Ajax shopping cart aspmunkák
Olyan személyt,személyeket keresek akik egy cég webshopjának folyamatos fejlesztésében részt tudnak venni! Fontos, hogy az illető(k) nagy tapasztalattal rendelkezzenek az Open Cart és a web(kereskedelem) terén. Feladatok: ckeditor, termék szűrő, termékadatlap és más feladatok.
Az AdNet Media weboldal készítéssel és PPC kampányok menedzselésével foglalkozik. Keresünk olyan szabadúszó kollégát, aki folyamatosan...készítéssel és PPC kampányok menedzselésével foglalkozik. Keresünk olyan szabadúszó kollégát, aki folyamatosan tudja támogatni projektjeinket. Leginkább állandó megbizatással, de eseti projekt alapú megbízásokban gondolkodunk. Olyan személyt keresünk, aki magabiztosan kezeli a Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Analytics, Tag manager szolgáltatásokat és sikeresen létre tud hozni kampányokat, aká...
Magyarországon működő Cs-cart Multivendor programozót keresünk hosszútávú együttműködésre induló webáruházunkhoz.
Cs-cart multivendor webáruház fejlesztőt keresek Magyarországon. Cégünk magyarországi céggel szeretne leszerződni.
Van szemelyes tapasztalatom Shopify fejlesztessel bar nem vagyok szakember. Egy sikeres fogaszati vallalkozasunk kiegeszito tevekenysegei kapcsan szeretnek uj webaruhazat letrehozni es digitalis marketing kommunikacios csatornak integralasaval aktiv tamogatas mellett, elsosorban social media marketing eszkozok segitsegevel nepszerusiteni. Facebook es Instagram prioritas mellett, Linkedin, Google shopping integralasa. A weboldalhoz szeretnek integralni jobb hijan Simple Pay kartyaelfogadast es tobb devizaban szamlazo, keszletnyilvantarto programot. Az oldalon nyelvvaltassal szeretnenk kulfoldon is elerhetove tenni. Kulfoldon elek es hasznalom a Shopify-t. A projekt Magyarorszagon futna, szivesen latnam ha hazai csapatot bizhatnek meg a digitalis marketing feladatokkal.
Cs-Cart fejlesztéshez keresünk programozót, a webáruház vállalatirányítási rendszerrel történő összekapcsolásához, szinkronizáláshoz.
...CI) - min. 2-3 év web fejlesztési tapasztalat - általános előnyök: ha részt vettél bármilyen szociális hálózattal kapcsolatos alkalmazás fejlesztésében / értesz a video streaming technológiákhoz (pl. webrtc) - szintén előny, ha tudsz Github-on kód részletet mutatni az eddigi munkáidból A frontend fejlesztő irányában a speciális elvárások: - AngularJS haladó szintű, gyakorlati ismerete - ajax / jquery ismeret - webpack ismerete - Javascript, SASS, reszponzív web front-end framework ismeret (Bootstrap, Zurb Foundation, Angular Material, stb.) - előnyök: Coffescript...
PHP rendszerfejlesztéshez programozókat keresek. Alapvetően freelancer megoldással, távmunkában, részidőben. Egyetemisták, főiskolások előnyben! Elvárások: - Magyar nyelvtudás - PHP magas szintű ismerete - Javascript és Javascript-keretrendszerek (jQuery) ismerete - Ajax tapasztalat - html szabványok ismerete betartása - PHP keretrendszerben jártasság Előnyök: - Laravel keretrendszer ismerete - jártasság wordpress, és/vagy joomla rendszerekben - SEO alapismeretek - photoshop alapok - optimalizációs ismeretek - reszponzív webdesign - Facebook alkalmazásfejlesztési ismeretek Nagyobb programoz...
