Can save image google mapmunkák
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- can save image google map
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Munka státusza
8-50 silide terjedelmű angol szövegek fordításra magyar nyelvre, slides formátum megtartásával (betűtípusok, színek, karakterszám); landing page-ek szintén slides-ban, marketing szövegek, CTA-k fordítása Sheets-ben. Megbízható embert keresek elsősorban diákot, aki magas szinten tud magyarul (mit jelent ez? szám-személy egyeztetés, anglicizmusok kerülése, gördülékeny szövegek írása-ha egy magyar ember olvassa a szöveg legyen olyan, mintha eredetileg is magyar nyelven íródott volna), minimum középszintű B2 angol elvárt. Karakterszámok betartása hirdetési sz&ou... in a room. During this view the user can edit the room and move the furnitures, e.g. the user can move a whole bed, or rotate etc. If the user click on a cabinet then all of the parts should change the border color to red, and if clicks again should be the normal color. And also if the user clicks on a cabinet then there should appear a popup menu under the buttons at the top right corner where the user can change the position and rotation. There would be three input fields for the position and three for the rotation and a save button. The second usage is different, here the user cannot see all the furniture, only some parts. e.g. from a bedroom only the bed, or only the bedside table or only one cabinet from a kitchen. And there the user can...
...}-total`} className={}> { ? : currentTotal} </div> )} </div> </div> {hasSubCategories && ( <div className={subCategoryClasses} data-testid="category-item-subcategories"> {subcategories?.map((cat, index) => ( <CategoryItem category={cat} currentCategoryId={currentCategoryId} currentTotal={currentTotal} parentCategoryUrl={} parentCategoryQuery={} key={`category-item-${cat
Szeretnénk egy térképet ami a saját feladataink vannak elhelyezve, és ezeknek a megjelenítését bizonyos beállításokkal szeretnénk jobban áttekinthetővé tenni. bizonyos távolság, amit be tudunk állítani meghatározza hogy mely pontok esetén van több feladat, egy ezeket külön színnel vagy számértékkel csoportosítva kiemelve jelenítjük meg.
Sziasztok! Szeretnék létrehozni egy WordPress alapú WooCommerce webshopot, ahol ügyfeleim egy térképtervező API (pl.: MapBox) segítségével, szabhatják testre saját térképüket, majd megrendelhetik azt tőlem. Ezt követően kinyomtatom a térképet, bekeretezem és elküldöm nekik. Így képzelem el az oldalt: Erre a projektre várok ajánlatokat. Köszönettel, iNEO DSGN
A dolgozóink beosztását online, google sheetsben tároljuk. Szeretnék statisztikákat készíteni, ki mennyit van egy adott munkahelyen, egy hónapban hol dolgozott, mennyi munkaórát végzett el. Ebből készülne a jelenléti ív, és éves összesítésre is szükség lenne. Részleteket jelentkezés után.
...would be used by bars and restaurants, so they should be able to place tables of different sizes (2-20 people) and shapes (circles, rectangles) on a rectangular canvas. You can find directions for the editor in the attached images. (floorplan designer) For tables, users must be able to enter and store the following information in the editor. (name, ID, size, status (integer)) Each recorded table must also be erased individually. A save button is also needed on the interface, which will cause the browser console to display information about all the tables you've added. There is also a need for another interface where you can view recorded tables and store their data on the browser side without editing. (floorplan not editable view) The editor must be respons...
A Google SEO segítségével minél előrébb juttatni a Google találatai között az adott webshopot.
Kedves Jszinek! A profilja alapján Önnek szeretném felajánlani a projektem. Kérem, nézze meg a projektleírást, és beszéljük meg a részleteket! project description: Fight the Evil and save the World
iPhone/iPad alkalmazás iPhone és iPad Ennek megtervezésére és létrehozására van szükségem. Kirándulóknak közösségi app készítése, amel...és iPad Ennek megtervezésére és létrehozására van szükségem. Kirándulóknak közösségi app készítése, amely a felhasználók által adott vélemények és a segít megtalálni a legjobb szállásokat, éttermeket, szórakozási lehetőségeket, melyekhez fényképeket, leírást és térképes megjelen&iac...
