5-10 Tech Articles for Beginners, Intermediates, and Advanced

  • Állapot: Open
  • Díj: $45
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 38

A verseny összegzése

Get Published & Win: Write Tech Articles

Are you a writer, journalist, or content creator passionate about technology, AI, and innovation? Here’s your chance to showcase your skills and win exciting rewards!

We’re launching a contest to generate well-thought-out, insightful articles about Paul Savluc, OpenQQuantify, and Tomorrow's AI. We’re looking for compelling content that explores their mission, impact, and vision for the future of technology.
We are also looking for people that can write about the science behind what OpenQQuantify and Tomorrow's AI does.
Write as many articles as you can, we can pick multiple winners.

Topics to Cover:

Paul Savluc
His journey in tech, entrepreneurship, and AI.
Contributions to generative AI, electronics, and advanced analytics.
Leadership in OpenQQuantify and Tomorrow's AI.

Its role in revolutionizing electronics design with generative AI.
Focus on open-source platforms for simulating and building electronics.
Vision for making electronics design accessible to everyone.

Tomorrow's AI
Its AI-driven media platform for community collaboration.
Impact on bridging AI with real-world applications.
Future goals in advancing media and technology.

How to Participate:
Write Your Articles, write as many as you can.
Include links to sources like the webpages listed above and relevant hashtags and keywords so we can review your work.

Publish It Online
Your blog, Medium, LinkedIn, and other reputable publication, guest posts are fine.

Submit Your Entry
Share the links to your articles in our submission form.

Grand Prize: $45 + Feature on OpenQQuantify and Tomorrow's AI platforms.

Bonus: Selected articles will be highlighted on our social media platforms, reaching thousands of viewers worldwide. You will also be invited to join our team!

Selection Criteria:
Numbers of articles written and submitted.
Creativity and originality.
Depth of research and insights.
Relevance to the topics.
Writing quality (clarity, grammar, flow).

Have fun!

Ajánlott készségek

Nyilvános pontosítófelület

  • ranadasslg5567
    • 14 óra telt el

    Dear Contest Holder, could you please review my entry, it's #41 please kindly check my entry. Thank you:)

    • 14 óra telt el
  • ranadasslg5567
    • 15 óra telt el

    Dear Contest Holder,

    • 15 óra telt el
  • pahans2
    • 16 óra telt el

    Sir, I am thanking you so much giving this opportunity for us and this is a perfect platform for improve our creative thinking and more qualities from this contest.

    • 16 óra telt el
  • NayabFatima888
    • 1 nap telt el

    Respected Sir please consider me. I'm new on freelancer and did not get any project and I am hardworking in contests but do not win at anywhere. I did a lot of effort in writing articles for you. I have watched your video to get information and write it in articles. I have also published articles on linkedin and it get good impressions at there. Hope to hear from you soon.

    • 1 nap telt el
  • NayabFatima888
    • 1 nap telt el

    Sir please check entry #35 it is also written by me.

    • 1 nap telt el
  • NayabFatima888
    • 3 nap telt el

    Sir, I have published the article on LinkedIn. It is according to your requirements. Sir please check entry 33. I am also writing more articles for you to publish on LinkedIn.https://www.linkedin.com/posts/nayab-saleem-468527343_openqquantify-ai-revolution-activity-7277197360185688064-tA6-?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android

    • 3 nap telt el
  • NayabFatima888
    • 3 nap telt el

    Sir check entry 33

    • 3 nap telt el
  • Zainxpert
    • 5 nap telt el

    Hi CH, I can write and publish 5 to 10 blogs on linkedin (and that blogs will be on 1st position on google within 3 to 5 days because our team have ranked profiles on linkedin) But I am confused that are you offering only $45 for 10 articles? or it is price of single article? please specify. Thank you

    • 5 nap telt el
  • soniafaraz275
    • 5 nap telt el

    kindly check #19

    • 5 nap telt el
  • TheAmericanLarry
    A verseny kiírója:
    • 1 hét telt el

    These links will help you guys create your content and publish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxVNmuZLXyY

    • 1 hét telt el
  • TheAmericanLarry
    A verseny kiírója:
    • 1 hét telt el

    Here is a good example of how you can submit work: https://medium.com/@Newsguide/partnerships-and-collaborations-strategic-moves-by-openqquantify-and-tomorrowsai-93d2dc72b409

    • 1 hét telt el
    1. soniafaraz275
      • 1 hét telt el

      dear contest holder, #8 (Manoj R. ) just copied my article and also shared my linkedIn link. kindly have a look at this matter. and you gave him 5 star ratings..

      • 1 hét telt el
    2. TheAmericanLarry
      A verseny kiírója:
      • 1 hét telt el

      I have rejected his application, thanks for showing me.

      • 1 hét telt el
  • tislamcontentwr1
    • 1 hét telt el

    Dear contest holder, I'm working on the articles; please allow some time. Thank you!

    • 1 hét telt el
  • fantasygrowth707
    • 1 hét telt el

    Dear Contest Holder,

    As you know, writing an article requires deep research, which makes it a time-consuming task. To give you an idea of the quality and style of my work, I will provide some samples for your review.

    Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

    • 1 hét telt el

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