...大数据处理:Hadoop/Spark等用于海量数据的存储与处理,结合Elasticsearch等实现快速检索与分析。 AI与机器学习:集成TensorFlow/PyTorch等深度学习框架,实现图像识别、自然语言处理等AI功能。 2. 功能需求: AI数字名片:通过人脸识别与AI分析技术,为园区内人员生成个性化的数字名片,支持快速识别与社交互动。 智慧园区:集成物联网(IoT)技术,实时监控园区内环境(如温湿度、空气质量)、能源使用情况及设备状态,实现智能化管理。 智慧商城+跨境电商:搭建在线商城平台,支持商品展示、在线交易、物流跟踪等功能,并融入跨境电商元素,拓宽商品销售渠道。 AI媒体矩阵:利用AI算法分析用户兴趣,推送个性化内容,同时支持园区内多媒体内容的发布与管理。 智慧生活:集成智能家居控制、在线缴费、社区活动预约等功能,提升居民生活质量。 ERP系统:构建企业资源规划系统,涵盖财务、采购、库存、生产等管理模块,实现园区内企业的一站式管理。 智慧工程:通过传感器与AI算法,对园区基础设施进行预防性维护,提高运维效率与安全性。 智慧安保:利用人脸识别、视频监控等AI技术,实现园区的智能安防监控与异常事件快速响应。 智慧物业:提供物业管理、报修服务、租户管理等一站式服务,提升物业管理效率与服务质量。 智慧税票:集成税务管理系统,实现发票管理、税务申报等自动化处理,减轻企业负担。 原型UI 道伽企服----小程序UI原型 %EF%BC%88%E7%89%A9%E4%B8%9A%EF%BC%89%E4%B8%AD%E8%92%82%E5%9B%AD%E5%8C%BA%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E
目前只有源代码,但是基于C++的各种模型以及算法的集合,没有提供GUI。因此,操作不方便,需求设计一款GUI,通过操作界面来调用这些植物根系生长的算法及环境模型。GUI具体功能包括:可以输入植物生长的各种生长参数(初始状态参数,生长速度,生长时间等。具体以源代码中可编辑的各项生长参数为准),生长结果基于源代码中的各种算法模型;可输入植物生长的各种环境参数(包括源代码中给出的全部13个环境模型),GUI可以选择调用单个或多个环境模型。仿真输出结果要与目前C++版本的仿真结果一致,包括VTU(可视化文件,如图1)和数据文件(仿真结果的各项参数,例如仿真后的生长高度,根系长度等,如图1),仿真结果可视化文件(VTU)可以用paraview软件打开(如图2)。GUI参考如图3、图4(不是照搬)。 GUI界面语言要能切换中文和英文,英文是用代码中的原词。
LiteHTTP是一个 HTTP 机器人,正在 C# 中编程,基于 .NET 2.0 依赖项。 需要重新基于.net4.0依赖项。
1. 包含财务对账功能 2. 系统内部集成仓库、采购、销售流程 3. 对接国内微信/支付宝支付,消息及时同步更新至微信客户端 4. 集成企业官方宣传网站 5. 集成电子商城功能
To develop OTD KPI reports on JobBOSS: Calculate OTD archive rate by daily, weekly, monthly, there are two conditions need to be fulfilled, one is quantity delivery fulfillment, the delivered qty should equal to requested qty, another condition is delivered date, the delivered date should equal or be earlier than promised day. Scope: all closed SO which closed...requested qty, another condition is delivered date, the delivered date should equal or be earlier than promised day. Scope: all closed SO which closed on current day, current week and current month. Set the OTD target If SO was delivered earlier on last month , then the OTD need to be included in last Month’s OTD KPI. by SO + Project number Use Chart display the OTD by day,week and month. Data source: ERP SQL DB Tool: ...
