Hotel general manager interview questions and answersmunkák


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    2,000 hotel general manager interview questions and answers munkát találtunk

    A cég egyik egészségügyi szoftver projektjében lenne szükségünk tapasztalt, jó technikai tudással rendelkező medior vagy senior szintű szakemberre távmunkában. A szóban forgó projekt egy ASP.NET 8 és Angular/React alapú telemedicina szolgáltatás, amely könnyű kapcsolatteremtési lehetőséget biztosít páciens és orvos között. Feladatok: Projektmenedzsmentben és technológiai kérdésekben lenne szükségünk segítségre, ami magában foglalja a folyamatok ticketekre történő felbontását is. A site alapvetően egy ASP.NET 8 API, amelyhez s...

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr licitátlag
    10 árajánlat

    About the job Egy prémium tortakiszállítással foglalkozó hazai startup vagyunk, édes kis csapatunkba várjuk lelkes, új tagunkat. Olyan embert keresünk, aki élvezi a munkát, mert hisszük, hogy azt tudjuk hatékonyan csinálni, amit örömmel végzünk. Szívesen látjuk az ötleteidet és csodás, ha feltalálod magad. Feladatkörök Social media kezelés ⁃ social media felületek kezelése ⁃ social media plan alapján posztok elkészítése, beidőzítése ⁃ szövegírás ⁃ (sablon alapján) grafikai anyag elkészítése ⁃ napi story k&ea...

    €752 Average bid
    €752 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    youtube manager magyar
    Véget ért left

    Olyan manager-t keresek aki segíteni tudna a csatornámat fejleszteni. A csatornám a pénzügy köré épül. forex, crypto, részvények, nft.

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr licitátlag
    5 árajánlat

    ...for a full stack development position in our youthful team. In addition to development, we would also count on you to lead the programming team and make technological decisions. Our startup is currently working on a number of projects. What do we offer? • Professionally challenging, interesting tasks • Adequate salary • Year-end bonus • Teleworking • Part-time or full-time • Flexible scheduling • Scrum methodology Requirements: • General software development skills • Javascript skills • React skills • State management tools • Backend models and solutions knowledge (MVC, REST API) • PHP knowledge Soft skills: • Intermediate written and speaking English • Good commun...

    €1996 Average bid
    €1996 licitátlag
    13 árajánlat

    A DiabTrend startup cukorbetegeknek fejleszt AI alapú, algoritmussal kiegészített alkalmazást iOS és Android okostelefonokra. Csapatunkba keresünk az alábbi szempontok alapján Senior Marketing Managert. Feladatok, munkák: - B2C online marketing stratégia építése és kivitelezése - A stratégia megvalósításának folyamatos monitorozása, felelve a célkitűzések teljesítéséért, a marketingre fordítható források hatékony felhasználásáért - Digitális marketing kampányok, reklámok, hirdetések megtervezése, létrehoz&a...

    €24 - €48 / hr
    €24 - €48 / hr
    0 árajánlat
    PPC kampánymenedzser
    Véget ért left

    Az AdNet Media weboldal készítéssel és PPC kampányok menedzselésével foglalkozik. Keresünk olyan szabadúszó kollégát, aki folyamatosan tudja támogatni projektjeinket. Leginkább állandó megbizatással, de eseti projekt alapú megbízásokban gondolkodunk. Olyan személyt keresünk, aki magabiztosan kezeli a Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Analytics, Tag manager szolgáltatásokat és sikeresen létre tud hozni kampányokat, akár kereső, vagy shopping kampányokról beszélünk, majd ezeket képes megtérülően optimalizálni. Nem teljes állású munk...

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    Kongresszusi technikusi felügyeleti munka (PowerPoint előadásanyagok átvétele, összegyűjtése és azok program szerinti elindítása) helyszín: Hotel Nautis, Gárdony időpont: június 24. 10-18 h június 25. 8-16 h június 26. 8-12 h

    €2 - €8 / hr
    €2 - €8 / hr
    0 árajánlat

    1.6 -os prestashopra fejlesztett egyedi modul portolása egy az egyben 1.7 -re ( Symfony2) melyben tartalmaz EPL ( ZPL) címkenyomtató is.

