disaster recovery tests to process fail over and fail back. • Interventions scheduled on weekends and non-working hours. Profile Skills required: • Technical Skills for Production Support Engineer • Linux REDhat since 6.2 version mandatory, CentOS • Scripting KSH Skill and SSH • Windows servers since 2012 version • Experience on ETL tools (Informatica) • Experience on Databases (Oracle, Teradata, PostgreSql) • Experience on BI Tools (MSBI, Business Object, Power BI) • Experience on Files Transfer Tool (Tom, SFTP,) • Experience on scheduling tools (Control-M,...

    €314 Average bid
    €314 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat

    I need assistance to install my WordPress theme so that it looks exactly like the live demo. Key Requirements: - Use provided demo content files: I'm unsure if I have them, so you may need to check with the theme developer. - No customizations: I just want the demo content installed, no changes needed. - Access to hosting: I have the login details for my WordPress hosting account. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in WordPress theme installation - Ability to troubleshoot and locate demo content files if necessary - Strong attention to detail to ensure the installation replicates the live demo.

    €26 Average bid
    €26 licitátlag
    69 árajánlat
    Trophy icon Logo Design - 05/02/2025 23:21 EST
    19 óra left

    I need a logo design for: Unicorn Marketing I want it to have a holographic effect like this please: Please try to use the holographic style effect in the link above. I don't like the others, this one is nice. OR BETTER! Does not have to be these fonts or glitter it is the holographic effect that I want. Please pay attention to my request and don't just submit anything. Thanks kindly. I want something very unique and professional.

    €19 Average bid
    Sürgős Garantált
    303 pályamű

    I need a freelancer to design an e-bike website using OpenCart (latest version). You’ll get cPanel access with OpenCart installed. Tasks: Design a custom, responsive theme. Create a professional logo. Add 10-15 sample e-bike products (copy details/images from ). Set up homepage with banners, categories, and featured products. Ensure basic functionality (no payment integration needed). Deliverables: Functional e-bike website with logo, theme, and sample products. Responsive and optimized design. Timeline is max 2 days.

    €16 - €55
    €16 - €55
    26 árajánlat
    Claude MCP for Windows 11
    6 nap left

    I need a professional to install MCP tolls into Claude on my Windows 11 laptop. Claude should have full access to all my files and the internet. Requirements: - Configure Claude to process all my documents and spreadsheets stored locally and on OneDrive. - Ensure Claude can access the internet and online civil litigation databases. - Facilitate Claude's ability to process all my data without size limitations. This project does not necessitate any specific security measures. Therefore, I do not require encryption of data or user authentication protocols. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Windows 11 - Experience with Claude and MCP tolls - Knowledge in configuring AI for data processing - Familiarity with civil litigation databases would be a plus. The project should be comple...

    €22 Average bid
    €22 licitátlag
    3 árajánlat

    I have a VPS with OVH, running Ubuntu or maybe apache. I need a tech expert who can install SSL on my domain and reading their server tech files I htink they suggest using Certbot, Key Tasks: - Install SSL on my domain . - Configure the server to use the certificate and set up HTTPS redirection. - Help with monitoring server performance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with ubantu and apache - Proficiency in SSL installation and Certbot. - Skills in server performance monitoring. - Familiarity with Ubuntu operating system.

    €38 Average bid
    €38 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    Description: We are looking for an experienced Mailchimp & Mandrill API Developer who can help us integrate Zoho CRM with Mandrill (Mailchimp's transactional email service) to automate email sending. ? Project Sc...integration ✔️ Proficiency in JavaScript, Deluge (Zoho’s scripting language), or Python ✔️ Ability to handle API authentication & security best practices ✔️ Strong debugging and troubleshooting skills ? Project Details: Project Type: One-time project (with potential for future work) Budget: Open to discussion (please provide your best bid) Timeline: Looking for quick turnaround (preferably within 5-7 days) ? To Apply: Please include: ✅ Your previous Mailchimp & Mandrill API projects ✅ Experience with Zoho CRM integrations ✅ Estimated time & cost...

    €188 Average bid
    €188 licitátlag
    11 árajánlat

    ...and configure a custom Python-based automation framework that integrates with cloud services. The goal is to establish a fully operational cloud system capable of executing automation tasks after setup. Key Responsibilities: • Server Deployment: Set up an EC2 instance with proper configurations. • Security Configuration: Implement IAM for access control and security. • Software Installation: Install Python, required dependencies, and automation libraries. • Automation Framework Setup: Configure a Python-based system for data processing, system monitoring, and deployment automation. • Cloud Integration: Connect AWS services such as Lambda, S3, RDS, and API Gateway. • AI Implementation: Enable self-learning capabilities for task execution and op...

