Day business plan account managermunkák


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    2,000 day business plan account manager munkát találtunk

    Szeretnénk egy általános kutatást összeállítani egy platform használati szokásairól. A kutatás célcsoportja magyar. A kitöltőket online felületekről irányítjuk a kérdőívhez. A projekt manager feladata: - piackutatási sztandardok meghatározása - Koncepció, kérdések összeállítása - Folyamatra és infrastrukúra felépítése - adatelemzés

    €1125 Average bid
    €1125 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Közösségi oldal
    Véget ért left

    Élő videó közvetítése , AI alkalmazása • Mobile application. • Live video streaming! • Watermark on all videos and images! • Protection against saving and screenshots! • AI-powered translation in private messages into the user’s native language! • Fast website performance with the ability to handle high...performance with the ability to handle high traffic efficiently. • Option for users to upload 4K videos! • AI-based recommendations: personalized content suggestions for both fans and creators. • Light and dark themes. • Content moderation: automated moderation to ensure compliance with the rules. • Data protection: compliance with GDPR and other regulations. • Two-factor authenticat...

    €2414 Average bid
    €2414 licitátlag
    9 árajánlat

    A cég egyik egészségügyi szoftver projektjében lenne szükségünk tapasztalt, jó technikai tudással rendelkező medior vagy senior szintű szakemberre távmunkában. A szóban forgó projekt egy ASP.NET 8 és Angular/React alapú telemedicina szolgáltatás, amely könnyű kapcsolatteremtési lehetőséget biztosít páciens és orvos között. Feladatok: Projektmenedzsmentben és technológiai kérdésekben lenne szükségünk segítségre, ami magában foglalja a folyamatok ticketekre történő felbontását is. A site alapvetően egy ASP.NET 8 API, amelyhez s...

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr licitátlag
    10 árajánlat

    About the job Egy prémium tortakiszállítással foglalkozó hazai startup vagyunk, édes kis csapatunkba várjuk lelkes, új tagunkat. Olyan embert keresünk, aki élvezi a munkát, mert hisszük, hogy azt tudjuk hatékonyan csinálni, amit örömmel végzünk. Szívesen látjuk az ötleteidet és csodás, ha feltalálod magad. Feladatkörök Social media kezelés ⁃ social media felületek kezelése ⁃ social media plan alapján posztok elkészítése, beidőzítése ⁃ szövegírás ⁃ (sablon alapján) grafikai anyag elkészítése ⁃ napi sto...

    €750 Average bid
    €750 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    youtube manager magyar
    Véget ért left

    Olyan manager-t keresek aki segíteni tudna a csatornámat fejleszteni. A csatornám a pénzügy köré épül. forex, crypto, részvények, nft.

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr licitátlag
    5 árajánlat

    A DiabTrend startup cukorbetegeknek fejleszt AI alapú, algoritmussal kiegészített alkalmazást iOS és Android okostelefonokra. Csapatunkba keresünk az alábbi szempontok alapján Senior Marketing Managert. Feladatok, munkák: - B2C online marketing stratégia építése és kivitelezése - A stratégia megvalósításának folyamatos monitorozása, felelve a célkitűzések teljesítéséért, a marketingre fordítható források hatékony felhasználásáért - Digitális marketing kampányok, reklámok, hirdetések megtervezése, létrehoz&a...

    €24 - €48 / hr
    €24 - €48 / hr
    0 árajánlat
    PPC kampánymenedzser
    Véget ért left

    Az AdNet Media weboldal készítéssel és PPC kampányok menedzselésével foglalkozik. Keresünk olyan szabadúszó kollégát, aki folyamatosan tudja támogatni projektjeinket. Leginkább állandó megbizatással, de eseti projekt alapú megbízásokban gondolkodunk. Olyan személyt keresünk, aki magabiztosan kezeli a Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Analytics, Tag manager szolgáltatásokat és sikeresen létre tud hozni kampányokat, akár kereső, vagy shopping kampányokról beszélünk, majd ezeket képes megtérülően optimalizálni. Nem teljes állású munk...

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    We're looking for a developer to develop a javascript based drag and drop floor plan designer. The floor plan design feature would be used by bars and restaurants, so they should be able to place tables of different sizes (2-20 people) and shapes (circles, rectangles) on a rectangular canvas. You can find directions for the editor in the attached images. (floorplan designer) For tables, users must be able to enter and store the following information in the editor. (name, ID, size, status (integer)) Each recorded table must also be erased individually. A save button is also needed on the interface, which will cause the browser console to display information about all the tables you've added. There is also a need for another interface where you can view recorded ta...