PHP rendszerfejlesztéshez programozókat keresek. Alapvetően freelancer megoldással, távmunkában, részidőben. Egyetemisták, főiskolások előnyben! Elvárások: - Magyar nyelvtudás - PHP magas szintű ismerete - Javascript és Javascript-keretrendszerek (jQuery) ismerete - Ajax tapasztalat - html szabványok ismerete betartása - PHP keretrendszerben jártasság Előnyök: - Laravel keretrendszer ismerete - jártasság wordpress, és/vagy joomla rendszerekben - SEO alapismeretek - photoshop alapok - optimalizációs ismeretek - reszponzív webdesign - Facebook alkalmazásfejlesztési ismeretek Nagyobb programoz...
PHP rendszerfejlesztéshez programozókat keresek. Bedolgozóként, rész-, vagy főállásban. Továbbá Wordpress, joomla redszerekben járatos webfejlesztőt. Fontos hogy légy precíz, lelkes és maximalista a munka terén. Elvárások - PHP magas szintű ismerete - jártasság wordpress, és/vagy joomla rendszerben - Javascript és Javascript-keretrendszerek (jQuery) ismerete - Ajax tapasztalat - html szabványok ismerete betartása - verziókövető rendszer ismerete Előnyök - SEO alapismeretek - photoshop alapok - optimalizációs ismeretek - reszponzív webdesign - Facebook alkalmazásfejlesztési i...
PHP rendszerfejlesztéshez programozókat keresek. Bedolgozóként, rész-, vagy főállásban. Továbbá Wordpress, joomla redszerekben járatos webfejlesztőt. Fontos hogy légy precíz, lelkes és maximalista a munka terén. Elvárások - PHP magas szintű ismerete - jártasság wordpress, és/vagy joomla rendszerben - Javascript és Javascript-keretrendszerek (jQuery) ismerete - Ajax tapasztalat - html szabványok ismerete betartása - verziókövető rendszer ismerete Előnyök - SEO alapismeretek - photoshop alapok - optimalizációs ismeretek - reszponzív webdesign - Facebook alkalmazás...
A webshop címe www....webshop címe OpenCart 1.5.4 A mobil Theme-ben kijavításra váró hibák: - Szürke vastag vonal eltávolítása az mobil weboldal jobb oldalából. - Auto scrolling probléma helyrehozása termék kosárba helyezése után (a termék kosárban megjegyzés nem látható, sokat scrolloz a rendszer, erre vagy teljesen új megoldást kell kitalálni, vagy a scrollozást kell megoldani) - a checkout/cart oldal gombjai méretének helyrehozása - A mobil weboldalt át kell irányítani a már meglévő one page checkoutra (egyoldalas checkou...
A webshop címe www....webshop címe OpenCart 1.5.4 A mobil Theme-ben kijavításra váró hibák: - Szürke vastag vonal eltávolítása az mobil weboldal jobb oldalából. - Auto scrolling probléma helyrehozása termék kosárba helyezése után (a termék kosárban megjegyzés nem látható, sokat scrolloz a rendszer, erre vagy teljesen új megoldást kell kitalálni, vagy a scrollozást kell megoldani) - a checkout/cart oldal gombjai méretének helyrehozása - A mobil weboldalt át kell irányítani a már meglévő one page checkoutra (egyoldalas checkou...
Termék katalógus oldalt szeretnék létrehozni kép- és videógalériával egyedi mezőkkel. AJAX keresés és szűrés szintén kell. Valamint egy árösszehasonlitó modul amiben a termékek forgalmazóitól kapott árakat (CSV vagy XML) jeleniti meg a termék adatlapján.
I need an expert in “Learnpress” to teach me how to manage the student’s participation. 1. How to monitor student progress 2. How to extend completion, or expiry date 3. How allow to retake a particular module 4. How to change the student’s password, and email address...“Learnpress” to teach me how to manage the student’s participation. 1. How to monitor student progress 2. How to extend completion, or expiry date 3. How allow to retake a particular module 4. How to change the student’s password, and email address, without the student’s permission. Basically, to end access, without deleting student. 5. New registrant, how to add a course without going through “Shopping-Cart” This is a very simple, specific task...