一个大型企业的ERP管理信息系统,有部分功能需要外包,主要用Java SpringMVC+MyBatis+MySQL
一个大型企业的ERP管理信息系统,有部分功能需要外包,主要用Java SpringMVC+MyBatis+MySQL
公司长期招聘财务岗位的自由职业者,根据实际工作需求可兼职也可全职 熟练掌握SAP 或 Oracle等国内外知名ERP系统,以及国内的税务相关系统 工作性质和环境以外资企业为主,合规及管理流程规范 希望有兴趣的应聘者与我们创建合作 需求岗位: & 总账会计 & 应收账款往来会计 & 应付账款往来会计 Supervisor & 税务专员 & 出纳
我需要一个程序,集成IPFS ,图形操作,实现上传,下载,并且可以隐藏IPFS DAEMON窗口 1、 是ipfs 的介绍和源代码可以参考 2、ipfs init,ipfs daemon 会有一个窗口,我希望能隐藏它 3、GUI实现ipfs add,ipfs cat功能,并且有进度 4、请先做出界面设计,确定后再开发 5、需要源代码,c#/go/python/c++都可以
1、精通VB.net,使用以上语言独立开发或深度参与过项目; 2、掌握SQL数据库的使用,能实现复杂查询语句,具备编写存储过程、触发器和函数的编写能力; 3、熟悉ERP、BOM或者MRP。 联系人:陈经理 联系方式:[REMOVED BY FREELANCER.COM ADMIN]
我需要ERP软件供应商如Microsoft Dynamics,SAP Business One,Netsuite,Acumatica,Epicor和Infor在中国的所有合作伙伴的excel报告。 我需要excel报告包含以下信息: - 公司名 - 地址 - 网址 - 与其合作的供应商(每个竞争对手的单独列)。 一些公司可能与多个供应商合作 - 每个供应商的合作层级或级别。 - 姓名,电子邮件地址和Linkedin公司首席执行官/创始人/董事总经理从每个合作伙伴。 我只是一个名字。
我需要ERP软件供应商如Microsoft Dynamics,SAP Business One,Netsuite,Acumatica,Epicor和Infor在中国的所有合作伙伴的excel报告。 我需要excel报告包含以下信息: - 公司名 - 地址 - 网址 - 与其合作的供应商(每个竞争对手的单独列)。 一些公司可能与多个供应商合作 - 每个供应商的合作层级或级别。 - 姓名,电子邮件地址和Linkedin公司首席执行官/创始人/董事总经理从每个合作伙伴。 我只是一个名字。
如果你是安卓的反,反编译主和其他网络 通信集成插座的IP / TCP水平是比较高的,欢迎参加 项目。我们要做的事是进入大圆直播室,登录多个 客户以保持包的心跳;所以我们需要分析客户的大圆,反。不 只是安卓斗鱼客户端,和ISO版本的安卓平板电脑,可以试试;附件也有一个 详细介绍,如果你需要更多的了解,请与我沟通 长时间在线。
改shadowsocksR的前端 GUI ,并且默认全局代理,参考Proxifier的全局代理功能 PM详谈
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'A story based on a background image'
我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作I need to develop a server based on websocket.'
大家好, 我在找一个团队能帮忙设计与开发一个基于微信的体彩项目。附件是这个项目的需求文档,请查看。请申请者提供相关的作品,最好是关于彩票类,或是基于微信的二次开发相关工作。具体要求如下: >> 项目需求描述 1)功能:请见附件文档 2)周期:约2个月内完成文档内的功能(除游戏部分以外) >> 希望找到这样的团队 1)团队用中文对接需求,因为项目需求比较复杂,敬请谅解 2)有过微信开发,或者彩票类相关项目的开发经验 3)有产品设计师可以出设计稿(UI)与交互图(UE) 请根据附件文档,大致核算时间与费用,给我一份按模块的报价单。谢谢大家的时间! Ping
Requires a database that helps users in our company to organise different packaging specifications for each of our products. Since different customers require different packaging format of the same products, we need to be able to pick from existing packaging format or create new format for each customer. Requires the following functions. 1) Product overview (list all the items, and related different packaging specifications) 2) Functions that allow users to alter and add new packaging format for each item. 3) Functions that allow users to pick different products (and its respective forma) and output the selection to Excel or PDF 4) An import and export function that allows us to import all the existing packaging data into the database.
