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Munka státusza
2,000 add page zen cart main page munkát találtunk

We have a business and we are trying to improve our site with 3D modell vizualization. There are two main parts of the story: First of all we have to see all the furniture in a room. During this view the user can edit the room and move the furnitures, e.g. the user can move a whole bed, or rotate etc. If the user click on a cabinet then all of the parts should change the border color to red, and if clicks again should be the normal color. And also if the user clicks on a cabinet then there should appear a popup menu under the buttons at the top right corner where the user can change the position and rotation. There would be three input fields for the position and three for the rotation and a save button. The second usage is different, here the user cannot see all the furniture, o...

€137 Average bid
€137 licitátlag
12 árajánlat

Egyedi webshopra szeretnénk HTML landing pageket csinálni. Ehhez keresünk szakembert

€17 / hr Average bid
€17 / hr licitátlag
72 árajánlat

Vasaroltunk egy templatet WP es a fooldalon kellene beallitani az altalunk megadott kategoriakat. es a mega menut. A fooldalt kellene ugy formalni ahogy a demoban van csak a mi termekeinkkel es kategoriakkal.

€124 Average bid
€124 licitátlag
13 árajánlat

Olyan személyt,személyeket keresek akik egy cég webshopjának folyamatos fejlesztésében részt tudnak venni! Fontos, hogy az illető(k) nagy tapasztalattal rendelkezzenek az Open Cart és a web(kereskedelem) terén. Feladatok: ckeditor, termék szűrő, termékadatlap és más feladatok.

€1046 Average bid
€1046 licitátlag
7 árajánlat

A feladat egy konkrét facebook oldal (üzleti, tehát nem személyes!) idővonalára írni tudó alkalmazás létrehozása. A munkavégzéshez adjuk a hozzáférést, de a teljes metódust a fejlesztőnek kell végigvinnie (app létrehozástól a validálásig). Figyelem! Nem (kimondottan) programozási feladatról van szó, hanem Facebook App létrehozásról!

€488 Average bid
€488 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

Magyarországon működő Cs-cart Multivendor programozót keresünk hosszútávú együttműködésre induló webáruházunkhoz.

€36 / hr Average bid
€36 / hr licitátlag
2 árajánlat
Cs-cart multivendor
Véget ért left

Cs-cart multivendor webáruház fejlesztőt keresek Magyarországon. Cégünk magyarországi céggel szeretne leszerződni.

€49 / hr Average bid
€49 / hr licitátlag
1 árajánlat
Wordpress landing page
Véget ért left

Magyar senior fejlesztőt keresünk. Startup vállakozásunk angol nyelvű landing page-t szeretne létrehozni. Vannak fotók, angol szöveg, templete.

€185 Average bid
€185 licitátlag
8 árajánlat

...tartalmazza a .pdf) ENG - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - To manage a private customer's own / family budget. Jar-type cash management, revenue and expenses. Its basic task is to distribute the variable amount of time and amount of incoming money into different units by a predetermined percentage distribution. Also, units split into parts can be used/expense separately. 4 main parts: # 1 Invoices and Expenses, # 2 Money Movement, # 3 Budgets, # 4 Reports / settings that can be switched by a horizontal screen shift. The circles indicate the location of the different Icons. Spending should also run on widget, like: Account => eg. cash (+ date), Issue (+ description) (This is not included in .pdf)...

€257 Average bid
€257 licitátlag
9 árajánlat

Cs-Cart fejlesztéshez keresünk programozót, a webáruház vállalatirányítási rendszerrel történő összekapcsolásához, szinkronizáláshoz.

€1246 Average bid
€1246 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

We want a Wordpress site for Dental Aesthetics Clinic. The site should have a blog function and a complex menu structure. The site should be dual-language (Hungarian and English) Hungarian Menu text copy located here: English will be added later (however we’ve translated the main menu titles to english) This SEO rules need to be followed during the website built: Attached you find design elements and photos about the team. Example site in style: Attached media: Photos about the team () Logos (Csiki_Fogszabaolyozas_1 ) Visualization () Menu structure: Híreink (News in english, this is the Blog block) Rólunk

€212 Average bid
6 pályamű

Elsősorban magyar fejlesztők, vagy magyarul tudó Kárpátaljai, Vajdasági, Erdélyi programozók jelentkezését várom.