    €635 Average bid
    €635 licitátlag
    16 árajánlat

    1.6 -os prestashopra fejlesztett egyedi modul portolása egy az egyben 1.7 -re ( Symfony2) melyben tartalmaz EPL ( ZPL) címkenyomtató is.

    €471 Average bid
    €471 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    egy adatbázis kezelő applikáció elkészítésére kérek ajánlatot , mely a TEM MODUL MANAGER ( Google market ) mintájára egy másik szerelvénygyártó elemeit rendezi el proekt szinten . Külön árat kérek az applikációra és a windowsos verzióra , ami interaktív lenne azaz egy weblapon futtatható .

    €500 Average bid
    €500 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    A jövőben szeretném beindítani masszázs vállalkozásomat és ehhez szeretnék egy egyedi és profi logot valamint névjegyet. Mandala stílusban gondolkozom, azonban minden új, kreatív megoldásra, ötletre nyitott vagyok. Élénk színekre gondoltam, de nem túl erősekre. Olyan összhatásra ami egyszerre áraszt nyugalmat és profizmust. Segítség képen leírok pár masszázst, amit végezni fogok. Thai masszázs, svéd masszázs, láb masszázs, fej masszázs, relax masszázs.

    €23 Average bid
    €23 licitátlag
    16 árajánlat
    Business writting
    Véget ért left

    Szeretnek egy Rovid Uzleti Tervet 8-10 oldalban ha ugyerzed hogy alakamas vagy a feladatra varom vissza jelzesedet hogy megbeszeljuk a reszleteket

    €3 / hr Average bid
    €3 / hr licitátlag
    3 árajánlat

    I need to proofread a translation made in Hungarian to make sure it's perfect from a native Hungarian speaker. It's a 14 page document with product descriptions for a website. The original site is in Romanian: I would like to have this ready by the end of the day today.

    €24 Average bid
    €24 licitátlag
    13 árajánlat
    Junior Country Manager
    Véget ért left

    Comforce egyedülálló lehetőséget kínál, olyan jelentkezőknek, akik nem irodai munkát keresnek, ennél izgalmasabb lehetőségre vágynak. Szeretsz emberekkel beszélni? Nem csak telefonon szeretnél beszélgetni velük, hanem személyesen is? Változatos, mozgalmas munkát keresel? Jelentkezz legújabb állás ajánlatunkra! Legyél a márka nagykövete, építs egy sikeres weblapot az alapoktól. Feladat: Budapesti szépségszalonok számára ingyenes marketing lehetőség bemutatására. Ügyfelünk weblapja más országokban már sikeresen működi...

    €709 - €1417
    €709 - €1417
    0 árajánlat

    English below! Nemrég indult cégünk teljes arculatának megtervezésére keresünk tapasztalt, referenciákkal rendelkező designert. Egy doboz, plasztikkártya, szórólap, és a telefonos applikációnk, illetve egyéb reklámanyagok arculatának a megtervezésére mindenképpen szükségünk van azonnal, de a lista később bővülhet további feladatokkal. Amennyiben úgy érzi, hogy tudna nekünk segíteni, k...és további szép napot kívánunk Önnek! Our company needs a designer with references to make our whole design. We need the design now of a box, plastic card, flyer, ou...

    €16 Average bid
    €16 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat
    Milidim Service Manager
    Véget ért left

    Ugyfelkezelo kezelo programot szeretnek tovabbfejlesztesi lehetoseggel.

    €218 Average bid
    €218 licitátlag
    4 árajánlat
    Wordpress consulting
    Véget ért left

    create a technology plan

    €271 Average bid
    €271 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    budapest airport case study

    €92 Average bid
    €92 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat
    Redmine installálás
    Véget ért left

    Egy Linux szerverre kell föltelepíteni a Ruby on Rails keretrendszert és a Redmine project manager programot. Elvárások: -legyen Linux tapasztalata, ismerete -tudja megoldani a feladatot Kínálok: -kifizetés -amennyiben gördülékeny a feladat megoldása, a későbbiekben lehet, hogy tudok ajánlani hasonló munkákat

    €32 Average bid
    €32 licitátlag
    2 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a dedicated individual with extensive full stack coding experience for an exciting business venture. This opportunity offers a 1% stake in a significantly high-valued business. Key Responsibilities: - Commit three days a week for the ownership model - Collaborate on product development using AI agent platforms like Bubble - Oversee testing, launch, and ongoing maintenance Ideal Candidate: - Exceptional full stack coder with proven capabilities - Has strong communication skills and proficient in English - Able to meet deadlines and collaborate effectively - Interested in a long-term partnership with significant potential returns Skills and Experience Required: - Proficient in JavaScript et al (see details below) - Extensive experience with AI developmen...

