购买了一台安卓双屏设备,一面为竖屏,另一面为横屏。 想要做到的效果是当顾客用竖屏来自助点餐的同时,服务员也能用横屏的POS机来为其他的顾客点餐。 1. 尝试过在两个屏幕各跑一个app,竖屏跑自助点餐app,横屏跑POS app,但是自助点餐的单传不进去POS(在两台独立的安卓单屏机的情况下没有问题),怀疑是因为同一台设备两个app一样IP导致API收不到,然后尝试了localhost还是不行。 2. 尝试过只用一个app来投放双屏,即把自助点餐和POS都写在同一个app里面,然后用Display Manager来选择投放副屏。用了DartEntryPoint来设定副屏的main(),但是副屏的显示需要手动刷新(hot reload)才会显示,而且setState没有反应。 研究了很久一直没有突破口,也不确定哪个方向是对的,所以想找一位对安卓双屏异显POS有相对经验的人来教我实际的做法。
最近在建一个外卖送餐的网站,需要接入Xunhupay的(微信和支付宝)支付模块。 网站使用的是foodomaa的整站代码: 需要的技能有: Software Version: PHP 7.x Software Framework: Laravel File Types Included: JavaScript JSJavaScript JSON HTML CSS PHP SQL Layered PNG 如果您感兴趣,可以写信给我,价格好商量。 另外网站还有其它的一些改版工作要做,我们可以具体讨论一下能不能一并做。 等您回复哦……
LiteHTTP是一个 HTTP 机器人,正在 C# 中编程,基于 .NET 2.0 依赖项。 需要重新基于.net4.0依赖项。
两个项目: 第一个项目参观拍摄主要拍摄菜品 第二个项目公寓拍摄主要拍摄空间 _____ Two projects: The first project visit to shoot the main shooting dishes The second project apartment shoots the main shooting space
两个项目: 第一个拍摄一家餐厅大概12张/小时的频率出片 第二个是拍摄一所公寓以12张/一个半小时出片率 _____ Two projects: The first filming of a restaurant is about 12 frames per hour. The second is to shoot an apartment with 12 sheets / one and a half hours.
两个项目: 第一个拍摄一家餐厅大概12张/小时的频率出片 第二个是拍摄一所公寓以12张/一个半小时出片率 _____ Two projects: The first filming of a restaurant is about 12 frames per hour. The second is to shoot an apartment with 12 sheets / one and a half hours.
两个项目: 第一个拍摄一家餐厅大概12张/小时的频率出片 第二个是拍摄一所公寓以12张/一个半小时出片率 ____ Two projects: The first filming of a restaurant is about 12 frames per hour. The second is to shoot an apartment with 12 sheets / one and a half hours.
需要负责一个200平米左右的西餐厅设计(厨房面积50平米)。寻找有品味、有风格、注重细节的设计师。业主想要的方向可参考以下方向。本场地可提供Sketchup的三维平面。如感兴趣,请告知每平设计价格和设计所需时间 。 CHINESE SPEAKING- Need to be responsible for a Western restaurant design of about 200 square meters (the kitchen area is 50 square meters). Look for designers with taste, style and attention to detail. The directions that the owner wants can be referred to the following directions. The site can provide a three-dimensional plane of Sketchup. If you are interested, please let us know the price per design and the time required for design.
