阿拉伯语翻译人员 Jobs

Do you have a project that requires translation between Arabic and another language? An Arabic Translator is equipped with the skills to bring your project to life by providing translation services with native fluency to ensure accuracy and consistency.

Arabic Translator can help clients with a range of tasks, from translating conversations and text for legal documents, proofreading and editing manuscripts, creating user-friendly instructions for smartphone apps and websites, to localizing products for a new market and much more!

Here's some projects that our expert Arabic Translators made real:

  • Create easy to understand instructions in both English and Arabic
  • Provide accurate translations from English to Arabic
  • Edit and proofread large manuscript documents
  • Translate medical patient materials into multiple languages
  • Design creative logos for brand names in both English and Arabic
  • Convert hand writing images into an Excel document
  • Write standard protocols and procedures in Arabic
  • Develop comprehensive advertising campaigns across multiple platforms in different languages.

Thanks to the expertise of our professional freelance translators on Freelancer.com, businesses around the world have been able to effectively translate their message or products into multiple languages. If you’re ready to expand your reach into the Arab speaking market, posting a project on Freelancer.com is an easy way to access competitive bids from native translators who have years of experience in the field of professional translation.

从65,309个评价中,客户给我们的 Arabic Translators 打了4.91,共5星。
雇佣 Arabic Translators

Do you have a project that requires translation between Arabic and another language? An Arabic Translator is equipped with the skills to bring your project to life by providing translation services with native fluency to ensure accuracy and consistency.

Arabic Translator can help clients with a range of tasks, from translating conversations and text for legal documents, proofreading and editing manuscripts, creating user-friendly instructions for smartphone apps and websites, to localizing products for a new market and much more!

Here's some projects that our expert Arabic Translators made real:

  • Create easy to understand instructions in both English and Arabic
  • Provide accurate translations from English to Arabic
  • Edit and proofread large manuscript documents
  • Translate medical patient materials into multiple languages
  • Design creative logos for brand names in both English and Arabic
  • Convert hand writing images into an Excel document
  • Write standard protocols and procedures in Arabic
  • Develop comprehensive advertising campaigns across multiple platforms in different languages.

Thanks to the expertise of our professional freelance translators on Freelancer.com, businesses around the world have been able to effectively translate their message or products into multiple languages. If you’re ready to expand your reach into the Arab speaking market, posting a project on Freelancer.com is an easy way to access competitive bids from native translators who have years of experience in the field of professional translation.

从65,309个评价中,客户给我们的 Arabic Translators 打了4.91,共5星。
雇佣 Arabic Translators


    18 找到工作

    I'm in need of a freelancer to help copy text from an online file to my restaurant's food menu. Ideal Skills: - Attention to detail - Data entry experience - Familiarity with online content management systems Please note that the menu items do not have any special dietary labels.

    $140 Average bid
    $140 平均报价
    102 个竞标

    I need to edit 40 min video (before editing with filler words .. etc) in ARABIC LANGUAGE ONLY (PLEASE IF YOU DONT SPEAK ARABIC THEN THIS PROJECT DOESNT FIT YOU) and to be delivered in 9 HOURS TOPS

    $1065 Average bid
    $1065 平均报价
    32 个竞标

    We are looking for someone to create a series of classes designed to teach Arabic for beginners (adults) with a focus on making the learning experience both fun and interactive. The course should also integrate cultural elements from Egypt, Syria, the UAE, and Morocco, including topics like food, music, and traditions. The course will consist of 20 presentations, each lasting under one hour. These presentations should be structured to develop the four essential language skills: speaking, listening, writing, and reading. Each session should engage learners in a variety of activities that promote language acquisition through practical use, cultural exposure, interaction and the most Non-Negotiable part is: Creating a context where learners can practice the language (at the airport - at the ...

