Web content writers in doha工作


    2,000 web content writers in doha 找到工作

    I need to develop an app and web version of adult content sharing.

    $4034 Average bid
    $4034 平均报价
    45 个竞标

    CN2022080001,台州西勒卫浴,ENG 1500 words x2

    $779 Average bid
    $779 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    嗨 Truthful Translation , 我想要邀请您来完成我的项目。更多细节我们可以稍后通过聊天交流。

    $779 Average bid
    $779 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    投标前请务必仔细阅读以下的内容, 并且附上 100 字左右的中文个人简介。 【 工作要求 】 我们已经有一套既定的文案模式, 是透过全面市场分析后所拟定的, 只要跟着我们的步骤和指示完成文案就好。 在写作上,你并不需要十分精通中文, 更不需要天花乱坠的用词, 只需要擅长写广告,文笔简单直白、富有创意, 即使是同一个产品,也懂得用上万种的题材切入,吸引客户的目光,领导他们阅读文案。 【 酬劳 】 我们的酬劳将在彼此取得一定的信任和合作默契以后提高至 35% - 50%, 目前 10,000 字是 10 美元,分为 10 个篇幅,每篇幅度只需 1,000 字左右。 每周至少需要 30 篇,多劳多得。 如果你具备这些要求,也接纳目前的酬劳数额,欢迎随时投标,谢谢。

    $475 Average bid
    $475 平均报价
    12 个竞标
    Project for Writers Club
    已经结束 left

    您好,Writers Club。我留意到了你的简历,想让您参与我的项目。我们可以讨论一下项目的细节。

    $55 / hr Average bid
    $55 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    Project for Writers Forum
    已经结束 left

    你好Writers Forum,我注意到你的个人资料并想把我的项目给你。我们可以通过交流来讨论任何细节。

    $1293 Average bid
    $1293 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    Project for Writers Forum
    已经结束 left

    你好Writers Forum,我注意到你的个人资料并想把我的项目给你。我们可以通过交流来讨论任何细节。

    $78 Average bid
    $78 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    Recruit English writers
    已经结束 left

    我公司是一家面对境外从事英文写作服务的机构,专业涵盖广泛,任务稳定,类型主要为Essay, Report等,工资按篇结算周期短,时间弹性大。现招聘有经验的英语写手。   酬劳:200-500元/千单词,视写作水平而定。   注意事项:   1.必须有澳洲,英国,加拿大或美国等国家的学科作业或论文写作经验,拒绝翻译写作,无经验的不予考虑;   2. 我们希望长期合作,只为解决手头暂时拮据而来应聘的,不予考虑;   3.时间充足,能提供详细联系方式;   4.责任心强,不应付,一旦发现应付,解除合作关系;   5.遵循客户要求,按时交稿,不拖稿,拖稿两次以上(含两次),解除合作;   6、做到后期耐心修改和指导。   7、熟悉金融,会计,计算机,法律,护理等专业知识的优先考虑,熟悉SPSS,Eviews等计量统计软件优先考虑,。   [Removed by Freelancer.com Admin - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions]

    $1176 Average bid
    $1176 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    公司是从事全球海外留学生英文写作辅导的大型网络公司,现由于公司扩张,急需高薪招聘英文写作人员,接受各个专业领域的人才,待遇丰厚。 本公司招聘各个领域的写作人才,涵盖各个专业:商科、金融、数学、市场营销、法律、文学、经济、会计、政治、物流、计算机科学、数据基础、编程、信息系统、电子商务、人力资源、旅游、公司治理、物流管理、供应链管理、法律、管理业务管理、国际贸易等。 一、任职要求: 1.学历要求:目前仅接受国内研究生及以上(条件优秀的本科生亦可),及优秀的海外大学留学生。 2.英语水平要求: 国内大学英语六级以上,或者英语专业专八良好,国外雅思6.5分及以上,托福95以上。(请注意,本公司只接受英文原创写作人员,而不是简单的中英翻译,了解国外写作格式,有留学生原创写作经验优先) 3.专业要求范围:商科、管理、金融、工商管理、数学、人力、市场营销、法律、文学、经济、会计、政治、物流、计算机、教育、国贸、统计、 MBA等。要是你会数据分析类、如PYTHON、EVIEWS,SPSS,STATA,MATLAB等将是本公司着重培养人才!薪资将会比普通专业的更加丰厚! 4.态度要求:热爱写作,诚信负责,工作积极配合。具备良好的职业道德,具有充足的写作时间。 为什么选择我们? 本公司不限工作时间、不限工作地点、工作灵活,接tasks后,只要能在规定时间完成即可!工资丰厚!所有的工作地点和时间均由你自己安排,任务由你选择接与不接,推荐给你的单接或不接不影响下一次接单,工资结算在稿件截稿日之日完成。欢迎加入我们公司,希望广大贤士能来共创事业! 微信:tianxun1 QQ:2942613125

