Hooking windows context menumunkák


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    2,000 hooking windows context menu munkát találtunk
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    I am looking for a programmer for the following task: Creating a Windows-based software capable of collecting the data of all the clubs at the address " ", which creates a TXT file with the data of all the clubs on the website in the following resolution: CLUB NAME; CONTACT NAME; PHONE NUMBER; EMAIL ADDRESS;

    €53 Average bid
    €53 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat
    Arcfelismerő program
    Véget ért left

    Olyan fejlesztőt keresek, aki tud nekem olyan programot írni, ami egy meglévő adatbázisból képes arcot felismerni IP kamerán keresztül. Legyen képes egyidejűleg legalább 5-6 kamerát kezelni. Tudjon API-n keresztül csatlakozni adatbázisokhoz. Teljesen új forráskóddal kell rendelkeznie. Windows alapú programnak kell lennie.

    €913 Average bid
    €913 licitátlag
    12 árajánlat

    Nyilt forraskodu videoelemzo programot szeretnek szemelyre szabni windows-ra. Gopro video file-okbol szeretnenk tavolsagadatokat kinyerni.

    €527 Average bid
    €527 licitátlag
    8 árajánlat

    Rövid leírás: Interneten keresztül távvezérelt, 2 feladatot ellátó, automatikusan készenlétben álló szoftver megírása. A szoftver 2 részből, a távvezérlőből és a vezérelt részből áll, melyeknél: 1.) A vezérelt szoftvernek PowerPC architektúrán, OSX 10.5.8 rendszeren; 2.) A vezérlő szoftvernek Windows XP vagy magasabb verziójú, Android 8 vagy magasabb verziójú, és Debian disztribúciójú Linux rendszereken kell futnia. A programnak a következő képpen kell működnie: A programnak minden rendszerinduláskor, kivétel nél...

    €241 - €722
    €241 - €722
    0 árajánlat
    Trophy icon Logó tervezés
    Véget ért left

    Logo to WISIOO brand WISIOO is a window with minimal frames, our partner is a well-known producer of minimal windows in Greece, named ORAMA. They (ORAMA) have a matured brand design what you should study before the work because the full name of the new brand will be WISIOO by ORAMA. The logo should reflect to the minimal lifestyle because this feeling is important at this brand. We would like to see (feel) in the logo: • WISIOO – it is a new brand what will be launched to the Hungarian market this year – has to be in focus with characteristic (for example: bigger, bolder, coloured) letters and the ORAMA with its light letters in smaller size under the WISIOO • The form of the logo should be designed in four-square not in one row • The letters of ORAMA in i...

    €94 Average bid
    37 pályamű

    Vállalkozás megrendeléseinek követéséhez, majd a raktárkészlet követéséhez szeretnénk egy C#-ben írt, MySQL-t használó Windows-os programot. A megrendeléseknél kezelni kell a fizetés megtörténtét és a beérkezett tételeket: a tételek érkezhetnek több részletben is. A tételek mennyiségén és egységárán felül a mennyiségi egység is változhat, a megrendelés összegénél pedig a pénznem lehet EUR / HUF. Ezek aztán raktárba kerülnek, raktárhelységek között &...

    €509 Average bid
    €509 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat

    egy adatbázis kezelő applikáció elkészítésére kérek ajánlatot , mely a TEM MODUL MANAGER ( Google market ) mintájára egy másik szerelvénygyártó elemeit rendezi el proekt szinten . Külön árat kérek az applikációra és a windowsos verzióra , ami interaktív lenne azaz egy weblapon futtatható .

    €498 Average bid
    €498 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    szerver instalálás
    Véget ért left

    HP Enterprise ML10, Intel Xeon 4 processzoros, 8GB RAM, 2db 1TB HDD. (esetleg tükrözve?), 1 LAN csatl. windows server instalálása, programok telepítése - Firmwarek frissítése, RAID tömb beállítása (tükrözés), szerver beállítások optimalizálása, - Windows 2016 Standard szerver telepítése, távoli elérés beállítása - Fájlkiszolgáló beállítása, egyéb biztonsági beállítások, felhasználók felvétele

    €115 Average bid
    €115 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat
    Szoftver írása -- 2
    Véget ért left

    Windows Egyéb, vagy nem tudom Visual Basic futó program bővítése Magyar nyelven.

