Change registration point xml image flashmunkák
...cabinet then all of the parts should change the border color to red, and if clicks again should be the normal color. And also if the user clicks on a cabinet then there should appear a popup menu under the buttons at the top right corner where the user can change the position and rotation. There would be three input fields for the position and three for the rotation and a save button. The second usage is different, here the user cannot see all the furniture, only some parts. e.g. from a bedroom only the bed, or only the bedside table or only one cabinet from a kitchen. And there the user can modify the position and rotation of the parts of the cabinet. e.g. the user can move higher a shelf from the cabinet. If the user click on a part then that part should change ...
Élő videó közvetítése , AI alkalmazása • Mobile application. • Live video streaming! • Watermark on all videos and images! • Protection against saving and screenshots! • AI-powered translation in private messages into the user’s native language! • Fast website performance with the ability to handle high traffic efficiently....ability to handle high traffic efficiently. • Option for users to upload 4K videos! • AI-based recommendations: personalized content suggestions for both fans and creators. • Light and dark themes. • Content moderation: automated moderation to ensure compliance with the rules. • Data protection: compliance with GDPR and other regulations. • Two-factor authenticat...
Az internet hatása a fiatalokra és idősekre című prezentáció készítésével bíznék meg valakit. Csatoltam a követelményeket
XML FEED készítése website crawl módszerrel unas webshopnak. További infó telefonon.
Szeretnénk a Holland Global Multi Cégünknek egy digitális életteret biztosítani. Ehhez egy weboldalra lenne szükségünk ami egyben tartalmazza a webshop-ot is. - PHP, Flash. - Rugalmasság. - Hatékony és gyors kivitelezés. - Naprakészség
...üzemeltetni a weboldalt. Ehhez fogunk kérni segítséget. A szolgáltatók nagy valószínűséggel sok képet fognak feltölteni, ezeket a képeket szeretnénk ha a weboldal feltöltéskor automatikusan átméretezné úgy, hogy a minőséget megtartsa, de kevesebb tárhelyet foglaljanak. Azt is szeretnénk, hogy az oldal első körben csak a szolgáltatók előtt legyen nyitott mondjuk egy (pl.: ), majd egy bizonyos regisztráció szám után tennénk csak az oldalt live-ba. Szeretnénk az is, hogy legyen egy demo oldal () ahol megtudjuk mutatni az oldal kinézetét a szolgáltatóknak mi...
Nyomtató által létrehozott csv / vagy xml. fájlból kellene automatikus kimutatást készíteni. A csv-ben szereplő adatokból a "Media" tipusokat paraméterezni kell beviteli mezőben megadott árral. Az "ink" úgyszintén paraméterezendő az árral. Tervezett kb végeredmény a pdf-ben.
Jelenleg wix weblapszerkesztővel dolgozunk, szeretnénk az oldalunkat összekötni az árukeresővel és árgéppel és szükségünk van a csv és xml fájlra, amelyet egy szerverre fel lehet tölteni, majd az URL-jét elküldhetjük a szolgáltatónak. Ezen az URL-en keresztül töltik be minden nap az adatokat. Az lenne a jó megoldás ha ezt a wixen belül meg tudnánk oldani.
I have a WordPress-Avada website, I need to optimize the loading speed. I need to fix it or make specific suggestions on what to change, either on the server side or on the hosting or site. Website:
Kedves Szabadúszó! Segítséget szeretnék kérni woocommerce webshopunk összekötésében Árukereső és Árgép oldalakkal. Jelenleg csak az XML fájlunkkal van hiba, ebben kérném segítségedet, egy XML pluginnel bizonyára ez könnyen elkészíthető, nekem sajnos nincs rá időm. Van minta XML fájl. Feladat: - és kompatibilis XML kimenetel készítése Köszönettel, Máté
...nélkül). A programot a nagyobb megbízhatóság, átláthatóság érdekében úgy látjuk célszerűnek kialakítani, hogy a forráskód a felhasználó számára látható legyen (ezért gondoltunk a Python-ra). A felhasználó itt tipikusan IT vagy adatelemző szakértő lesz. A program felhasználói (ablakokkal) felülettel rendelkezik. A program funkciói: 1. Fájl beolvasása Fájl kiválasztása (txt, csv) (később xml, Json egyelőre ez most nem a feladat része) elválasztójel definiálása (text, csv esetén ...