€231 Average bid
€231 licitátlag
4 árajánlat
Web Page , HomePage
Véget ért left

Egyenlőre weblap vázlatokat keresek, vagyis csak dizájnt. Az index-t kellene elkészíteni, vagyis a HOME Page-t, mivel a projekt nem nagy így az árazása sem. De amennyiben a munka elnyeri tetszésem , úgy az egész weboldalt ami 3 oldalból fog állni. A weboldal témája PCB gyártás és beültetés. példa: Kezdőlapra nem szeretnék semmi extrát kirakni csak , hogy árajánlat kérést, Modern FLAT design-t keresek. Amennyiben , van mód rá úgy 4 box-t ami tartalmazza a következőket. 1. PCB 2. Stencil 3. webshop 4. Assembly

€25 Average bid
€25 licitátlag
3 árajánlat

Create a ANONYMOUS PageCreate a ANONYMOUS PageCreate a ANONYMOUS PageCreate a ANONYMOUS PageCreate a ANONYMOUS PageCreate a ANONYMOUS Page

€24 Average bid
€24 licitátlag
2 árajánlat

3 reszponzív HTML Landing Page-t kell elkészíteni (minta alapján), és összekötni külső szolgáltató hírlevélküldő rendszerével. 3 Köszönőoldal is kell, amely a feliratkozóknak megjelenik.

€161 Average bid
€161 licitátlag
14 árajánlat

A webshop címe OpenCart 1.5.4 A mobil Theme-ben kij...mobil Theme-ben kijavításra váró hibák: - Szürke vastag vonal eltávolítása az mobil weboldal jobb oldalából. - Auto scrolling probléma helyrehozása termék kosárba helyezése után (a termék kosárban megjegyzés nem látható, sokat scrolloz a rendszer, erre vagy teljesen új megoldást kell kitalálni, vagy a scrollozást kell megoldani) - a checkout/cart oldal gombjai méretének helyrehozása - A mobil weboldalt át kell irányítani a már meglévő one page checkoutra (egyoldalas checko...

€127 Average bid
€127 licitátlag
4 árajánlat

A webshop címe OpenCart 1.5.4 A mobil Theme-ben kij...mobil Theme-ben kijavításra váró hibák: - Szürke vastag vonal eltávolítása az mobil weboldal jobb oldalából. - Auto scrolling probléma helyrehozása termék kosárba helyezése után (a termék kosárban megjegyzés nem látható, sokat scrolloz a rendszer, erre vagy teljesen új megoldást kell kitalálni, vagy a scrollozást kell megoldani) - a checkout/cart oldal gombjai méretének helyrehozása - A mobil weboldalt át kell irányítani a már meglévő one page checkoutra (egyoldalas checko...

€745 Average bid
€745 licitátlag
1 árajánlat

A jó arculat nem egyszerűen szép, hanem hatékony: költségeket spórol neked, mert a hirdetéseidet is optimalizálja. Mit kapsz a Facebook arculat átadásakor? Ha most rendeled a komplex Facebook arculattervezés csomagunkat, akkor a következőket kapod: Megtervezzük Veled a designt, és Facebook-marketing kompatibilissá tesszük. Egységes, céges keretet adunk, amit minden képhez és mérföldkőhöz használhatsz.f

€53 Average bid
€53 licitátlag
1 árajánlat
add 3000 facebook likes
Véget ért left

€8 / hr Average bid
€8 / hr licitátlag
1 árajánlat

I'm looking for a Freelancer who can do this project in a very short space of time. Basically, You need to get the best position in Google SERP that is possible for the website (1-3#) ( for the following keywords: online, penztargep, onlinepenztargep in Hungary ) without any black SEO that could lead to penalty. Since it is not an overcrowded keyword, please bid low. And in the private message, please let me know, who are you going to accomplish the task (not the whole process, just some information). Our treasury told me that I can only pay you if the work is done correctly. ---------- Egy szabadúszót keresek aki nagyon rövid idő alatt meg tudná csinálni ezt a projektet. Tulajdonképpen, a lehető legjobb pozíciót kellene e...