...page instead of the homepage. ? Full Automation & App Integrations I want the store to be 100% automated, meaning: ✅ AutoDS or Zendrop for dropshipping fulfillment (automatic order processing). ✅ DSers (AliExpress API) as an additional product sourcing option. ✅ Loox Reviews or for customer reviews (importing reviews from AliExpress). ✅ Klaviyo or Omnisend for email marketing automation (cart abandonment, welcome emails, etc.). ✅ PageFly or GemPages for building optimized landing pages for each product. ✅ ReConvert for upsells and cross-sells in the checkout process. ✅ Facebook Pixel installed for tracking and retargeting. ? Additional Features & Optimizations Fast-loading, mobile-friendly design. Conversion-focused landing pages with clear CTAs and trust signals (badge...
...instant pricing • Customers select services, receive a quote, and book instantly 2. Business & Airbnb Clients: • Separate inquiry form (no automated pricing) for large/commercial contracts • I receive an email and contact them directly to discuss pricing and services 4. Automation & Lead Capture • Email Capture System: The First Hour Free offer triggers an automated email sequence • Abandoned Cart Emails: Follow-up emails if users start a booking but don’t complete it • Post-Service Review Requests: Automated emails requesting Google reviews after a completed service • Reminder Emails: Automated emails sent 24 hours before scheduled cleanings 5. Simple & Effective Pricing System • Base Rate: £18 per hour (...
...Android. This app will primarily be catering to the sale of physical goods. Key features and requirements: - Payment Integration: The app should facilitate payments through Credit/Debit Cards and PayPal. A solid understanding and experience in integrating these payment platforms is essential. - User Interface: The app should have an intuitive and user-friendly interface, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for users. Prior experience in ecommerce app development will be highly advantageous. - Security: Given that this app deals with physical goods and payment transactions, a strong emphasis on security measures is a must. Skills and experience needed: - Proficiency in both iOS and Android app development - Prior experience in ecommerce app development - Expertise in integr...
I'm looking for a professional to develop a comprehensive e-commerce website similar to Amazon. The site will host a variety of products including fashion items, homecare products, mobile accessories, bags, footwear, and cosmetics. Key Features: - Secure Payment Options: This is the highest priority. The website should incorporate reliable and secure payment gateways to ensure a seamless shopping experience for the users. - Custom Filters: The website should have a mix of standard and customized search filters for different product categories. Some categories may require unique filters based on the nature of the products. - User Account Features: While I haven't specified particular user account features, I would like the developer to incorporate common e-commerce site el...
I'm in need of a skilled Shopify expert to elevate the design and layout of my current website. The key areas of focus include revamping the homepage, product pages, navigation and menu, and ensuring the checkout process is consistent with our brand aesthetics. The footer also needs a refresh to mirror our branding and include vital links. Additionally, I need...product descriptions to reflect our brand voice. Finally, creating promotional banners that are in line with our brand aesthetics is also part of this project. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in the Shopify platform - Strong graphic design capabilities - Exceptional understanding of branding - UX/UI design experience I trust in your expertise to help create a more cohesive and brand-aligned online shopping experience fo...
I'm in need of a dedicated personal shopping assistant who specializes in clothing. Your main responsibilities will include: - Providing recommendations on casual wear, formal wear, and sportswear - Conducting price comparisons to ensure best deals - Handling purchases on my behalf Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive knowledge and experience in clothing, as well as excellent negotiation skills to secure the best prices. HOUSTON TX BASED
I'm seeking a seasoned professional in e-learning and e-commerce to create an engaging, interactive course on Shopify. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop the course with the primary aim to sell digital products like eBooks and software. - Create interactive modules that will captivate learners and enhance their online shopping experience. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge of Shopify and e-commerce - Proficiency in e-learning development tools - Experience in creating interactive content - Strong understanding of digital product sales Your expertise will help me reach my goal of selling a product through this e-course.