    €99 Average bid
    €99 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Szoftver írása
    Véget ért left

    Windows Egyéb, vagy nem tudom Visual Basic futó meglévő program bővítése.

    €536 Average bid
    €536 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat
    Írjon szoftvert
    Véget ért left

    Windows Egyéb, vagy nem tudom Robotot kellene programozni amely hirdetésfigyelőként azonnal elküldi egy adott oldalról az újonnan megjelenő szamomra releváns hirdetéseket.

    €29 - €241
    €29 - €241
    0 árajánlat

    ...Wordpress site for Dental Aesthetics Clinic. The site should have a blog function and a complex menu structure. The site should be dual-language (Hungarian and English) Hungarian Menu text copy located here: English will be added later (however we’ve translated the main menu titles to english) This SEO rules need to be followed during the website built: Attached you find design elements and photos about the team. Example site in style: Attached media: Photos about the team () Logos (Csiki_Fogszabaolyozas_1 ) Visualization () Menu structure: Híreink (News in english, this is the Blog block) Rólunk (About Us in

    €212 Average bid
    6 pályamű
    Szoftver írása
    Véget ért left

    Egyéb, vagy nem tudom Java Applikáció programozásról, fejlesztésről lenne szó Android, iOS és Windows felületre.

    €235 Average bid
    €235 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Szoftver írása
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    Windows Java Selfie box szoftverét szeretném egy projektbe lefejlesztetni. Adott egy pc, digitális fényképező és egy foto nyomtató. A selfiző odamegy a dobozhoz, megnyomja a start gombot. Készül harom fotó. Ezek a fotók felkerülnek egy képeslapra. A kepeslapot negy részre osztjuk. A bal felső sarok szabadon módosíthatónak kell lennie. Ode kerülhet egy esemény név, céglogó. A másik három területre felkerülnek a frissen készített fotók. A képeslapnak van egy szabadon valasztható háttere. Valaki tud ebben segíteni? Üdv: Jandy

    €149 Average bid
    €149 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Windows Egyéb, vagy nem tudom Szükségem lenne Facebook és Slacksocial integrációra,annak érdekében, hogy multi postingot tudjunk végezni egy FB oldal kapcsán!

    €8 - €28
    €8 - €28
    0 árajánlat
    Weboldal tervezés
    Véget ért left

    Készülő weboldalakon lenne szükség különböző kisebb php, html, css átalakításokra, javításokra (nem működő mobil menu, gombok, toggle, stb). A határidők: max 1-1.5 nap.

    €22 / hr Average bid
    €22 / hr licitátlag
    8 árajánlat

    Hello! Erdeklodni szeretnek, hogy tudnal-e olyan windows desktop applikaciot irni, ami kulonbozo poker kliensekbol nyitja meg a poker asztalokat?Van egy kliens, amit QT kodolast hasznal es injection-t kene alkalmazni. koszi David

    €963 Average bid
    €963 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    Egy már meglévő, Androidra és iOs-re elkészült alkalmazást kellene elkészíteni Windows Phone-ra is. Az Androidos alkalmazásunk letöltő linkje a következő: Amennyiben letöltötte az alkalmazást, és úgy érzi, hogy el tudná készíteni számunkra a Windows Phone-os verziót, kérem, írjon azonnal! A díjazás megbeszélés tárgya, a megadott költségvetés nem irányadó. Előre is köszönjük az érdeklődését!

    €10705348 Average bid
    €10705348 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat

    C++ és magas szintű dll hooking tudást igénylő projekthez keresek programozót. Egy úgynevezett "auto seating" programot kéne írni Pokerstasra. A program "scanneli" a már megynitott asztalokat és amint egy adott színkódú játékos beül, automatikusan beültet. Sokan használnak ilyen programot (legális ilyet használni Pokerstarson), mivel nagy a verseny a hobbijátékosokért, ezért fontos, hogy a lehető leggyorsabb legyen. Már volt ilyen programom, de sajnos az előző programozó eltűnt és a Pokerstars updatelt így már nem tudom használni a programot és sajnos forr&a...

