Amazon xml csv data feedmunkák
Feltölthető termelési és fogyasztási adatok alapján előre beállított értékeknek és paramétereknek megfelelően automatikus megtérülés számítás, diagram megjelenítés. A bevitt adatok .csv formátumúak. Kizárólag magyar nyelvű kommunikáció!
XML FEED készítése website crawl módszerrel unas webshopnak. További infó telefonon.
Tecdoc adatok alapján szeretném összefűzni 6 nagyker készletét és árait. A legjobb árat és elérhető készletet egy CSV ben szeretném megkapni napi frissítéssel.
Hello, egy Woocomerce webshopról kellenének a termékinfók CSV-ben. Összesen kb 600-800 termék, 9 főkategóriából. Elég sürgős lenne! Köszönöm
Nyomtató által létrehozott csv / vagy xml. fájlból kellene automatikus kimutatást készíteni. A csv-ben szereplő adatokból a "Media" tipusokat paraméterezni kell beviteli mezőben megadott árral. Az "ink" úgyszintén paraméterezendő az árral. Tervezett kb végeredmény a pdf-ben.
Kedves Attila, Érdeklődnék, hogy van-e szabad kapacitásod egy viszonylag egyszerűbb munka elvégzéséhez? Shopify - összekötésre lenne szükségem, de nem az app-store-ban található alkalmazás segítségével. Szeretném az exportált Shopify rendelés adatokat a tömeges számlázójába feltölteni csv formátumban. És az xls-ből csv-be konvertálást szeretném tömegesen elvégezni. Remélem érthető, ahogy leírtam! :) A projektjeim között megtalálod, mire is van szükségem! Üdv, Péter
Jelenleg wix weblapszerkesztővel dolgozunk, szeretnénk az oldalunkat összekötni az árukeresővel és árgéppel és szükségünk van a csv és xml fájlra, amelyet egy szerverre fel lehet tölteni, majd az URL-jét elküldhetjük a szolgáltatónak. Ezen az URL-en keresztül töltik be minden nap az adatokat. Az lenne a jó megoldás ha ezt a wixen belül meg tudnánk oldani.
Adott formátumú adatfile-ok átalakítása kívánt formátumra. Napi rendszerességel, e-mail formájában kapunk adatfile-okat. ezeket kellene egy kód automatikusan megnyitni, a mellékletet megnyitni, lementeni a fileban található információk alapján megfelelő ügyfél mappába, majd a tart...található információk alapján megfelelő ügyfél mappába, majd a tartalmát átalaítani, más néven lementeni, majd egy ftp szerverre feltölteni. Nagyságrendileg 8 különböző file template van, ezeket egységes formátummá kellene átal...
Kedves Szabadúszó! Segítséget szeretnék kérni woocommerce webshopunk összekötésében Árukereső és Árgép oldalakkal. Jelenleg csak az XML fájlunkkal van hiba, ebben kérném segítségedet, egy XML pluginnel bizonyára ez könnyen elkészíthető, nekem sajnos nincs rá időm. Van minta XML fájl. Feladat: - és kompatibilis XML kimenetel készítése Köszönettel, Máté
Egy 45 fős online poker stable tulajdonosa/oktatója vagyok. A játékot a piosolver nevű program segítségével elemezzük, amiből ki tudunk nyerni csv fájlokat. Ezt excellel elkezdtük feldolgozni, de akivel elkezdtem a munkát már nem ér rá, ennek a befejezésében szeretnék segítséget kérni. Illetve felmerült egy probléma, hogy az excel csak 1 millió sort tud kezelni, ezt is szeretném megoldani.
Kedves Sándor! Schemadovits Norbert vagyok, Thaiföldön élek, és a weboldalamon szeretném megjeleníteni az itteni aktuális időjárást. A rendszer már ki is van építve hozzá időjárási műszerrel ami egy számítógépen keresztül feltölti az adott fájlt a helyi szerverre .CSV formátumban amiből mindig az utolsó sort kéne kiírni a weboldalra. Ez a rendszer már működött is egyszer csak az a szerver amin az átjátszó fájl volt található és a .CSV fájlból kiolvasta az utolsó sort megszűnt. A kódsor megvan nekem is, de ...