I'm looking for a skilled WordPress developer with a strong background in e-commerce site creation. The site needs to have a classic and elegant design, focusing on usability and aesthetics. Key Features: - Comprehensive product listings and well-structured categories. - Smooth and user-friendly shopping cart and checkout process. - Reliable and secure payment gateway integration. Candidates with experience in designing and developing classic and elegant e-commerce sites on WordPress will be given priority. Must demonstrate ability to create visually appealing, seamless and functional e-commerce platforms.
I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a sleek, minimalist website for my business that sells the latest iPhones (11 and up) and iPad tablets. The site should cater to a modern, tech-savvy audience. Key Features: - An online store with a user-friendly shopping cart. The site should be easy to navigate, with a seamless checkout process. - A section for limited-time offers. I want to create a sense of urgency for my customers, so they'll be more inclined to make a purchase. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in eCommerce website development - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles - Ability to integrate promotional features into the site - Familiarity with the latest trends in Apple products would be a plus.
I'm looking for an experienced web designer specialized in WordPress with WooCommerce to create a fully functional E-commerce site. Key Requirements: - Design a user-friendly and attractive E-commerce site - Implement essential E-commerce functionalities: - Shopping cart - User account system - Product search and filtering - Products editing - Payments Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress and WooCommerce - Strong design skills - Experience in creating E-commerce sites - Knowledge of implementing secure payment systems - Ability to design a site that encourages user interaction and enhances user experience
I'm searching for a proficient software developer to create an eCommerce web application on the Shopify platform. The primary focus should be on implementing a seamless product catalog and listings, as well as a robust shopping cart and checkout system. Key Responsibilities: - Build infrastructure to support project - Build Shopify app side - Build Dashboard to manage experiences Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Shopify - Strong background in web application development - Previous experience in creating Shopify apps - Proficient in integrating customer interaction features like reviews and ratings
...Performance Testing (Summary) Objective: Create a JMeter test plan to simulate user load on an e-commerce website, perform performance testing, analyze results, and suggest improvements. Application Under Test: Website: Will provide it after connecting it. Key functionalities to test: Homepage, Product Search, Product Details, Add to Cart, and Checkout. Tasks: Create a JMeter Test Plan: Simulate user actions: Homepage Load (100 users), Product Search (50 users), Add to Cart (30 users), Checkout (20 users). Use HTTP Samplers, Timers, and CSV Data Set Config for realistic testing. Configure Listeners & Assertions: Add View Results Tree, Summary Report, and Graph Results. Use Response Assertions to verify HTTP status and expected text. Execute Performance Tests: Ram...
I'm looking for a talented web developer to create a comprehensive E-commerce website on WordPress using the WooCommerce platform. Key Features: - Shopping Cart: A user-friendly and efficient shopping cart is a must. - Product Reviews: Integration of a product review system to enhance customer interaction and trust. - Payment Gateway Integration: Secure and seamless payment gateway integration for hassle-free transactions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in WordPress and WooCommerce - Prior experience in developing E-commerce websites - Strong understanding of integrating shopping carts, product review systems and payment gateways. - Ability to create an interactive and user-friendly interface.
I'm seeking an expert in WooCommerce and mobile app development for a comprehensive eCommerce solution. The project involves creating a full-fledged WooCommerce website and a corresponding mobile application that primarily serves as a shopping platform. Key Features of the WooCommerce Store: - Product Reviews and Ratings: I want my customers to have the ability to leave feedback and rate products, fostering an interactive shopping experience. - Multi-Language Support: To cater to a global audience, the store should support multiple languages. - Subscription Services: I need an integrated subscription service for certain products, adding a recurring revenue stream to the store. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in WooCommerce, eCommer...
...“figures” or mascots that could be animated to catch attention and highlight how Rabatta helps find and apply discount codes. 2. Clear Messaging: Since users might see this ad muted, the key information (like the benefit of automatically applying discount codes) should be conveyed visually through on-screen text or animated elements. 3. Storyline: Propose a short, fun scenario showing someone shopping without a discount, then discovering Rabatta and celebrating the savings. 4. Voiceover: Provide an energetic and friendly voiceover that complements on-screen text. (We’ll need it in our different languages or at least a voiceover in English plus subtitles. We can discuss translations.) & Platform: Ads should typically be 15–30 seconds, but w...