€162 Average bid
€162 licitátlag
5 árajánlat

...and displaying customer reviews directly on vehicle pages. o Highlight Testimonials: Feature standout testimonials on the homepage or dedicated sections to showcase customer satisfaction. 5. Special Offers and Promotions: • Functionality: Highlight current deals, discounts, or promotions to incentivize purchases. • Implementation: o Dedicated Promotions Page: Create a section showcasing all active offers, making it easily accessible from the main navigation. o Highlight Deals: Use banners or pop-ups to draw attention to limited-time offers or exclusive deals. 6. Comprehensive Financing Information: • Functionality: Provide detailed information about financing options, including loan terms, interest rates, and eligibility criteria. • Implementation: o Fi...

€1060 Average bid
€1060 licitátlag
58 árajánlat

I'm looking for a savvy social media marketer with expertise across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. The main goal of this campaign is to boost sales through leveraging user-generated content (UGC). Key responsibilities: - Craft strategies that encourage audience participation and content creation - Drive sales through effective UGC marketing - Monitor and analyse campaign performance Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in increasing sales via social media - Deep understanding and experience with UGC - Excellent analytical skills to interpret data and adjust strategies accordingly.

€93 Average bid
€93 licitátlag
8 árajánlat

I'm looking for a skilled Wix developer who can enhance my website with a lead generation form tailored to collect contact information. The form should be simple yet effective, capturing the following fields: - Name - Email Address - Phone Number The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Proven experience with Wix - Strong understanding of lead generation strategies - Excellent skills in web form development. While I haven't yet decided on a chat service for integration, a good understanding of popular services like Wix Chat, LiveChat, or Tidio could be beneficial. Please include examples of your previous work with Wix websites and lead generation forms, as well as any relevant certifications you may have.

€93 Average bid
€93 licitátlag
20 árajánlat
Trophy icon MAGRAFT Logo Design
2 nap left

...looking for a modern, 3D-style logo for our job posting platform, MAGRAFT. The logo should have a professional, sleek look, inspired by Indeed’s 3D effect, while incorporating a unique, job-related icon. Logo Requirements: ✅ Text-Based: The name “MAGRAFT” should be the main focus. ✅ Icon Integration: Replace one of the A’s with a job-related symbol (e.g., a magnifying glass, briefcase, resume, or person symbolizing employment). ✅ 3D Effect: Inspired by Indeed’s modern, dimensional look (not flat). ✅ Colors: Primary Blue (#00246B) (Main brand color) Light Blue (#CADCFC) (For accents, depth, or highlights) ✅ Scalability: The icon should be able to stand alone for social media profiles, favicons, or branding. ✅ Background Adaptability: The log...

€24 Average bid
169 pályamű

I need a skilled industrial designer to improve the aesthetics of our consumer product through a CAD redesign. The main focus will be on shaping and forming the product to fit a modern and sleek design style. Key Requirements: - Expertise in CAD software and industrial design - Strong understanding of modern and sleek aesthetics - Experience in consumer product design Please provide examples of your previous work that aligns with this project.

€471 Average bid
€471 licitátlag
48 árajánlat

I have two page photo of the book. I want you to use the same font and formatting style and create word file. Deliverables 1. Word and pdf file with exactly same formatting style and fonts 2. Fonts file used in the book

€6 Average bid
18 pályamű

I need assistance with researching and analyzing market data, specifically consumer demographics. The main objective of this project is to gather insights on consumer behavior and preferences. Key Deliverables: - In-depth analysis of consumer demographics - Identification of market trends - Recommendations based on data findings Ideal Skills: - Proficient in data analysis - Experience in market research - Strong understanding of consumer behavior - Capable of delivering clear and actionable insights. If you have a knack for understanding market dynamics and can provide a comprehensive analysis of consumer demographics, I'd love to hear from you!

€10 / hr Average bid
€10 / hr licitátlag
11 árajánlat

I am looking for a skilled web developer to create a top-notch E-commerce website for me. The primary focus of this project is to implement a highly functional and user-friendly shopping cart. Key Skills Required: - Extensive experience in website development, specifically e-commerce platforms - Proficiency in creating intuitive and interactive shopping cart systems - Knowledge of best practices for e-commerce website design and functionality - Ability to deliver high-quality work within agreed timelines Lydialydia1610 at g mail dot cumm If you have a portfolio of successful e-commerce websites, I would love to see it. Please only apply if you have the necessary skills and experience.

