Asp net www multicards communkák
Két magyar nyelven írt szövegcsoport élő személy á 2. szöveg: A GDrive megosztás teljes mappája: A vállalkozó az általa nyújtható felvételi minőség és beszédhang bemutatására az arduino-????-workspace-?????-?mail-????-com E-Mail címre is küldhet egy pár szavas tetszőleges hangfelvételt — vagy esetleg az alább ajánlott pangramma felolvasását: "Egy hűtlen vejét fülöncsípő, dühös mexikói úr Wesselényinél mázol Quitóban." Gépi, ...
...vállalatnál új on premise Data Lake architektúra kialakítása - Dokumentum orientált telematikai adatcsomagok kezelése nagy tömegben, billiós (1012+) nagyságrend - Alkalmazandó technológiák kiválasztása, például, de nem kizárólagosan: Hadoop, Elastic, MongoDB, Cloudera - Üzemeltetés támogatása: telepítés, skálázás, failover, 7/24 service, monitoring, data management tools - Fejlesztés támogatása: .NET connectors, data management APIs, querying, data security, diagnosztika, dev/test sandboxes Amit várunk - Releváns szakmai kompetenciák, munkata...
Kedves Viktor, Üdvözlöm, Cégünk funkcionális fitnesz eszközök gyártásával és forgalmazásával foglalkozik. A termékfejlesztés és gyártás a cég erőssége a marketing viszont gyenge. Ezen szeretnénk javítani és elkezdeni egy google marketing kampányt. Van olyan termékünk amivel első helyen vagyunk a google keresőbe (ez a komoly konkurencia hiánya miatt van) viszont vannak olyan termékeink amiben sokkal több értékesítési potenciál van. Jelenleg készül az új weboldalunk is amely jobban átlátható lesz és igényesebb...
Szia Gyula! Egy mese appon dolgozom hobbiként, amihez az -on várároltam egy logót (SVG). Ez a oldalon megtekinthető. A logo nagyon tetszik de egyedivé szeretném varázsoltatni. 2 verziót szeretnék. Az egyikben csupán a meglévő logora szeretnék két szemet rakatni, a masikban pedig szabadkezet adnek. Erdeklodni szeretnek hogy ilyet vallalsz-e es hogy nagysagrendileg mennyibe kerulne.
Incident management software Django frontend-del, MS SQL Server adatbázissal, .NET vékonykliens ticketing üzenetek előnézetéhez, REST API
Két .hu domainen futo webshopunk van. Oldalanként 600 darab, minőségi linkre van szükségünk...oldalak • felnőtt tartalmat szolgáltató oldalak • hackeléssel foglalkozó oldalak • gyűlölködő oldalak • Fórumok • Vendégkönyvek • Apróhirdetések • linkcsere programok • gyógysz oldalak • sok pop-uppal bíró oldalak • káros szoftvereket tartalmazó oldalak • politikai tartalmú oldalak • oldalak, amikről több, mint 100 kifelé mutató link van • aldomaineken szereplő oldalak, minden backlinken www.-n kell lennie A következőt kérjü...
Meglévő wordpress oldalamat szeretném rendbe rakatni. www.
Mobilfejlesztő iOS / Android / Windows8 Feladatok: • együttműködés a fejlesztésben résztvevő kollégákkal • programterv elkészítése • automatikus teszt rutinok megírása • együttműködés az árajánlathoz szükséges feladatbecslésben Elvárások: • Java, vagy .NET programozói ismeretek • mobile SDK felépítésének és kezelésének ismerete • SQL, SQL Lite ismerete • kliens-szerver hálózati kommunikáció programozás tapasztalat • 0-2 éves fejlesztői tapasztalat • gyors tanulási k&eacut...
Hali, van egy honlapom (vagyis 2), ami külföldi, holland szolgáltatónál van és az alábbi üzenetet kapom a ké...alábbi üzenetet kapom a képfeltöltésnél: Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads/2014/11. Is its parent directory writable by the server? aál már megoldottuk egyszer nagy nehezen, de nem emlékszem hogy volt (gondoltam úgysem csinálok még egyszer ilyet hollandnál.) Közben az oldal holland is lenne és WP telepítes utan ugyanez a probléma. A .com oldal már majdnem kész, de most ennél is ez a probléma. lehet, hogy a probálgatás k&oum...