    €1445 Average bid
    €1445 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    1) Üzleti folyamat specifikáció alapján és a kész termékre vonatkozó elvárások megértését követően az alkalmazás Excel frontend és funkcionalitások tervezése. A megrendelő és a fejlesztő közösen alakítja ki a koncepciót. Becsült munkaóra (BMó): 40 2) A működési koncepci...tervezése. A megrendelő és a fejlesztő közösen alakítja ki a koncepciót. Becsült munkaóra (BMó): 40 2) A működési koncepció implementálása Excel/VBA/.NET VB környezetek felhasználásával. BMó: 60 3) Fejlesztői kó...

    €2259 Average bid
    €2259 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat
    Write some Software
    Véget ért left

    Desktop alkalmazás fejlesztéséhez keresünk wxWidgets használatában jártas C++ fejlesztőt. Az elkészülő kódnak Windows, OSX és Linux platformokon kell futnia. Igény: - több éves C++ fejlesztési tapasztalat - wxWidgets könyvtár ismerete Előny: - keresztplatformos fejlesztésben szerzett tapasztalat - felhasználói felület kialakításában szerzett tapasztalat. (Megjegyzés: Magyarországon élő embert keresünk, több személyes találkozó lebonyolítása miatt.)

    €37 / hr Average bid
    €37 / hr licitátlag
    7 árajánlat

    Hungarian data loss prevention software manufacturer is seeking experienced Windows kernel developer for further development and bug fixing of its existing encryption module. STD/ATL and Multithread development experience is a must, algorithmic capability is advantage. Windows Kernel Development Experience is a must. Hungarian speaking/native developers are preferred. Hungarian version: Informatikai biztonsági szoftvert fejlesztő cégünk C++ fejlesztőt keres projekt alapú munkára, melynek keretében a meglevő C++ alapú objektum orientált kód hibajavítása, továbbfejlesztése az elvégzendő feladat Visual Studio környezetben. Elvárások: * C++ programnyelv isme...

    €707 Average bid
    €707 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a Windows-based Point of Sale (POS) system for my retail store. The system should encompass key functionalities including inventory management and sales reporting. Key Requirements: - Inventory Management: The system should help track stock levels, sales, deliveries and orders. - Sales Reporting: The system should provide insightful sales reports to help understand sales trends and make data-driven decisions. Payment Processing: The POS system should accommodate cash and mobile payments. Please note, integration for credit/debit card payments is not necessary at this stage. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Windows software development - Experience in creating retail POS systems - Knowledge in inventory management systems and sales reporting tools - Under...

    €19 Average bid
    €19 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    ...skilled WordPress developer to recreate my e-commerce website on WordPress (for both mobile & desktop view). Currently, the website is built using Hostinger’s website builder, and I want a similar design with a few enhancements. Key Requirements: Top Bar Enhancement: The discount announcement bar should be flashing for better visibility. Custom Header & Menu: The website header, including the menu, should be customized as per my requirements. Page & Content Setup: All product pages, categories, and other pages are already created. You just need to structure and organize them as required. Other Minor Tweaks: A few additional adjustments as needed during development. Project Expectations: The website should be fully responsive on both mobile & desktop...

    €31 Average bid
    €31 licitátlag
    22 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a skilled developer to implement a Windows-based script for monitoring a designated daily folder for vehicle number plate images. This script should check every 5 seconds, referencing a text file of number plates (one plate per line). If a match is found, the script should trigger a Telegram alert using a provided API and chat ID. It must thereafter ignore that Ideal Skills: - Scripting in Windows - Familiarity with Telegram API - File I/O operations - Pattern matching and image processing (basic level) - Command script (.cmd) modification The text file contains a list of vehicle number plates. The script should look for these plates in the folder, which has images named with potential additional characters (wildcard). The frequency of checks is every 5 se...

    €149 Average bid
    €149 licitátlag
    15 árajánlat

    I need an expert who knows how to change codes in macOS app ( for example .dll in windows ) i know the steps in windows but want to do it for maC .