€996 Average bid
€996 licitátlag
84 árajánlat

I'm looking for a developer to create an interactive platform centered around sports betting tips. The platform should cater to two main user roles: Tipsters, who share insights and advice, and Followers, who consume this content. Key Features: - User Profiles: Every user should have a personal profile to track their activity and engagement. - Commenting System: Followers should be able to engage with Tipster posts through comments, fostering community interaction and discussion. - Rating System for Tips: A system that allows users to react to tips, providing feedback and contributing to the overall credibility of the tipster. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development, specifically in creating interactive platforms. - Experience in implementing user profile systems, comm...

€1970 Average bid
€1970 licitátlag
50 árajánlat

I'm looking for a skilled freelancer to design a top-notch e-commerce website for me. Key Features: - Shopping Cart Functionality: The website needs a seamless and intuitive shopping cart system to enhance the user experience. - User Account Management: I want a robust system for user account management, allowing users to create, manage and personalize their accounts. - Product Reviews: The inclusion of a product review system is essential, fostering user interaction and trust in the products. Tracysandra772 at g mail dot cumm Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web design, particularly for e-commerce platforms. - Experience with implementing shopping cart systems, user account management interfaces, and product review features. - Strong understanding of user experie...

€624 Average bid
€624 licitátlag
91 árajánlat

I'm looking for a skilled web designer with experience in Elementor to customize my template to fit our company's identity. Key Tasks: - Adjust the color scheme to our specific brand colors. - Change the layout where necessary to enhance visual appeal and usability, while maintaining the current structure of the template. - Modify ...will be provided with: - Access to our website and the Elementor template. - Our text content and company logo. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Elementor and WordPress. - Strong graphic design skills. - Excellent understanding of color theory and typography. Please refer to our current website: and the template here: The main menus needed are: About Us, Home, Services, and Contact Us.

€433 Average bid
€433 licitátlag
117 árajánlat
Development of 3 Websites and 1 App
6 nap left

I'm looking for a skilled developer or team to create three distinct websites and one mobile application with a comprehensive backend. 1. **Event Website** - Key Features: - Event listing and ticketing - RSVP management - Event calendar 2. **Supplement Selling Website and Application** - Key Features: - Product catalog and shopping cart - Customer reviews and ratings - Subscription and auto-renewal 3. **Tax Consultancy Website** - Details to be discussed - Product catalog - Customer reviews and ratings - Subscription and auto-renewal The mobile application should be compatible with both iOS and Android platforms, alongside its web counterpart. A seamless and user-friendly interface across all platforms is essential. ...

€176 Average bid
€176 licitátlag
22 árajánlat

We need link building / off-page SEO services for a French e-commerce business. Considering that our main competitors are: - - - - Please briefly explain what you propose to do, the cost, and the expected results over time. What kind of guarantee do you provide regarding the longevity of the backlinks? What if the page hosting the backlinks is not indexed by Google or is de-indexed later? Are all backlinks dofollow? What type of reports will you provide during the project to monitor your activities? Do you have references from similar projects for the French market?

€65 Average bid
€65 licitátlag
48 árajánlat

I'm looking for someone to help me reach out to international relations experts for my podcast. The main focus is to interview academics and researchers from around the globe. - Podcast Goals: The primary purpose of the podcast is to feature guest expert interviews. Your role will be crucial in helping me secure these guests. - Ideal Candidates: I'm particularly interested in connecting with academics and researchers in international relations. - Scope: The search for potential guests will have a global focus, extending across various countries and regions. The ideal freelancer for this project would have excellent communication skills, experience in networking or outreach, and a keen understanding of international relations. If you have a passion for global affairs and...

€8 Average bid
€8 licitátlag
3 árajánlat

I'm looking for a talented photo editor to enhance my picture to make it Instagram-worthy. The task involves improving the brightness and contrast, sharpness and clarity, as well as the colors and saturat...looking for a talented photo editor to enhance my picture to make it Instagram-worthy. The task involves improving the brightness and contrast, sharpness and clarity, as well as the colors and saturation. Additionally, I want you to add a realistic-looking star in the sky. Skills and experience that would make you a good fit for this project include: - Proficient in photo editing software (such as Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom) - Strong understanding of photographic elements and how to enhance them - Creativity to make the photo stand out - Ability to realistically add...