    €472 Average bid
    €472 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat
    Logo tervezés
    Véget ért left

    Hajdúszoboszlói 138 szobás Hotel Barátság keres logo tervezőt. A szálloda jellemzői: gyógy és wellness szolgáltatás, saját gyógyvizes medencék hajdúszoboszlói gyógyvízzel. Modern design keresünk. Szerepeljen benne a hotel neve, Hajdúszoboszló, + grafika. Színekben jelenjen meg arany, barna (gyógyvíz színe miatt). Jelenlegi weboldal - átalakítás alatt: Bővebb információkat ott találnak. Grafikában szeretnénk a gyógyvizet, megjeleníteni.

    €54 Average bid
    €54 licitátlag
    15 árajánlat

    egy adatbázis kezelő applikáció elkészítésére kérek ajánlatot , mely a TEM MODUL MANAGER ( Google market ) mintájára egy másik szerelvénygyártó elemeit rendezi el proekt szinten . Külön árat kérek az applikációra és a windowsos verzióra , ami interaktív lenne azaz egy weblapon futtatható .

    €501 Average bid
    €501 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Design project
    Véget ért left

    Tervezzen egy logót Hotel Aqua

    €92 Average bid
    €92 licitátlag
    23 árajánlat
    Extract text from PDF
    Véget ért left

    Hi! I have a pdf full of questions about 1.8k them or so. I need some to extract all these questions and put them in a file in the following format: #Melyik a legjobb rövid távú ütemezési algoritmus? (S) //<-question start with '#' and after the question text there is '(S)' implying it is a single answer type. Thsi is mandatory this is the only type in this pdf. //<- blank line A Round-Robin, hiszen egyszerűen implementálható és kicsi az overhead. //<-wrong asnwer 1 A feedback, ennek valamilyen verzióját nagyon sok mai rendszerben használják. //<-wrong asnwer 2 Prioritásos, hiszen figyelembe veszi az egyes feladatok fontosság&aa...

    €54 Average bid
    €54 licitátlag
    8 árajánlat

    Folyamatos munkám van az előző projektekhez kapcsolódóan 'Logo for a hotel marketing agency'

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Augmented reality-vel kombinált gyerekkönyveket készítünk, és ehhez a projekthez szükségünk van 3D animá...megoldani. Ebben az esetben külön textúra az arc, így optimálisabb az erőforrás kihasználása. Illetve ez pontosan mennyit tesz hozzá árban? Ami az időt illeti, lehető mielőbb kellene, de 1-2 héten belül. Kívánt formátum: fbx. Minden jog a miénk. További technikai kitételek, hogy kompatibilis legyen a szoftverünkkel: · Do not use textures, that are larger than 2048x2048 pixels · Try to use "power of two"-textures i.e. 32x32, 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, etc ·...

    €216 Average bid
    €216 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat
    Junior Country Manager
    Véget ért left

    Comforce egyedülálló lehetőséget kínál, olyan jelentkezőknek, akik nem irodai munkát keresnek, ennél izgalmasabb lehetőségre vágynak. Szeretsz emberekkel beszélni? Nem csak telefonon szeretnél beszélgetni velük, hanem személyesen is? Változatos, mozgalmas munkát keresel? Jelentkezz legújabb állás ajánlatunkra! Legyél a márka nagykövete, építs egy sikeres weblapot az alapoktól. Feladat: Budapesti szépségszalonok számára ingyenes marketing lehetőség bemutatására. Ügyfelünk weblapja más országokban már sikeresen működi...

    €710 - €1420
    €710 - €1420
    0 árajánlat
    Milidim Service Manager
    Véget ért left

    Ugyfelkezelo kezelo programot szeretnek tovabbfejlesztesi lehetoseggel.