    €142 Average bid
    €142 licitátlag
    35 árajánlat framework to .net core make sure this project to run in linux debain 1-Update Project File: Change to .NET Core format and update the target framework. 2-Update NuGet Packages: Remove incompatible packages and install the latest .NET Core-compatible ones. 3-Refactor APIs: Replace deprecated .NET Framework APIs with .NET Core equivalents. 4-Configuration: Move from to or environment variables. 5-Implement Dependency Injection (DI): Refactor code to use DI for services. 6-Logging: Replace with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging. 7-Async & Threading: Refactor threading code to use async/await if necessary. 8-Cross-Platform: Ensure the app runs on Linux/macOS if needed. 9-Update Tests: Update unit tests to work with .NET Core. 10-Performance Optimization:

    €13 Average bid
    €13 licitátlag
    17 árajánlat Here is some photos from my phone: Checklist: 1. The video is about you, or an actor, talking about my product 2. It promotes excitement 3. It does not promote dangerous or irresponsible behaviour 4. It is in Hindi with Hindi text overlays 5. The preferred length of the video is about 30 seconds 6. You have 7 days to enter the contest. I will not choose a winner until the end, but I will respond to submissions every day...

    €302 Average bid
    4 pályamű

    ...Villa Rita Dr, Phoenix, AZ 85023 we were running an Assisted Living Business. In 2019 we decided to convert the garage in living area, putting two rooms and half bath. We did not ask for architectural modification but after was done. The conversion was done by the city code, inspected and Certificate of Occupation, heated/cooled, ingress egress, insulation, sprinkler system, fire alarm monetarized 24/7 as entire house. From outside is no difference, same garage door, nothing changed. Finally, they agree with it, but add a lien on the property, stating that they allow it as long we do business and in case we sell or rent need to convert it back. We were, enthusiasm couple and signed it. Then After Pandemic the business went wrong and same with marriage. My ex was the manager/careg...

    €404 Average bid
    €404 licitátlag
    21 árajánlat

    ...for external reporting or bookkeeping needs. 4. Set up email or SMS notifications for important events like order creation, completion, and shipping updates. 5. Maintain a detailed log of changes and actions performed on each order, such as edits, status changes, and notes. 6. Enable bulk processing features to handle multiple orders simultaneously for operations like status updates and invoicing. 7. Include a section for managing customer profiles that stores order history, contact information, and preferences. 8. Implement a more flexible role management system allowing customization of permissions beyond just admin and non-admin. 9. Allow the addition of custom fields to orders to capture special information required by business operations. The web application should include ...

    €2197 Average bid
    €2197 licitátlag
    235 árajánlat

    ...because we wanted the user to know why they should login. Not sure if that's the right decision since it's not clear what will happen you click on it. 4: Directory: Goes to a list of organizations in the town that might contribute to the town's feed or events. 5: Discussions: These are similar to news items but are items for discussion. 6: News: These are news items just like any news platform. 7: Events: This is an additional path into the calendar system. 8: This is a summary of a news item. So the other image for the news item screen. 9: This is a calendar thumbnail of the town's events. Currently, if a day is clicked on, see the other image for the calendar list. 10: This is a call-to-action to encourage a person to submit an event or discussion ...

    €111 Average bid
    10 pályamű

    I need a professional to help revise and update our 282-page Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) manual. Key Tasks: - Making formatting and layout changes - Updating the text - Adding some color - Ensuring the document remains in Word format - Update existing charts, graphs, and diagrams with the most recent data. - Insert new sections as draft for review only. Concentrate on making general updates and revisions throughout the HSE manual. Please use basic/simple infographics for better readability. Pay extra attention to formatting and layout to improve readability and usability. The freelancer should work independently, with periodic updates. Ensure the manual complies primarily with OSHA standards. Include new sections on 7 to 8 additional programs to cover gaps in HSE...

    €1448 - €2896
    €1448 - €2896
    30 árajánlat

    The brand name is Al3nood_signa...Notification & Management for the Owner a.Real-time Order Notifications Dashboard Management 5. Customer Accounts & Personalized Experience History & Reordering b. Wishlist & Favorites c. Exclusive Discounts & Promotions 6. Customer Support Form & Social Media Integration: Allows customers to reach out for support or stay updated via social media. 7. Delivery & Pickup Options Delivery b. In-Store Pickup 8. SEO & Marketing Integration A. SEO-Friendly Pages. & SMS Marketing Integration C. Social Media Sharing: Customers can share products directly on social platforms. Conclusion We need to have full access on the website to keep updating the photos without having any issues or extra charges

    €159 Average bid
    €159 licitátlag
    63 árajánlat

    ...confirm that it is ready to be picked up. - The cargo company should be able to confirm when the goods have been delivered. 6. *User Management:* - Each cargo company (e.g., Ajmal Cargo) should have its own unique login and password to access and manage their customers' shipments. - The app should provide a secure login and authentication system for both cargo companies and their customers. 7. *Security:* - The app must store all customer and shipment data securely. - Ensure the app uses encryption to protect sensitive data. --- *Additional Notes:* - I need the app to be user-friendly and intuitive, with clear notifications and updates for both customers and cargo companies. - The app should be scalable so that more cargo companies can join in the future....

    €640 Average bid
    €640 licitátlag
    79 árajánlat