My restauarant is Cafeteria Nitinagin, in Chinese is 飞泰餐。 I want to design the membership card. Please use the following wording and structure I show below in , and (for logo). 集满2个印章即可兑换1杯饮品(奶茶,椰汁,维他奶,柠檬饮料或其它软饮) 集满20个印章即可兑换广州-曼谷单程机票 集满40个印章即可兑换广州-曼谷往返机票+曼谷1晚住宿 1. 您可享受曼谷三星级或以上酒店的住宿。 2. 您将从广州白云机场离境,乘坐亚航、狮航或春秋航空入境泰国。 3. 机票需至少提前30天订购,您可以选择微信或短信联系我们。 4. 若您有其他家庭成员或是朋友想一同前往泰国,我们可以帮您一起订购机票。
...争取记账权,并获得相应的奖励,也可以将其看成是一个向记录着数字资产过往交易的账本中添加新交易的过程。这一过程属于资源密集型和困难型。 以比特币为例,在其系统中,每隔两周挖矿难度就会根据这期间开采出来的区块数量而进行调整,将出块时间维持在10分钟左右,以保证系统的平衡。而矿工想要争取到区块链的记账权,获得相应奖励,就需要不断提高自己的算力,也就是计算出正确哈希值的速度,这将消耗大量电力。 最初,每个用户都可以通过运行原始的比特币客户端,来使用CPU进行挖矿。然而,随着挖矿算力不断提升,CPU挖矿的时代已经成为过去式,随之而来的是ASIC矿机挖矿和大规模集群挖矿的时代。 当然,除了POW挖矿之外,以POS为共识机制的数字资产也同样需要挖矿。只是在 PoS机制中,增加货币供应的过程分为两个部分,交易所开发Q周顾问3II2325834一部分是根据用户持有货币的数量和时间派发利息;另一部分才是类似于POW的挖矿过程,它基于交易输入和其他一些固定数据计算哈希值,挖矿难度与交易输入的“币龄”成反比。 在POW挖矿的过程中,将消耗大量的能源,来进行哈希运算以保证工作量的公平;而POS挖矿则在一定程度上节省了能源,但其依然需要进行挖矿,在本质上并没有解决商业应用的痛点。 【Tel+86/电:I38-235I-5578】 【企鹅Q:3II-2325-834】 【地址:广东省深圳市龙华区民治大道展滔科技大厦A栋15楼 】 【】 交易所搭建,数字资产交易系统搭建,数字资产交易平台搭建,数字资产交易系统网站搭建,数字资产OTC交易平台搭建,数字资产抵押平台搭建,区块链场外OTC交易平台搭建,区块链技术运用搭建,多币种钱包搭建,数字资产场外C2C平台搭建,数字资产币币撮合交易网站搭建,币币撮合交易所搭建,企业内部直播聊...
We have completed the graphic design and graphic materials, to speed up the project that want additional resource to help us to code for HTML 5 pages. - Adaptive HTML for mobile devices - Multi- environment support(Iphone 6 - 8, Iphone X and android phones) - Expected 2.5 weeks to complete entire page development, 0.5 weeks for testing and fixing - Basic test from developer before releasing every build to us. Final acceptance test will done by us - NDA is needed before start sharing project infomation 目前我们正在开发一个餐厅订单后台处理的平台,需要另外一名freelance来加速HTML5的开发进程。 - 目前我们已经完成了页面额设计和PS素材的制作,开发人员可以直接使用。 - 自适应网页制作,尤其是针对不同的移动设备(Iphone 6 - 8, Iphone X and android phones) - 希望在两周半的时候完成页面的开发(希望每两两天提交代码,以便早点检查和反馈),大概3-5天做验收测试和问题修复 - 希望开发人员会做基本的自测,确保发给我们验收的内容有一定的质量。当然我们也很希望开发者可用提出一些专业的建议和意见 - 需要和我们签订保密协议,在项目开始...
I have a restaurant website. need to be built something new.
我需要重建一个已有的网站 设计就可以了 小型企业网站 We are a POS system supplier for restaurant
如果你是安卓的反,反编译主和其他网络 通信集成插座的IP / TCP水平是比较高的,欢迎参加 项目。我们要做的事是进入大圆直播室,登录多个 客户以保持包的心跳;所以我们需要分析客户的大圆,反。不 只是安卓斗鱼客户端,和ISO版本的安卓平板电脑,可以试试;附件也有一个 详细介绍,如果你需要更多的了解,请与我沟通 长时间在线。
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'A story based on a background image'
我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作I need to develop a server based on websocket.'
/painting on the 5 meter long wall,in chinese restaurant
大家好, 我在找一个团队能帮忙设计与开发一个基于微信的体彩项目。附件是这个项目的需求文档,请查看。请申请者提供相关的作品,最好是关于彩票类,或是基于微信的二次开发相关工作。具体要求如下: >> 项目需求描述 1)功能:请见附件文档 2)周期:约2个月内完成文档内的功能(除游戏部分以外) >> 希望找到这样的团队 1)团队用中文对接需求,因为项目需求比较复杂,敬请谅解 2)有过微信开发,或者彩票类相关项目的开发经验 3)有产品设计师可以出设计稿(UI)与交互图(UE) 请根据附件文档,大致核算时间与费用,给我一份按模块的报价单。谢谢大家的时间! Ping
Requires a database that helps users in our company to organise different packaging specifications for each of our products. Since different customers require different packaging format of the same products, we need to be able to pick from existing packaging format or create new format for each customer. Requires the following functions. 1) Product overview (list all the items, and related different packaging specifications) 2) Functions that allow users to alter and add new packaging format for each item. 3) Functions that allow users to pick different products (and its respective forma) and output the selection to Excel or PDF 4) An import and export function that allows us to import all the existing packaging data into the database.
