Real-Time Excel Spreadsheet for Player Data

  • Állapot: Open
  • Díj: £30
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 16

A verseny összegzése

I'm in need of an expert who can build an Excel spreadsheet for me that pulls live data from I want to be able to see columns outlining player name, team, age, height, rating, positions, appearances per position, strengths, and weaknesses, with a focus on current season statistics.

Data Requirements:
- Real-time updates
- Automatic data refresh

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Proficient in Excel and data scraping
- Familiarity with or similar sports data websites
- Experience in building automated Excel spreadsheets
- Understanding of football player statistics

Ajánlott készségek

A verseny legjobb pályaművei

További pályaművek

Nyilvános pontosítófelület

  • cutulacheeec
    • 23 óra telt el

    Is the contest still available?

    • 23 óra telt el
  • rafi675049
    • 3 nap telt el

    #36 please check it.

    • 3 nap telt el
  • rahimi009
    • 4 nap telt el

    #28 please check my entry!

    • 4 nap telt el
  • iqraa054
    • 4 nap telt el

    Sir! Have a look #20 , hope you like it

    • 4 nap telt el
  • akbarkh701
    • 5 nap telt el

    SIr hope you like #16

    • 5 nap telt el
  • abubakarm40
    • 5 nap telt el

    The Excel file is ready! This spreadsheet pulls live football data for the 24/25 season, focusing on top 5 leagues, with columns for player name, team, age, height, rating, positions, appearances, strengths, and weaknesses

    • 5 nap telt el
  • israrj
    • 5 nap telt el

    And can you tell me how many lead you need?

    • 5 nap telt el
  • muhammadt98
    • 5 nap telt el

    Please Come on chat to view the complete Excel format.

    • 5 nap telt el
  • muhammadt98
    • 5 nap telt el

    #guaranteed the contest for better work

    • 5 nap telt el

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