SDM Sensitive Data Masking Rövid leírása: Az alkalmazás célja, hogy adott text fájl tartalmát olyan módon torzítsa el, hogy abból az eredeti adatok ne legyenek visszafejthetők, de az adatokban lévő összefüggések kinyerhetők legyenek. Ehhez szükséges, hogy a kapcsolatokat pl. bankkártya szám a különböző fájlok között fenntarthassuk, de azok egyáltalán ne legyenek visszafejthetők (az eredeti bankkártya szám nem lesz sose visszanyerhető). Fontos, hogy a programot használónak ne kelljen sok és bonyolult dolgot telepítenie a program futtatásához, de a programnak lok&...
A Gravity R&D egy 2007-ben alakult magyar B2B startup: Ajánlórendszerek fejlesztésével foglalkozunk, hazai és nemzetközi ügyfeleink részére. Vagyis olyan algoritmusokat fejlesztünk, mint amivel az Amazon kitalálja mit fognak venni legközelebb a felhasználók, vagy mint amivel a Google kitalálja mire akarsz épp keresni Tapasztalt Front-end fejlesztőt keresünk. A projekt: kis és közepes site-ok részére fejlesztett ajánlórendszer irányítópultjának továbbfejlesztése, webalkalmazás fejlesztése (pl.: statisztikák megjelenítése, adatfolyam szerkesztő, in...
Szia CodeAmbassador, az oldalnál használt csv típusú termék behívófájl írására van szükségünk egy nemrég indult nemzetközi designer weboldalhoz. Tudnál benne "gyorsan" segíteni? Remélem igen..:) Részleteket, árat egyeztessünk majd. Válaszodat várnám, üdv! Váradi Melinda
- nagykereskedő weboldalára automatikus belépés után árlista/készlet információ letöltése ( tömörített file XLS vagy csv formátumban) - a fenit xls feldolgozása, mysql be való feltöltése, megadott paraméterek alapján - aloldal létrehozása, ahol viszonteladó meg tudja feleltetni nagykereskedő árlistában szereplő cikkszámokat a saját cikkszámaival ) tömeges feltöltési lehetőség csv ből - aloldal létrehozása, ahol gyártónként meghatározható a haszon % ami a következő pontban felhasználásra kerül ...
Egy meglévő weboldalról egy php kód csv adatokoat exportál az oldal számára. ebbe kell két plusz oszlopot létrehozni, hogy az exportnál a csv-ben már ez is szerepeljen. Elméletileg egy rövid, kis munka
...using WooCommerce plugin. To keep my stock up-to-date my wholesaler provides me a password protected XML channel which contains all the available products I can sell and also it's quantity. I need someone who connects my WooCommerce to this XML channel. I believe this work should be pretty easy to someone who is familiar with WooCommerce and XML. I woud need the job done within a month but rather in middle of september. *** MAGYAR *** Egy webshopot készítek, amihez az alábbira volna szükségem: adott egy jelszóval védett XML forrás, ahonnan a termékeket és a készletnyilvántartást kéne összekapcsolni egy wordpress alá telepített WooComm...
Dear programmer! Interested to know if there is any (oc1.5.4.x) store an XML extension that generates the following Order to enable and disable admin panel. Just the inclusion discounted products (which do not discount the product does not have to) -Bruttoár -Akciósár -Akciósár Duration of the start and end (if applicable) -Cikkszám write-off -Terméklink -Fotólink category -Gyártó all of which can be associated with the product are free to add or remove. Multi-language compilations thanks Tisztelt programozo! Érdeklődnék,hogy (oc1.5.4.x) áruházhoz létezik-e olyan XML kiterjesztés amely a következőket legenerálja Admin felül...
EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon
EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 Amazon
Java programozás, xml parse, egyszerű megjelenítés, konzultáció, kb 1 nap (8 óra) munka. Minták rendelkezésre állnak.
Termék katalógus oldalt szeretnék létrehozni kép- és videógalériával egyedi mezőkkel. AJAX keresés és szűrés szintén kell. Valamint egy árösszehasonlitó modul amiben a termékek forgalmazóitól kapott árakat (CSV vagy XML) jeleniti meg a termék adatlapján.
...accounts. - Optimize the website for search engines to increase organic traffic. - Create and integrate custom widgets into the theme. - Optimize the website to ensure fast loading times. - Ensure the website performs consistently across different web browsers. The content for the site will be a mix of our current content and new content that will be provided. I need to create a front store from Amazon and other social media websites as well. Please note: - I will provide the theme for your review before the project is awarded. - The website needs to go live in two weeks. - Only apply if you have the necessary skills and resources. Ideal Skills: - Web Design - Graphic Design - Theme Customization - Social Media Integration - Creative Content Implementation Please, do not app...