    $374 Average bid
    $374 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    专业要求:商科(数据分析,金融工程,统计方向优先)、法律、计算机 (python,编程代码类优先)、数学,编程,历史,艺术,地理等以及能够写综合专业类的,要求英文功底强。 态度要求:热爱英文写作,具有认真负责的工作态度,有手机联系方式;良好的个人诚信,责任心强;有充足的空闲时间写作,拥有可供自已支配的电脑并且上网方便。 工作内容及职责: 1.长期从事英文写作文章,且全英文写作能力强,能独立查找文献资料,能独立完成文章写作(英语六级550以上,雅思写作单科6.5,以上,专八良好及以上) 2.主要负责国外大学的essay,paper需了解国外大学的论文格式,文献格式,以及注释;有写留学生原创Report、Essay经验。 3.学历要求硕士及以上,国内优秀的大学毕业也可,欢迎海外归来的优秀留学生。 4.有诚信,准时完成任务,保证稿件质量; 具备良好的职业道德,没有抄袭成分; 5.不是翻译,是写作工作,没有经验的或是只会翻译的我们将不给与答复。)初始酬劳优厚,长期合作人员薪酬将逐步提高。 优势: 工作时间和地点都是不限的,任务由你选择接与不接,我们会推送单子和任务给你,但是不接不影响下一次接单,工资 结算在稿件截稿日之日完成,特殊情况两日之内结清。如果你有数据分析、法律、计算机、数学,编程,历史,艺术,地理等方面的留学经历。对自己的ESSAY颇有心得,具有敏锐的直觉,有比较强的责任心,有充足的时间,欢迎投递简历给我们。 微信:tianxun1 QQ:2942613125

    $779 Average bid
    $779 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    你好Writers Forum,我注意到你的个人资料并想把我的项目给你。我们可以通过交流来讨论任何细节。

    $577 Average bid
    $577 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    Project for Writers Forum
    已经结束 left

    你好Writers Forum,我注意到你的个人资料并想把我的项目给你。我们可以通过交流来讨论任何细节。

    $1909 Average bid
    $1909 平均报价
    1 个竞标


    $132 Average bid
    $132 平均报价
    9 个竞标


    $210 Average bid
    $210 平均报价
    7 个竞标
    website content writing
    已经结束 left


    $132 Average bid
    $132 平均报价
    6 个竞标

    SEO软文写作要求规范: 1、文章围绕关键词进行原创,不得抄袭,负面等 2、文章主内容500字/篇,每篇含1-3个关键词, 每个关键词出现至少一次, 要自然不勉强; 3、每篇另加meta关键词5-6个; meta 标题(30字左右) 和描述文(80字左右), 各要求出现一次关键词; 4、文章根据关键词,围绕行业经验等进行写作,不得写作没有一点用的口水文 5、文章中不得写别的公司、论坛、网站等信息 6、文章病句错字尽量减少,整体符合逻辑 7、文章可以参考网络知识,但不可抄袭,要保证文章原创度 8 、以英語溝通 (電郵或skype)

    $366 Average bid
    $366 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    SEO软文写作要求规范: 1、文章围绕关键词进行原创,不得抄袭,负面等 2、文章主内容500字/篇,每篇含1-3个关键词, 每个关键词出现至少一次, 要自然不勉强; 3、每篇另加meta关键词5-6个; meta 标题(30字左右) 和描述文(80字左右), 各要求出现一次关键词; 4、文章根据关键词,围绕行业经验等进行写作,不得写作没有一点用的口水文 5、文章中不得写别的公司、论坛、网站等信息 6、文章病句错字尽量减少,整体符合逻辑 7、文章可以参考网络知识,但不可抄袭,要保证文章原创度 8、需與外國人以英語溝通 (電郵或skype)

    $3615 Average bid
    $3615 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    Build chinese content sharing platform for users to write and share posts for certain ads revenue sharing. Examples:

    $4900 Average bid
    $4900 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    Chinese: 需要做3份小册子,每本是8-12面, 内容包含公司介绍,产品特性表示,以故事来引起读者的关心。总共3本,每本不过1000字 English: Need to do three pamphlets, each of the 8-12 surface, contains content company, product features, said in stories to arouse the reader's interest. A total of three, but each of the 1000 words

    $7861 Average bid
    $7861 平均报价
    17 个竞标
    Content Writing
    已经结束 left

    We have an Arabic Musical Instruments forum. We would like to have there a professional posts regarding these musical instruments. The post's must be 100% relevant to the Arabic Musical Instruments and should help to attract many Arabic musical instruments players. We need 6 professional posts per day.

    $62 Average bid
    $62 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    Development of a celluar phone and WeChat login module+ WeChat and Weibo content sharing feature for a Chinese H5 website That's it, quite simple. Interested candidates can visit to better understand what's our application about, just a reference.

    $234 - $1948
    $234 - $1948
    0 个竞标
    Chinese Content Writing
    已经结束 left

    i am looking for Chinese writer for my website in simplified word. Around 50-60 words for 1 video. 50 video to be done at the moment. Content need to be fresh. Long term job. prefer somebody who is chinese educated waiting for your bid.

    $1044 Average bid
    $1044 平均报价
    13 个竞标

    Need to translate below Chinese simplify language content to English: 1. 楠迪国际投资控股集团是英国亿世界国际控股集团,龙领企业集团有限公司,印度尼西亚楠迪国际地产集团,在分析国际经济发展趋势,综合国际经济发展形势和国际经济发展现状,强强联手,合力打造的超规模跨国企业王国。 集团秉承:"求同存异,公平公正,健康发展,共铸辉煌"的合作方略,"为世界经济的复苏和发展作贡献"的企业发展宗旨,将企业集团打造成为世界经济的复苏和发展作贡献的平台,服务世界,造福人类! 在全球经济一体化进程中,集团旗下产业发展迅速,主营业务领域:矿业,石油业,航空业,地产业,科技业,交通运输业,百货业,酒店业等等 今天我们奉行"进取,求实,严谨,团结"的方针,不断开拓创新,以技术为核心,视质量为生命,奉用户为上帝,竭诚为您提供性价比最高的品牌及无微不至的服务. 2. 楠迪国际集团主席兼集团首席执行员 ALLEN HARTONO是主席兼集团首席执行员 他是一位成功的企业家,业务编佈在英国,中国,印度尼西亚,马来西亚,泰国,柬埔寨等多个国家, 集团主席思想解放,观念超前,擅长利用现代科学理论和方法,对国际企业进行组织架构,体制,机制创新,在企业实际基础上建立现代企业制度,实现资产重组,提高企业的运行效率和经营效益,使企业走上可永久持续发展的良性轨道.被誉为现代企业制度的"先行官"。 他也是一位精明和经验丰富的投资家,,熟悉商业市场,,科学投资决策,,规划实体战略,整合人脉资源,在他的专业和行政精英团队的领导下,"达至目标,共享成果"将发挥至淋漓尽致. 楠迪国际集团副主席 ...

    $1753 Average bid
    $1753 平均报价
    10 个竞标

    Check out: You see the following phrases: 缘分是前世感情的延续, 缘分是今世的擦肩而过。 缘分是前世不变的誓言, 缘分是今生痛苦的约定。 缘分是一次机遇的把握, 缘分是一种爱慕的流逝。 缘分是相遇时美好梦想, 缘分是别离后苦涩回忆 I need 500 10-12 word phrases on 缘分.

    $1122 Average bid
    $1122 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    I'm an entrepreneur in need of assistance with content marketing, specifically focusing on social media. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in content creation for social media - Solid understanding of various social media platforms - Excellent creative writing skills - Ability to strategize and implement a content plan - Experience in growing brand presence on social media

    $950 Average bid
    $950 平均报价
    41 个竞标

    ...passionate about creating captivating content? MANPRIYA Jewellery is seeking a versatile do-it-all content creator with a flair for storytelling and a love for fine jewellery. We've been immersed in crafting our unique pieces, but now we need your creative touch to bring our brand's story to life through engaging content. Job Type: Part-time; hybrid role; London based Key Responsibilities: Develop engaging content for our socials and email campaigns. Interview and film captivating customer stories, highlighting their unique connections to our jewellery. Design email campaigns Bring our brand to life! About You: You don’t need to have experience working in social media or fine jewellery , but you do need to have demonstrable s...