I am seeking an experienced SEO professional to help increase the website traffic and improve the search engine rankings of my unique niche business. The business operates without a traditional e-commerce cart, so creativity and out-of-the-box thinking will be paramount. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement effective SEO strategies - Increase website visibility and traffic - Improve search engine rankings Content Focus: - I am open to various types of content for SEO, including but not limited to: blog posts, product descriptions, and landing pages. Your expertise will inform our content strategy. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with SEO marketing - Strong understanding of unique e-commerce business models - Excellent content strategy skills - Ability to think creativ...
MULTISITE DEVELOPERS ONLY APPLY DON'T BID IF YOU WILL HIRE ANOTHER TO COMPLETE THE TASKS - VERY DISHONEST!!! +++ Budget $40 ++++ PLEASE RE...COMPLETE THE TASKS - VERY DISHONEST!!! +++ Budget $40 ++++ PLEASE READ ENTIRE DETAILS BEFORE YOU BID!!! Main and Subdomain have DIFFERENT products and USING TWO THEMES - Main - Porto Theme (Membership and Forum) Subdomain - HiStudy Theme (Courses and Events) 1. Cart Issues: - No payment option shows despite Stripe is installed and configured in Main Site. - Global Cart PLUGIN (One Cart Checkout for purchases on domain and subdomain) is installed and configured. 2. Orders in Customer Profile - All orders should show in both main and subdomain customer dashboard Skills Required
I'm looking for a professional web developer who can build a dynamic website for selling my physical goods on a worldwide scale. The site must be user-friendly, visually appealing, and optimized for search engines. Key Features: - An integrated, secure online payment system that accepts Credit/Debit Cards, PayPal, and Bank Transfers. - A responsive design that ensures a seamless shopping experience across all devices. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in e-commerce website development. - Proficiency in web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.). - Familiarity with SEO principles and responsive design. - Strong understanding of secure payment integration.
cope of Work: ✅ Brand Identity Development (Logo, Color Palette, Typography, Brand Guidelines) ✅ Printed & Stationery Branding (Business Cards, Letterheads, Envelopes, Brochures) ✅ Product & Packaging Branding (Product Packaging, Labels, Shopping Bags, Boxes) ✅ Retail & Display Branding (POP Displays, Shelf Talkers, Hanging Signs, In-store Signage) ✅ Corporate & Office Branding (Uniforms, ID Cards, Notebooks, Mugs, Office Supplies) ✅ Vehicle & Outdoor Branding (Fleet Graphics, Billboards, Directional Signage) ✅ Exhibition & Event Branding (Booth Design, Roll-up Banners, Backdrops, Giveaways) ✅ Digital & Social Media Branding (Website Design, Social Media Templates, Email Signatures) ✅ Co-Branding Guidelines (Partners with Their Own Corporate Design) Requ...
I'm seeking an experienced video creator to produce a compelling promotional...spare parts website. The primary goal of this video is to attract and introduce new customers to my site. Key Requirements: - A mix of live-action and animation: I prefer a dynamic promo video that combines both animated sequences and real footage. - Website Introduction: The video should effectively introduce my website to potential customers. It should highlight key features and benefits of shopping with us. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video production and editing. - Experience in creating engaging, high-quality promo videos. - Ability to seamlessly blend live-action and animation. - Understanding of e-commerce and wholesale industry is a plus. Please include relevant samples of your work in...