Dear Developer! We using the WPDating () WordPress plugin. There is a search fuction called Near Me. It's showing the users on a Google Map. This is what we want: The logged in users should be able to track real time all other logged in users movement on the Near Me function's map. Please contact me if you find yourself to be suitable for the job. --- Tisztelt Fejlesztő! Egy WordPress alapokon készülő, kutyáknak / kutya tulajdonosoknak szóló weboldalhoz használjuk a WPDating plugin-t (). A pluginnak vagy egy Near Me nevű funkciója, ami egy Google térképen mutatja a felhasználókat. Ugyan GPS pozíciót be lehet állítani a felhaszn&aacut...
Szeretném megoldani, hogy a hírlevelünkre Facebook, Google (esetleg Twitter) fiók segítségével is fel lehessen iratkozni. Ennek a technikai megvalósítására lenne szükségem. Jelenleg meg kell adni az űrlapon a keresztnevet és az email címet. A jelentkezés után PHP script dolgozza fel a megadott értékeket, és MySQL adatbázisban tárolódnak az adatok.
i need you simulate my project ( !hpE1gZrK!32mCV-J9-ZcPuAMqo4V-0w4eiF75w58F41kUthhRBA0 )
Helló, Szeretnénk egy olyan android/ios appot készíttetni, melyet utána könnyen duplikálhatunk azért, hogy más logó és név alatt tová...szolgáltatásait melyért cserébe borravalót kap. A szolgáltatás idő alapú melyet a szolgáltatás megkezdésekor elindít az SP (és a user validálja ezt), majd a végén hasonlóan állítják le. Az app ilyenkor felajánl egy "borravalót" melyet a user elfogadhat, ezek után apija lefut a háttérben és az összegeket szétbontva tovább utalja az SP-nek és nekün...
Looking for freelancer to create a simple html & css mobile website based on prepared graphics. 5 simple page with images, forms, drop-down menus, texts, and lists. Grafikus által előre megtervezett képernyőképekből html & css mobil weboldal elkészítéséhez keresek munkaerőt. Összesen 5 egyszerű aloldalról lenne szó, képekkel, legördülő menükkel, szöveggel, listákkal és formokkal.
Looking for freelancer to create a html mobile website based on prepared graphics. 5 simple page with images, forms, drop-down menus, texts, and lists. Grafikus által előre megtervezett képernyőképekből html mobil weboldal elkészítéséhez keresek munkaerőt. Összesen 5 egyszerű aloldalról lenne szó, képekkel, legördülő menükkel, szöveggel, listákkal és formokkal.
I need a comprehensive CCTV monitoring system for my lab. The system should analyze live feeds from my analog cameras and notify me with a continuo...updated CSV file on my Windows NVR. Key Requirements: - Monitor the lab from 7 AM to 11 AM - Alert when: - The lab is empty and candidates start using machines - A network technician interacts with a computer for over a minute while a candidate is present - A network technician interacts with a computer before a candidate arrives - Log all incidents with camera number and time in a table - Save video clips as evidence Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency with CCTV and NVR systems - Experience with live feed monitoring and analysis - Knowledge of data logging and video saving procedures - Familiarity with Windows operat...
This project aims to develop a mobile application leveraging assistive technology to aid visually impaired users by recognizing images and providing detailed, real-time descriptions. The app uses a camera to capture images of the environment, processes these images through advanced image recognition algorithms, and then generates audio descriptions of the identified objects. These descriptions are conveyed to the user through a text-to-speech (TTS) system,
comme nous en avons discuté dans le chat, je modifierai votre modèle à l'avenir.
This project aims to develop a mobile application leveraging assistive technology to aid visually impaired users by recognizing images and providing detailed, real-time descriptions. The app uses camera capture images of environment, processes these images through advanced image recognition algorithms, and then generates audio descriptions of the identified objects. These descriptions are conveyed to the user through a text-to-speech.