...classified website similar to Craigslist, however, it could mediate the transaction for the items, service (restaurant, housing, renting). The market and users are same as Craigslist. However, the design and function of the website is totally different from Craigslist. Mobile application function: During the website’s development, the mobile application should be well considered according to the website. Transaction: The transaction mechanism is similar to eBay, Amazon that the buyer will charged and the seller will get the money once the transaction is completed successfully. The design: The UI and design of the website is completed that there are over 100 web pages. There might be some issues with the design. However, you could improve the des...
制作一款虚拟币,名字:finercoin 简称fic区块时间:1分钟 难度调节:每区块 标准股息:1%/年 最小交易费:0.0001FIC 交易费支付给矿工 交易确认:10,成熟确认:500 最小股龄:8小时,数量无最大无限制 算法:scrypt 区块奖励:10000FIC,没有减半 最大数量:1000(该区块后,将不接受POW,只接受POS股息产生)
制作一款虚拟币,名字:finercoin 简称fic区块时间:1分钟 难度调节:每区块 标准股息:1%/年 最小交易费:0.0001FIC 交易费支付给矿工 交易确认:10,成熟确认:500 最小股龄:8小时,数量无最大无限制 算法:scrypt 区块奖励:10000FIC,没有减半 最大数量:1000(该区块后,将不接受POW,只接受POS股息产生)
I'm in need of an experienced app developer to help me create a web app focused on enhancing productivity. Key Requirements: - Expertise in web app development - Strong understanding of productivity tools - Ability to design intuitive and user-friendly interfaces - Experience in creating seamless, efficient, and high-performance applications Your bid will be evaluated based on your relevant experience, portfolio of similar projects, and understanding of productivity tools. Please include examples of previous web app projects you've completed, particularly those focused on productivity. Looking forward to your proposals.
TASK SUMMARY -------------------------- ***We are a company specialized in providing software solutions for various businesses and industries offering over 40 Software solutions dedicated to various industries (POS, Retail, HealthCare, Manufacturing, Travel ...) ***We seek to penetrate foreign markets gradually with the help of an expert marketer to guide us in a long term collaboration. *** We are currently focused on promoting our SoftMeal Solution dedicated to cafés, restaurants, bakeries, pastries .... -------------------------------------- SET GOAL: 8 Sales COMPENSATION PACKAGE : 2920 USD ALLOCATED DURATION: 3 - 4 Weeks ---------------------------------------- PROJECT DETAILS 1. SCOPE OF WORK The Service Provider will provide full marketing services and content managemen...
I'm seeking an experienced developer or team to create a cloud-based, multi-tenant (SAAS model), user-friendly CRM system. The front-end will be built using Angular, while the backend API will be developed using .NET Core. Key Requirements: - The CRM should manage various customer interactions, including email communications, phone call tracking, and live chat support. - It should incorporate sales pipeline management and automatic lead scoring as crucial sales tracking features. - The system needs to handle different types of leads: cold, warm, and hot. - The design must prioritize a user-friendly interface for end-users, coupled with a scalable backend. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Angular for front-end development. - Extensive experience with .NET Core for...
I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a web-based application that simplifies the creation of Word documents, specifically for tax documentation reports. Requirements: - Build a user-friendly e-commerce platform that allows for easy document creation and purchasing of additional features. - The web based application should let users add their data and generates word documents in a particular manner. - The web based application should enable user to add tables and the data to be linked. - Integrate a secure payment system for transactions. - Implement a content management system for users to save, edit and track their reports. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in web application development, preferably with e-com...
...and showcase their menus seamlessly. Project Overview The Menu SaaS App will be a comprehensive platform that includes: Landing Website Admin Dashboard Restaurant Dashboard Mobile App for the Menu (iOS and Android) Integrated Survey Feature The app should provide a streamlined flow for users: Flow Overview: Visit the landing page to explore the app's features. Sign up for an account and proceed to purchase a subscription. After successful payment, users are redirected to their restaurant dashboard. In the dashboard, users can: Choose a menu template (design/layout) for their restaurant, with the ability to change it later. Add restaurant information, create categories, and populate the menu with items. Users can download the mobile app and sign in w...