    $1632 Average bid
    $1632 平均报价
    16 个竞标

    برزنتيشن تعريفي عن جهه يشمل الاهداف الرؤية والرسالة كي يتسنى عرضه على جهات خارجية وبألوان محددة تماشي تيم الجهه

    $762 Average bid
    $762 平均报价
    73 个竞标

    This is what the Project will cover: A website that will have a basic niche of security for ordinary people. What i Need is a mostly automated site, news aggregator, click-bank store with affiliate products and a GIG platform so people can seach for , hire and provide services in the of Gigs that generally cover the niche of security, cyber and other wise, with a general world focus. For The website, which combines a news aggregator, a Fiverr-style gig platform, and affiliate marketing, I want to address the following niches. Geopolitics and Tech Surveillance: Build a website focusing on news related to global politics, especially the intersection of technology and geopolitics (e.g., supply chain risks, tech surveillance, and data privacy). Aggregate breaking news on tech weapo...

    $93 / hr Average bid
    $93 / hr 平均报价
    36 个竞标

    We are seeking experienced English-Arabic translators to participate in a paid research study focused on evaluating and improving machine-translated texts. ? Project Overview: This study aims to assess the effectiveness and challenges of post-editing machine translations from English to Arabic across various domains (Technical, Legal, Medical, General). ? Tasks Required: 1. Manual Translation: • Translate four texts manually from English to Arabic without using any machine translation tools. • Each text is approximately 500 words and represents one of the following domains: • Technical • Legal • Medical • General 2. Post-Editing: • Review and edit 12 machine-translated versions of the same four texts, translated by three different machine translation...

    $155 Average bid
    $155 平均报价
    41 个竞标

    I'm looking for a skilled bilingual (Arabic & English) data entry specialist who can assist in populating a job portal with job listings. Key Responsibilities: - Entering job listings into a specified job portal - Including fields such as Job title and description, Salary and benefits, Location and type Ideal Candidate Should: - Be fluent in both Arabic and English - Have experience with data entry - Familiar with job portal - Detail-oriented and able to follow instructions precisely

    $995 Average bid
    $995 平均报价
    54 个竞标

    I'm seeking an Arabic speaking freelancer to assist with project management, specifically in allocating human resources. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Arabic - Strong project management background - Excellent interpersonal skills for human resource allocation - Understanding of human resource management principles Your responsibilities will include: - Identifying staffing requirements for projects - Allocating human resources based on project needs - Communicating effectively with Arabic-speaking team members and stakeholders.

    $7882 Average bid
    $7882 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    "أحتاج شخص ذو خبرة ممتازة في التفريغ الصوتي لتسجيلات باللغة العربية "تفريغ الصوت لنص سيتم العمل على برنامج معين للتفريغ ، بعد المقابلة و إرسال عينات لأعمالك السابقة سيتم إرسال تعليمات لكيفية عمل البرنامج وكيف ستقوم بالتفريغ لابد من الالتزام بالمعايير بدقة عالية سيتم عمل اختبار ل 4 دقائق من التسجيل للتأكد من الالتزام العالي بالمعايير والتعليمات بدقة عالية جدا كل ساعة تفريغ ستكون ب15$ **** المشروع طويل من يثبت نفسه بالاختبار سيعمل على مشروع كبير ولكن المهمة الأولى بالتفريغ ستكون الفاصلة هل سيكمل أم لا "بناءً على تقييم أصحاب المشروع " أرجو ممن يتقدم أن يكون موافق على ما تم ذكره بالأعلى

    $132 / hr Average bid
    $132 / hr 平均报价
    28 个竞标

    I am seeking a skilled translator to convert a range of documents from Arabic to English and vice versa. The documents primarily include marketing materials and personal documents. - Document Types: The translation work will cover marketing materials, which require an understanding of promotional language and branding, as well as personal documents that may include various types of correspondence. - Word Count: The total word count of the documents to be translated is between 1,000 to 5,000 words. - Ideal Skills: Proficiency in both Arabic and English is a must, with demonstrated experience in translating marketing materials and personal documents. An understanding of legal terminology is beneficial, as some personal documents may be of a legal nature. Strong writing skills in English are...