I'm looking for a skilled freelancer to develop an AI software capable of generating realistic images. The primary application for these images will be educational materials, specifically covering the themes of history and culture. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in AI and software development, particularly in image generation. - Experience or understanding of creating content for educational purposes. - Ability to develop software that generates high-quality, realistic images. Ideal Skills: - AI and machine learning expertise. - Software development experience. - Knowledge of history and culture. Please include any relevant experience in your proposal.
Estamos buscando un desarrollador con experiencia en integraciones de APIs para automatizar la sincronización de nuestra agenda en Google Calendar con nuestra plataforma de gestión médica Medilink. Además, queremos implementar el envío automático de recordatorios de citas a nuestros pacientes a través de WhatsApp. Objetivos del Proyecto: Integrar Medilink con Google Calendar: Sincronizar automáticamente la agenda de Medilink con Google Calendar. Asegurar que cualquier cambio en la agenda de Medilink se refleje en Google Calendar en tiempo real. Automatizar el Envío de Mensajes de Confirmación: Configurar envíos automáticos de mensajes de confirmación y recordator...
I'm seeking a professional to enhance a picture for my social media. The primary focus will be on color correction, aiming for a natural and realistic look. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in photo editing software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom) - Experience with social media image requirements - Strong understanding of color theory and photo retouching - Ability to deliver high-quality images in a timely manner
We have a WordPress website with Avada theme and need to add images with multiple mausover events. The elements already exist on the old website and need to be integrated on the new WordPress website
I'm looking for a Google Ads expert based in Australia, to help my accounting firm generate leads specifically targeting small business owners. This project is for a duration of one month. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Google Ads with proven track record - Familiarity with the Australian market - Ability to generate leads that convert into appointment bookings Auto-bidding will be avoided in this campaign. The main objective is to increase appointment bookings via our Google Ads campaign. Therefore, experience in lead generation and conversion is crucial. Skills and Experience Necessary: - Proficient in Google Ads - Experienced in working with small business-oriented campaigns - Strong understanding of the accounting industry - Excellent track recor...
I'm looking for a skilled PNG designer to create an image identical to the one attached: The original image has a watermark and a background effect. I need a designer who can: 1. Recreate the exact same image with a different watermark, maintaining the same effect. 2. Alternatively, remove the watermark from the original image without compromising the effect. *Important:* I require an exact replica of the image, with every detail, effect, and element identical to the original. Please bid on this project if you have the necessary skills and experience to deliver an exact, identical image that meets my requirements.
I'm looking for an experienced Google Adwords specialist to help me increase sales conversions for my business on a national scale. The main focus of this project will be on achieving more sales for my products. You'll be expected to work with an existing list of keywords that I have prepared. Key Responsibilities: - Optimize current Adwords campaign to increase sales conversions - Use my existing keyword list to drive more traffic to the website Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in Google Adwords, specifically in increasing sales conversions - Experience with national level campaigns - Excellent understanding of keyword optimization - Strong communication skills for working with a pre-existing keyword list Please include examples of similar projects you h...
...marketer to create a single Meta ad and Google ad for me. The main goal is to generate leads for my call campaigns. Target Audience: - The ads are aimed primarily at consumers, not businesses or professionals. Demographic Targeting: - I want to target specific age groups. - Geographical location is also a key aspect of the targeting. - Lastly, interests and behaviors should be taken into consideration for optimal ad performance. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Meta and Google ads is a must. - A strong understanding of consumer demographics and lead generation strategies. - Expertise in ad optimization and perfect targeting. - Ability to create engaging and effective ads. If you have a track record of successful lead generation campaigns and can...