    €218 Average bid
    €218 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat
    Redmine installálás
    Véget ért left

    Egy Linux szerverre kell föltelepíteni a Ruby on Rails keretrendszert és a Redmine project manager programot. Elvárások: -legyen Linux tapasztalata, ismerete -tudja megoldani a feladatot Kínálok: -kifizetés -amennyiben gördülékeny a feladat megoldása, a későbbiekben lehet, hogy tudok ajánlani hasonló munkákat

    €32 Average bid
    €32 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat
    Perfume Bottle Technical Design 3D
    6 nap left

    ...The bottle will be manufactured using glass and/or crystal and must be engineered for production with technical specifications. Project Requirements 3D Model Software: Blender, Rhino, SolidWorks, Fusion 360, or equivalent File formats required: .STL, .STEP, .OBJ The model must accurately reflect the low-polygon aesthetic of the angel figure, including: Faceless, abstract geometric structure Kneeling posture Inverted wings (Ark of the Covenant-inspired) Minimalist and refined symmetry Dimensions & Proportions Bottle height: 20-25 cm Base width: 8-10 cm (must ensure stability when standing) Internal volume: Approx. 50ml - 100ml liquid capacity Wall thickness: 3-5 mm (for durability) No excessively sharp edges (to maintain safe handling and ma...

    €336 Average bid
    €336 licitátlag
    39 árajánlat
    Sales Rep for Hotel Tech Company
    6 nap left

    ...self-guided tours and local experiences for hotels and hostels. We’re looking for a motivated, results-driven sales freelancer to help expand our reach across hotels globally. Why Join Us? Flexible, Commission-Based Model: Earn competitive commissions with no cap on your earnings. High Demand: We’re already working with leading hotels and expanding rapidly. Minimal Learning Curve: You’ll be equipped with all necessary tools, training, and materials to close deals effectively. What You’ll Need: Strong English proficiency. Preferably an Australian, US, or European accent. Confidence and comfort with phone sales, as this role requires a lot of calling to reach decision-makers. Sales or hospitality experience is a plus, but not ...

    €1803 Average bid
    €1803 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    ...progress using our health and wellness products. Application features: * Allow users to take health assessments (multiple choice answers as well as text; Typeform like design ) * Remind users to take their health and wellness products on time. * Remind users to take another assessment on a weekly/bi-weekly basis * Dashboard showing past results of their assessments as well as view their previous answers * Dashboard with a graph of their history of assessment scores (with tooltips show their score results in each point that's plotted) * Admin dashboard where I can view user's results, their graphs, and send direct messages to an inbox to chat * Blog * iOS and Android compatible (mobile and tablet) * No jank, fluid movement ...

    €303 Average bid
    €303 licitátlag
    46 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a social media agency, proficient in Meta Ads Manager, to execute a lead-generation campaign on Facebook and Instagram. Key Aspects: - Primary goal: Generating Business to Consumer (B2C) leads. - Platforms: Facebook and Instagram. Ideal Skills: - Proven expertise in running Meta Ads. - Proficient in targeting and lead generation strategies. - Experience with B2C campaigns. - Strong understanding of Facebook and Instagram ad mechanics.

    €77 Average bid
    €77 licitátlag
    19 árajánlat

    ...with Nvivo software. The project involves analyzing over 12 interview transcripts using thematic analysis. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Nvivo software - Extensive experience in qualitative data analysis - Deep understanding and expertise in performing thematic analysis - Strong attention to detail and ability to identify patterns and themes - Excellent communication skills for reporting findings - Experience in analyzing interview-based data - Relevant academic qualifications in data analysis or related fields The project needs to be completed within a week. Please provide a detailed written report of the findings. The final report should be formatted according to APA guidelines. Please include visualizations and chart...

