Modern Minimalistic Logo Design

  • Állapot: Closed
  • Díj: £51
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 1547
  • Nyertes: Khaled71693

A verseny összegzése

I'm in need of a logo that embodies a modern and minimalistic style, primarily in a black and white colour scheme. this log is going to be on a jacket the brand will be called Emaan active this will be a sports clothing jacket with a nice lose material, this clothing will be worn during training mostly for boxer I was also wanting on the back of the clothing emaanactive straight down the spin of the back this material will be a light jacket I want a little catchy logo on the jacket at the front and the logo will not be massive I want a snapping design that will grab attention and willing to give £50 to the top design,

extra details
I am thinking of making many logos but at this moment in time I want a good logo that will be on the corner of the top on the chest part and I will have this on the back as well this logo has to be simple but need it to be eye catching

Ajánlott készségek

Munkaadói értékelés

“very good and determined man he put out many designs I liked nd finally made the winner aswell top man ”

Profilkép issacfw146, United Kingdom.

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