    $3412 Average bid
    $3412 平均报价
    32 个竞标

    I'm looking for a passionate developer or team to create an Android app and a corresponding web app focused on content sharing, specifically videos. Key Features: - This platform will primarily share videos. Therefore, video uploading, viewing, liking, sharing, and commenting functionalities are essential. - The platform should also have features for managing photos and images. This includes image editing tools, user tagging, and a system for photo albums and categorization. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing Android apps and web applications. - Strong understanding and experience in building content sharing platforms. - Proficiency in implementing image editing tools and user tagging mechanisms. - Previous...

    $86 / hr Average bid
    $86 / hr 平均报价
    3 个竞标
    ASMR Content Creation
    6 天 left

    I need a girl to record asmr videos for a new youtube channel. No experience or special equipment required (can use phone) 18-25 years old

    $140 Average bid
    $140 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    I'm in need of an SEO specialist who can significantly increase the traffic to my new website, primarily by attracting new visitors through content marketing. Your role will focus on enhancing the site's visibility and search engine ranking, with the ultimate aim of boosting the number of unique visitors to the site. Key Responsibilities: - Implement effective SEO strategies to improve the website's search engine ranking and online visibility. - Develop and execute a content marketing plan aimed at attracting new visitors. - Monitor, analyze and report on website traffic and SEO performance. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in SEO and content marketing. - Strong understanding of search engine algorithms and ranking strategies. - Excelle...

    $15519 Average bid
    $15519 平均报价
    75 个竞标

    Job Duties: • Develop high-quality, interactive HTML5 materials for e-Learning program development, including photos, videos, 360 walk-throughs, diagrams, exercises, assessments, etc. • Collaborate with project leads, content writers, subject matter experts, and instructional designers to deliver cutting-edge e-learning and course content. • Create and/or redesign PowerPoint-formatted training content or storyboards into interactive e-learning modules. • Ensure consistency of content across all training materials. • Align developed content with branding standards. • Ensure content is simple, concise, clear, and appropriate for the training audience. Experience and Education • Minimum 5 years of experience w...

    $273 / hr Average bid
    $273 / hr 平均报价
    6 个竞标

    Homepage Content for AlLahjah Institute Color: #711011 Design Prototype link Hero Section: Headline: "Learn Emirati Arabic ? Speak like a local!" Subheadline: "? Interactive & Fun Classes | Online or Face-to-Face ?? Embrace Emirati culture with expert instructors. Join our engaging classes for kids and adults at all proficiency levels." Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons: "Book Your Free Trial Class Today" "Message Us" (WhatsApp Icon) Supporting Image: Smiling students engaged in a virtual and classroom learning experience. Why Learn with AlLahjah Institute? At AlLahjah Institute, we specialize in teaching Emirati Arabic to students of all ages and backgrounds. Here’s what sets us apart: Expert Instructors: Native Em...

    $779 Average bid
    11 项参赛作品

    I'm seeking a dedicated social media expert in Indonesia with a strong focus on Instagram. The project involves comprehensive management of my account aimed at content creation, follower growth and ad campaign management. Your role would include: - Creating engaging content, primarily focusing on images, videos and Stories/Reels. - Strategically growing my follower base - Managing and optimizing ad campaigns Ideal candidates should have a proven track record in Instagram marketing, excellent content creation skills and experience with ad campaign management. A creative mindset and ability to produce appealing visual content is crucial. Please provide examples of previous successful campaigns you've managed.

    $1091 Average bid
    $1091 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    I'm looking for a skilled writer to craft engaging and insightful blog posts focused on technology. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in technology - Proven experience in writing blog content - Ability to make complex topics accessible and interesting

    $148 / hr Average bid
    $148 / hr 平均报价
    38 个竞标

    ...implementare una strategia di social media mirata ad aumentare l’engagement. Creare, modificare e pubblicare immagini di alta qualità e pertinenti. Monitorare, rispondere e interagire con i follower. Competenze e esperienza ideali: Esperienza comprovata nella gestione dei social media, in particolare su Facebook, Instagram e Twitter. Ottime competenze di graphic design, con esperienza nella creazione di immagini accattivanti per i social media. Eccellenti capacità di comunicazione, con la capacità di interagire con i follower in modo amichevole e professionale. Si tratta di una piccola casa editrice....