自营B2C商城, 微信和PC两个商城共用一个后台。须链接微信提醒功能,微信认证以及绑定商城账号。 后台可切换中英文版本。 后台需接入ERP系统,和EDM 系统. 如果您感兴趣,请私信了解更多细节。 谢谢
app:一个服务后端+api接口----> n个功能模块前端, APP的框架需求: 前端a:公司内部人员数据采集用途,以采集数据并上传到后端 前端b:供消费者下载,具有最前卫的视觉效果和最前卫的3D实体造型,可旋转拖动。主要功能:前期为查询进度为主,整合到微信公众账号里(该模块需要考虑不断进化升级) 前端c:查询加工进度,该前端需要整合到a、b里面,整合到微信公众账号里。数据源提交的模块做在d里面 前端d:给分别不同的加工厂安装使用。从后端读取车间所需要的每个单独订单的数据,根据不同的工厂所需不同自动与后端做相匹配的数据存取交互。提交车间的加工进度给后端(前期功能做手动拍照上传,后期erp对接做功能预留) 前端e:lbs(直接做到后端里 前端f: 前端g:该前端的安全性、兼容性要好,因为要做到完全的开源共享特性,支持所有的主流im和sns分享(微信、qq、微博、facebook、twitter、etc。测量数据开放给其他应用示例,如在淘宝平台上选购xx的标准依据(将来的趋势将会淘宝顺应我们的客户要求而升级到;或者如游戏公司调取客户数据 前端f:网站页面展示,所有的数据都可以在该前端调用、显示、编辑。需要设定不同的权限值,如:代加工厂、数据采集人员、买家、跟单员、QC、财务等。
建立一个程序,用于读出ERP或企业EXCEL表的BOM(物料清单)数据,模具,夹治具条码数据,设备点检的日常条码数据标签. 一个控制设备开关的输入. 类似于用于企业的物联网.
就是需要开发一套GUI,为文件中的参数进行赋值!这个java文件将来的执行不需要编译,作为某个大型软件的宏来运行。由于这个java文件中包含了一种固定的流程,因此希望所编写的GUI是标签式的或者是向导模式的 要开发的GUI需要为这个java程序中的参数赋值,参数类型可能包括:整型、双精度、字符串(读写文件路径及名称)、布尔型 可接受的赋值方式: 1. 直接付给这个java程序 2. 将值保存在一个或多个文本文件中,在这个java被调用时,让它可以读取这些文本文件来获取所需要的值
Position: Research Assistant with MAILLARD & Partners Location: Hybrid, based in EU Employment Type: Part-time Company Description Independent strategic analysis and political risk firm. Based on a solid network on experts, we stand out for our ability to provide precise geographical analyses. Next to this analytical capacity, we have the ability to quickly learn from teams of composed consultants with complementary expertise, able to meet the specific needs of clients. We are specializing in the analysis and anticipation of disruptions - social, political, security etc. - likely to have consequences on international projects. Hence we are able to alert our clients to the necessary repositioning, and supports them during these transitions. Role Description We are lo...
SIRH pour la gestion des ressources humaines et la gestion administrative
I need a comprehensive deployment dashboard that tracks application deployments using Java and Angular, hosted on AWS. The dashboard will need to integrate with various AWS services, specifically EC2, S3, and EKS. Key Features: - Monitor application deployments in real-time - Accessible to multiple user roles: Administrator, Developer, Operations, and Guest - Generate detailed reports on deployment history and metrics - Provide notification alerts for deployment successes or failures - Integrate with popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins or GitLab Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Java and Angular - Strong knowledge of AWS services, particularly EC2, S3, and EKS - Prior experience in developing deployment dashboards - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces for different user ...
I'm seeking a skilled developer to create an engaging AR Selfie Frame for the web. The frame should incorporate: - Static images, animated elements, and 3D models - User interactions through touch gestures and facial recognition Ideal candidates should have experience with AR development, particularly for web platforms, as well as a deep understanding of integrating various content types and user interactive elements. Familiarity with AR libraries and frameworks is a plus. Please provide examples of your previous work in AR, if available.