- nagykereskedő weboldalára automatikus belépés után árlista/készlet információ letöltése ( tömörített file XLS vagy csv formátumban) - a fenit xls feldolgozása, mysql be való feltöltése, megadott paraméterek alapján - aloldal létrehozása, ahol viszonteladó meg tudja feleltetni nagykereskedő árlistában szereplő cikkszámokat a saját cikkszá...viszonteladó meg tudja feleltetni nagykereskedő árlistában szereplő cikkszámokat a saját cikkszámaival ) tömeges feltöltési lehetőség csv ből - aloldal létrehozása, ahol gyárt&oa...
Weblap készítés tervezés, flash animációk készítése, képek szerkesztése, képmanipulálás photoshoppal,
...using WooCommerce plugin. To keep my stock up-to-date my wholesaler provides me a password protected XML channel which contains all the available products I can sell and also it's quantity. I need someone who connects my WooCommerce to this XML channel. I believe this work should be pretty easy to someone who is familiar with WooCommerce and XML. I woud need the job done within a month but rather in middle of september. *** MAGYAR *** Egy webshopot készítek, amihez az alábbira volna szükségem: adott egy jelszóval védett XML forrás, ahonnan a termékeket és a készletnyilvántartást kéne összekapcsolni egy wordpress alá telepített WooComm...
Az Amway és leányvállalata az Alticor a világ legnagyobb közvetlen értékesítéssel foglalkozó ...és üzlettárs, Rich DeVos és Jay Van Andel alapította 1959-ben. Ma a DeVos és Van Andel családok viszik tovább a kemény munkára és szorgalomra épülő filozófiát, amely éppolyan sikeressé tette az Amway-t a 21. században, mint az előző évszázadban. A vállalat teljes árbevétele 2012-ben elérte a 2,44 billió forintot. Regisztráljon most a következő linken és legyen önből is partner ajánlja barátainak a termékeket vagy...
Dear programmer! Interested to know if there is any (oc1.5.4.x) store an XML extension that generates the following Order to enable and disable admin panel. Just the inclusion discounted products (which do not discount the product does not have to) -Bruttoár -Akciósár -Akciósár Duration of the start and end (if applicable) -Cikkszám write-off -Terméklink -Fotólink category -Gyártó all of which can be associated with the product are free to add or remove. Multi-language compilations thanks Tisztelt programozo! Érdeklődnék,hogy (oc1.5.4.x) áruházhoz létezik-e olyan XML kiterjesztés amely a következőket legenerálja Admin felül...
Java programozás, xml parse, egyszerű megjelenítés, konzultáció, kb 1 nap (8 óra) munka. Minták rendelkezésre állnak.
Looking for freelancer to create a simple html & css mobile website based on prepared graphics. 5 simple page with images, forms, drop-down menus, texts, and lists. Grafikus által előre megtervezett képernyőképekből html & css mobil weboldal elkészítéséhez keresek munkaerőt. Összesen 5 egyszerű aloldalról lenne szó, képekkel, legördülő menükkel, szöveggel, listákkal és formokkal.
Looking for freelancer to create a html mobile website based on prepared graphics. 5 simple page with images, forms, drop-down menus, texts, and lists. Grafikus által előre megtervezett képernyőképekből html mobil weboldal elkészítéséhez keresek munkaerőt. Összesen 5 egyszerű aloldalról lenne szó, képekkel, legördülő menükkel, szöveggel, listákkal és formokkal.
személyes video Az adatbázis megvan, 3D. vagy flash kellene. Példák a feladatra:
Termék katalógus oldalt szeretnék létrehozni kép- és videógalériával egyedi mezőkkel. AJAX keresés és szűrés szintén kell. Valamint egy árösszehasonlitó modul amiben a termékek forgalmazóitól kapott árakat (CSV vagy XML) jeleniti meg a termék adatlapján.