    $394 Average bid
    $394 平均报价
    13 个竞标

    I'm looking for a talented content creator to help me develop engaging videos and photos for my Instagram and YouTube accounts. Your responsibilities will involve: - Creating high-quality visual content using Photoshop, Lightroom, CapCut, and other resources. - Developing content that is appealing and relevant to my target audience on these platforms. Ideal skills for the job: - Proficient in content creation software like Photoshop and Lightroom. - Experience with video editing software like CapCut. - Understanding of the Instagram and YouTube platforms and what kind of content works on them. - Creativity and ability to come up with unique ideas for content. Budget: ₹150-₹5000 INR.

    $86 / hr Average bid
    $86 / hr 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    I'm seeking dedicated digital marketers for my agency. Candidates must have their own active Facebook or Instagram pages, and reside in Tamil Nadu for potential preference. Key Requirements: - I give 10 to 30% commision from the lead you generate. - Strong focus on generating 100% organic leads. - Expertise in promoting via posts and stories. - Primary goal is to generate sales through these leads. Please note, I am strict about the quality of leads. Fake accounts and inactive followers are not acceptable.

    $1659 Average bid
    $1659 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    I'm looking for a skilled content writer with virtual assistant experience to help with my SaaS project. - Blog Posts: I need engaging blog posts written that cover product features, industry trends, and user case studies. - SEO Assistance: Your role will also involve helping with SEO tasks, primarily keyword research. Ideal candidates should have: - Strong writing skills with a knack for tech content - Experience in SEO and keyword research - Understanding of SaaS industry - Virtual assistant experience.

    $78 / hr Average bid
    $78 / hr 平均报价
    10 个竞标

    I'm looking for a talented content creator who can write educational and informative blogs and web pages focused on health for the general public. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Exceptional writing and content creation skills - Strong understanding of health-related topics - Ability to simplify complex information for the general public - Experience in creating engaging and informative content - SEO knowledge to increase visibility of the content We will be paying $2 per article. Please do not apply if you are looking for more money. Use CODE 2601 in first line of response to be considered

    $39 / hr Average bid
    $39 / hr 平均报价
    59 个竞标

    I need my old website updated, focusing primarily on the design and layout, as well as the content and information. The design should be a mix of following my existing brand identity while also incorporating elements of a new rebrand. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in web design and development - Strong understanding of brand identity and rebranding - Excellent content creation and management skills

    $3905 Average bid
    $3905 平均报价
    121 个竞标

    ...increasing sales and driving website traffic. Key Tasks: - Develop and execute a social media strategy focusing on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tiktok, and YouTube - Create engaging video content to promote my brand and products - Implement effective SEO strategies to improve Google ranking - Conduct targeted Google and Facebook Ads campaigns - Track, analyze and report on performance metrics Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in social media marketing, particularly on the aforementioned platforms - Strong video content creation and editing skills - In-depth understanding of SEO and SEM - Proficient in Google Ads and Facebook Ads - Excellent analytical skills I'm looking for someone who can not only boost my brand awareness but ultimately inc...

    $865 Average bid
    $865 平均报价
    81 个竞标

    Content Writing • Article: "The Importance of SEO in Digital Marketing" (published on TechBlog) • Blog Post: "10 Tips for Improving Your Writing Skills" (published on WritingHub) • Website Content: ABC Corporation (created engaging and informative content for their website) Copywriting • Ad Copy: "Get Fit with Our Gym" (created for FitZone Gym) • Social Media Post: "Boost Your Sales with Our Marketing Tips" (created for MarketingPro) • Email Newsletter: "Stay Up-to-Date with Our Latest News" (created for NewsByte) Translation (English-Hindi) • Translated a website from English to Hindi for HindiWeb • Translated a brochure from English to Hindi for HindiCorp Blog Writing &bu...

