Data Storytelling & Visualization Practice

  • Állapot: Open
  • Díj: $25
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 25

A verseny összegzése

This semester you will be completing a Data Storytelling Hallmark project.

Part of that project includes analyzing data and creating data visualizations.

This activity is designed for practice. You will be provided with a sample dataset and will be guided through the steps for analyzing data, interpreting/summarizing data, and creating data visualizations.

Open the following Word document and Excel workbook and save them (with your name) to your desktop. You need both to complete the assignment. Follow the instructions included in the Word document to fill in the Excel worksheet and then use those results to complete the bottom section of the Word document.

Once completed, please submit both to Canvas.

Data Analysis and Visualization Activity.docxDownload Data Analysis and Visualization Activity.docx

Data Analysis and Visualization Activity Excel Workbook.xlsxDownload Data Analysis and Visualization Activity Excel Workbook.xlsx

Once you've completed the activity, please save your Word document and Excel workbook, and submit each below.

Ajánlott készségek

A verseny legjobb pályaművei

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  • SakibKaiser
    • 5 óra telt el

    Hello, please check #21 and #22 . I completed all the analysis you mentioned in the word file.

    • 5 óra telt el
  • suma802
    • 6 óra telt el

    Check #25

    • 6 óra telt el
  • rakesh288
    • 12 óra telt el

    please check #10 #sealed #sealed #sealed #sealed and give your valuable feedback

    • 12 óra telt el
  • hammad505
    • 12 óra telt el

    please check #5

    • 12 óra telt el

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