Choosing the right partner for a lasting relationshipmunkák


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Munka státusza
2,000 choosing the right partner for a lasting relationship munkát találtunk

We have a business and we are trying to improve our site with 3D modell vizualization. There are two main parts of the story: First of all we have to see all the furniture in a room. During this view the user can edit the room and move the furnitures, e.g. the user can move a whole bed, or rotate etc. If the user click on a cabinet then all of the parts should change the border color to red, and if clicks again should be the normal color. And also if the user clicks on a cabinet then there should appear a popup menu under the buttons at the top right corner where the user can change the position and rotation. There would be three input ...

€131 Average bid
€131 licitátlag
12 árajánlat

Hirdetés: Partner céget keresünk fuvarozó cégünk számára! Cégünk, egy megbízható és rugalmas fuvarozó vállalkozás, új Renault Master furgonokkal vállal szállítási szolgáltatásokat Szlovákiában, Magyarországon, Csehországban, Ausztriában, Lengyelországban, Németországban, Hollandiában és Belgiumban. Mint megbízható szállítási partner, rendelkezünk tapasztalt sofőrökkel és modern járműparkkal, melyek biztosítják a megbízható és hatékony sz&aacut...

€1139 Average bid
€1139 licitátlag
1 árajánlat
The Million Roses
Véget ért left

Amerikai weboldalunkat magyarra fordítani, kreatív módon, termékleírás és egyéb tartalmak.

€343 Average bid
€343 licitátlag
6 árajánlat

Projekt Menedzser / Projekt Mérnök A TEC GmbH 20 éves tapasztalatával, professzionális mérnöki szolgáltatásaival vezető a nehézgéptelepítési és gépmozgatási vállalatok között. Büszkék vagyunk a munkatársaink által kivitelezett 3000 projektre, 1.500.000 óra balesetmentes munkavégzésre, illetve sokszínű, 12 nyelvet beszélő nemzetközi csapatunkra. Zalaegerszegi partnerünk részére keresünk műszaki projekt menedzsert géptelepítési kivitelezésre. A helyszíni munkavégzés heti 1-3 napot vesz igénybe. ...

€17 - €34 / hr
€17 - €34 / hr
0 árajánlat

A címben leírtak menedzselése egy megújult weblap esetben, külföldi piacokra is - DE EN nyelveken. Régi weblap több infóért:

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr licitátlag
18 árajánlat
Trophy icon Logó tervezés
Véget ért left

Logo to WISIOO brand WISIOO is a window with minimal frames, our partner is a well-known producer of minimal windows in Greece, named ORAMA. They (ORAMA) have a matured brand design what you should study before the work because the full name of the new brand will be WISIOO by ORAMA. The logo should reflect to the minimal lifestyle because this feeling is important at this brand. We would like to see (feel) in the logo: • WISIOO – it is a new brand what will be launched to the Hungarian market this year – has to be in focus with characteristic (for example: bigger, bolder, coloured) letters and the ORAMA with its light letters in smaller size under the WISIOO • T...

€91 Average bid
37 pályamű
Extract text from PDF
Véget ért left

...have a pdf full of questions about 1.8k them or so. I need some to extract all these questions and put them in a file in the following format: #Melyik a legjobb rövid távú ütemezési algoritmus? (S) //<-question start with '#' and after the question text there is '(S)' implying it is a single answer type. Thsi is mandatory this is the only type in this pdf. //<- blank line A Round-Robin, hiszen egyszerűen implementálható és kicsi az overhead. //<-wrong asnwer 1 A feedback, ennek valamilyen verzióját nagyon sok mai rendszerben használják. //<-wrong asnwer 2 Prioritásos, hiszen figyelembe veszi az egy...

€52 Average bid
€52 licitátlag
8 árajánlat

SOS keresünk ötletek kreatív szórólapra, ami nem a hagyományos A5-ös szórólap, de mégis odaadható egy rendezvényen. Szívesen kézbe veszik, játékos, trendi, információkat tartalmaz a cégról és a tevékenységről. Aminek szerepelnie kell rajta: Gloster Telekom Kft. Kicsit másképp. Kollaboráció, hálózat, adatközbont, security (IT biztonság), Cisco partner, professzionális megoldások kapcsolat információk referenciák (néhány db logó) Gloster logó Cisco logó Cégről infomrá...