Will create a proper google form and sheet according to your requirements.
I'm seeking a skilled interior designer for my restaurant. The design should embody a rustic style, focusing on the dining area, entrance/lobby, and outdoor seating. Key Requirements: - Use of Natural Materials: The design should prominently feature wood and stone, creating an authentic rustic feel. - Incorporation of Vintage Decor: I want to see elements that reflect a vintage aesthetic, adding character and charm to the space. - Implementation of Warm Lighting: The lighting should contribute to a cozy, inviting atmosphere, typical of rustic design. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in interior design, particularly in the rustic style. - Strong understanding and ability to source and incorporate natural materials and vintage decor. - Excellent skills in lighting design, with...
Attached is a image of an icon. I would like a 256px x 256px version. It should have the same appearance but look good at that resolution.
I'm seeking a dynamic salesperson to market and sell our comprehensive suite of digital marketing services, which includes SEO, social media marketing, and Pay-per-click advertising. This role is commission-based, offering you the potential for significant earnings commensurate with your sales success. Key Responsibilities: - Drive sales across various platforms including Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Ads. - Cultivate relationships with potential clients and negotiate sales. Ideal Candidate: - Previous experience in digital marketing sales is essential. - Possesses strong communication and negotiation skills. - Has a proven track record of meeting sales targets. Skills and Experience: - In-depth understanding of digital marketing services. - Experience with Google ...
...record the outcomes of discussions - Time allocation per topic: to monitor the pacing of our meetings - Next meeting date: to ensure we're all on the same page for future discussions - Any other relevant sections that would enhance the template Special Sections Needed: - Summary of ideas: to encapsulate the brainstorming sessions - Health and safety notes: to document our commitment to safety - Restaurant feedback highlights: to incorporate input from our culinary partners - Driver feedback: to acknowledge the voices of our delivery personnel The ideal candidate should have a strong background in project management or business administration, with substantial experience in the food delivery industry. Excellent organizational and communication skills are essential for this ...
I'm in need of a modern styled, printable restaurant menu. Key Requirements: - Design of a printable menu - Adopting a modern style - Size of the menu to be A3 or A2 Ideal Skills: - Graphic design - Print design - Experience in restaurant menu design Please provide a portfolio of relevant work.
I'm in need of a talented graphic designer to create an 8-page, modern and sleek restaurant menu. The menu will cover full course meals, drinks, and desserts. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design - Menu Design - Restaurant Industry Knowledge - Modern Design Aesthetic - Color Theory Requirements: - The design should be bright and vibrant, steering clear of neutral or dark tones. - A keen understanding of modern and sleek design principles is essential. - Experience in the restaurant industry will be a significant advantage. - You should be skilled in color theory to create a visually appealing and cohesive design. Please provide a portfolio showcasing your relevant work.
I'd like to have a slide template design in ppt format matching logo design guidelines.
I'm seeking a talented Figma designer who can improve upon a provided sample. The focus will be on two card types that display key metrics. Key Requirements: - Improve design elements for enhanced visual appeal - Ensure a clean, modern, and user-friendly layout - Strict adherence to the provided mockups as inspiration Please avoid introducing random designs or themes that deviate from the sample's structure and intent. I'm open to your expertise, but if there are any doubts or clarifications required, please ask before proceeding to avoid misalignment with expectations. If the design meets expectations, we can collaborate further on additional requirements.
Brand Overview: Cabinett is a fresh, vibrant restaurant brand specializing in burgers, pizza, and a laid-back, freestyle dining experience. The name "Cabinett" evokes a sense of curated quality—a place where every meal is crafted with care and flavor in mind. The brand aims to combine fun and sophistication, appealing to food lovers of all ages. Logo Design Elements: Typography: A bold and modern sans-serif font to convey energy and approachability, with playful accents or custom lettering that give it a freestyle twist. Color Palette: Primary Colors: Warm red or orange tones to evoke appetite and excitement. Secondary Colors: Black or charcoal for a sleek, modern touch, paired with creamy beige to symbolize fresh bread and warmth. Symbol/Icon: A fun, minimalistic ...