    €130 Average bid
    €130 licitátlag
    20 árajánlat

    ...FROM CHANDIGARH TRICITY 1. Timeline and Progress Monitoring and quality assurance • Task: Regularly review development progress, ensure milestones are achieved on schedule, and identify potential delays and review app deliverables to ensure they meet agreed quality standards and align with your vision. • Deliverables: Progress reports after every milestone, flagging potential risks or delays and providing feedback report after reviewing each major deliverable • Estimated Time: 8-10 hours per milestone. • Compensation: ₹15000–₹20,000 per milestone. ₹8000-10000 additional compensation for every milestone 2. Create a roadmap outlining the development phases, timelines, and deliverables for the app. Vision...

    €17 / hr Average bid
    Kiemelt Sürgős
    €17 / hr licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a Facebook Agency Partner Business Manager account to run ads without restrictions. The ideal situation would be to join with a Meta partner. Key Requirements: - An unlimited spending account suitable for the gambling niche, without bans or restrictions. - Access to a Facebook Agency Partner Business Manager account, or the ability to join with a Meta partner. - Primary objective is running unlimited ads without restrictions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Deep understanding and experience with Facebook's Business Manager. - Previous collaboration with a Facebook Agency Partner. - Expertise in managing ad campaigns in the gambling niche. The ads should be focused on specific geographic regions. The ads should be targeted at In...

    €29094 Average bid
    €29094 licitátlag
    3 árajánlat and vendor management platform. This system must allow both internal and external users to handle RFIs, RFPs, RFQs and other procurement-related tasks. Key Features: - Comprehensive vendor management - Detailed bid management - Advanced document management - Thorough user management functionalities - Support for parent-child vendor relationships - Capability for live online bidding - Bid evaluation tools Scope of Work for RFI, RFP, RFX Bid Management, Document Management & Vendor Management System 1. Overview The purpose of this system is to create a centralized bid and vendor management platform that allows internal and external users to manage RFIs, RFPs, RFQs, and other procurement-related activities. It will include vendor manag...

    €1061 Average bid
    €1061 licitátlag
    47 árajánlat

    I am launching a performan...launching a performance wear brand in a month and need a skilled social media manager and editor. The goal is to create a premium look across our platforms - Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube - to build brand awareness, social media growth, engagement ! Key Responsibilities: - Manage our social media channels, ensuring a consistent and premium brand look - Edit and prepare photos, videos, and graphics for posting - Strategize and implement plans aimed at increasing brand visibility Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in managing social media for a premium brand - Excellent editing skills for photos, videos, and graphics - Strong understanding of building brand awareness through s...

    €107 Average bid
    €107 licitátlag
    11 árajánlat

    I am looking for a Fashion Operations Assistant who will play a critical role in supporting the Operations Manager. Your main aim will be ensuring efficient production workflows, effective inventory management, and seamless coordination across departments. Key Responsibilities: - Consolidating large Purchase Orders for Finished Good Garments - Consolidating Raw Material Purchase Orders (bill of materials) - Costing - Productivity analysis for the production team and incentives - Digital filing - Data Entry - Creating packing lists and invoices Ideal Candidate: - Exceptional attention to detail - Strong organizational skills - Proficiency in spreadsheet software Key Priorities: Your primary focus will be on enhancing our overall operations. Technical Skills:...

    €5 / hr Average bid
    €5 / hr licitátlag
    28 árajánlat

    ...Nano, an L293D motor driver, and connectivity for additional components like servo motors, an ultrasonic sensor, and infrared sensors. The PCB should be compact, efficient, and optimized for easy assembly. SAMPLE layout design attached ( resistor, capacitor and voltage controllers to be added as required ) Project Requirements: Microcontroller: Arduino Nano (ATmega328P) Motor Driver: L293D (Dual H-Bridge) for controlling two DC motors Servo Motor Control: Two male header pins for connecting two servo motors Powered by 5V from the Arduino or external power Sensor Connectivity: One female header (4 pins) for an ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04) Two male header pins for IR sensors (typically 3-pin each: VCC, GND, OUT) Power Supply: 5V for Arduino Nano, Servo motor...