    €17 Average bid
    €17 licitátlag
    3 árajánlat
    DLL Injection Fix Required
    6 nap left

    ...investigation to pinpoint the exact cause. Key Aspects to Consider: - The problem likely lies with the DLL files. - Potential causes could include: DLL files, patched files. - The issue is likely minor and can be fixed with a bit of investigation. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of Windows desktop application development, particularly at the kernel level. - Proficiency in debugging DLL files. - Experience with identifying time-related issues in software. - Familiarity with Windows drivers. Please, if you're not experienced in this field, do not submit a bid. If you are, ensure to provide detailed information about your relevant experience. I'm receiving many bids from freelancers who lack experience or are not genuinely interested, which i...

    €484 Average bid
    €484 licitátlag
    40 árajánlat

    I have approximately 56 pages of content in PDF format that needs to be typed out into a .doc file. This document needs to be formatted as a court document, complete with line numbers, footnotes, and other necessary legal formatting elements. The PDF incl...replicate the citations, including subsection symbol Ideal candidates for this project will have experience with legal document formatting and a strong attention to detail. Please ensure you have a good command of typing and document formatting software. The .pdf is attached. Please review the formatting and send an example of similar work you have completed before. More information about the context of this case can be found at

    €109 Average bid
    €109 licitátlag
    103 árajánlat

    ...mean a cloud-based private AI instance—we are NOT looking to set up or manage on-premise hardware. ✅ We need a long-term strategy to reduce dependency on third-party AI models by gradually transitioning to our own. ✅ The AI system must detect and filter out irrelevant or inappropriate requests that do not align with platform functions. Core Functionalities The AI assistant should handle: ✅ Context-aware information retrieval – Understanding queries and fetching relevant data. ✅ AI-driven summarization & insights – Generating key takeaways from various sources. ✅ Multi-user collaboration – Coordinating data between multiple users with permission controls. ✅ Smart decision support – Providing real-time recommendations and follow-ups based on his...

    €3972 Average bid
    €3972 licitátlag
    23 árajánlat

    As described in chat box.

    €60 Average bid
    €60 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a seasoned DevOps specialist to deploy my MEAN stack project on IIS/Nginx. The server is multi-operating system, running both Windows and Linux. Key Requirements: - Proficient with both Windows and Linux operating systems. - Extensive experience with the MEAN stack (MongoDB, , Angular, Node.js). - In-depth knowledge of IIS and Nginx web servers. - Strong skills in DevOps practices and tools. - Previous work with deploying applications on multi-OS servers. Project Details: - The MEAN stack project is already set up with MongoDB and Angular. The remaining components, and Node.js, will need to be configured and deployed. - You will be responsible for the entire deployment process, ensuring the application runs smoothly on both operating systems and on the se...

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr licitátlag
    22 árajánlat
    AI-Powered Window Detector Web App
    6 nap left

    I need an AI web application that can identify windows or glass in an uploaded image. The app should be built using or a similar web-compatible AI framework. Key Requirements: - The application should allow users to upload images for analysis. - The detection results should be displayed as bounding boxes around the identified windows/glass. - I need the ability to overlay on the detected areas. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in web development with a strong understanding of TensorFlow.js. - Experience in building AI web applications. - Familiarity with image processing and computer vision techniques.

    €23 / hr Average bid
    €23 / hr licitátlag
    82 árajánlat

    I'm looking for an experienced web developer who can customize my WordPress theme using Elementor. The task involves making my homepage responsive exclusively for mobile devices. Key Tasks: - Ensuring the Header and Menu, Content Sections, and Footer of the homepage are mobile-friendly and maintain the same design as the desktop version. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Strong expertise in WordPress and Elementor. - Proven experience in responsive design, particularly for mobile devices. - Ability to follow existing desktop design without compromising on quality.

    €24 Average bid
    €24 licitátlag
    30 árajánlat

    We need to install server RDP on a Ubuntu Desktop 22.04.1 ISO. We need to connect to this Linux from Windows RDP. Access to Linux to install server RDP may be by Anydesk

    €92 Average bid
    €92 licitátlag
    30 árajánlat

    I need a skilled professional to install my source code on a Windows-based VPS (Virtual Private Server). The project involves a front end built in React and a backend developed with Node.js. Key Responsibilities: - Install the necessary components on the server, which includes a Node.js runtime, and a web server (IIS). - Set up a database server (like MySQL) if required. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in deploying applications on a VPS. - Deep understanding of React and Node.js. - Experience with Windows server management. - Knowledge in setting up and configuring IIS and MySQL.