€236 Average bid
€236 licitátlag
2 árajánlat

... Egy doboz, plasztikkártya, szórólap, és a telefonos applikációnk, illetve egyéb reklámanyagok arculatának a megtervezésére mindenképpen szükségünk van azonnal, de a lista később bővülhet további feladatokkal. Amennyiben úgy érzi, hogy tudna nekünk segíteni, kérem, küldjön nekünk referenciákat és egy részletes árajánlatot is. Előre is köszönjük az érdeklődést, és további szép napot kívánunk Önnek! Our company needs a designer with references to make our whole design. We need the d...

€16 Average bid
€16 licitátlag
2 árajánlat

Annak ellenére, hogy tudjuk, hogy még szükséges további tartalom a honlapunkra szeretnénk egy alap keresőoptimalizálást az alábbi keresőszavakra: cisco IP telefon ip telefon telefonközpont ip telefonközpont voip telefonközpont cisco wifi meraki wifi cisco ucs cisco szerver cisco partner cisco switch Amennyiben tartalom szükséges azt még veszünk / iratunk.

€89 Average bid
€89 licitátlag
8 árajánlat

...nemzetközi turisztikai válllalkozás terjeszkedéséhez keresek franchise partnereket a következő országokban: Thaiföld, Malájzia, Vietnám, Indonézia, Szingapúr, Arab Emírségek, India, Kína, Kazahsztán, Törökország, Oroszország, Olaszország, Gibraltár, Spanyolország, Franciaország, Németország, Nagy-Britannia, Dél-Afrika, Kanada, Kolumbia A célom az ,hogy megtaláljam azokat az embereket, akiknek a segítségével megtudom nyitni az adott országok piacát, akik minél szélesebb körben tudják tájékoztatni a...

€23 Average bid
€23 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

...nemzetközi turisztikai válllalkozás terjeszkedéséhez keresek franchise partnereket a következő országokban: Thaiföld, Malájzia, Vietnám, Indonézia, Szingapúr, Arab Emírségek, India, Kína, Kazahsztán, Törökország, Oroszország, Olaszország, Gibraltár, Spanyolország, Franciaország, Németország, Nagy-Britannia, Dél-Afrika, Kanada, Kolumbia A célom az ,hogy megtaláljam azokat az embereket, akiknek a segítségével megtudom nyitni az adott országok piacát, akik minél szélesebb körben tudják tájékoztatni a...

€29 Average bid
€29 licitátlag
3 árajánlat

Machinery export company, based in the UK, needs someone from Hungary to help with the following: Online and Offline advertising, market research. Gépek export cég, székhelye az Egyesült Királyságban, szüksége van valakire, Magyarországról, hogy segítsen a következő: Online és offline hirdetési, piackutatási.

€3 / hr Average bid
€3 / hr licitátlag
1 árajánlat
Amway értékesítő
Véget ért left

...és leányvállalata az Alticor a világ legnagyobb közvetlen értékesítéssel foglalkozó vállalata. A z Amway-t a két gyermekkori jóbarát és üzlettárs, Rich DeVos és Jay Van Andel alapította 1959-ben. Ma a DeVos és Van Andel családok viszik tovább a kemény munkára és szorgalomra épülő filozófiát, amely éppolyan sikeressé tette az Amway-t a 21. században, mint az előző évszázadban. A vállalat teljes árbevétele 2012-ben elérte a 2,44 billió forintot. Regisztráljon mo...

€226 - €678
€226 - €678
0 árajánlat

A projekt: Valós idejű szegmentáció megvalósítása egy online felületen Excel algoritmus alapján. Webes felület létrehozása, melyre a partner kutatócégek továbbíthatják a kutatásban részt vevő kérdőív kitöltőket. Az oldalunkra továbbítva a kitöltőknek meg kell válaszolnia néhány kérdést, majd a válaszokon egy Excel alapú algoritmust lefuttatva különböző szegmensekbe soroljuk őket és ezután a kutatócég kérdőívéhez visszairányítjuk ezzel az informáci&...

€564 Average bid
€564 licitátlag
2 árajánlat
The ShowRoom arculat
Véget ért left

...áruházához keresünk grafikust, aki megtervezi a márka arculatát. Az arculatnak tartalmaznia kell: logó, névjegy, levélpapír, színek, tipográfia, cégtábla, üzlet installációk A márka neve: The ShowRoom További információk: Az 1100 nm-es bútoráruház olasz modern bútorok értékesít elsősorban. Az üzlet viszont nem csupán klasszikus bútoráruházként, hanem full service design központként is működik majd: a tematikusan berendezett bemutatótereken kívül helyet kap benne egy olyan rész is, ah...