Hello! I found this project that you did before. Did you create a converter tool? We need a tool or routine to convert MT940 to CSV. I will provide output format. Important is description part is completed completely . The tool should be developed using Python. The CSV should follow a custom layout specified by us. The tool should include advanced error handling and logging for all operations. Please ensure errors trigger email notifications to us. Error notifications should be sent immediately when an error occurs. Please use the following method for email notifications: Outlook email. The expected turnaround time for the project is 1-2 weeks. The MT940 files will have consistent formatting. No user interface is needed for the tool. Input MT940 files will be provided b... with formulating a custom diet to produce export quality eggs. I need expertise specifically in diet formulation using a custom mix of ingredients. Key Responsibilities: - Create a custom diet using a mix of feed ingredients aimed at improving egg quality. - Provide insights into the nutritional needs of layers to enhance egg quality. - Periodically adjust diet formulations based on the layers’ performance and egg quality results. - Monitor and document daily feed consumption to ensure diet adherence and effectiveness. - Conduct regular nutrient composition analysis of the feed ingredients to maintain consistency. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in bird nutrition, particularly with layer chickens. - Expertise in diet formulation and use of custom mi...
I'm seeking an experienced data analyst and Power BI expert to design an engaging and insightful dashboard for tracking both project progress and financial metrics in the construction industry. Key Features: - The dashboard should track project-related metrics such as completion percentage, milestones achieved, and tasks overdue. - Financial metrics should include revenue forecasts, expense categorization, and project rating. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Power BI - Strong background in project management tracking and financial reporting - Experience in the construction industry is a plus - Excellent data visualization skills The dashboard should integrate data from Excel/CSV files. start proposal with PREMIER for mobile and desktop. SEO optimization for better visibility. 2. Choose a Technology Stack Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (React.js, Vue.js, or Angular for dynamic interfaces). Responsive design frameworks like Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS. Backend: Node.js, Django, Ruby on Rails, or Laravel for server-side logic. Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB for storing product and user data. E-commerce Platform: Use an existing platform like Shopify, WooCommerce (WordPress), or Magento for faster development. Alternatively, build a custom solution for more flexibility. Hosting: Cloud hosting providers like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure. Content Delivery Network (CDN) for faster loading times. 3. Design the Website Wireframes and Mockups: Use tools like Figma, Adob...
Edition of 3 PDF format of Book Softcover, Hardcover and Audiobook for Kindle Amazon
I'm seeking a skilled developer who can create a program to download odds data from Bet365 on a daily basis. The match statistics should be saved in XML format. Key Requirements: - Proficient in data scraping and API usage - Experience with XML and data handling - Ability to create a dependable, daily automated downloader from Bet365
I'm seeking assistance to get my Amazon SES account set up and approved for both transactional and marketing emails. Currently, I haven't taken any steps in the application process. Key Responsibilities: - Guide me through the Amazon SES application process to get out of the sandbox. - If necessary, assist in the setup and configuration of DKIM and SPF records to improve email deliverability. Ideal Skills: - Experience with Amazon SES - Knowledge in email deliverability techniques - Familiarity with DKIM and SPF records - Strong communication skills to provide clear guidance
...the latest updates from our company. - Social Interaction: Users can post questions, share pictures, and engage with each other. The more they interact, the more 'farming points' they earn, which can be redeemed for company merchandise. - AI-Enhanced Knowledge Search: Instead of a simple PDF search, users can utilize an AI tool to navigate our company knowledge base. This will also check the news feed for similar issues faced by other users, with points awarded for participation. - Parts Ordering: Users can search for parts, generate proposals, and place orders. The app should facilitate the payment process via credit card or PO number and handle the communication with our parts department. Key Features: - The app should be developed for iOS and Android platforms, with...
I'm an Amazon reseller facing a product authenticity complaint. Need expert assistance to draft an appeal letter and help me counter this seemingly fraudulent complaint. - Type of Complaint: I received a product authenticity complaint. - Assistance Required: I need help specifically drafting an appeal letter. - Supporting Documents: I have product images to support my case. Ideal candidates would be those who have prior experience dealing with Amazon's complaint system and can help me create a strong appeal to address this issue.