    €280 Average bid
    €280 licitátlag
    45 árajánlat

    ...a smart Battery Management System (BMS) and the motor controller. Key Requirements: - The device can be based on either ESP or Arduino platforms. - It should communicate data through both cable and Bluetooth. - A web interface should be used to display key parameters such as voltage, current, and others, along with alerts and notifications. - The communication protocol should be CAN based - Windows Based Software which can be installed on any PC - Data logging can be done in two ways :Automatic (after every 10Sec) or at the press of a button - Data can be saved in excel format - These readings can. be saved by the name of the Student, Roll No, Branch, Name of lab Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in ESP and Arduino programming. - Experience with electric v...

    €294 Average bid
    €294 licitátlag
    7 árajánlat

    Ini adalah desain wireframe untuk website-mu. Struktur ini mencakup: Header: Logo di kiri, menu navigasi di kanan Hero Section: Gambar utama dengan tombol Call-to-Action Fitur/Servis: Tiga kolom dengan ikon dan deskripsi singkat Galeri/Portfolio: Tampilan grid untuk menampilkan karya atau produk Form Kontak: Nama, email, dan pesan Footer: Ikon media sosial dan tautan tambahan

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr licitátlag
    5 árajánlat

    Tengo una base de datos postgressql 8.4 corriendo en windows xp dejo de funcionar inexplicablemente, el servicio dejo de correr, ya no se puede empezar de nuevo, se hace respaldo de la carpeta DATA, se desinstala postgressql se borra la carpeta data y se elimina el usuario postgres manualmente, al reinstalar el programa el servicio funciona correctamente, pero al querer reemplazar la carpeta DATA que se respaldo pasa lo mismo, el servicio ya deja de funcionar y es imposible de reiniciar, lo mas probable que la carpeta DATA se haya dañado, se necesita comprobar datos y reinstalar de nuevo a su estado original

    €29 Average bid
    €29 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    ...Best-In-Class Technologies & Frameworks Liquid + Tailwind CSS for highly efficient, modern styling or React where applicable for lightweight dynamic components GSAP / Framer Motion for animations (e.g., smooth transitions, hover effects) SEO & Schema Markup Implementation for high organic rankings Accessibility (WCAG 2.1 compliance) to ensure usability for all users ✅ Advanced Functionality Mega Menu Navigation (dynamic categories, trending products) Sticky Header & Smart Search with Predictive Results Dynamic Product Filters & Sorting (by brand, price, features) AJAX Cart & Quick View Custom Page Templates (Homepage, Collection, Product, Blog, About) Integrated Review System ( integration) Related Products & "Frequently Bought Together" secti...

    €1188 Average bid
    €1188 licitátlag
    168 árajánlat

    ...expertise in mobile application development to join our project. The ideal candidate should have extensive experience with React Native and be proficient in building high-performance, scalable, and user-friendly mobile applications. Requirements: Strong proficiency in React Native and React.js Experience in developing and deploying mobile applications for iOS and Android Familiarity with Redux, Context API, Hooks, and React Navigation Expertise in integrating APIs, third-party libraries, and Firebase Knowledge of native modules, push notifications, and in-app purchases Understanding of UI/UX principles for mobile applications Ability to write clean, maintainable, and efficient code Strong problem-solving skills and ability to work independently Nice to Have: Experience...

    €310 Average bid
    €310 licitátlag
    42 árajánlat

    ...information about our company and our services in an easy-to-navigate and user-friendly format. You must have knowledge and understanding of Engineering Stuff as i can provide only the Content in word, Picture need to be added , the Total Pages can be 12 but i will prefer if we can minimized i had come across a website where all content in one page as we scroll down the content menu changes or you can jump to that content from menu itself Key Requirements: - The site will need detailed service pages featuring service descriptions accompanied by images. to be provided by website developer - Each service page will also need a contact form to facilitate inquiries. - The overall style of the site should be corporate and professional, reflecting the nature of our business. ...