€388 Average bid
€388 licitátlag
3 árajánlat

I am looking for a Python Django developer with 2-3 years of experience for a contract job lasting 6 months to a year. The successful candidate will primarily be tasked with building new features, specifically user authentication systems. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Python and Django - 2-3 years of relevant experience - Advanced understanding of user authentication systems Tasks Include: - Developing robust user authentication features

€2 / hr Average bid
€2 / hr licitátlag
1 árajánlat

I'm looking for an expert to optimize my Facebook setup with respect to the pixel and to set up ads for my campaigns. The primary goal of the Facebook ad campaign is to generate leads. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive knowledge and experience with Facebook ad campaigns and lead generation. - Proven track record of successful lead generation campaigns.

€62 Average bid
€62 licitátlag
4 árajánlat

...assist with enhancing my WordPress website. Homepage- Carousels are coming from a short code, and each has different content and different width, I think it is causing spacing issues. I want to make the middle spacing uniform or adjust the left and right spacing for all (Upcoming Events and Deals, Special Offers, Select Tour Destination, Select Package Destination, Things to do). This i just explained you some points about homepage which i know and other works you have to do as said in videos. I have made video about some pages which i know, there are other pages in backend also, you need to check that also have any issue or no. Complete website should be compactable and optimized in all devices. Check the speed of website before start w...

€81 Average bid
€81 licitátlag
34 árajánlat

...working on a hyper-local e-commerce platform aimed at shaping India's future. As a finance professional, I lack the necessary coding and app development expertise. Therefore, I'm seeking a tech-savvy co-founder interested in joining a startup and willing to exchange their technical skills for equity in the company. The project entails: - Developing an Android-based e-commerce app. - Key features: Product listing and search, Payment integration, Order tracking, Application. The ideal partner would have: - Strong experience in Android app development. - Proficient coding skills, particularly in e-commerce platforms. - Ability to work with a vision to drive innovation. In terms of design, the a...

€377 Average bid
€377 licitátlag
12 árajánlat

I'm seeking a React WASM developer urgently for an ongoing project. This short-term engagement, lasting one week, has the potential to evolve into a long-term collaboration based on performance. The project employs a tech stack that includes Vite, TypeScript, React, Redux, WASM, Stencil, and Ant Design (antd). - The primary focus for this role will be on frontend development. - The application is currently using WebAssembly (Wasm) in production. Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in frontend development, particularly with React and WASM. Proficiency in Vite, TypeScript, Redux, Stencil, and Ant Design is highly desirable. A strong problem-solving ability and a keen eye for detai...

€68 Average bid
€68 licitátlag
8 árajánlat

...seeking a highly skilled and creative architect or designer to assist with the complete renovation and redesign of our elevated, single-level, 2,600 sq. ft. home in Florida. The home sustained significant damage from a hurricane, including roof failure and interior destruction. As part of this renovation, I aim to modernize the entire floor plan to create an open-concept layout optimized for entertaining while incorporating resilient, hurricane-resistant materials and construction techniques. Key points. 1. House Condition: The house sustained damage from a hurricane. 2. Current Layout: - It's a 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom house. - The master bedroom is on the right side. - There is a gr...

€344 Average bid
€344 licitátlag
53 árajánlat

I'm looking for a seasoned writer with a solid grasp of affiliate marketing to craft a comprehensive guide on the subject. This guide will offer step-by-step instructions on how to start an affiliate marketing business. Key areas to cover include: - Understanding Affiliate Marketing: A broad overview of the field, what it entails, and why it's a viable business model. - Choosing the Right Product or Service: Show readers how to select profitable products or services to market. Discuss the criteria for choice, affiliate networks, and potential pitfalls to avoid. - Building and Optimizing a Website: The goal is to guide readers through the process of building a...

€95 Average bid
€95 licitátlag
39 árajánlat

We have a nearly completed React-based Work Order Management App that includes Google Maps integration, QR code scanning, role-based authentication, and image uploads. We need a skilled developer to finalize and optimize the app, ensuring smooth deployment, API reliability, and UI refinements to match our branding. I'm looking to improve an existing React-based Work Order Management application. This involves UI/UX enhancements, introducing new features, and optimizing the app for performance. Scope of Work: ✅ Code Review & Optimization – Improve structure and efficiency. ✅ Final Testing & Bug Fixes – Ensure smooth performance. ✅ UI Enhancements – Refine design and responsiveness. ✅ Secure Deployment – Deploy on Ve...