We want a mobile app that helps Indian entrepreneurs (especially in Tier 2 & 3 cities) set up and manage their startups. It provides AI-powered guidance for registration, legal compliance, branding, financial services, and investor matching — all integrated with relevant government portals. ⸻ Key Features: 1. AI Business Setup Guide – Business idea analysis, structure recommendation, and market feasibility check. 2. Business Registration – Step-by-step company registration (LLP, Pvt Ltd), directly linked to MCA, GSTN, MSME portals. 3. Legal Document Generation – Auto-creation of MOA, AOA, NDAs, etc., based on business type. 4. Financial Tools – AI-driven bookkeeping advice, tax filing calendar, GST invoices, and bank account open...
I'm seeking a professional who can accurately reproduce a Word document from an image I will provide. The project entails creating an editable Word document that matches the image with complete precision, including fonts and layout. Key requirements: - Expertise in Word formatting to ensure an exact match - Attention to detail to replicate the image with total fidelity - Ability to deliver a fully editable Word document Ideal candidates for this project will have a strong background in data entry, document formatting, and an excellent command of Microsoft Word.
...reporting, analysis, and communication for improved workplace safety, compliance, and operational efficiency across multiple projects and clients. Key Features & Functionalities: 1. Client/Company registration & Project Management • Client Registration – Capture company/project details, contract type, and assign unique profiles. • HSE Data Storage – Securely collect, store, and organize all client-specific HSE documentation. • User Roles & Permissions – Different access levels (Safety Officers, Clients, Consultants, Admins). #Most of these are covered in the OTS platform, except company registration...under a company, you can have u managers and users. #therefore at login, is taken to the dashboard of the company he...
My website needs fresh job listings content aimed at mid-level professionals. This project involves uti...provided template page to import information sourced from a specific set of keywords. i ONLY NEED 25 POSTS CREATED. Copy and paste information to a new page from template. Please message for distinct job search keywords and examples Key tasks: - Searching for relevant job listings information using designated keywords - Importing and formatting this information onto a template page in bullet point format - Correctly assigning schema with our RM Pro plugin - Creating appropriate titles and meta descriptions Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Experience in content creation and SEO - Familiarity with using schema and RMP plugin - Ability to follow a set template ...
I need a Zoho Analytics chart to show how my historic stocks levels change over time. I need to be able to select different items of stock. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in using Zoho Analytics - Experience in creating inventory tracking charts
Need to load images in direct x 12 with nuklear on windows. then draw them. there is existing backend to assist with most of the work so it should be simple for someone who understands
I need assistance with removing logo watermarks from the center of 200 images. We have been granted permission by the image owner to remove the watermarks. Ideal freelancer should: - Have experience with image editing and watermark removal - Be proficient in using advanced image editing software - Have a keen eye for detail to ensure seamless removal without damaging the underlying image. Images are to be saved with the same file name as recieved.
...onto my website. The task involves researching and finding every run club in major cities including Sydney, Melbourne, Los Angeles, New York, and London. Key Responsibilities: - Look for both well-known and smaller run clubs in the specified cities. - Complete a submission request for each run club with all required information: run club name, description, city, suburb/neighborhood, exact meeting point, run type, time and day of the week, website and Instagram. - Save the list of found run clubs into an Excel spreadsheet, with each piece of information in a separate column. - Provide a brief overview of each run club in the submission. - Ensure high accuracy in all fields. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in data entry and research. - Familiarity with run clubs or run...
I'm looking for a mobile screen design for a clean and minimalist e-commerce application. The design should be suitable for both iOS and Android platforms. Key Screens to Design: - Login and Registration Screens: These should be user-friendly and intuitive, promoting a seamless onboarding process. - Product Listing and Details Screens: The design should provide clear visibility and accessibility of products, with an emphasis on simplicity and ease of use. - Shopping Cart and Checkout Screens: These screens need to facilitate a smooth and hassle-free checkout process. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in UI/UX design, particularly for mobile applications. - Proven experience in designing for e-commerce platforms. - Proficiency in designing for both iOS and Andr...