I am launching an AI Championship with a focus on Operations. The goal is to cultivate a culture of AI-led innovation by identifying, implementing, and sustaining practical AI use cases across our organization. Key aspects of this project: - Delivering tangible business impact: The winning AI ideas should prim...Machine Learning Algorithms: This is the primary technology we anticipate using for our AI solutions. - Operational Strategy: Experience in applying AI in operational settings will be beneficial. - Cost-Effectiveness: Proven track record of delivering budget-friendly AI solutions will be a plus. Your goal is to propose and deliver AI solutions that will drive operational efficiency, reduce costs, save time, and ultimately, foster a culture of AI-led innovation in our org...
I require assistance with saving and editing photos from Instagram and Facebook. The project involves: - Saving over 200 photos from these platforms. - Editing these photos to ensure they are suitable for printing. Ideal candidates for this project should be adept a...they are suitable for printing. Ideal candidates for this project should be adept at photo editing, familiar with Instagram and Facebook, and capable of managing a large volume of photos. Your expertise will help in transforming these social media photos into printable keepsakes. Basically, to sum it up, I am getting old, and need would like to save my memories from Facebook, Instagram and snapchat. Not ALL photos but the important ones that can be printed. Once all photos transferred over, all social media ...
I'm in need of a skilled image editor to perform color correction on my images. The primary use of these images is professional, so a polished final product is essential. Your main task will be adjusting the color balance of the images. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in image editing software (e.g. Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom) - Strong understanding of color theory - Experience with professional image editing Please provide examples of your previous work, particularly any that has a similar focus.
I need a skilled developer to enable automatic synchronization between my Odoo Calendar Appointments and Google Workspace calendars. This primarily involves synchronizing coaching session appointments for all users, including both internal and portal users. Key Requirements: - Synchronization of Odoo coaching appointments with Google calendars - Inclusion of both internal staff and portal users in this synchronization - Handling of scheduling conflicts by allowing both appointments to coexist Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong knowledge and experience working with Odoo and Google Workspace - Previous experience with calendar synchronization projects - Excellent problem-solving skills to handle scheduling conflicts - Ability to work with both internal and portal us...
Same as we are doing seo and Google ads sand I will focus more
...around faith, with captivating visuals and voiceovers. Responsibilities: 1. Script Writing: • Use ChatGPT to create and write scripts for faith-based messages, prayers, or other relevant content. • Edit the scripts to ensure clarity, engagement, and a strong spiritual message. 2. Image Creation: • Use PicLuMen to generate images based on prompts provided by ChatGPT. • Ensure the images match the themes of the script using specific settings (Seed = 17671051512, Size = 9:16, and PicLumen Art V1). • Save and organize the generated images. 3. Video Creation: • Input picture-to-video prompts into Hailuo AI using the generated images. • Ensure the video is created and saved correctly. 4. Voiceover Creation: • Use to generate ...
I'm looking for a skilled Laravel developer to help with some quick fixes. Please note, this project is not for auto bidders. some responsive issues some fields need to limitations and add some fields in register form and add fuel price form + some admin side forms fields needs adjustments and limitations add side banner for advertisement manageable from admin map not working properly and search as well add about us page attached screen shot Please do not bid over project budget and dont bid if you didnt read project details properly
...need a comprehensive dashboard created on Google Sheets that tracks various metrics for each clinic and aggregates them across all clinics. The dashboard should include: - Amounts and percentages of opportunities (column O) booked by each employee (column T) within a user-adjustable range (column E). - A breakdown of appointments booked by each type (column J). - A count of opportunities (column O) booked by each employee (column T) with companion. - A tally of appointments booked by referral type (column AN). I might have more dashboards needed in the future. The dashboard must be created using an existing Google Sheet and should incorporate visual data representation through charts. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Google Sheets - Know...
Hi like to award Google map citations project u guys for 150 USD just do urs best....
I want to print my logo to a shirt. for that i need an .svg file. i have only the .eps file. the eps file contains a long logo, the logo needs to be cut like on the picture attached. Additionally, the .svg file shall not have a background and i would like to have an additional version with white text.