Az elképzelés: Egy modul, vagy plug-in, ami a kliens és Sharepoint szerver oldal közötti adatforgalmat tömöríti egy algoritmussal, így kevesebb sávszélességet igényelve. A magja a programnak C++, ami aztán egy C#/.NET alkalmazásba van bújtatva(az első sebesség, az utóbbi pedig komponensek közötti kompatibilitás miatt). Tehát a modul/plug-in, beáll a küldött adat elé, tömöríti azt, majd másik oldalon kicsomagolja. A projekt befejezettnek tekintett egy bug-mentes kezdeti verziónál, ami átmegy egy terheléses teszten
1) Üzleti folyamat specifikáció alapján és a kész termékre vonatkozó elvárások megértését követően az alkalmazás Excel frontend és funkcionalitások tervezése. A megrendelő és a fejlesztő közösen alakítja ki a koncepciót. Becsült munkaóra (BMó): 40 2) A működési koncepció implementálása Excel/VBA/.NET VB környezetek felhasználásával. BMó: 60 3) Fejlesztői kód dokumentáció. BMó: 20 4) Teszt esetek kidolgozása a megrendelővel közösen, azok végrehajtása, dokumentálása. BMó...
Hungarian data loss prevention software manufacturer is seeking experienced Windows kernel developer for further development and bug fixing of its existing encryption module. STD/ATL and...objektum orientált kód hibajavítása, továbbfejlesztése az elvégzendő feladat Visual Studio környezetben. Elvárások: * C++ programnyelv ismerete, legalább 3 éves gyakorlat * Multithread környezetre való fejlesztésben szerzett tapasztalat * STD/ATL gyakorlati ismeret * Algoritmizáló képesség * Önálló munkavégzés * Jó problémamegoldó készség * Jó kommunikációs készség ...
Erotikus tartalomszolgáltató oldalhoz keresünk logót, érzékiséget tükröző egyszerű designos logóra lenne szükségünk.
Szükségem van egy designerre aki megcsinálja magyar nyelven, PTC Evolution weboldalmotorra egy designt Ilyen féle stílusra lenne szükségem: Magyarország térképével :D
Budapest legújabb modern lakberendezési áruházához keresünk grafikust, aki megtervezi a márka arculatát. Az arculatnak tartalmaznia kell: logó, névjegy, levélpapír, színek, tipográf...• Mindenki, aki érdeklődik a design, a minőségi lakberendezési tárgyak iránt. • Különösen fontos a design iránt elkötelezett, fiatal urbánus értelmiségi réteg, • Azok, akik segítségét kérnek lakásuk, irodájuk berendezéséhez Megjelenés: Modern, letisztult, minőségi, elegáns Határidő: Szeptember 13 (péntek) 12:00 ...
Preciso criar um módulo para uma ramo específico e precisa ter integração com outros módulos já instalados, gostaria de saber se tem experiência e habilidade para executar esse projeto? Documentação da criação para analisar em anexo.
Kausar, please take off the email us web form from www I'm getting 100's of nonsense emails.
I'm looking for a seasoned mobile app developer with expertise in .NET MAUI to create a cross-platform e-commerce application, targeting both iOS and Android. Key Features: - Payment Gateway Integration: The app must facilitate secure and swift transactions, thus requiring a robust and reliable payment gateway integration. Experience with multiple payment systems is a plus. - Job Postings Feature: A unique aspect of this app is a 'Creating a Job Postings' feature. This will require an understanding of job board functionalities and user interface design to make it intuitive. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in .NET MAUI - Prior experience in developing e-commerce mobile apps - Strong understanding of cross-platform app development - Familiarity with ...
...instructional videos for a programming languages course. Key Responsibilities: - Create engaging and informative course videos covering Python, JavaScript, C, C#, C++, HTML, Django, .Net, and more. - Cover topics such as Web Development, Testing, and UI/UX Design. - Focus on the programming languages as the main content of the course. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in the aforementioned programming languages. - Experienced in web development and UI/UX Design. - Previous experience in creating course videos or educational content. - Knowledge of testing and automation, particularly with Selenium. - Familiarity with .Net and its applications in web development. I am looking for someone who can make complex topics simple and engaging for learners. Please provide samples of yo...