I'm in need of a cloud-based, Android mobile solution for capturing fueling data from our on-site bowsers. This will be used by our fleet of trucks at Point A. Key Requirements: - The system must utilize OCR scanning exclusively for capturing truck numbers and flow meter readings, with no manual data entry. - Upon completion of fueling, a receipt should print on a wireless thermal POS printer located at the exit gate. - All transaction history must be accessible and monitorable from Point B via a web dashboard. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in developing Android mobile applications. - Experience with OCR technology and cloud-based solutions. - Familiarity with integrating with thermal POS printers. - Capability to design and implement a secure, user-friend...
I need an expert in data analysis and sports statistics to help me identify college basketball games that are most likely to score within a specified point total range. Data Sources: - Historical game scores - Desired scoring range and how to identify it Scoring Range Identification: - Based on historical averages - Based on team performance trends Time Frame: - Last 1 season Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in data analysis - Strong understanding of college basketball - Experience with sports statistics - Ability to interpret team performance trends I am looking for a freelancer who can provide a comprehensive analysis and help me identify games that fit within the specified scoring range.
I have an image of my storefront but the exterior paint looks worn and there are some unsightly elements I'd like removed from this image. I'd like to image to look clean and attractive. I've got three sample images to work with. Unsightly elements to be removed: - Trash - Old signage - Creeper plants - Wires and cables - Aircond Units - Clean up peeling pain The ideal freelancer for this project should have experience in image editing, specifically in enhancing storefront images. They should be proficient in software such as Photoshop, and have a keen eye for detail to ensure the final image looks clean and appealing. Photo Specs: Use a 4:3 aspect ratio in landscape format for a balanced and visually appealing image. Make the ...
...Payment Integration 3. Video Recording & Score Overlay System 4. Touchscreen-Based Manual Score Update This system will be installed in mini football fields in Kuwait and should allow users to book fields, record matches, update scores via a touchscreen, and watch match replays through the app. "Very similar to LeFive and Urban-soccer concept" ### System Features Required 1. User Registration & Login - Login via Google, Apple ID, or Phone Number (OTP via SMS - Zain, Ooredoo, STC Kuwait) - User profiles with match history, stats, and video access 2. Football Field Booking System - Interactive calendar to choose available field slots - Real-time booking confirmation - Payment integration with: - KNET (Kuwait's local gateway) - ...
I need a professional image editor to help enhance and prepare my digital merchandise images for sale on my Shopify store. You will be working with: - Digital renders of merchandise, primarily decor. - PNG file format images. - Your task will include: - Isolating individual items from group images. - Editing these items to appear correctly in the photo. - Changing the color of the items to display multiple color options. - And, a images should be set against a clean white background. - Some images will have multiple items in the picture. -Texture and designs on the items in picture must remain intact. If there are white designs, the designs should remain white on each editted /new image. For example, an image of 8 black and white shirts, will be editted to 1) 8 b...
I need a PowerPoint template designed for business presentations. The style should be minimalistic and clean, steering clear of unnecessary clutter, yet maintaining a professional is for a food manufacturer so food is the focal point. This particular design is use of black slate, white chalk writing and logo in bottom right hand corner. Would like a Canadian Maple Leaf flag in bottom right corner where logo will be placed. My client’s website: This template should include: - Slides for charts and graphs - Image placeholders - Text-only slides - Smart Shapes - Text plus insert of picture or graph or smart shape The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in graphic design, particularly in creating PowerPoint templates. A keen understanding
I'm seeking a developer to create a comprehensive Forex trading platform. The website should allow users to make trades, deposit funds, withdraw money, and create buy and sell positions. Key Features: - User Registration and Authentication: I want a secure login system. Users should be able to register and log in using their email and password. The platform should also support Two-Factor Authentication for an added layer of security, as well as Social Media Logins for convenience. - Trading Functionality: The core of the platform should be its trading functionality. Users should be able to place trades on Forex, create buy and sell positions, etc. - Referral System: A crucial aspect of this project is the implementation of a referral system. Users should receive a unique refer...