    €96791 Average bid
    €96791 licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    (OPPURTUNITY FOR NEW FREELANCERS) I'm currently overwhelmed with work and urgently need a project manager. This individual will help me find freelancers for a one-month period. You should have basic knowledge about web development. I'm looking for someone who can find 10-15 freelancers each month. Once we find reliable freelancers, we can continue to work with them. My budget for this month is AUD $70. The project needs to be started as soon as possible. Your main responsibilities will include: - Finding freelancers - Screening freelancers - Coordinating with freelancers - Once we found, your job is done. (BUDGET: <$70AUD)

    €25 Average bid
    €25 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat

    We are an Australian small business seeking an Australian supplier to help us find a filling supplier with a The National Standard for Organic Certification and a GMP & food-safe certification. Ideally, the certification would be accredited by the TGA. We will supply the USDA Certified organic oils, which have been sourced from various countries, directly to the filling supplier. We also prefer if the supplier can manufacture vegan softgel capsules filled with Black Seed Oil, which we will provide. Our Product Requirements: 100ml Bottles: Black Seed Oil with a screw lid (preferably with an easy-pour insert) - 1,500 bottles Rose Water with a spray cap - 750 bottles 30ml Bottles: Oregano Oil with an essential oil-style lid - 1,500 bottles Sea Buckthorn Oil...

    €152 - €455
    Helyi Kiemelt
    €152 - €455
    0 árajánlat

    ...platform is a Multi-Service Payment Website. This will allow users to pay their electricity bills, insurance premiums, and hotel bookings at launch, with potential for future enhancements like ticket purchases, cab bookings, and more. The platform will earn a commission from service providers for each successful transaction. Key requirements for this platform include: - User authentication and account management via email and password - Integration of various payment methods: Credit/Debit Cards, Bank Transfers, and Digital Wallets The second platform is a Fund Management System. This will manage and invest the commission earned from the first platform. The goal is to generate revenue and share a portion of the profits with users. This platform will also incorporate an e-wallet s...

    €40 Average bid
    €40 licitátlag
    9 árajánlat

    I am in need of an architect or a designer who can assist with the planning and submission for a modern, multi-floored residential building project in Hingoli Nagar Palika. The building is designed to house 2BHK flats, complete with maximum parking and up to 6 or more floors, utilizing premium FSI. Key Requirements: - Design a modern architectural style building - Plan for 2BHK flats with multi-floor construction - Incorporate space for maximum parking - Use of concrete as the primary building material - Knowledge of premium FSI usage Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in residential building design - Strong understanding of modern architectural style - Familiar with planning and submission process in Hingoli Nagar Palika - Expertise in using concrete as a primary building...

    €4 / hr Average bid
    €4 / hr licitátlag
    1 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a designer who can create a modern and sleek logo for my new company, along with a business card and letterhead design. Branding Style: - The logo should be modern and sleek. - The color scheme for the branding should be bold and vibrant. Design Elements: - The logo can incorporate abstract symbols, as opposed to geometric shapes or company initials. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Branding - Experience in creating business stationery Your understanding of modern design principles, coupled with your ability to work with vibrant colors, will be key to this project. Please include samples of your previous work in your proposal.

    €38 Average bid
    €38 licitátlag
    29 árajánlat

    I'm in need of a talented WordPress developer with extensive Elementor e...a talented WordPress developer with extensive Elementor experience to transform a Figma homepage design into a fully operational, responsive, and mobile-ready website. Key Details: - Project involves only the homepage using Elementor. - A precise, pixel-perfect conversion from the Figma design is essential. - I'll provide an Elementor-compatible WordPress theme and grant access to my hosting account. - A subdomain will be created, with WordPress installed and ready to go. - Control panel URL and SFTP details will be shared. The deadline for this project is Sunday or Monday evening, 5 PM IST at the latest. Please confirm your interest and availability within this timeframe. Thank you for your tim...