I'm on the hunt for a high-profit physical product to sell on Amazon FBA . This project involves identifying a winning product that fits this criteria. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct thorough market research to pinpoint a high-margin physical product. - Analyze potential products for profitability and market demand. Product that has room to grow and also have a monthly income of $150k - 200k monthly and also have an average review is 200-400 - Present a shortlist of viable product options. Product has to fall under the small and large standard size category You need to have great knowledge about Amazon FBA Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in product sourcing and market analysis. - Strong understanding of profit margin calculation and...
I need an AI agent that can extract contact data from social media platforms, primarily Instagram, and manage my email marketing tasks. Key Requirements: - Data Extraction: The AI should be able to extract 'Name' and 'Email' from Instagram, FaceBook, Ticktok, X, Youtube and compile this data into a CSV file. - Email Management: It should check for duplicate entries and manage email campaigns, sorting emails based on their status (with a focus on 'Opened'). It should have the ability to send emails in batches. - Extend data extraction capabilities to include LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest. - Implement advanced filtering options to target specific demographics or interests. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AI development -...
Please dont bid and try to negotiate after bidding. I need a seasoned professional to integrate EDI functionalities into my Wor...functionalities into my WordPress e-commerce site. The integration will involve sending and receiving Order Acknowledgments, Invoices, and Delivery details. Key Tasks: - Integrate Third-party EDI service into the site - Ensure the EDI data is formatted in XML upon receipt. All necessary XML file format notes from the supplier have been provided. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with WordPress E-commerce site development. - Proven track record of EDI integration. - Proficient in working with Third-party EDI services. - Strong understanding of XML data formatting. Please only apply if you have relevant experience and...
I'm looking for an experienced SEO professional who can conduct keyword research to help improve my Amazon listings. The primary goal is to increase sales through better visibility and search rankings. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct comprehensive keyword research across all my Amazon products - Optimize listings based on findings Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in SEO and keyword research, particularly for e-commerce platforms like Amazon - Strong understanding of Amazon's categorization and search algorithms - Excellent communication skills to explain findings and recommendations
I'm looking for a talented content creator with a knack for innovative and futuristic writing. The content will be used to showcase our Lithium-based solar UPS inverter on Amazon, targeting Domestic and small business owners and shop owners in areas where electricity cuts are more prominent. Key Features to Highlight: - High energy efficiency - Long battery life - Smart connectivity - Compact design - Environmentally friendly - High energy delivery capabilities The goal is to create appealing, efficient, and persuasive content that effectively communicates our product's unique features and benefits to potential customers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in product content creation, particularly for tech or home improvement products - Excellent understa... me streamline my data extraction from Instagram and manage my email marketing tasks. Key Requirements: - Data Extraction: Primarily from Instagram, but also from other platforms like Facebook, TikTok, X, and YouTube. The AI should be capable of extracting 'Name' and 'Email', compiling this data into a CSV file. - Email Management: The AI should check for duplicate entries and manage email campaigns, sorting emails based on their status, with a focus on 'Opened'. It should have the ability to send emails in batches. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AI development - Experience with data scraping - Understanding of email marketing systems - Ability to create and manage CSV files I'm looking for a profession...
...Instagram, and more. - AI-powered analysis to identify and highlight patterns or connections in the gathered data. - Multiple data export options including CSV, PDF, and other formats for easy reporting. - Historical data retrieval to access information that has been deleted or altered. - User-friendly interface that allows investigators to easily navigate and use the software. - Cross-platform compatibility to ensure the tool works on different operating systems. - Anonymity features to conduct research without revealing the investigator's identity. - Advanced search filters to narrow down searches by date, keywords, and other criteria. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in software development and data analysis - Experience with creating surveillance ...
I'm looking for a talented iPhone/iPad developer who can create a social media app...Each user should have a unique profile that showcases their posts, interests, and personal information. - Messaging: An integrated messaging system to enable private conversations between users. - News Feed: A central hub for users to see updates from their friends, trending topics, and popular posts. - Publicly Accessible Chat: A chat feature that allows users to engage in conversations with the public. Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in developing iOS applications, particularly in the social media sphere. Strong skills in UX/UI design, backend development, and knowledge of data security protocols are essential. Please provide examples of similar projects you've ...