BRAZI LIAN IM CHAT OPERATOR Descrição da Empresa A New Media Services Pty Ltd é uma empresa global de BPO especializada no fornecimento de serviços de terceirização inteligentes por meio de uma combinação de aprendizado de máquina e atividades orien...suporte de bate-papo IM freelance, remoto e em outro idioma (BRASIL) requer experiência profissional na Itália, além de excelentes habilidades de comunicação. Como especialista em suporte por bate-papo IM em idioma não inglês (BRASIL), espera-se que você construa e mantenha relacionamentos duradouros com nossos clientes. Qualificações Deve ser brasileiro local ou ter conhecimento profissional da l&iac...
...instructional videos for a programming languages course. Key Responsibilities: - Create engaging and informative course videos covering Python, JavaScript, C, C#, C++, HTML, Django, .Net, and more. - Cover topics such as Web Development, Testing, and UI/UX Design. - Focus on the programming languages as the main content of the course. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in the aforementioned programming languages. - Experienced in web development and UI/UX Design. - Previous experience in creating course videos or educational content. - Knowledge of testing and automation, particularly with Selenium. - Familiarity with .Net and its applications in web development. I am looking for someone who can make complex topics simple and engaging for learners. Please provide samples of yo...
...setar a quantidade de chaves pix email (de 1 a 5) que deverão ser cadastradas por vez. Excluir as chaves Pix existentes (de 1 a 5 chaves cadastradas). Acessar a seção de Minhas Chaves Pix. Percorrer a lista de chaves cadastradas. Se houver chaves, excluir todas antes de prosseguir. Acessar a planilha do Google Sheets e obter a lista de e-mails para cadastro. Criar o e-mail temporário no Yopmail com o endereço informado na planilha. Acessar o link direto de criação de chaves Pix. Inserir o e-mail temporário gerado como chave Pix. Aguardar a verificação do Mercado Pago e acessar a caixa de entrada do Yopmail para obter o código de confirmação. Completar o cadastro da chave Pix no Mercado Pago...
...the number of person on the Job Category showing in the chart. Microsoft Visual Studio Project & SQL Database backup attached, attached the Organization Chart Generated by this application. Key Tasks: - Adjust the layout of the chart to a vertical orientation. - Ensure the chart fits within a single page. -Click Event on Each Job Category Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in ASP.NET and Microsoft .NET Framework. - Expertise in graphical layouts and responsive designs, including jQuery. - Experience with SQL database integration for handling chart data. - Ability to deliver a quick and efficient solution. Most Important: - The chart should be responsive to any screen . If you have the relevant expertise and can assist, please get in touch. The final chart should be downloada...
ABOUT SITE Site 248 is a platform that connects streamers and content consumers, offering public and private rooms, as well as a photo and video gallery. LINKS TO VIDEOS PRESENTING THE CURRENT STAGE OF THE PROJECT Website Control Panel Painel de controle : 1. Create and configure the 3 types of subscription plans, including usage restrictions and rules. 2. Change payment keys to production mode. 3. Review all functionalities and fix any defects, ensuring the site and control panel work seamlessly together. 4. Develop a boost feature for public profiles, photo galleries, and videos. 5. Optimize website
Expert-Level Interviewer for .NET Development Key Focus Areas: Advanced .NET Programming Concepts: Assess the candidate’s expertise in multithreading, asynchronous programming (Task, async/await), memory management, and exception handling. Framework Proficiency: Evaluate proficiency in ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework, and dependency injection. Database Integration & Optimization: Assess knowledge of SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and database performance optimization techniques. Additional Technical Expertise: The ideal interviewer should have a deep understanding of .NET best practices, debugging, and troubleshooting, along with experience in: CI/CD Integration: Evaluating the candidate’s ability to integrate .NET applications into CI/CD pipelines usin...