    €77 Average bid
    €77 licitátlag
    34 árajánlat
    Career Pathing
    6 nap left

    I'm looking for an expert in career development to create a comprehensive career pathing plan for three key positions within our Marketing department. - Target Roles: The focus will be on the Junior Developer, Project Manager, and Sales Representative positions, with an emphasis on the Marketing department. - Ultimate Goals: Although the specific goals for this project were not detailed, the overarching aim is to enhance our team's trajectory and sustainability. Ideal candidates for this project should have a background in HR or career development, with a strong understanding of the marketing field. Experience in creating career pathing plans is essential, as is the ability to align these paths with skill development and promotional opportunities. The final deliv...

    €15 Average bid
    €15 licitátlag
    6 árajánlat
    Professional Redraw of My Site Plan
    6 nap left

    I have a site layout that needs to be redrawn by a professional draftsman. Key Requirements: - Redrawing of my scaled layout - Detailed site plan with landscaping - Inclusion of building footprints Final Deliverable: - A highly detailed site plan in PDF format Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in CAD software - Experience in site plan drafting - Ability to work with detailed landscaping Your expertise will help enhance the professionalism of my site plan.

    €16 Average bid
    €16 licitátlag
    14 árajánlat

    ...acquire an already developed online business or software that generates income. I need something functional and tested, where the creator can show me how it works and how it makes money. ? What I’m Looking For: ✔️ A ready-to-use software, application, or platform. ✔️ A clear explanation of how it generates revenue and its business model. ✔️ A live demo or proof of the system in action. ✔️ Information about maintenance costs and potential improvements. ? Examples of What Interests Me: Mobile applications with monetization (subscriptions, ads, in-app purchases). Affiliate or dropshipping automation systems. Trading bots or investment automation software. SaaS (Software as a Service) platform with active subscribers. Any other scalable and profitable online busine...

    €426 Average bid
    €426 licitátlag
    20 árajánlat
    NopCommerce eBay Plugin Development
    6 nap left

    I'm looking for a seasoned developer to create a plugin for my nopcommerce store that integrates with eBay. The plugin should handle: - Inventory Synchronization: Sync my store's inventory with eBay's. - Order Management: Manage orders coming from eBay seamlessly. - Category Mapping: Map my store's categories with eBay's. - shipping management through royal mail and evri The inventory should...for my nopcommerce store that integrates with eBay. The plugin should handle: - Inventory Synchronization: Sync my store's inventory with eBay's. - Order Management: Manage orders coming from eBay seamlessly. - Category Mapping: Map my store's categories with eBay's. - shipping management through royal mail and evri The inventory should be synchroniz...

    €150 Average bid
    €150 licitátlag
    21 árajánlat
    Urgent Shopify Store Migration
    6 nap left

    I'm in urgent need of a professional to help me duplicate my Shopify store to a new account. The task includes copying all apps, product listings, pages, settings, and customizations. My current store is under threat of being taken down soon, so I need this completed as soon as possible to ensure minimal downtime. Requirements: • Experience with Shopify store setup and migration is a must • Ability to transfer all installed apps and settings • Accurate copying of all products, descriptions, and images • Maintaining theme design and functionality • Ensuring minimal downtime and smooth transition Additionally, I have less than 100 products on my current store. I do need customer data and order history to be migrated as well. There's a poss...

    €90 Average bid
    €90 licitátlag
    48 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a modern, sophisticated logo for my dual-purpose business: lawn maintenance and auto/motorcycle detailing. This logo should seamlessly combine imagery from both sectors. The name of my business is H&D Pro Touch I just want a logo that can someone could quickly identify the services I offer with out being to crowded or clashing Key Requirements: - A modern style that reflects the professionalism and quality of the services offered. - A color scheme that aligns with my truck - primarily gray with red accents. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Understanding of Branding - Experience with Modern Aesthetics - Proficiency in Color Theory and Application

    €69 Average bid
    €69 licitátlag
    71 árajánlat

    ...on AWS, Heroku, or similar platforms Budget & Timeline: ? Budget: Open to proposals (fixed price or hourly) ? Timeline: Looking to complete within 2-4 weeks How to Apply: If you have experience building AI-driven voice applications and CRM integrations, please submit a proposal including: Relevant experience with Twilio, ChatGPT, and GHL Examples of past AI or voice automation projects A brief plan on how you would approach this project Estimated timeline & budget We are excited to collaborate with a talented developer to bring this AI-driven voice assistant to life!...

    €460 Average bid
    €460 licitátlag
    39 árajánlat
    Business Document Proofreading
    6 nap left

    I'm seeking a skilled copywriter to meticulously check a business document for spelling and grammar errors. The document should convey a formal and professional tone. While there's no specific style guide to follow, general proofreading skills are essential.

