I'm fifteen years experienced teaching Chemical Engineering. My specialty is Chemical Engineering problem solving in Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Separation Processes, Chemical Reactors, Material and Energy Balances and Process Control with computational tools like Maple, Matlab, and Mathcad and commercial simulator software like Aspen Plus, Aspen Hysys, Pro/II, and Chemcad. In addition, my mother language is spanish so I'm able to do translations English-Spanish.
Como siempre Ronald el mejor en su campo, rápido, implicado y eficiente.
[08 December, 2023] Como siempre Ronald cumpliendo sus expectativas. Dedicación, comprometido y eficiente, una de los mejores profesionales con los que trabaje.
The teaching of chemical engineering is not easy, but the learning of it is a grateful feeling. Currently I teach Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Applied Thermodynamics and Physical Chemistry.
9月, 2016 - 10月, 2019
3 年, 1 个月
Academic Scholar of Environmental Sanitation Laboratory
9月, 2014 - 7月, 2016
1 年, 10 个月
Universidad de Los Andes
9月, 2014 - 7月, 2016
1 年, 10 个月
The goal of this job was to teach civil engineering students the basic priciples of experiments in chemistry and water engineering like solutions preparation, solutions titrations, DBO, DQO, Hardness, etc.
9月, 2014 - 7月, 2016
1 年, 10 个月
Basic Calculus Teacher Assistant
9月, 2007 - 7月, 2009
1 年, 10 个月
Universidad de Los Andes
9月, 2007 - 7月, 2009
1 年, 10 个月
This job consisted in teach additional math excercises to engineering students who course the first semesters of engineering.