...and compare, contrast and/or connect the articles you've selected. This will be a paragraph that describes the third theme that you identified and compare, contrast and/or connect the articles you've selected. 3. Summary This is the last paragraph of your small-scale literature review. In this paragraph, it is important to summarize the main findings from the articles that you reviewed and to point out the information that you found particularly important to know that answered the inquiry question that you established in the first paragraph of your review. Try to conclude your paper by connecting your inquiry question back to the context of the general topic of study. References This is the last page of your review. It serves as a listing of all references that you m...
I'm in need of a professional web developer to create a multi-quote website for residential construction projects. The website should be able to provide instant quotes for various construction services. Key Features: - Multi-Quote System: The website should be able to generate and display multiple quotes from differe...Proven experience in web development is a must. - E-commerce: Prior experience in creating e-commerce or multi-quote websites will be highly regarded. - UI/UX Design: Skills in designing user-friendly interfaces will be a significant plus. Please note that the instant roofing estimator feature has not been specified in terms of scope, but a simple cost estimation calculator would be a good starting point. Your input and suggestions for this feature will be high... expert in WordPress and server migrations to assist with transferring my WordPress site to a new Shared Hosting server. The domain will remain the same. Key Tasks: - Migrate the WordPress site to the new server while ensuring minimal downtime. - Set up the site on the new server, ensuring all aspects of the site are working as they should post migration. - Update DNS settings if necessary to point to the new server. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with WordPress and server migrations. - Familiarity with Shared Hosting environment. - Understanding of DNS settings and domain configurations. Please note, there are no specific server setup requirements, configurations, or settings needed for the new server. Your expertise and best practices will be relied upon for a smooth...
I need a graphic designer to create a 10 slide PowerPoint presentation for me. The presentation is intended to inform or educate. I will be providing my full brand color palette and brand guidelines. Key Requirements: - Design should adhere strictly to brand guidelines - Utilization of the full brand color palette - Creation of visually appealing and informative slides Ideal Skills: - ...brand guidelines. Key Requirements: - Design should adhere strictly to brand guidelines - Utilization of the full brand color palette - Creation of visually appealing and informative slides Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design software - Experienced with PowerPoint - Strong understanding of brand identity - Excellent visual communication skills I will provide all content for the power poi...
Hello, I’m experiencing a 404 error with my custom post type (CPT) “instituts”. My goal is to have URLs in the following format: instituts/{slug parent}/{slug child}/{city} However, when I click on the link, I get a 404 error. I’ve tried: Flushing rewrite rules (and using the after_switch_theme hook), Adding custom rewrite rules, Modifying the CPT registration (switching between hierarchical and non-hierarchical), Adjusting my slug-building filter. None of these approaches have resolved the issue. I need help from someone experienced in WordPress rewrite rules and CPT configuration to fix this problem. Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
I need a cartoonish style illustration depicting our ambitious plant vision for a manufactu...are the elements propelling us upwards. - Visible people inside the aircraft's windows, demonstrating that everyone is 'on board' with this vision. - The aircraft's nameplate reading 0 - 2 - 85, representing our target results: zero safety and quality incidents, 2% scrap and 85% efficiency. - A flag atop the aircraft saying "First in Operational Excellence", showcasing our goal to be a reference point in our industry. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in illustration, preferably with experience in creating cartoonish, yet corporate-friendly designs. Understanding of manufacturing industry concepts would be a plus, as it can ...
i want to create a bot on ninjatrader to take position automatically . i trade 8 range bar ES. i want to create a bot that take position with the order size i put , with TP(multiple if i trade more than 1 ) and Stp. when delta bar positive 500 or more , and bar is red . it take short. when delta bar negative more than 500 and bar is green , it take long. the number of...ninjatrader to take position automatically . i trade 8 range bar ES. i want to create a bot that take position with the order size i put , with TP(multiple if i trade more than 1 ) and Stp. when delta bar positive 500 or more , and bar is red . it take short. when delta bar negative more than 500 and bar is green , it take long. the number of delta is customizable by me in the parameter , so i can change to 600 , 1k ...