€426 Average bid
€426 licitátlag
108 árajánlat

I’m looking for an expert to create, automate, and monetize a fully functional AI influencer from scratch. This project requires a complete end-to-end setup, covering everything from model creation to scaling revenue streams. The AI influencer should be highly realistic, consistent in appearance, and able to generate content across images and videos for social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Additionally, it should be monetized through exclusive content platforms like DeFans (alternative to OnlyFans), brand sponsorships, and AI-driven content automation. Scope of Work: 1. AI Influencer Creation (Realistic & Consistent Model) Develop an AI-generated influencer that looks realistic and human-like (not obviously AI-generated)...

€113 Average bid
€113 licitátlag
20 árajánlat

...Center. Carmelo is building a workbook that summarizes income and expenses for the organization. Change the theme of the workbook to Office. 2. On the Departments worksheet, change the width of columns C through H to 12.00 characters. 3. Change the height of row 1 to 21 points. 4. Merge and center the contents of the range A2:J2. 5. Format the merged range A2:J2 as described below: a. Apply the 40% - Accent 5 cell style. b. Apply bold formatting. c. Change the font size to 14. 6. Enter the values shown in Table 1 into the corresponding cells in the range A5:E5. Table 1: Data for the Range A5:E5 A B C D E 5 Abbreviation Department MD RN Support 7...

€25 Average bid
€25 licitátlag
16 árajánlat

I am in need of a talented graphic designer who can create a warm and inviting image for the front page of my website. ~Listen close~ The image should be BUILT AROUND THE TEXT (so leave this area clear of image components) and incorporate elements of spa, facial oils, cosmetic feel. *Attached files are for inspiration... or use elements in the images and create the right size and graphic that you can be proud of. Look at our webpage page, then create your best, awesome image. For more inspiration check out our amazon listing. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Experience with web image creation - Ability to design around specific text 1920 x 1080 px Please please please... No "coming soon" or...

€27 Average bid
37 pályamű

I’m starting a new garage door repair and installation business in Maryland. I have 3 years of experience in the industry and will soon be receiving my business license for the state. I'm looking for a reliable and communicative freelancer to assist me in growing my business. The main services I’m seeking are: Setting up Google Maps for my business Developing a new website optimized for SEO Running Facebook ads and Google ads to generate leads Lead generation and customer scheduling: I need help with strategies to bring in more customers, plus organizing meetings with clients I’m looking for someone who can be in daily communication with me and provide ongoing digital advertising support. ...

€13 / hr Average bid
€13 / hr licitátlag
85 árajánlat

I'm seeking a modern and sleek logo for my dropshipping store, The Charger Shop. The logo should be catchy and incorporate an animated image of a wireless phone charger. The color scheme should be Orange, Black, and White. Key Requirements: - The logo must feature the name 'The Charger Shop' - It should creatively integrate an animated image of a wireless phone charger - Use of geometric shapes, icons, or symbols alongside the slogan or tagline is preferable - The overall style should be modern and sleek This logo will primarily be used for my website header and social media profiles, with potential use on product packaging. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in graph...

€9 Average bid
31 pályamű
Affidavit for Child Custody Case
6 nap left

I'm a parent seeking to document an affidavit for a child custody case. Key Points: - The affidavit should emphasize my relationship with the child - It should also touch on my child's mental health - Parental conflict should be included as well Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of legal writing and procedures - Prior experience with custody cases is a plus - Understanding of mental health considerations in legal contexts - Ability to articulate complex issues clearly and concisely.

€344 Average bid
€344 licitátlag
40 árajánlat

I have a woocommerce theme where I use DatafeedR to mass import products. I have been using custom plugin from : Right now, I have the product page linking to the cheapest product webshop. But I would also like the name of the webshop show up in the buy now button But can not get his custom plugin to work with the first one: Also. I would like the loweste price to show up in the schema output and also in the Yoast title or meta description Atm, in google my products shows up with the high price

€104 Average bid
€104 licitátlag
118 árajánlat

I will convert the Figma design to WordPress, which is fully SEO optimized and speed-optimized. 3 pages into figma. Premium features and functionalities.

€231 Average bid
€231 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

Implementation of the template on WordPress + WooCommerce.

€139 Average bid
€139 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

Design 1 dreamy unicorn-themed coloring canvas in a square format using only 6 colors. This project is to select a freelancer, and the chosen designer will be offered a follow-up project to create a total of 8 different designs. Requirements: - Dreamy unicorn theme - Square design format - Use only 6 colors in the design - The design must not be too complicated, as it is intended for a coloring canvas - Creativity and originality are key - NO CHAT-GPT PLEASE *Please see the attached for inspiration* The primary goal of this gig is to find the right designer for the full project. Show your best work!