€17 Average bid
27 pályamű

...system resources. This tool should provide insights into CPU and RAM usage, battery consumption, and the device's internet status. Key Features of the App: - Resource Monitoring: The app needs to display CPU and RAM percentages, battery usage, and download/upload speeds, if possible. - Internet Status: The app should show if the device is connected via WiFi or mobile data. - User Interface: The main page should present information using bar charts, as this is the preferred format. Simplicity is key. - Data Collection: The app should utilize suitable tools and libraries to gather system data related to battery, network connectivity, device info, and other system data. The ideal candidate for this project should be well-versed in Android development and have a solid u...

€151 Average bid
€151 licitátlag
34 árajánlat

I'm seeking a skilled freelancer to customize my Raspberry Pi 5 and Hailo setup for various AI and machine learning applications. The main uses will be computer vision tasks, natural language processing, and data analysis and prediction to work with my existing work Key Requirements: - Setup and configuration of Raspberry Pi 5 & Hailo 8 and 8L - Customization for AI and machine learning tasks - Proficient in working with computer vision tasks, natural language processing, and data analysis - Proficiency in Docker for deployment. - Previous experience with object detection vision AI apps. - Knowledge of working with live camera feeds. - Ability to ensure seamless integration with a USB webcam, IP camera, and Raspi Cam - user and tool database interface for tool checkin/out ...

€135 Average bid
€135 licitátlag
12 árajánlat

I need a script/server to increase views on my Telegram posts. The main goal is to boost engagement. There are no specific preferences for the type of views - both real user interactions and simulated bot views are acceptable. Key requirements: - The script/server must be compatible with Windows - Experience with developing similar scripts/servers is highly desirable - Understanding of Telegram's engagement metrics and algorithms will be a plus Please provide examples of your previous work and how it has helped improve engagement in the past.

€76 Average bid
€76 licitátlag
6 árajánlat

I need a skilled web developer to create a cutting-edge e-commerce site using Gutenberg blocks. The site will be built on WordPress with crucial e-commerce functionalities integrated. Key Requirements: - Development of a comprehensive product catalog with a robust search functionality. - Implementation of a seamless shopping cart and checkout process. Ideal Skills: - Expert in WordPress and Gutenberg block development. - Proven experience in e-commerce site creation. - Proficient in creating intuitive product catalogs and checkout systems. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.

€443 Average bid
€443 licitátlag
150 árajánlat

...looking for someone who can deliver compelling content that will not only boost my SEO but also convert readers into potential clients. To Win: 1. Create 1 (Choose one) SEO Article for these keywords best shopify agencies in europe best shopify cart apps in 2025 best shopify agency in London shopify website design for metal cards store best shopify design companies product page optimization for sauna shopify store home page optimization for jewellery shopify store 2. Tell me your backlinks and outreach strategy 3. tell me your strategy for on-page SEO If you win YOU GET A PART TIME POSITION IN MY COMPANY ECOMROLODEX I need 3 articles per week posted, this is a longterm position, I will approve the articles and will check for AI writing. "DO N...

€29 Average bid
15 pályamű

...homepage landing page for a new construction company website: Design must be ultra HD 4k, high resolution, can be 3D, but needs to be modern similar to the landing page of this high quality website: Also, must be compatible with mobile view, we are using webflow to develop. Looking for high quality designer with good eye for landing page, what we have now is an example of what we want to display as the landing page - Attached is a screenshot. **This is just an idea/example of what the design should be. It is stock image, not real background / landing page. Please submit best work, winner will have priority to bid on upcoming projects and will be go-to for any high-quality custom design work. Looking to award fast - 2/3 days. Main colors...

€145 Average bid
66 pályamű

I'm seeking an SEO specialist with a strong focus on off-page SEO and link building to help me increase my website's search engine ranking. The primary tasks will involve: - Creating quality backlinks through various methods, with a specific emphasis on link building. - Focusing these efforts on a local scale to improve my visibility within my target region. Ideally, you should have a robust understanding of SEO best practices and experience in link building, particularly at a local level. Familiarity with different backlinking methods such as guest posts, directory submissions, and social media links will be highly beneficial. Please be prepared to demonstrate your previous successes in similar projects.

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr licitátlag
58 árajánlat

I am in need of a talented animator who can create a high-quality 3D animation video for children, similar to the popular CoCoMelon series. The video should be entertaining, featuring humans as the main characters. Key Requirements: - Expertise in creating 3D animation videos. - Previous experience in producing content for children. - Ability to design engaging human characters and lively scenarios. - Understanding of the entertainment genre, with the skill to weave in appealing narratives. The video should be between 1 to 5 minutes in length. Please provide a portfolio of similar projects you have completed, and any case studies demonstrating your success in engaging a child audience.