...apply for jobs, and track application status. • System Users: Role-based permissions ensure security and controlled access. 1.2 Job Posting & Vacancy Management • HR can create, edit, and delete job vacancies. • Each job is assigned a unique job reference ID. • Jobs are posted on the career page and external job boards. • Automated email and SMS notifications for job postings. 1.3 Candidate Registration & Profile Management • Candidates register with email and password. • Profile includes: o Personal details (hidden during shortlisting). o Upload of resume (Word/PDF). o Work experience, education, certifications. o Skills and preferred job categories. o Internal/External candidate classification. 1.4 Application Management • Candid...
1. System Overview The system enables users to send money, which can be withdrawn by beneficiaries through registered agents. Agents disburse cash and are instantly credited the disbursed amount plus their commission into their linked bank accounts from the app’s main bank account. 2. Functional Requirements 2.1 User (Sender) Features • User Registration & Authentication o Sign-up via phone number/email o Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for logins & high-value transactions o KYC verification for higher transaction limits • Account Funding o Add money via bank transfer, mobile money, or cash deposits at agents' offices • Send Money o Enter recipient details (manual or from phone contacts) o Generate withdrawal code (PDF, SMS, or WhatsApp shareabl...
We have a nearly completed React-based Work Order Management App that includes Google Maps integration, QR code scanning, role-based authentication, and image uploads. We need a skilled developer to finalize and optimize the app, ensuring smooth deployment, API reliability, and UI refinements to match our branding. I'm looking to improve an existing React-based Work Order Management application. This involves UI/UX enhancements, introducing new features, and optimizing the app for performance. Scope of Work: ✅ Code Review & Optimization – Improve structure and efficiency. ✅ Final Testing & Bug Fixes – Ensure smooth performance. ✅ UI Enhancements – Refine design and responsiveness. ✅ Secure Deployment – Deploy on Vercel, Netlify, or Firebase H...
We are looking for a skilled web developer to create a video-sharing platform similar to YouTube. The website should allow users to upload, share videos, and manage subscriptions for viewing. Key features should include user registration, video management, subscription payment systems, and a user-friendly interface. You will collaborate closely with our team to ensure the website meets our requirements and provides an engaging experience for users.
...THE CONNECT COASTAL VIRGINIA FLIER FOR EXAMPLE!!!!! We need the following four designs updated and we also need one of the designs to be made into a flyer for the event with a dynamic background. All designs are urgent. 1. Teams Unite (URGENT): A. Event Post: We need the same Teams Unite design post updated to reflect the fact that the next event is on Monday, April 28, 2025. This is the only change. However, the flier must be provided in formats that are compatible with the event designs for the Eventbrite and Linkedin posts. B. Flier: We need this information included on a flier like the one attached for Connect Coastal Virginia that has both a dynamic/modern background. The flier should have a black ground but be provided in two versions: (1) one with a black background, (2...
...Responsibilities: Develop a fully automated trading bot for Nifty intraday trading. Implement Supertrend (7,1.5) as the main strategy. Trade execution should be based on sell-only signals. Place orders for ATM strike options of Nifty. Implement a stop-loss mechanism where the stop-loss is adjusted when the trend changes. Trailing stop-loss mechanism: Adjust stop-loss every 40 points after every 10-point profit. Ensure real-time execution of trades with minimal latency. The bot should operate only between 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM and close all positions at the end of the day. Provide an easy-to-use dashboard or logging mechanism for monitoring trades. Technical Requirements: Experience with TradingView Pine Script OR Python with broker APIs (Zerodha, AngelOne, Fyers, etc.). The bot shou...