...automatizado de trading de criptomoedas, focado em pré-vendas de tokens e análises de mercado em tempo real. O sistema precisa ser 100% autônomo, usando inteligência artificial, integração com APIs e automação de compra e venda. ? Funcionalidades Principais: ✅ Monitoramento de pré-vendas de tokens em plataformas como Binance Launchpad, DAO Maker, Polkastarter e PinkSale. ✅ Integração com APIs de exchanges (Binance, KuCoin, ) para compra e venda automatizada. ✅ Monitoramento de redes sociais (Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, Discord, Reddit) para detectar tokens promissores. ✅ Análise de sentimento com IA para identificar hype e interesse do mercado. ✅ Verificação autom...
I've spent to much time with Chatgpt giving me the wrong script. Postfix will call a bash script This script looks for a specific subject If that subject is found, forward the email to an email address ...forwarded." "$LOGFILE_MATCH" fi else # Log the entire email (including the original subject and body) to ...
convert C# console .net framework to .net core make sure this project to run in linux debain 1-Update Project File: Change to .NET Core format and update the target framework. 2-Update NuGet Packages: Remove incompatible packages and install the latest .NET Core-compatible ones. 3-Refactor APIs: Replace deprecated .NET Framework APIs with .NET Core equivalents. 4-Configuration: Move from to or environment variables. 5-Implement Dependency Injection (DI): Refactor code to use DI for services. 6-Logging: Replace with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging. 7-Async & Threading: Refactor threading code to use async/await if necessary. 8-Cross-Platform: Ensure the app runs on Linux/macOS if needed. 9-Update Tests: Update unit tests to work with .NET...
• Description You will build an ASP.Net Core web portal, allowing developers to submit their code (including the task scheduler settings when/how it should run) for the admin to review, approve, or reject. Upon approval, the C# code will be compiled with .net 8 into an exe file and scheduled to run periodically according to the developer's settings. The admin can also edit the schedule or stop/delete the scheduled scrape. Each developer can only see their code, but the admin sees all the code from all developers. The portal should allow third-party libraries like to be used. You are replicating a mini read-only VS2022 screen, compiler, and Windows Task scheduler. • Bidding Your bid is my budget. If you deliberately put in a low bid to attract me to speak to you, y...
Hey. I hava many properties on Booking. I want to have 50 reservations on it for one night each and put good reviews after that.
...este projeto será necessário se basear em um modelo bonita e de corpo escultural (fitness), em circunstâncias comuns entre influenciadoras. Simularemos uma moradora de Curitiba. O projeto consiste em um perfil completo, incluindo vídeos para reels e status sendo pelo menos 20 fotos (uma de perfil) e 7 vídeos. Preciso de uma pasta detalhada de imagens de detalhes para futuramente criar conteúdos com o mesmo padrão, como fotos de detalhes do rosto pare replicar, partes relevantes do corpo como: tatuagens (se tiver), rosto, abdômen, marcas e possíveis itens relevantes. O projeto deverá entregar todo conteúdo necessário para dar andamento no perfil sem a necessidade do contratado, deverá nec...
...Criar 20 anúncios profissionais, persuasivos e altamente otimizados para conversão no Mercado Livre, com foco na venda de luminárias pendentes, utilizando as plataformas Bling e Tray para gerenciamento de estoque e listagem. Os anúncios devem estar alinhados com as últimas tendências de e-commerce, com foco na experiência do usuário e nas estratégias de persuasão mais atuais. Público-alvo: Freelancer com experiência comprovada na criação de anúncios de alta performance para o Mercado Livre (especificamente para o nicho de iluminação ou decoração), edição profissional de imagens e vídeos, e profundo conheciment...
I'm looking for a modern-styled logo in gold, a single item e-commerce website for teeth whitening products, a landing page for social media links, and ads for social media feeds. Our client users will be purchasing a certificate for a whitening service that is redeemed at our in-network dentist office. We want this part of the process to be customized and seamless. Post payment, a beautiful, professional looking serialized voucher with the details of their purchase is delivered. Our dentist users log in and mark the voucher as spent. Ideal Skills: - Logo Design - E-commerce Website Development - Social Media Ad Creation Experience in designing for health and beauty products will be a plus.