I'm looking for a modern, icon-based logo for my company Swift Certifiers. The design should be clean and not overly complex, featuring sharp angles. A small part of the logo should be red, and the company name should be included underneath the logo. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proficiency in graphic design, particularly logo creation - Experience with modern design aesthetics - Ability to incorporate sharp angles into a clean design - Understanding of color contrast and balance - Typographic skills for the inclusion of the company name in the logo Please provide a portfolio of previous logo designs for consideration.
We are Web Development & SEO agency focusing the UK market, we seeking a dedicated partner focused primarily on client acquisition. Your key responsibilities will include interacting with business in UK and offering them our service, to generate new business. It will be a commission based job. You should have: - Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills for effective cold calling and networking - A strong understanding of, and connections within, the UK business landscape Ideally, you would have: - A track record in client acquisition - Experience in the web development or SEO industry
...attention to detail - Strong communication skills to explain GST-related concepts - Proficiency in Tally ERP software for GST return preparation and filing - Understanding of GST audits and annual return filing - Familiarity with GSTR-4 which is relevant for composition scheme taxpayers - Knowledge of e-invoicing under GST and its compliance requirements - Mastery of GST registration and its amendments - Expertise in reconciliation of GSTR-2A/2B with purchase registers - Strong problem-solving skills to address GST related discrepancies - Knowledge in claiming Input Tax Credit (ITC) correctly - Ability to provide advisory on the impact of GST changes and updates - Experience with cloud-based accounting systems for easier GST filing Please also assist with specific GST r...
I'm seeking a motivated, commission-based salesperson to market and sell a range of electronics directly to consumers. Your responsibilities will primarily involve: - Identifying potential customers and sales opportunities - Conducting sales presentations and product demonstrations - Negotiating sales contracts and closing deals - Providing post-sales customer service To excel in this role, you should ideally possess: - Proven experience in sales, preferably in the electronics sector - Excellent communication and negotiation skills - Ability to understand consumer electronics and explain their functionality - High levels of motivation and resilience Your compensation will be commission-based, offering the potential for substantial earnings for high performers.
...Levels: • Internal Users: Procurement teams, finance, legal, and management, super user, admin • External Users: Stakeholders (e.g., business partners, consultants, legal counsel). • Vendor Users: Vendor representatives submitting bids. • User Authentication: • Secure login via email/password or Single Sign-On (SSO). • Optional two-factor authentication (2FA). • Role-based access control (RBAC) for restricting actions based on user types. • Dashboard: • Personalized view with active bids, messages, notifications, and documents. 2.2 Vendor Management • Vendor Profiles: • Store vendor details: company name, contacts, locations, services offered. • Ability to classify vendors by commodity/service type an...
We are seeking a skilled Mobile App Developer to create a cutting-edge mobile application for both iOS and Android platforms. The app will feature a robust payment system and utilize a vast dataset of 30,000 PDFs for model training. The primary function of the app is to provide precise repair advice to users. Responsibilities Design and develop a mobile application for iOS and Android platforms, ensuring seamless integration of a payment system. Utilize a dataset of 30,000 PDFs to train models that deliver accurate repair advice. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure the app meets user needs and industry standards. Conduct thorough testing to ensure app functionality and reliability. Implement user-friendly interfaces and ensure a smooth user experience. Required Skills Proven...
I am looking for a logo for my microbakery. I have created one with an AI generator that I really like (attached for reference) but I don't want to pay an ongoing subscription to access! I would like any imagery/fonts/colour palette (etc) used to be from a free library so I can use them on an ongoing basis and develop my brand collateral as I grow. Business name: bless my little kitchen Brand particulars used in the AI logo attached for reference. Ideal skills for this project: - Graphic Design - Branding - Adobe Illustrator - Creativity - Understanding of modern design principles Please ensure your portfolio includes examples of modern-style logos and designs, particularly those related to the bakery industry.
I am looking for a Fashion Operations Assistant who will play a critical role in supporting the Operations Ma...materials) - Costing - Productivity analysis for the production team and incentives - Digital filing - Data Entry - Creating packing lists and invoices Ideal Candidate: - Exceptional attention to detail - Strong organizational skills - Proficiency in spreadsheet software Key Priorities: Your primary focus will be on enhancing our overall operations. Technical Skills: You should be familiar with: - ERP systems - Project management software - Inventory management software Your role will be crucial in maintaining the rhythm of our operations. An understanding of the fashion industry and its operational challenges would be advantageous. I look forward to receiving your app...
