Comprehensive Iraq Postal Code List Needed

  • Állapot: Pending
  • Díj: $50
  • Beérkezett pályamű: 37

A verseny összegzése

I'm in need of a complete, updated postal code list for Iraq, detailing the associated locality/town and Governorate. The list should be sourced from an official entity, such as Iraq Postal Services or a government database. I require the information in CSV format, and it should cover all governorates.

Key Requirements:
- The list should include postal code and locality name, as well as the Governorate.
- Ideally, the source would be one I can audit, and bonus points if the coordinates are included.
- The data should be sourced from an official entity for authenticity.

Skills and Experience:
- Proficiency in data collection and verification
- Familiarity with postal code systems
- Experience working with government databases or official sources
- Skills in data formatting and presentation in CSV

Please note, I already have one list from the web, so I am looking for an alternative source.

Ajánlott készségek

A verseny legjobb pályaművei

További pályaművek

Nyilvános pontosítófelület

  • mahaditulalif
    • 1 hét telt el

    Dear Contest holder, Please check my entry #50 . I have made it exactly how you want it, and if you need any changes with the size or anything, please let me know.

    • 1 hét telt el
  • abdulrahman545
    • 1 hét telt el

    السلام عليكم ، انا من مصر ، دولة عربية واعرف العراق جيدا وقمت بتجهيز ملف يحتوي على جميع المناطق بالرمز البريدي والمحافظة

    Hi, I'm from Egypt, it's an Arabian Country, I know Iraq very well, I have prepared a CSV file contains all Zip Code, Area and Gov. Please check My Entry

    • 1 hét telt el
  • abdulrahman545
    • 1 hét telt el

    السلام عليكم،

    • 1 hét telt el
  • mamoons3
    • 1 hét telt el


    • 1 hét telt el
  • mamoons3
    • 1 hét telt el


    • 1 hét telt el
  • zahrakhanum6192
    • 1 hét telt el

    Check my entry #32 .

    • 1 hét telt el
  • JeromeUrbainGPC
    A verseny kiírója:
    • 1 hét telt el

    the source I already have is
    I am not sure it is official nor up-to-date though, so either looking for a source that has those properties, or some confirmation that list is trustworthy (exhaustive and up-to-date)

    • 1 hét telt el
    1. salama86egy
      • 1 hét telt el

      Hello friend

      This list is from Wikipedia. and not up to date

      I'll try to get you a better one.

      • 1 hét telt el
    2. muneeb720213
      • 1 hét telt el

      check my entry #20 , #27

      • 1 hét telt el
  • salama86egy
    • 1 hét telt el

    Kindly Check Entry #23

    • 1 hét telt el
  • vv1429303
    • 1 hét telt el

    I have Collect 104 Iraq City/ Town with Governorate In csv file Please Check my entry #16 by Vijay V.

    • 1 hét telt el
  • vv1429303
    • 1 hét telt el

    Please Check My Entry #12 by Vijay V.
    I have contacted these 105 towns/cities and 23 governorates in csv file.

    • 1 hét telt el
  • arshik27
    • 1 hét telt el

    Please check my entry #9. Contact me so we can connect.

    • 1 hét telt el
  • msmahmud64
    • 1 hét telt el

    Check entry #7, postal code is verified and I can complete the task with very quick turnaround.

    • 1 hét telt el

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