I need an SQL expert to help me export specific query results from my SQL database into a CSV file. - Database Type: SQL - Export Format: CSV - Data to Export: Custom query results Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in SQL with experience in data extraction. - Familiarity with exporting data to CSV format. - Ability to understand and execute custom queries. - Attention to detail to ensure data is accurately exported. No additional data processing or transformation is required before exporting the data. The data needs to be exported at scheduled intervals. The data needs to be exported daily at scheduled intervals.
...professional to optimize four of my Amazon product listings to increase sales and enhance my organic search rankings. Key Responsibilities: - SEO Enhancements: Refining product titles, bullet points, and descriptions with a focus on making the descriptions more engaging and appealing, in line with an energetic and persuasive brand voice. - Keyword Optimization: Identifying and implementing high-traffic, relevant search terms. - Visual Content Improvement: Suggesting enhancements for product images - PPC Review: Assessing and adjusting current PPC campaigns for improved advertising efficiency and ROI. - Compliance Check: Ensuring all listings align with Amazon’s latest algorithm updates. Boost reviews Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in Amazon ...
I need an experienced web scraper to urgently scrape product name, price, and ratings from Amazon. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web scraping tools and software - Excellent attention to detail - Able to deliver data in a clean, organized format Please note, this is a one-time project.
THIS IS NOT AI GENRATED POST>>> PLEASE READ PROPERLY to APPLY IF YOU ARE CONFIDENT TO DO JOB Need quick help in Wordpress product migration from Non Wordpress site Concern: We are able to download product CSV file from Non Wordpress site but when we are uploading in our current wordpress development site which is not supporting. I hired scarpper also who scrapped product data from Non wordpress site and build custom CSV file for wordpress site, you need to validate and see if everything is good to import. if not then scrapper can also help you get desire CSV file. Need someone who already have experience in this and available immediate to start. Your expertise in this area is crucial for a smooth and swift transition. Thank you for considering m...
I'm looking for a professional with data scraping experience to help me export descriptions from active eBay listings. Key Requirements: - Extracting descriptions from various sellers' active listings on eBay - Exporting the data to a CSV file - Identifying listings by specific seller usernames Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in data scraping tools and techniques - Familiarity with eBay's platform and its listing structure - Experience in creating and managing CSV files Static Guarding: Feature our experienced security personnel providing on-site protection. Crowd Control: Showcase our expertise in managing large crowds efficiently and professionally. Assets Provided: We will supply high-quality photos and videos from our website, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. Ad Specifications: Duration: 30 to 60 seconds Format: Optimized for Facebook feed and ads Tone: Professional, trustworthy, and engaging Objectives: Increase brand awareness Showcase the range of security services we offer Encourage potential clients to contact us Requirements: Experience in creating engaging social media advertisements Ability to incorporate provided assets seamlessly Strong storytelling skills to communicate our brand me...
...specifically facilitate staking and rewards. - The website will support three user roles: Admin, Investor, and Guest/Visitor. - Include robust user authentication and authorization systems. - Display detailed transaction history for all users. - Integrate a real-time data feed for crypto prices and market trends. - Provide support for multiple languages for a global user base. - Ensure the website is fully responsive and mobile-compatible. - Incorporate advanced security features like two-factor authentication and encrypted data storage. - Create a personalized dashboard for users to track investments and rewards. - Implement a referral program to encourage user growth. - Provide integrated customer support, including live chat and FAQs. - Include audit and reportin...
I'm looking for a talented designer to create a captivating cover for my 6 x 9 inch non-fiction paperback, set to be published on Amazon KDP. The cover should be photographic in style, reflecting the book's content and tone - "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. The people & scenery were fantastic". Key requirements: - Experience in designing covers for non-fiction books is a plus. - A strong portfolio of photographic cover designs. - Ability to convey a complex theme through a simple yet engaging design. - Understanding of Amazon KDP's cover specifications and requirements. - Proficiency in delivering final cover files in multiple formats, including JPEG, PNG, and PDF. Please submit your proposal with relevant samples of your work. Th...
I'm looking to set up an Amazon store to showcase my range of supplements. The primary goal is to display new products to potential customers. The ideal freelancer for this project should have previous experience with eCommerce and specifically with setting up Amazon stores. Key Requirements: - Set up an Amazon store - Increase sales - Include customer reviews and ratings in the listings - Create images for marketing to include in the listing if possible not required Skills needed: - eCommerce expertise - Amazon store development experience - Excellent understanding of product listing creation - Marketing image utilization