    €37 Average bid
    €37 licitátlag
    10 árajánlat

    I have a prototype logo that needs professional touch for trademark registration. The project involves mainly redesigning the icon. The ideal freelancer should be well-versed in logo design and trademark regulations. Key Requirements: - Redesign of the logo icon - Refinement of the color scheme - General polishing of the logo

    €72 Average bid
    €72 licitátlag
    96 árajánlat

    Freelance GIS Specialist Needed for Healthcare Research ArcGIS & SQL Expertise Required | Python & R is a plus I am looking for an experienced GIS specialist with strong ArcGIS skills to assist with ongoing and future healthcare research projects. This is NOT for beginners—you must have a solid background in spatial data analysis and GIS-based methodologies. Key Responsibilities: ✔ Process, analyze, and visualize spatial data in ArcGIS ✔ Conduct advanced spatial analysis aligned with research objectives ✔ Handle healthcare-related geospatial datasets with accuracy ✔ Follow precise data handling and analysis instructions ✔ Deliver results on time—strict deadlines must be met Requirements: ✅ Strong ArcGIS skills (Spatial Analysis, Network An...

    €17 Average bid
    €17 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    I am seeking a seasoned cyber security professional to enhance the security of my admin panel. While I currently have some measures in place, they require significant improvement. The primary goal is to implement general security enhancements. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in cyber security - Knowledge of vulnerabilities and SQL injection - Experience in general security enhancements - Proficiency in creating robust security measures Key Tasks: - Assess current security measures and identify weaknesses - Implement improvements for general security - Secure the admin panel against potential threats

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr licitátlag
    3 árajánlat
    looking for an auditor
    6 nap left

    Seeking an auditor/accountant for a quick 30-minute consultation to answer a few project-related questions. If you're interested, please let me know

    €5 / hr Average bid
    €5 / hr licitátlag
    21 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a professional estimator to assist with my LVP flooring project. The estimator should be proficient in: -BXWA and fast bid - Cost Calculation: I need an accurate forecast of the total expenditure for this project. - Material Quantity Estimation: The estimator should be able to determine the exact amount of LVP needed for the project. - Labor Time Estimation: A breakdown of the expected labor time would also be beneficial. Experience with LVP flooring is a must, and familiarity with general flooring project estimation will be highly advantageous.

    €242 - €727
    €242 - €727
    0 árajánlat
    Facebook Meta Ad Management
    6 nap left

    I'm looking for a skilled social media manager to oversee my Facebook (Meta) for our real estate business. Currently running ads that lead to an existing landing page already created. I need assistance with improving the exisiting campaigns running, manage and build the target audience and manage the ad spend budget. Our ads campaign runs constantly, with 1 ad set and 4 ads running currently. Key Responsibilities: - Create and manage ads across Facebook. - Assist with the creation of content using images, Text and video all leading to our CET (Customer Engagement Tool) landing page - Create/ increase a specific target audience, develop and manage. - Manage ad spent budget - Advise on improving overall google and instagram m...

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr licitátlag
    71 árajánlat

    ... focusing on education and literacy issues. The film's primary objective is to raise awareness about the challenges faced in this area. Key Aspects: - The documentary should highlight the current state of education and literacy in rural Raigad, showcasing personal stories and local culture. - The target audience is primarily local residents, so the film should be relatable and accessible to this group. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in documentary filmmaking. - Excellent storytelling skills. - A deep understanding of, and sensitivity towards, social issues. - Ability to connect with and represent local voices. - Experience filming in rural and remote areas. - Proficiency in the local language(s) of Raigad....