I'm in need of a seasoned web designer and developer who can deliver a comprehensive package for various types of websites - e-commerce, information and restaurant food delivery sites. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop user-friendly, visually appealing and fully functional websites - Create a captivating logo for my brand - Generate engaging content that resonates with the target audience - Ensure all websites comply with European regulations, including but not limited to cookies policy, data privacy and legal notices - Implement a seamless and secure e-commerce platform Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in web design and development - Portfolio showcasing previous work, particularly in the e-commerce and restaurant industry - Proficient in c...
I need a modern, minimalist menu that reflects an upscale yet approachable dining experience, highlighting Thai culinary heritage. It should be clean, visually appealing, and easy to navigate. Key Features: 1. Typography: Sleek sans-serif fonts with clear hierarchy for headings, dish names, descriptions, and prices. 2. Layout: Simple and intuitive, with ample white space and clear section distinctions. 3. Colors: Neutral tones with subtle accent colors (e.g., red/green) for spice levels or highlights. 4. Imagery: High-quality dish photos used sparingly to enhance, not overcrowd, the layout. 5. Cultural Touch: Thai script alongside English dish names, with subtle Thai-inspired motifs. 6. Details: Clear pricing for optional add-ons, chili icons for spice levels, and a corkage ...
I need a JavaScript-based URL redirect that includes the source URL and dynamic query parameter. The query and the source url information should be forwarded to the redirected page. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong understanding of JavaScript, URL structures, and web redirection processes. Please also have the ability to test and troubleshoot the redirects to ensure all parameters are being correctly included and displayed.
I'm looking for a professional video editor based in the USA to edit 25 promotional videos monthly for my client. Each video is under 1 minute in length, and the editing style should be clean and professional. Details: - Monthly Requirement: 25 videos - Payment: $25 per video - Freelancing: Allowed - Editing Style: Clean and professional, suitable for promotional content. Reference and raw clip
As a seasoned digital marketer, I'm seeking a professional with expertise in restaurant menu design and digital marketing. Key Responsibilities: - Design a creative and appealing restaurant menu. - Assist with digital marketing strategies for the menu promotion. Ideal Skills: - Experience in menu design, particularly for restaurants. - Proficiency in digital marketing. - Creativity and professionalism to make the project stand out.
I am looking for a Python expert to help build an algorithmic trading strategy focused on trend following in the stock market. Key Requirements: - Design and implement a trend following algorithm using Python. - Tailor the strategy specifically for the stock market. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge and experience in algorithmic trading. - Proficient in Python programming. - Familiarity with the stock market and trend following strategies. Please include examples of your previous work in algorithmic trading when you bid.
We are developing a Hospital Management System (HMS) using Odoo, where the Doctor Dashboard is a critical feature. The goal is to dynamically display all patient records in the Doctor Dashboard, enable doctors to record consultation details seamlessly, and maintain a consultation history log for each patient, similar to how activities and records are logged in Odoo CRM for quotations/invoices. Current Problem The current implementation does not fulfill the following key requirements: Patient Listing: The Doctor Dashboard does not dynamically display all patient records from the Patient model. Key patient details (e.g., Name, DOB, Email) are missing or not properly displayed. Workflow: The workflow to navigate from the dashboard to a consultation form for recording vitals, prescription...
...looking for a talented frontend engineer with experience in React and other modern frontend technologies to work on an exciting 45-day project. The goal is to build a polished, interactive dashboard based on a Figma high-fidelity design. About the Project: The project involves creating a high-quality dashboard that is visually appealing, responsive, and user-friendly. We’ll share a sample of the Figma design to give you a clear idea of what we’re aiming for. Your expertise will be critical in translating this design into a functional product. Responsibilities: Implementing the dashboard UI based on Figma designs. Writing clean, scalable, and reusable code. Ensuring the dashboard is responsive and performs well across devices. Collaborating wi...
I'm seeking a skilled designer to create promotional content for my restaurant's website. The project includes: - 10 engaging advertisement posts tailored for social media...designer should be able to produce: - Creative and appealing designs that resonate with our restaurant's brand and entice customers. - Consistent use of our brand's colors and fonts. - Designs that can be adjusted based on constructive feedback. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in creating advertisements and promotional content. - Up-to-date knowledge of current trends in social media posts and Reels design. - Proficiency in design software such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Please include samples of your previous work, particularly those related to restaurant...
lets do a trail at 1000 INR for two restaurant listing