    €191 Average bid
    €191 licitátlag
    153 árajánlat
    Voice Assistant for BYD DiLink Cars
    6 nap left

    ...system: 1- Support Arabic and English languages mainly and (Spanish and Russian later after the code is finalised to save the time of the final product) To execute commands 2- Changing the voice command from the programme settings, for example, instead of closing all windows, the windows are completely closed according to the user's desire 3- Interactive responses (that the response is different and varied and not a fixed response) and that it is according to the command (e.g. with the command to open the windows you speak: the windows were opened) 4- Start working when saying a specific word that can be changed in the settings, for example, instead of Hi BYD, it will be Hi Car according to the customer's desire 5- To support the list of commands up...

    €1476 Average bid
    €1476 licitátlag
    13 árajánlat
    Paint Service Job Estimator Program
    6 nap left

    I'm seeking a program th...- Estimates should be itemized, detailing tasks performed, and a total for all services. - Include an option to add on additional services, with a separate total for the additional service. Option to include additional quotes to the same document. Example: First Quote - Interior, Second Quote - Exterior, Third Quote - Power wash driveway.... etc. Would like to be able to choose from a drop-down menu of services when generating the estimate, and an option to modify the service description. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in programming languages such as Python or Java. - Experience in creating estimation or budgeting software. - Understanding of the paint service industry would be a plus. Attached are examples of estimates we have generat...

    €241 - €722
    €241 - €722
    41 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a professional to create a modern and sleek restaurant menu for in-house use. Key Requirements: - The menu needs to be designed in a printable PDF format. - A modern and sleek design is required, so experience in contemporary design styles is crucial. - Attention to detail and an understanding of menu layout and readability is important. - Ability to work with high-quality graphics, as the final product needs to be visually appealing and suitable for print. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - PDF creation - Menu Design - Modern Design Aesthetics

    €302 Average bid
    €302 licitátlag
    105 árajánlat

    I'm looking to create 10 short, 60-second videos for marketing purposes. These videos will use a mix of my existing footage and AI-generated voiceovers. Key Requirements: - Use of AI technology for voiceover - Editing and enhancing my existing footage - Creating a compelling, energetic tone that suits the marketing context Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software - Experience with AI voiceover technology - Understanding of marketing video production The final product should be engaging and suitable for a professional marketing campaign. Please bid only if you can meet these requirements.

    €43 Average bid
    €43 licitátlag
    18 árajánlat
    popup y menu
    9 nap left

    es la forma que encontre para pagarte. no pude crear un hito como la otra vez.

    €31 Average bid
    €31 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    I am looking for a proficient mobile app developer to create a cross-platform puzzle game for both Windows and iOS. The game should have a variety of features, including: - A free version and a premium, paid version. - Both online and local multiplayer options. The ideal candidate should have significant experience in game development, particularly in creating engaging puzzle games. Expertise in implementing in-app purchases is crucial, as the game will need to support this on both platforms. A strong portfolio of previous mobile game projects will be highly regarded. I am looking for a developer who can create a robust, feature-rich app that can captivate puzzle enthusiasts and multiplayer gamers alike.

    €334 Average bid
    €334 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat

    ...integration. The virtual shooting range should include realistic ballistics and customizable targets The AI behavior include advanced decision-making capabilities to make the interaction more life-like and unpredictable. The shooting simulator should be developed using Unreal Engine 5 or Cry Engine to ensure high graphical fidelity and performance. The simulator should be developed to support Windows PC only. The gun positioning system will utilize an inertial tracking system for precise detection. The enemy AI will have dynamic path finding. sound effects. The environments and weather conditions in the scenarios should be highly detailed and realistic. The scenario editor should offer basic customization options for creating simple scenarios quickly....

    €9234 Average bid
    €9234 licitátlag
    17 árajánlat

    I need two REGEX scripts for Microsoft Purview DLP. You must have knowledge and experience building complex REGEX scripts for Microsoft Purview. The first core script needs to detect dates of birth in various formats, without case sensitivity. EG- DD/MM/YYYY DD/MM/YY DD-MM-YYYY DD-MM-YY DDMMYYYY DDMMYY A date of birth written in full, such a...12-25-2023" (Date is not associated with birth-related keywords.) "File created on 07.04.2023" (Date is not associated with birth-related keywords.) "199209101" (Not a whole number because of the trailing 1) "12345678" (8 digit number, but not a valid date) "My birthday is in June." (No actual date given.) "I was born in the 80s." (No specific date given.) "03/1...

    €113 Average bid
    €113 licitátlag
    8 árajánlat