    €229 Average bid
    €229 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat
    SEO Content Writer for my website
    6 nap left

    I am looking for a professional content writer who can create a detailed and SEO-friendly article of 2000+ words for my website, focused on my WebP to PNG conversion tool. The content must be 100% original, AI-free, and tailored to engage both users and search engines. Project Requirements: Competitor Analysis: The writer must analyze top competitors in the WebP to PNG conversion space. This includes their keywords, writing styles, and content structure. A comprehensive report with findings and insights must be provided, highlighting what makes their content effective, and how our content can stand out. Keywords List: A list of relevant keywords used in the article, based on competitor research and SEO best practices, should be included to ...

    €22 Average bid
    €22 licitátlag
    37 árajánlat

    As a Freelancer Manager at Talent Flex Solution, you'll oversee remote freelance teams and projects. Experience in managing freelance tasks is crucial. Your main duties will include: - Coordinating freelancers across several projects - Monitoring project timelines and ensuring deliverables are met Ideal candidates should have: - Strong team coordination skills - Excellent time management abilities - Proficient client communication skills Familiarity with: - Project management software - Communication platforms - Time tracking applications is a plus.

    €533 Average bid
    €533 licitátlag
    3 árajánlat

    ...EXPERT PRODUCTS IMPORT EXPERT EXCEL EXPERT Please do not bid if you're not a genuine expert that can import thousands of products every week. Tasks and Responsibilities: - Be super organized. We will be sending you documents: please sort them in a way that will make it easy for you to revert to these documents whenever needed. We use Office 365 / OneDrive to organize our documents. - You will be importing using excel or CSV or, if you're a true expert: you may even use XML. You will need to maintain these files. If we find out that an attribute was not defined, we want to make sure it will be easy for you to add the attribute and reimport the products adequately. Note: in some cases, product assets/attributes are contained in 3 files: PIES - ACES - Di...

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr licitátlag
    24 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a skilled webinar moderator for a marketing-focused event. The moderator's tasks will include introducing speakers, managing Q&A sessions, and handling technical troubleshooting. Ideal candidates should have: - Strong general moderation skills - Experience with managing online events - Ability to handle technical issues on the fly - Excellent communication skills Specific industry expertise isn't necessary, but a familiarity with marketing concepts could be beneficial. Please provide examples of similar events you have moderated in your proposal. The expected duration of the webinar is 1-2 hours. We will be using ZOHO Webinar as the platform for hosting the webinar.

    €24 / hr Average bid
    €24 / hr licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    ...simultaneously. The server currently operates on a single-thread setup and we want to upgrade it to a multi-threaded architecture. Your task will be to modify the existing codebase to introduce thread pooling and ensure the server can manage multiple HTTP requests more efficiently. The end goal is to make the server robust, enabling it to serve multiple files at the same time wit hout crashing under load. You’ll also ensure it adheres to basic HTTP protocols and can handle common requests like GET and HEAD. Project Details: Introduce a thread pool to manage multiple requests. Implement buffering mechanisms for handling connections. Enhance the server to handle common HTTP requests efficiently. Ensure the server operates securely and restricts fil...

    €159 Average bid
    €159 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat

    ...their work - Self learner & able to follow user guides - Meet deadlines - Proactive & willing to go the extra mile - Freshers can also apply Job Responsibility: - Data Entry & basic admin tasks - Do some research jobs related to products and purchase - Online search for suppliers/ whole sellers/ manufacturer who can give quality products at a very competitive price If you are interested, then Please carefully review the provided information and add the word "Rainbow" at the beginning of your cover letter. Also, share your response to the below questions. 1) What commitments do you have right now? Are you employed? Student? Freelancer? 2) If shortlisted, how many hours per day can you contribute during the weekdays? 3) If shortlisted, what wou...