€126 Average bid
€126 licitátlag
34 árajánlat

I'm looking for an experienced Google Sheets expert who can help me create a custom equation. - The main purpose of this equation is to determine which cell to choose based on today's date and one other parameter. - The task this equation will help to automate is data validation. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong understanding of Google Sheets, particularly in creating complex equations and automating tasks. Experience with data validation and working with date parameters is highly desirable.

€24 Average bid
€24 licitátlag
11 árajánlat

revamp the design of a Yii-based main site and WordPress blog, along with custom feature development, SEO optimization, and PageSpeed improvements. The project includes additional features like FAQs, payment options on store pages, and API integration for blog content.

€24 / hr Average bid
€24 / hr licitátlag
1 árajánlat
Puzzle SLB - Phase 3
6 nap left

Main ideia: a family foto of all sportsman/women of different sports taken from the higher part of the stadium looking down on the stairs. Every one should have the club symbol in some part of the clothing. This project is a the phase3 of the Desgin of the main image for the puzzle. Continue the image design adding and altering the following changes: - Create a rubgy player holding a rubgy ball. Remove the man in suit and replace by a rubgy player. - Recreate (Change the initial drawing) the athelte feature that resembles the athle known as Pichardo (player number#, see image) and make him look a random black person. - Move the eagle position - to the right donw in front of the bycycle) indicating she is landing on an object Called "BirdLandingpole"; -Eagle: ...

€373 Average bid
€373 licitátlag
17 árajánlat

I am looking for a skilled app development company who can create a social networking app focused on video sharing. It should be compatible with both Android and iOS platforms. Key Features: - Primary Function: The app's main focus will be on video sharing. Users should be able to upload videos, interact with others, and share their content. - Private Albums: There should be a feature that allows users to create private albums. This will enable them to share their videos with select individuals. - Video Uploading: The app should have capabilities for users to upload their videos. Ideal companies for this project should have prior experience in developing social networking apps and a strong understanding of video sharing functionalities. Good skills in cross-platform app deve...

€319 Average bid
€319 licitátlag
74 árajánlat
Trophy icon CNC Machine Repair Shirt Design
2 nap left

...prominently feature the phrase "WAR AGAINST THE MACHINES" in all caps, with one word on each line. The line width should be consistent, necessitating a variation in font size to achieve this. Please use a nice bold font. Key requirements: - A graphic of an end mill, depicted as running, to be placed next to the text, similar to the provided example images. - A secondary line of text beneath the main message and graphic, reading "EXPERT CNC REPAIR SINCE 1985", also in all caps and centered. Color specifications: - All text should be white except for "AGAINST", "MACHINES", and "1985", which should be bright green. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in graphic design and familiar with industrial design elements. - Ability t...

€72 Average bid
283 pályamű

I need a one-page website related to cryptocurrency, designed and completed in a single day. Please note, the design cannot be a copy of existing sites, but I can provide examples of styles I like to serious bidders. The primary purpose of the site is to provide information about my own cryptocurrency and its tokenomics. The site should include: - Details from our own tokenomics - Possibly a chart or some other elements - links redirecting them to the token - Links to twitter Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong understanding of cryptocurrency and web design, with the ability to create a unique, engaging site under a tight deadline. If the finished project is good we can work on more works to come everyday

€46 Average bid
€46 licitátlag
21 árajánlat
Trophy icon Caravan Sticker Logo Design
6 nap left

PLEASE NO AI GENERATED STUFF Description: I am looking for a skilled designer to create a black logo in PNG format that will be used as a sticker for my white caravan. The design should be bold, clean, and easy to read from a distance. Key Elements to Include: Text: Main Title: "MARTINS GO NOMAD" (all caps) Slogan: "TREK'N OZ" Radio Channel Info: UHF 18/40 (so fellow travelers know our channel) Visual Elements: A campfire (symbolizing adventure and outdoor life) A caravan (to represent our nomadic journey) A map of Australia (to showcase our travels) A Facebook logo (so people can find and follow us on Facebook) Design Requirements: Color: Black (to contrast well against the white caravan) Style: Clean, bold, and easily recognizable from a distance File F...

€36 Average bid
475 pályamű