Wordpress Developer, Translation From Nepali To English and English to Nepali, Wordpress Theme Development, CSS HTML and Graphic Design and Article writing.
Website Designer/ Developer Worked in the Wordpress platform..Used the concept of Landing page builder. Did several Design works regarding Busniess card. Advertisement banner design.
12月, 2012 -现在
12 年, 3 个月
Web Designer, Front End Developer
11月, 2014 - 2月, 2021
6 年, 3 个月
Midas Technologies Pvt. Ltd
11月, 2014 - 2月, 2021
6 年, 3 个月
Website Design, And Web application User Interface Design.
11月, 2014 - 2月, 2021
6 年, 3 个月
Tribhuvan Vishwavidalaya
2010 - 2013
3 年
B.A Major English and Sociology and Antrhopology
2010 - 2013
3 年
Tribhuvan Vishwavidalaya
2006 - 2010
4 年
B.E Computer
2006 - 2010
4 年
Net Detective
Kyrion Securities
Ethical hacking workshop organized by Kyrion Securities India
Love letter writing competion winner
The kathmandu post
Won competition on the the Kathmandu post for the love letter competition held on valentine's day 2006