I'm in need of a skilled freelancer who can develop a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application for Windows desktops using Java. The application should be user-friendly and efficient in handling data. Key requirements: - Proficient in Java with proven experience in desktop application development - Strong understanding of CRUD application design and development - Ability to create intuitive user interfaces - Knowledge of Windows OS specifics and standards - Good communication skills for regular project updates Please include examples of your previous work with Java desktop applications in your bid. The application should use an SQL databaseMaine
I'm seeking a seasoned logo designer to craft a distinct, text-centric logo for my cattle feed brand, "Godhan." This design should seamlessly incorporate a realistic representation of a cow and symbolic elements of wealth, specifically coins. Key Requirements: - Text-Focused Design: The brand name "Godhan" should be the central element of the logo. - Wealth Symbols: Coins should be subtly integrated into the design to represent "Dhan," which means wealth. - Classic Style: The overall design aesthetic should align with a classic style, appealing to the agricultural sector and embodying a sense of reliability and tradition. - Professional & Attractive: The logo should be clean, modern yet classic, and visually engaging. Color Palette: I am open to sug...
I'm in need of a comprehensive, web-based software solution to streamline and manage my insurance agency. The software should cater to a variety of needs including: - Client Proposals and Policies Management: The ability to efficiently manage and track client proposals and various insurance policies. - Payments and Commission Tracking: A robust system to monitor payments and commissions. - Document Management: Secure storage and easy retrieval of important documents such as policy papers, ID proofs, and claim forms. - Income and Expense records Claims management. This software should be compatible with Windows as my desktop runs this operating system. It is crucial that the software is user-friendly, efficient and reliable. Skills in web development, software en...
I'm looking for a clean, minimalist logo that is predominantly black and white. The design should be primarily text-based, with a focus on clear, modern typography. We have multiple businesses with the name starting with 456. For example, 456 Consulting and 456 Capital. Please concentrate on: 456 We will add the other name/s below it later. Key Requirements: - A strong understanding of minimalist design principles. - Proficiency in creating text-based logos. - Experience with black and white color schemes. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Typography Please provide a portfolio of previous work that fits this style. The logo should not include a slogan/tagline.
We are seeking a professional to create laser engraving files in CorelDraw for CO2 and Fiber Laser engraving. The design works will predominately be text-based, specifically comprising Alpha & Numeric Sequences ,phrases and or sentences. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in creating laser engraving files in CorelDraw software - Expertise in text-based design. - Data typically supplied in MS Excel, MS Word and Manual Hand written lists. - Ability to interpret and work with provided phrases or sentences.
I'm looking for an experienced web developer with a deep understanding of deep learning, specifically with Stable Diffusion, GANs, and ControlNet. Key Responsibilities: - Create a web-based platform that synthesizes both local and web-sourced images into one. - Implement a client and translation feature that enhances the app's accessibility and usability. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in deep learning and image synthesis. - Proficiency in web ,app development. -Developers must bid only if they can communicate with the client using a translator.
I'm seeking a logo designer to create a text-based logo for me, taking inspiration from a sample logo I've provided. Key Aspects: - The new logo must keep the font style of the sample logo, but with changes to the size, type, and color. - The new design must be solely text-based, not incorporating any graphic elements. Ideal Candidate: - Must have strong typography skills, as the project heavily relies on modifying the font style. - Should have a keen sense of color matching and design aesthetics. - Prior experience in logo design is crucial. - A portfolio showcasing text-based logos will be highly advantageous.
I need engaging product demo videos showcasing various features of multiple CUSCEN products for the Indian market. I have a list of specific products that need to be included. Ideal candidates for this project should: - Possess video recording for our ERP and editing skills - Have experience creating product demo videos - Understand the Indian market and can tailor content accordingly - Understand the concept of ERP features - Proficiency in multiple Indian languages to better connect with diverse audiences. Please note, the goal of these videos is to highlight product features in an engaging way that resonates with the target audience. Each product demo video should be 3-5 minutes long. I will provide the script for the demo videos.