    €4 / hr Average bid
    €4 / hr licitátlag
    45 árajánlat

    Buenas estoy en busca de un Manager de Marketing Online para que me guie en el proceso para poder crecer y hacer ventas vías redes sociales, somo confeccionadores de ropa nuestro objetivo es vender al mayor y también al detal

    €78 Average bid
    €78 licitátlag
    23 árajánlat

    ...skilled social media manager to oversee my Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube channels. The role includes creating and posting 5 posts and 3 reels on Instagram and Facebook weekly, as well as producing content for YouTube shorts. Key Responsibilities: - Content Creation: Develop engaging FB, INSTA posts, reels and YouTube shorts. - Scheduling and Posting: Ensure posts are uploaded at optimal times for maximum engagement. - Community Engagement: Primarily focused on initiating conversations with followers. - Paid Campaigns: Plan and manage paid advertising to boost visibility and engagement. - Organic Marketing: Develop strategies to grow the channels without relying solely on paid ads. - Logo Creation: Design a unique and...

    €440 Average bid
    €440 licitátlag
    65 árajánlat

    I am in need of a General Practitioner to provide brief reviews and comments on various healthcare services. It is important to note that there will be no patient relationship involved. Your task will solely be to offer your professional opinion on the efficiency of these services. This is a product-based offer with several options available each day. Your expertise will be crucial in assessing the service efficiency of these healthcare services. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Qualified General Practitioner - Experience in evaluating healthcare services - Strong analytical skills - Excellent communication skills for clear and concise reviews - Ability to provide objective assessments - Strong time management skills to handle multi...

    €54 / hr Average bid
    €54 / hr licitátlag
    12 árajánlat

    ...con resultados comprobados. Queremos a alguien que se convierta en una pieza clave dentro de nuestro equipo y aporte su conocimiento para que pueda realizar estrategias de pre-lanzamiento para cursos de clientes y maximizar la conversión de ventas en los primeros dias de lanzamiento. Si tienes experiencia en este tipo de proyectos y un historial de éxito, queremos trabajar contigo. Contexto general del proyecto: Estamos buscando un experto en estrategias de pre-lanzamiento para maximizar el impacto y las ventas de cursos digitales dirigidos a audiencias ya establecidas. En este caso, trabajaremos con influencers educativos que cuentan con millones de seguidores fieles. El objetivo es generar expectativa, confianza y posicionamiento de marca antes del lanzamiento ...

    €1527 Average bid
    €1527 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a freelancer to design a Google Sheet that serves as a weekly time tracker and project manager. Key Features: - A dedicated tab listing tasks and projects, arranged by priority. - A time tracking tab where team members can log their hours, tasks, and project details. - A pie chart summarizing how work hours are allocated. - The ability to add a new week seamlessly. Essential Information on Time Tracking Tab: - Date and hours worked - Task description Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Google Sheets - Experience in project management tools - Ability to create visually appealing and functional spreadsheets

    €83 Average bid
    €83 licitátlag
    50 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a skilled sales closer for my digital products. The target audience is primarily consumers (B2C). Key Requirements: - Proficient in handling sales via phone calls and emails - Previous experience in selling digital products is a plus - Excellent communication and persuasive skills Your primary role will be to convert potential leads into customers by effectively communicating the value of the products and addressing any questions or concerns.

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a talented writer to cre...articles about solar energy. These pieces should be aimed at the general public, with a primary focus on inform and educate, as well as promoting renewable products and advocating for environmental policy changes. Ideal Skills: - Strong writing skills - Experience in renewable energy writing - Ability to simplify complex concepts - Understanding of environmental policy - Experience in product promotion writing Goals: - Create informative and educational content - Promote solar energy products - Advocate for necessary environmental policy changes Each article should be 500-1000 words. The tone of the articles should be inspirational yet Engaging, Provocative and Persuasive. Most topics will extend across S...

    €344 Average bid
    €344 licitátlag
    74 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a professional who can create a 3D model in SolidWorks for manufacturing purposes. The model doesn't need to be hyper-detailed; a moderate level of detail for general understanding will suffice. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in SolidWorks - Previous experience in creating 3D models for manufacturing - Ability to convey moderate level details effectively in the model Ideal Skills: - SolidWorks - Manufacturing design - 3D modelling

    €834 Average bid
    €834 licitátlag
    66 árajánlat