unique brand message

  • Állapot: Closed
  • Díj: $20
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 318

A verseny összegzése

We DO have a brand name already, called " DIGISO" logo is in attachment.
we are Asian ( mostly Japanese & Korean) beauty and Gift shop (Brick and Mortar ) stores, we want people to recognize our brand easily. This task is to brainstorm a unique way to explain the logo "DIGISO".
we are looking for one sentence to explain the definition of DIGISO.

A little background about DIGISO. founded 2021, 3 retail shops in new york city, sell japanese action figuers, snacks, household , beauty, stationary, products, some famous brand are Sanrio, pokemon, Most trending K-beauty products, K-pop album, many many tiktok trends we carry in our stores, that has been our biggest category.
we are young group of people , trying to give american people the amazing products , affordable prices, they can enjoy in their shopping centers.

Be creative, must includes the elements of asian beauty , cute looking, hot&trending products, affordable prices,

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