    $365 Average bid
    $365 平均报价
    11 个竞标

    Hola! Soy Angel Ayoub, Diseñador Gráfico. Estoy aquí para ayudarte a dar vida a tus ideas con mi pasión por el diseño.. Servicios que ofrezco: * Material publicitario: Flyers, banners y posters. * Redes sociales: Contenidos visuales y videos creativos para aumentar tu presencia en línea. * Manejo de Photoshop e Illustrator. ¿Por qué elegirme? * Creatividad sin límites. * Compromiso total con tu satisfacción. * Comunicación constante durante todo el proceso. Si estás listo para transformar tus ideas en realidad, ¡hablemos!

    $62 / hr Average bid
    $62 / hr 平均报价
    9 个竞标

    I need a designer who can add some Arabic text to my current logo in a sleek, professional and stylish manner.

    $179 Average bid
    $179 平均报价
    87 个竞标

    I'm looking for a professional with expertise in Kaithi translation. The task involves translating a single page from Hindi to Kaithi. Key Requirements: - Native or fluent in Hindi and Kaithi - Proven experience in translation - Able to deliver high-quality and accurate translations Please note that this is a personal project, not for a business or enterprise.

    $249 Average bid
    $249 平均报价
    12 个竞标

    I need a phone interpreter for a personal call from Bulgarian to English. The call is expected to last less than 30 minutes. Key details: - The interpreter should use standard Bulgarian. - The call needs to be made today as soon as possible. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in English and standard Bulgarian. - Previous experience as a phone interpreter. - Ability to handle personal conversations with discretion. - Availability for immediate call.

    $249 / hr Average bid
    $249 / hr 平均报价
    6 个竞标

    This video looks at how mindfulness and other health techniques are used in hospitals. It talks about how mental health is becoming more important along with physical health, especially in places with a lot of stress, like hospitals and clinics. The public and healthcare professionals may both gain a lot from learning about the studies that look at how fitness and awareness can improve health results and quality of life in general. People who can correctly translate these thoughts into Arabic while keeping the original sense are being looked for. You will work with a hardworking group of writers, content developers, and healthcare experts as a healthcare language specialist to make sure that the Arabic version of the program gets to the right people. In addition to interpreting writing, y...

    $225 / hr Average bid
    $225 / hr 平均报价
    12 个竞标
    Bilingual Social Media Scriptwriter
    18 小时 left

    I'm looking for a creative scriptwriter with over 2 years of experience to craft engaging scripts for my Facebook and Instagram pages. Key Requirements: - Bilingual: Native level fluency in both Arabic and English is crucial. - Creative Scriptwriting: Able to write scripts in a 'talking head' and 'sketch style'. - Engagement Focused: Primary focus on scripts for interactive posts like questions and polls. Ideal candidates will have a knack for creating appealing, relatable scripts that can capture the audience's attention and encourage interaction.

    $948 Average bid
    $948 平均报价
    34 个竞标

    I am seeking a skilled writer who is proficient in Arabic. The project primarily involves writing and translation tasks. While it was not specified, a background in article or blog writing would be beneficial, as the content may be of that nature. Ideal skills include: - Exceptional command of Arabic writing - Experience in writing and translation - Creativity and ability to produce engaging content - Understanding of cultural nuances in language I look forward to collaborating with you on this project.

    $140 / hr Average bid
    $140 / hr 平均报价
    64 个竞标
    Content writers
    已经结束 left

    need professional article proofreader and writers for an ongoing project. selected freelancers have to write 10000 words per week. before selecting you have to face for a small sample task. English to Saudi Arabic Translation Thave 28 captions per month that would like translating from English to Saudi Arabic. Price is non-negotiable, please only apply if you can speak Saudi Arabic. Simple, straightforward task, can start ASAP

    $2752 Average bid
    $2752 平均报价
    12 个竞标