    €53 Average bid
    €53 licitátlag
    44 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a professional to develop a comprehensive safety and security plan for a childcare facility. This plan should encompass various vital elements, particularly focusing on health and hygiene protocols. Key Areas to Cover: - Health and Hygiene Protocols: This is a crucial component. The plan should detail protocols for daily cleaning routines, illness prevention strategies, and handwashing policies. - Child Supervision Procedures: Outline effective child supervision strategies to ensure physical safety. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in childhood education and safety planning. - Strong knowledge of health and hygiene protocols. Experience: - Prior experience in developing safety plans for childcare facilities is preferred.

    €102 Average bid
    €102 licitátlag
    37 árajánlat

    I'm seeking a reliable companion for body doubling sessions online. These sessions will last 1 hour each, spread over 5 separate days. During these sessions, I'll communicate my specific goals for the day, which primarily revolve around my pursuit of professional certifications. While I work on my personal projects, you're welcome to use this time to complete your own tasks. At the end of each session, I will share my progress for accountability purposes. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Good internet connection and basic tech-savviness to join online platforms. - Understanding of body doubling concept and its benefits. - Reliable and punctual. - Discreet and respectful of personal project content. - Able to maintain a productive atmosphere. Note for all: I am time po...

    €7 / hr Average bid
    €7 / hr licitátlag
    7 árajánlat
    Animated TikTok Videos Creation
    6 nap left

    I need to create animated videos to post on TikTok. I have script and voices ready and need someone to create animation in a unique and consistent style. - Animation Style: The desired style is 2D or vector-based animation. The animation should be clean, smooth, and visually appealing, in a way that aligns with the aesthetic of popular TikTok content. See example here: h...different facial expressions that match the skit. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 2D vector-based animation - Experience with creating content for TikTok - Ability to convey humor and fun through animation - Strong understanding of timing and pacing in animation Ideal candidate know how to use automation and/or AI tools to be able to produce large quantity of content at scale. We plan to put out about 1-2 video...

    €368 Average bid
    €368 licitátlag
    35 árajánlat

    I am seeking a skilled WordPress developer to upgrade my existing website. The project involves enhancing the site's design, ...after login. 5. show the first 5 top categories on the home page. 6. add remember me option on the login screen. Admin section: 1. The user and store visit history page should support pagination. 2. add a link to the store visit history page that shows the visitors of a specific store. 3. add graphical elements like a bar chart on the store visit history page to show the first 10 store visits per day. it should be related to the filter. 4. add a category statics page with a date filter and it should have charts like bar, pie and others. 5. detect user city and country from IP. 6. export data as Excel from the store visit history page. my website is c...

    €18 Average bid
    €18 licitátlag
    15 árajánlat

    I'm looking for a professional who can scrape valid business leads from their own pitchbook, specifically in the finance industry. Key Requirements: - Expertise in lead generation and data scraping - Access to a comprehensive pitchbook - Experience in targeting leads from Investment Firms and Insurance Companies - Ability to provide verified and high-quality leads Ideal Skills: - Data analysis - Market research - Sales and Business Development - Knowledge of the Finance sector

    €8 / hr Average bid
    €8 / hr licitátlag
    9 árajánlat

    ...issue with my Facebook account, preventing me from commenting on my personal photos. The problem is the actual comment chat box is no longer showing up on any of my photos throughout Facebook but it does show up on videos I post. Please refer to the images provided showing how the chat box is not an available option anymore on my photos. Please ONLY respond to this project if you have fixed an issue like this before. If you are able to get the problem resolved within no more than a few hours. Lastly, I will not pay until the end of completion to my satisfaction of said project. If you can agree to all of this, please reach out on chat to me directly to discuss further. Here's a breakdown of the situation: - The problem is isolated to my personal profile, as my busines...

    €22 Average bid
    €22 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat
    Mobile App for Service Business
    6 nap left

    I'm looking to build a comprehensive mobile app that caters to a service-oriented business. Key Features: - Customer Information Management - Service Team Tracking - Interactive utilities for service delivery The app should be compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. It needs to be user-friendly, efficient, and capable of handling real-time data. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in mobile app development (iOS & Android) - Experience in building service-oriented apps is a plus - Strong understanding of customer management systems - Expertise in tracking and utility tools development - Excellent UI/UX design skills.