    $67 - $111 / hr
    $67 - $111 / hr
    0 个竞标

    Are you an experienced musician with a keen ear for detail? Do you have Guitar Pro expertise and the ability to create precise tablatures? is looking for talented ProTab writers who can deliver Guitar Pro files that are perfectly synchronized with the original track. What will you do? As a Protab writer, you will transcribe songs and create interactive Guitar Pro files (GPX/GP5). These files will be used on to provide musicians with an accurate play-along experience, ensuring the tab stays in perfect sync with the original recording. Your tasks: ✔ Transcribe guitar and bass parts with correct notation and techniques from a youtube/vimeo video that we provide you. ✔ Ensure precise timing and synchronization with the original track ✔ Add dynamics, articulation

    $117 / hr Average bid
    $117 / hr 平均报价
    6 个竞标

    I have approximately 56 pages of content in PDF format that needs to be typed out into a .doc file. This document needs to be formatted as a court document, complete with line numbers, footnotes, and other necessary legal formatting elements. The PDF includes all formatting; I need you to replicate it in .doc. Specific requirements include: - Using Georgia, 13pt font throughout the document. - Including both headers and footers in the document, as well as footnotes - Consistently and accurately replicate the citations, including subsection symbol Ideal candidates for this project will have experience with legal document formatting and a strong attention to detail. Please ensure you have a good command of typing and document formatting software. The .pd...

    $904 Average bid
    $904 平均报价
    138 个竞标

    Project for writers club all instructions sent. please complete project before end of February 2025.

    $195 Average bid
    $195 平均报价
    25 个竞标

    ...and health content creator based in India, specializing in video content with a fun, peppy motivational style. This will be a long-term gig. You will be responsible for creating engaging and inspiring fitness and wellness videos that will be shared across my social media platforms - YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. 1 minute reels - 5 per week- related to fitness, wellness lifestyle and motivational 3 to 5 minute detailed fitness instructional video or wellness videos - 1 per week You will need to ideate on topics, create a script or just wing it, if you are confident in front of a camera Your ideal skills and experience should include: - Proven experience in video content creation (aspiring visual content creators may also bid)...

    $615 Average bid
    $615 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    We are a secondary school based in the North London Barnet area, and we are moving into our new building in September 2025. As part of our marketing campaign, we will be visiting the site with students and teachers on March 17th, 2025, and May 5th, 2025. We are seeking a social media video creation expert to attend these events and produce 4 or 5 short 30-second clips for us to post online, updating parents about the event. The clips will be like youtube shorts or tiktok style edits. This person will be responsible for capturing video, editing it, and making changes based on feedback.

    $9645 Average bid
    $9645 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    I'm looking for a talented social media manager and content creator to help promote my Shopify store across multiple platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Pinterest. Hovewer i wiil pay by comission Key Responsibilities: - Create engaging product posts that align with our existing branding guidelines - Schedule and manage posts across all platforms Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in social media management, specifically for eCommerce platforms - Exceptional content creation skills - Strong understanding of our brand to ensure consistency across all posts.

    $3093 Average bid
    $3093 平均报价
    49 个竞标

    I am in need of a creative and skilled social media content creator who specializes in lifestyle themes. The content will be primarily for Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, and will include posts, stories, and videos. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in creating engaging lifestyle content - Proficiency in content creation for Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube - Experience in producing a variety of content types including posts, stories, and videos - Strong understanding of social media trends and audience engagement strategies I am looking for someone who can help boost my social media presence through high-quality, relatable lifestyle content.

    $1815 Average bid
    $1815 平均报价
    20 个竞标

    I'm looking for an assistant speaking in Polish to help organise a conference focused on HR and Labor Law. We are seeking a detail-oriented and proactive freelancer to assist in content search and organizing conferences in Poland, with a focus on HR and labor law. This role is perfect for someone with a passion for research and a solid understanding of the HR and labor law landscape, particularly in identifying key speakers and trending topics in the field. The primary responsibilities will involve researching relevant content to be presented at the conference. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: • Content Research: Identify the most popular and influential speakers in the HR and labor law sectors. Analy...

    $841 Average bid
    $841 平均报价
    7 个竞标

    I'm in need of a multi-talented professional who can help with graphic design, video editing, and content writing. Graphic Design: - You'll be creating logos, working on branding material, and designing social media posts. Video Editing: - Tasks will include editing short clips, promotional videos, and reels. Content Writing: - I need engaging blog posts, ad copy, and social media captions. Skills and experience in all aforementioned tasks is crucial. You should have a keen eye for detail, creativity, and the ability to meet deadlines. Prior experience in virtual assistance is a plus, as tasks may also extend to data entry, scheduling, and email management.

    $242 / hr Average bid
    $242 / hr 平均报价
    43 个竞标