...delle conversioni su Google Analytics 4 e Google Tag Manager. ? ? Dettagli del lavoro richiesto: ? 1. Analisi delle Campagne Google ADS ✅ Verifica della campagna attuale (Display attiva, possibile espansione su Search e Shopping). ✅ Analisi metriche chiave (CPC medio, CTR, Conversion Rate, Costo per Conversione). ✅ Revisione del pubblico e targeting: il traffico è qualificato? ✅ Controllo parole chiave (se presenti) e qualità degli asset pubblicitari. ✅ Analisi coerenza tra gli annunci e le pagine di destinazione. ✅ Suggerimenti per strategie più efficaci (Search, Shopping, Remarketing). ? 2. Audit del Sito Shopify ✅ Analisi dell’esperienza utente (UX) e navigabilità: Il sito è intuitivo e ottimizzato per la vendita? Analisi del...
...the buy box, moving to the left - Features listed with icons - Badges on bundles for savings - A 'Free delivery and free returns' box below the buy now button - Zoom in feature for the featured image Additional key features 1. Menu on mobile/desktop - information for free shipping and free returns at the bottom - categories has images - best seller - button to “all product page” 2. Cart drawer - in the cart drawer, added information for free shipping and free returns - graphic image with payment options under go to checkout button 3 Checkout - I want this "steps" in the checkout page (progress bar) - want this to be quick process, with only essential informations - no upsells/cross sells there Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive e...
I'm looking for a developer to implement a feature on my Adalo-built website. The task involves capturing the names of ticket holders based on the quantity of tickets selected in the cart. This information should be collected during the checkout process through text input fields. Ideal skills for this job include: - Experience with Adalo platform - Proficient in eCommerce website development - Knowledge in implementing custom checkout features - Strong understanding of user interface design
...experienced web developer to create a modern and clean shopping website for physical products. This project requires a solid understanding of HTML, CSS, and Javascript/React for the frontend, and Firebase for the backend. Key Requirements: - Development of a user-friendly interface using modern and clean design principles - Implementation of essential features such as a shopping cart and product search - Experience with using Firebase for backend development Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, Javascript/React - Prior experience in developing shopping websites - Strong understanding of modern web design principles - Familiarity with Firebase Please ensure your portfolio includes relevant examples of your work, particularly any shopping website...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a robust retail website for food, grocery, and clothing. Key Features: - Online Shopping Cart: The site should have a user-friendly online shopping cart. It should be capable of handling a diverse range of products and providing an effortless shopping experience. Payment Integration: - The website should support payments via Credit/Debit Card and UPI. Please ensure the payment gateway is secure and reliable. Home Page Prioritization: - The homepage should primarily showcase food items. It should be designed to draw attention to food products, while still providing visibility to grocery and clothing items. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in eCommerce web development - Experience with secure payment g...
... Social proof elements (customer reviews, testimonials, etc.). Collection Pages: Dedicated pages for different collections with immersive visuals and storytelling elements. Blog & Journal: Section to share articles, craft stories, styling tips, and sustainability practices. Contact Us: Interactive form, Google Maps integration, and social media links. E-commerce Functionality: Secure shopping cart and seamless checkout process. Integration with payment gateways (Stripe, PayPal, etc.). International shipping support with dynamic shipping rates. Inventory management and product availability indicators. Wishlist and save-for-later features. Interactive Elements: Hover effects, micro-interactions, and subtle animations. Short, autoplaying video content on the ...
I need a modern, clean e-commerce site to sell my dry fruits laddoo and granola mixture. The website must include a seamless shopping cart and checkout system. I am looking for a web developer with experience in creating e-commerce sites and a strong understanding of modern web design principles. Please include examples of similar projects you've completed in your bid.
Tips on Recording the Video: We want to see what you see. Keep your camera pointed towards the aisle - do not record a selfie video. We want to hear what you're thinking. Narrate your shopping process as you shop. Make sure you read through all of the instructions below before recording your video. Your video should not be more than 5 minutes in length. Do not pause/ stop recording the video in between and do not even edit your video. ----------------------------------------- You have been selected to participate in this project because you indicated that you plan to purchase Premium you are already stocked up and not looking to buy for the given category, please do not make a video for this project. Category: Premium Chocolate Retailers: Your vi...