    €85 Average bid
    €85 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat not here to teach anyone how to program properly. So if I am not satisfied with your work or it is not up to my expectations, I have the right to terminate your contract WITHOUT ANY COMPENSATION. - I will provide the design/skeleton of all the pages. - I will give you the tasks. You don't have to think about the system architecture or anything else. - Please you need to have a ChatGPT Plus account. You have to know how to use them properly. - Since you will have ChatGPT's assistance, if I notice that you are taking a lot of time to do one task, I have the right to terminate your contract WITHOUT ANY COMPENSATION. If you are facing bugs, you have to show me and we will solve it together. - I will not release any payment unless it is 100% completed. I can be flexible a...

    €564 Average bid
    €564 licitátlag
    55 árajánlat

    ...sales. #5—> REMEMBER 1. I won't pay if you don't bring minimum 30 sales within 30 days and hire someone else. 2. You atleast need to bring 15 sales to get paid half the amount within time frame. #6—> IMPORTANT 1. PLEASE only bid on this project if you are confident and serious about this project. The target audience for the sales is business professionals and businesses who know the value of online presence. The sales should be targeted at business professionals, sales people, online marketers etc. only in European countries. Please provide weekly updates on every Monday on sales progress....

    €325 Average bid
    €325 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat
    Elegant Office Space Redesign -- 2
    6 nap left
    Ellenőrzött using the layout changes and material provided. Information on task I have provided the materials I have provided an existing floor plan I have provided a conceptual floor plan sketch I provide photos of the current setup as well as past setup photos for inspirational purposes The space only has one window. I am open to suggestions on materials as long as the budget is maintained. Task Deliverable -. #1 Deliver a set of drawings in Auto-Cad with complete specifications and material list with price and order information. Deliverables Drawings = Page 1 Cover Sheet with project information, project name, address. Page 2 Current floor plan void of furniture with dimensions named Existing Layout Page 3 Demolition Page 4 Architectural with materia...

    €1788 Average bid
    €1788 licitátlag
    63 árajánlat

    More details: What kind of evidence are you looking to obtain? Text messages, Call logs, Social media activity, Emails and notes What is the operating system of the cell phone? Android How do you plan to access the data from the phone? Remote hacking I have not considered legal permissions for this project. The client is aware of potential legal consequences. Consulting a lawyer might provide legal ways to obtain the evidence you need. Focus the investigation on retrieving data from text. Additionally, I would like to recover deleted data from the phone. The client confirms they fully understand the ethical and legal implications of the project. Focus on obtaining data from the last 90 days. I require real-time monitoring to track ongoing activities. Provide all collected data in...

    €539 Average bid
    €539 licitátlag
    18 árajánlat

    I'm facing a pressing issue with my Amazon seller account. I've received an email indicating a due balance, but my credit card has been declined. When trying to follow the provided payment instructions, I am redirected to a 'Billing verification required' page. Despite contacting Amazon support, I have yet to receive a follow-up. Given my previous experiences with billing issues, I'm in need of an Amazon seller consultant with expertise in resolving such matters. Key requirements: - Proficient in dealing with Amazon's billing system - Prior experience with account verification issues - Excellent communication skills for potentially contacting Amazon support on my behalf Please only apply if you've encountered and successfully resolved s...

    €152 Average bid
    €152 licitátlag
    8 árajánlat

    I am seeking a skilled web developer to create a professional E-commerce website for me, where I will be selling physical goods. Key Requirements: - The website must have a user account creation functionality. This is vital for customer management and enhancing user experience. - I do not require product reviews or a wishlist feature at this time, however, the site should be flexible enough to allow for future enhancements. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development with a strong portfolio in E-commerce sites. - Expertise in creating secure and user-friendly account registration systems. - Knowledge of best practices for E-commerce website design and functionality. Your bid should reflect your understanding and capability to deliver a high-quality E-commerce platform.

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr licitátlag
    117 árajánlat

    ...developer to create a comprehensive E-commerce site from scratch. The site should be equipped with all standard features typical of leading E-commerce platforms. Key Requirements: - Shopping Cart: Seamless integration and functionality for a user-friendly shopping experience. - Payment Gateway Integration: Secure and reliable payment processing systems. - User Account Creation: Easy sign-up and login processes for customers, with account management features. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development, with a focus on E-commerce sites. - Experience working with a variety of payment gateways. - Strong understanding of user experience and interface design. Please note that I haven't chosen a specific platform for this site, so you will need to suggest the most s...

    €102 Average bid
    €102 licitátlag
    5 árajánlat