€19 Average bid
14 pályamű

...AI & Cloud Engineering Partner Applicant, My name is Kenneth Pillet, owner of HomeServe AI Advantage LLC. I’m reaching out with an exciting co-founder/partner opportunity to lead the technical development of a scalable AI-powered automation agency. We are building an AI-driven lead generation & customer service automation platform specifically for home service businesses in Alberta, Canada (companies making $250K–$1M annually). Our model blends cutting-edge AI with smart automation, combining cost-effective paid tools and self-hosted AI components to keep expenses low and margins high. This is an equity-driven opportunity, ideal for someone who wants long-term financial upside in a scalable business with predictable...

€979 Average bid
€979 licitátlag
26 árajánlat

...Productions (CVP) is seeking an exceptional individual to join our team in a unique dual role that combines account management/sales with hands-on video production skills. All video production skillsets are welcome. This freelance (1099 contractor) role is perfect for someone who loves building strong relationships with clients while staying hands-on in video production. ROLE OVERVIEW: The ideal candidate will excel in: • Building and maintaining strong client relationships • Executing various aspects of video production (all skillsets welcome) REQUIREMENTS: • Minimum 5 years of experience in your video production skillset • Proficiency in Apple ecosystem and Adobe Creative Cloud • Knowledge of AI video tools with a passion f...

€278 - €4627
€278 - €4627
0 árajánlat

Seeking both telecallers and referral partners to help us reach potential clients for astrology consultations. ? Key Responsibilities: - As a telecaller, you'll follow up on inquiries via phone and WhatsApp. Your goal will be to convert these leads into paid consultations. - As a referral partner, you'll promote our services within your social and WhatsApp groups. Your aim will be to generate successful referrals. ? Requirements: - Excellent communication skills in both Hindi and English. - An understanding of astrology is a plus, but not mandatory. - Ability to accurately track and report referrals. This is a commission-based role, with pay discussed upon selection. If you're interested, please apply now!

€10 / hr Average bid
€10 / hr licitátlag
11 árajánlat

3D modelling of the hotel in separate parts for animation

€83 Average bid
€83 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

...Instruments (Africa) ? We are looking for a Freelance Sales Agent to expand our reach in the African healthcare market. This role involves identifying potential buyers, building strong relationships, and driving sales of surgical instruments to hospitals, clinics, and distributors. ? Key Responsibilities: ✅ Identify and connect with potential clients in the healthcare sector. ✅ Present and promote surgical instruments to hospitals, clinics, and distributors. ✅ Build and maintain relationships with key decision-makers. ✅ Provide product information and support as needed. ✅ Keep track of market trends and customer needs. ? Requirements: ✔️ Sales experience in any industry (healthcare experience is a plus but not required). ✔️ Strong networking and ...

€117 Average bid
€117 licitátlag
3 árajánlat

PROJECT TITLE: COMPREHENSIVE WOOCOMMERCE CUSTOMIZATION FOR ENHANCED E-COMMERCE FUNCTIONALITY PROJECT OVERVIEW: We are seeking an experienced WooCommerce developer to customize our e-commerce platform. The objective is to integrate advanced features such as inventory management, dropshipping capabilities, data capture, payment processing (including Stripe integration), and analytics. The project also involves automating order processing, inventory management, and reporting. Additionally, we require the ability to import inventory data from suppliers using Excel or CSV files and implement dynamic pricing, custom product fields, and variation options. Customization of WooCommerce templates to align with our brand, including modifications to the checko...

€16 / hr Average bid
€16 / hr licitátlag
115 árajánlat

...Development I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a professional and user-friendly website for my mobile carwash business. The primary goal of this website is to attract new customers and simplify the booking process for our services. Key Features: ✅ Online Booking System – Customers should be able to schedule their carwash appointments easily. ✅ Service Selection – The booking form should allow customers to choose from different carwash services. ✅ Date & Time Picker – Customers should be able to select their preferred date and time. ✅ Online Payment Integration – Secure and seamless payment options. ✅ Responsive Design – The website must be fully optimized for both...