...e-commerce application. The design should be suitable for both iOS and Android platforms. Key Screens to Design: - Login and Registration Screens: These should be user-friendly and intuitive, promoting a seamless onboarding process. - Product Listing and Details Screens: The design should provide clear visibility and accessibility of products, with an emphasis on simplicity and ease of use. - Shopping Cart and Checkout Screens: These screens need to facilitate a smooth and hassle-free checkout process. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in UI/UX design, particularly for mobile applications. - Proven experience in designing for e-commerce platforms. - Proficiency in designing for both iOS and Android. - Ability to create clean, minimalist designs. - Excelle...
I'm launching a streetwear brand named 'Eternal Threads' and need a professional Shopify store set up urgently by this Sunday. The store must be visually appealing, user-friendly, and mobile-optimized. Key Requirements: - Create a clean, attractive design that aligns with streetwear aesthetics. - Implement essential features like shopping cart and checkout. - Develop engaging product pages with detailed descriptions. - Integrate social proof and influencer partnerships. - Ensure a seamless, engaging checkout process. Ideal Skills: - Expert in Shopify with a strong portfolio in fashion retail. - Excellent UI/UX design skills. - Experience in streetwear brand development is a plus. - Ability to deliver high-quality work under tight deadlines.
I'm looking for a proficient web developer who can create a fully functional e-commerce website for my clothing store, which caters to both men and women. Key Features: - Shopping cart: The heart of any e-commerce site. - Customer reviews: I want to build trust and engagement with my customers. - Designs: I need a visually appealing site with a keen focus on design. Payment Integration: - The website should support Credit/Debit Card transactions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in e-commerce platform development. - Strong understanding of UI/UX design principles. - Experience with secure payment gateway integration. - Knowledge of SEO best practices would be a plus. I'm looking for someone who can not only deliver a fully functional site, but also one...
Project Title: Website Redesign for E-commerce Store on Wix Project Overview: I am looking for an experienced Wix website designer to revamp my existing e-commerce website. The website sells a variety of random goods, and I need it to be more user-friendly, visually appealing, and credible to increase sales. The goal is to improve navigation, enhance trustworthiness, and optimize the shopping experience for customers. Project Goals: - Improve the website’s design for a modern and professional look. - Enhance user experience (UX) to make browsing and purchasing easier. - Optimize the site for mobile responsiveness. - Improve trust signals to boost credibility (testimonials, secure payment options, etc.). - Ensure SEO optimization for better visibility. - Integrate...
... Pay Later” options. ? Shipping & Tax Australian shipping (flat rates, free shipping thresholds). Configure GST for compliance. ? Customer Features Accounts, order history, wishlists, reviews, comparisons. Returns and refunds workflow. Loyalty and rewards programs. Customer support options (chat, contact forms). ? Checkout Optimization Upselling, cross-selling, suggested items, and abandoned cart recovery. ? Promotions Promotional banners, homepage deals. Discount codes, vouchers, coupons, and auto-applied offers. ? Affiliate/Referral Program Setup Prepare the store for future affiliate program integration. ? SEO & Analytics Full SEO setup and Google Analytics integration. ? Legal Pages Privacy Policy, Terms, Shipping, Refund Policies. ? Testing Full testing...
I'm facing an issue with my WordPress site. The forms created with Gravity Forms are not submitting. There have been no recent changes or updates to the site that could have caused this issue. Therefore, I need a skilled WordPress developer to diagnose and resolve these submission issues. Please note: - Ideal skills include a strong understanding of WordPres...identifying the root cause of submission failures and implementing effective solutions. More details: If you can help, please confirm: - your pricing and turnaround time? - You fully understand the requirements and the difficulty of replicating this issue? - You are comfortable debugging JavaScript, AJAX, and form handling at a deep level?
-Move the logo to the top centre -Enable quantity update on cart page and fix the current quantity but -Add size filter to the Try on collection page -Add floor filter to the Fabric & Swatch page