Logo Animation for Marketing Video

  • Állapot: Open
  • Díj: $40
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 11

A verseny összegzése

I need a professional motion graphics animator to bring my logo to life for a marketing video. The focus of the animation will be on the shapes and graphics of the logo. The goal is to enhance the brand's presence in the video and create an engaging visual experience for viewers.

What I am looking for is a 10 to 15 second clip having the 'person' in our logo above the "E" walk onto the screen, climb up the "E", and tap the screen causing the star to light up. This video should also include sound of the 'person' walk across the screen, climb up the E, and click to light up the star.

Skills and Experience Required:
- Proficiency in motion graphics, particularly with logo animation.
- Strong understanding of shape and graphic animation.
- Experience creating content for marketing videos.
- Ability to create visually appealing and engaging animations.
- Experience with 3D logo animation.

The animation should follow a playful and fun theme. Please provide the final animation in MP4 format. Please use cartoonish sound effects for the 'person' walking, climbing, and clicking.

Ajánlott készségek

A verseny legjobb pályaművei

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Nyilvános pontosítófelület

  • abdullaha260
    • 1 nap telt el

    Dear sir! Please check #46 byMuhammad A.

    • 1 nap telt el
  • abdullaha260
    • 2 nap telt el

    Dear sir! Pleae check my animation logo #45 byMuhammad A.

    • 2 nap telt el
  • eashrat
    • 3 nap telt el

    Hi There ! Please check my entry # 43

    • 3 nap telt el
  • eashrat
    • 3 nap telt el

    Hi There ! Please check my entry # 42

    • 3 nap telt el
  • saiful336
    • 1 hét telt el

    Please check my entry # 41

    • 1 hét telt el
  • eashrat
    • 1 hét telt el

    Hi There ! Please check my entry # 40

    • 1 hét telt el
  • eashrat
    • 1 hét telt el

    Hi There ! Please check my entry # 39

    • 1 hét telt el
  • eashrat
    • 1 hét telt el

    Hi There ! Please check my entry # 39

    • 1 hét telt el
  • vinaysharmaynr
    • 1 hét telt el

    The main work has started, so please don't announce the winner before the scheduled time

    • 1 hét telt el
  • rajibhasankhan
    • 1 hét telt el

    please check out my work #32

    • 1 hét telt el
  • CuongNV5
    • 2 hét telt el

    I will adjust the character to look more realistic as a cartoon and replace it with a realistic cartoon dog as requested.

    • 2 hét telt el
  • rajibhasankhan
    • 2 hét telt el

    please check out my work #19

    • 2 hét telt el
  • arrecife1969
    • 2 hét telt el

    please consider #increaseprize for more pro entries.

    • 2 hét telt el

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