De acordo com este protótipo do figma, faça um jogo em Java para Web, usando os padrões de projeto Mediator, Factory method, State, Command, Observer e Singleton. As informações como Professores, alunos, turmas e os cadastros devem ser salvos em um banco de dados. A montagem dos modelos são baseadas nas imagens fornecidas, que são recortadas em pecas para serem montadas livremente. Link para o figma:
Preciso de um homem acima dos 30 anos para gravar um vídeo já com script pronto divulgando meu produto: consórcio imobiliário
Busco un profesional que se una a mi proyecto de desarrollo de una aplicación web. Este software complementa un buscador que ya ha sido desarrollado. Las áreas en las que necesito más ayuda son la optimización de búsqueda y la mejora de la interfaz de usuario. Las habilidades y experiencias ideales incluyen: - Sólidos conocimientos en .NET 8, Blazor (Razor) y Bootstrap - Experiencia en calidad de software - Experiencia en creación y configuración de ambientes de prueba con herramientas como Xunit + Coverlet y (Circle CI) - Conocimientos en SonarCloud/SonarQube, Apache JMeter/LoadRunner - Habilidades de comunicación en español - Conocimientos en arquitectura de microservicios y patrones de diseño - Habilid...
I need a professional web developer to help me convert my current .aspx project website to PHP. The new site must be fully functional on a Linux Debian system. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with both .aspx and PHP - Deep understanding of standard .NET frameworks, as the current site uses these - Proficient in MySQL, as this is the database system currently in use - Familiar with Linux Debian systems Please note that the functionalities of the current .aspx website were not specified, so the developer may need to reverse engineer some elements. A keen eye for detail and problem-solving skills will be essential to ensure a seamless transition.
Quero um profissional pra montar um site , implantar gateway de pagamento montar o site com facilidade de cadastro de produtos.
I'm looking to develop a betting website similar to The site should be linked with the Betfair API, and include: - Live Betting: Users should be able to place bets on ongoing events in real time. - Cash Out Option: This feature should allow users to take a return on their bet before the event has finished. In terms of user authentication, the site should support: - Email and Password: Standard registration and login process. - Social Media Login: Users should be able to log in using their social media accounts. - Two-Factor Authentication: For enhanced security, this method should be implemented for user authentication. The site should support various types of bets including: - Single Bets: A bet placed on a single outcome. - Multiple Bets: A ...
Nossa plataforma oferece uma experiência intuitiva e eficiente, facilitando a busca e comparação de opções do mercado. Com um design responsivo e foco na usabilidade, permite acesso rápido a informações relevantes, personalizadas para cada usuário. Segurança e transparência são pilares fundamentais, tornando o processo simples e confiável. Iremos precisar desenhar todas as telas do projeto como LP, tela de resultado, checkout entre outras. Preciso antes de tudo de um design system afim de utilizar nesse projeto e em telas futura quando necessário.
My website has substantial issues across various sectors including Design/Layout, Functionality, and Co...keyword-relevant alt text to all imagesMediumContent QualityLimited information on service pages Expand service descriptions to highlight offerings and benefits Medium Content Quality Lack of a blog or resources section Establish a blog to share This is a small budget project but I am open to more work if we can get the basic functionality straightened out fairly quick. Please look up jobsite cams dot com if you are interested in more detail. Include in the subject line the name of the website so I can be sure you have read this post. I will not accept any bid that is created automatically and did not take the time to read this post. I look forward to meeting and working wit...
I'm in need of a seasoned .NET Core & Entity Framework developer who can build 1-2 APIs for sending Google FCM Push Notifications. The APIs will be used purely in the backend to dispatch basic text messages to both mobile devices and web browsers. Here's a breakdown of the project: - API Development: Only 1-2 APIs are required, with no need for UI or Blazer pages development. - Notification Type: The APIs will trigger single messages. - Payload: The notifications will carry basic text messages. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in .NET Core and Entity Framework, with proven experience in integrating and utilizing Google FCM for Push Notifications. Please, only apply if you meet these requirements.
Estou enfrentando dificuldades ao tentar spawnar props na minha Base Teste. Consigo spawnar props pequenas pelo Mod Menyoo, mas elas só ficam renderizadas se meu personagem ficar próxima delas. As props grandes não aparecem e somem rapidamente. Preciso de ajuda para resolver esse problema.