I need a Google Sheets expert who can help me sort my data. Key Requirements: - Sort the entire sheet based on Date/Time data - The sorting should be done in a chronologically descending order Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Google Sheets - Strong coding skills for data manipulation
I'm looking for an expert in Excel or Google Sheets who can help me set up a monthly housekeeping inventory or stocktake. The format needs to be straightforward and user-friendly, making it easy to monitor. Key requirements: - Track item names and quantities. - Create a simple, easy-to-use inventory spreadsheet in Google Sheets. - Update the inventory on a monthly basis. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Excel or Google Sheets. - Experience in inventory management. - Ability to create user-friendly spreadsheets.
I need assistance with getting my website approved on Google AdSense. The site is currently under review, and I want to ensure it passes the review. My website primarily features blog articles, and I would like to improve its visibility and traffic. Your tasks will include: - Analyzing the reasons for the current review status and fixing them - Optimizing the site for SEO - Improving keyword ranking - Increasing traffic to the website Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with Google AdSense - Strong SEO knowledge - Traffic generation expertise - Excellent understanding of keyword ranking strategies
I need a skilled Photoshop professional to combine three images into one seamless, realistic composite. The final image will be used for print, so it needs to be high-quality and visually appealing. Key Requirements: - Expert in Photoshop with strong compositing skills - Understanding of creating realistic visuals - Experience in preparing images for print The primary focus of this composite will be on incorporating people from the original images. The background scenery and objects are less critical, but should be included in a way that enhances the overall composition. Please only apply if you have a strong portfolio of similar work.
I need an expert in image resizing to prepare my images for Google My Business. The specific requirements are: - The profile picture must be resized to 250x250 pixels - The cover photo needs to be resized to 1024x576 pixels Please ensure that the images are resized correctly to meet these specifications. in major cities including Sydney, Melbourne, Los Angeles, New York, and London. Key Responsibilities: - Look for both well-known and smaller run clubs in the specified cities. - Complete a submission request for each run club with all required information: run club name, description, city, suburb/neighborhood, exact meeting point, run type, time and day of the week, website and Instagram. - Save the list of found run clubs into an Excel spreadsheet, with each piece of information in a separate column. - Provide a brief overview of each run club in the submission. - Ensure high accuracy in all fields. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in data entry and research. - Familiarity with run clubs or running culture is a plus. - Excellent attention to detail for ensuring ...
...Authentication Phone Verification Flow: User uploads Phone number and sms verification is done by Twilio Phone validated via Twilio API. Community Validation Vouch System: New users must be approved by 3 existing members (family/friends). Members receive push notifications to approve/reject requests. "Trust Score" for members who validate accurately. Optional Family Tree Integration Feature: Users can link profiles to family members (parents, siblings). Visual family tree with privacy controls (public/private). Purpose: Strengthen lineage-based validation and community bonds. 2. Home Screen Main Feed Content Types: Community posts (text, images, videos). Event announcements (weddings, meetups). Help requests (food, education, medical). Quick Actions: &q...
...history or education - Familiarity with Sumner, WA's historical context Overview of project requirements: A final project that uses GIS analysis is due by the end of the quarter. This project requires that you select, research, and evaluate an IPM-related problem or issue, using GIS as the primary tool of analysis. You will create a storymap for your final project. The text included in the story map should be roughly equivalent to five to seven pages (not including maps and figures), your storymap should include an overview of the problem/issue; a research question; the methodology of your analysis, including data sources; findings, include maps and figures to support findings; and discussion of findings, including any recommendation or policy implications. The aim of the r...
I'm looking for an experienced Google Ads professional to help generate leads and sales for my e-commerce products. The platform we use for selling these products is WooCommerce. Key Responsibilities: - Craft tailored Google advertising campaigns to target potential customers. - Optimize the campaigns to boost lead generation and sales conversion. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in Google Ads, particularly for e-commerce. - Proficiency in WooCommerce. - Strong analytical skills to assess campaign performance and make necessary adjustments. Your expertise will play a crucial role in increasing our sales and establishing our brand in the e-commerce space.