€976 Average bid
€976 licitátlag
269 árajánlat

I'm working on a exiting project that requires the integration of various sensors with an ESP32 for controlling and automating of an hobby/craftbrewery. The primary sensor for this project are rtd temperature sensor, along with an ADS1263 and a load cell with a 4 to 1 ratio. ADS1263 needs to able to handle all difference sort of sensors in future (pressure, hall, ph, ...) Key Responsibilities: - Sensor Integration: The main objective is to effectively integrate these sensors with the ESP32S3 to the host that runs python. - First task would be configuring ads1263, communication with python, PID, and pwm output. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Python and C++: Essential for coding the ESP3...

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr licitátlag
43 árajánlat

Transfer the landing page on wordpress in order to manage the lead from the request form

€130 Average bid
€130 licitátlag
243 árajánlat

I want to get unlimited diamonds from free fire and I am will to pay a fair amount of money for it but just let me know a hack or help me build one.

€43 Average bid
€43 licitátlag
3 árajánlat need of a highly skilled virtual assistant to assist with various tasks. The main focus areas will be: - Cold Calling: Engaging with potential clients and customers over the phone. - Customer Services: Providing excellent service to our clients. - Research: Gathering relevant information to support our business operations. - Data Entry: Keeping our databases updated and accurate. - Email Management: Handling and organizing my email correspondence. The ideal candidate for this role should have: - Strong communication skills for effective cold calling and customer service. - Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, as this will be the primary software used. - Experience in research and data entry. - Excellent organizational skills fo...

€130 Average bid
€130 licitátlag
21 árajánlat

...automatically generate the necessary documentation for compliance with ISO standards. With an integrated and scalable approach, ISO:OK supports companies of various sizes and external consultants in preparing first, second, and third-party audits. The platform stands out for its ability to optimize certification management, improving operational efficiency and reducing errors associated with manual processes. 2. Communication and Promotion Objectives The communication and promotion planning for ISO:OK is a key strategic element in translating market analysis results and customer target identification into concrete and measurable actions. Through an integrated, multi-channel approach, the campaign aims to strengthen the platf...

€435 Average bid
€435 licitátlag
30 árajánlat

Subject: Looking for a Wix Automations Expert for Online Course Emails ? Hi [Freelancer’s Name], I’m looking for a Wix Automations expert with experience in online course marketing to help set up a fully automated email system for my digital course. ? What I Need: ✔ Automated email sequences for course buyers ✔ Integration with Wix Online Programs & Wix Automations ✔ A referral system that rewards users for inviting others (with automatic discount codes) ✔ Optimized confirmation emails & follow-ups to boost engagement and course completion rates ? Requirements: ✅ Proven experience with Wix Automations (not just general email marketing) ✅ Familiarity with Wix Online Programs & Wix Payments ✅ Ab...

€136 Average bid
€136 licitátlag
73 árajánlat

Looking for Experienced Flutter Developer We are seeking an experienced Flutter Developer to upgrade our existing Flutter application to the latest version and implement new features based on our UI/UX designs available in Adobe XD. Requirements: Proven experience in Flutter app development. Strong knowledge of Dart, Flutter framework, and mobile app architecture. Experience in upgrading Flutter apps to newer versions. Ability to work with Adobe XD designs and convert them into responsive UI. Proficiency in integrating APIs and third-party libraries. Good debugging and performance optimization skills. Responsibilities: Upgrade the existing Flutter app to the latest stable version. Implement new features and screens as per the XD design files. ...

€376 Average bid
€376 licitátlag
35 árajánlat

I’m seeking an experienced full-stack developer to build a simple, secure, cross-platform app for web, Android, and iOS. This app will facilitate communication, video sharing, and tracking for a caregiver organization. I’m a full-stack developer myself but lack the time to build this, so I need someone reliable who can deliver high-quality work on schedule. Successful completion could lead to ongoing projects (2+ apps planned). please read the file attached Please note: This app needs review from my partner. Payment will be processed once I get everything reviewed and approved by my partner. max budget $250

€155 Average bid
€155 licitátlag
18 árajánlat

...seeking an expert to generate a valet parking ticket pass compatible with Apple Wallet and Google Wallet. Key Requirements: - Utilise a custom design for the pass - Incorporate specified elements into the design: - My company logo - A QR code or barcode - Customer details - Car Plate - An interactive button for payment - A feature to receive notifications Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in creating digital passes for Apple Wallet and Google Wallet - Graphic design experience, particularly in creating custom designs for digital passes - Knowledge of incorporating interactive elements into digital designs - Understanding of using company branding in digital designs Tasreea Digital Ticket - Goo...

€82 Average bid
€82 licitátlag
65 árajánlat