...designer to create a minimalist-style label for our natural product packaging (think tea, herbs, seeds, kernels, etc.). The design must be adaptable for different products, yet streamlined enough to only require one base design. Key elements to include in the design: - Space for food name - List of ingredients + quantitative ingredient declaration - Nutritional value table - Allergen information - Net quantity - Special storage instructions/conditions of use - Company logo - Name and address of operator - Country of origin The design should be: - Minimalist in style - Utilizing our specific brand colors Your expertise in creating visually appealing, clear, and compliant packaging labels is essential. The final deliverable should be an editable document allowing for easy custo...
Estou enfrentando dificuldades ao tentar spawnar props na minha Base Teste utilizando o Mod Menyoo. Consigo spawnar adereços pequenos, mas eles só ficam renderizados se meu personagem estiver próximo. As props grandes não aparecem ou somem rapidamente. Preciso de ajuda para resolver esse problema. - Requisitos: Experiência com mods de jogo e desenvolvimento. - Entregáveis: Solução funcional para spawning dos objetos. - Habilidades necessárias: Conhecimento em Mod Menyoo, desenvolvimento de jogos, resolução de problemas.
...realistic virtual product visualization, such as clothing try-ons, furniture placement, or product customizations. Project Scope & Deliverables: The freelancer will be responsible for: 1. Warping Model Development (Flow-Based Warping) • Implement a warping model that takes an input object and warps it onto a target shape. • Options: • Thin Plate Spline (TPS) • Dense Optical Flow (RAFT/PWC-Net) • Custom CNN-based warping model • Train the warping model on a dataset of (input, warped) image pairs. 2. Diffusion-Based Refinement • Use Stable Diffusion (SD 1.5 or SDXL) + ControlNet to enhance warped images. • Fine-tune the diffusion model using custom dataset. • Explore ControlNet variations (e.g., Canny, Depth, or Flow-bas...
Estou enfrentando dificuldades ao tentar spawnar props na minha Base Teste. Consigo spawnar props pequenas pelo Mod Menyoo, mas elas só ficam renderizadas se meu personagem ficar próxima delas. As props grandes não aparecem e somem rapidamente. Preciso de ajuda para resolver esse problema.
...- **Data**: The percentage of available hotel rooms or tour slots that are booked. - **Formula**: Occupancy Rate = (Number of Rooms or Slots Booked / Total Available Rooms or Slots) * 100. 14. **Cancellation Rate**: - **Data**: The percentage of bookings that were canceled. - **Formula**: Cancellation Rate = (Canceled Bookings / Total Bookings) * 100. 15. **Customer Satisfaction / Net Promoter Score (NPS)**: - **Data**: Customer satisfaction ratings or NPS scores collected via surveys. - **Formula**: NPS = % Promoters - % Detractors. 16. **Travel Package Sales vs. Individual Sales**: - **Data**: Breakdown of package bookings versus individual services (e.g., flight-only or hotel-only bookings). - **Formula**: Sales from Package Deals / Sales from In...
...nutritional supplements (in 6 languages) at We would like to have a stronger presence on social media and are looking for a cooperation that should look like this: You create and manage a YouTube channel, an Instagram account, TikTok account, etc. using our (protected) brand AFEGFA® on the basis of a revenue share (affiliate program): You receive a share of 10% of the net invoice amounts of the corresponding customer from all sales generated through the channels you manage (for all sales made from this customer account, including those in the future). - You receive exclusivity for one year at a time (will be extended from year to year if both parties agree), i.e. there are no other partners who can receive authorization to use our brand during this time....
I'm on the lookout for a talented React Developer to bol...ecosystem - Fine-tune RESTful APIs for our data-centric applications - Maintain high code quality through consistent governance and reviews - Work closely with various teams and clients in a dynamic Agile environment Requirements: - Over 4 years of practical experience with React, JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS - Demonstrated expertise in REST API development and Agile methodologies - Acquainted with the .NET stack and contemporary Front End tools like Babel and Webpack Desirable: - Knowledge of Azure - Experience in regulated sectors Please note, while this project does not currently utilize any specific state management libraries or prioritize certain types of user interactions, your flexibility and creativity will be ...