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你好 你和我共同接到了 3 Chinese people 这个项目 请问你是否有他们的联系方式 邮件或者skype 希望能获得你的帮助 请用邮箱联系我 xmn583@126.com
我要在特定的几个应召网站打广告,希望我的广告在最醒目的位置,定时更新和维护。 我关注的网站是: , , preferred411.com,bestgfe. 请熟悉这些网站的人,明白这些网站的规则,知道如何在这些网站注册,做广告,写网评。
我们是外国公司。 我们需要试试促销俄罗斯面粉、 需要在网络找到30个提供小麦粉批发公司或大型的面包厂 个他们打电话 促销我们的产品。 http://detail.1688.com/offer/
...我们的产品是面向企业的在线平台服务,要求简洁、活力、科技感,希望你对我们产品有一定认识,那么在设计网页和图标能够更加贴切。 请设计团队务必认真浏览网站中的内容。当中涉及的UI请原创。核心图片如果直接COPY一律不予采用,请体现企业云计算服务的行业特点,网页具有亲和力、用色配色请体现科技、设计感,图标和专业素描请原创。 图像处理不要太突兀,请体现你的专业,我公司希望长期合作,设计后还有其他部分要进行设计和制作。 目前我公司网站: 请详细浏览该网站内容,以便于理解我们产品能够为客户提供什么样的价值。欢迎与我沟通方案,如果有更好建议及整站建议,追加赏金。 我们只需要这四页的设计与切图,需要做任何程序后台开发。文案我们自己提供。暂时不考虑手机端页面。 参考: http://www.kf5.com/
工作相關: 1. 在活躍的境外deal/coupon論壇或博客(redflagdeals/hotukdeals/)上分享我們的促銷產品 2. 在SNS(Facebook/Reddit/Instagram/Tumblr)渠道分享我們的促銷產品 薪酬相關: 1. 計件付費(Paypal)(根據資源的質量,根據鏈接所追蹤到的銷售額和所吸引的流量,單件價格不同) 2. 月結 有意向者,請致信nefertari929 [at] gmail [dot] com 工作相关: 1. 在活跃的境外deal/coupon论坛或博客(redflagdeals/hotukdeals/)上分享我们的促销产品 2. 在SNS(Facebook/Reddit/Instagram/Tumblr)渠道分享我们的促销产品 薪酬相关: 1. 计件付费(Paypal)(根据资源的质量,根据链接所追踪到的销售额和所吸引的流量,单件价格不同) 2. 月结 有意向者,请致信nefertari929 [at] gmail [dot] com
我们是国内的一家软件公司,亦酷科技()专门从事于网站建设、微信商城开发、手机wap浏览等的开发与维护工作,并可协助客户进行活动的策划。 我们的价格会更便宜,便宜一倍多,期待在国外承接业务的人员或者机构可以分包给我们完成,任务有:(商城开发、微信商城、企业展示网站、功能性网站等等)期待与您的联系 QQ【2879 612525】 或者邮件【yikusof @163.com】 致
概述: 需要一个web页面,名称为邮件内容页, 能够读取指定邮箱的最后一封信的内容. 界面: 1.输入邮箱地址 2.输入邮箱密码 3.读取内容按钮 4.读取并最后一封信的内容 5.如果返回错误代码,需要翻译成人工能够读懂. 配置: 为节省成本,不需要录入界面,直接读取xml格式文件获取邮箱端口号等配置信息. 界面输入: 1.在界面上输入邮箱地址和密码. 2.通过post方式提交邮箱地址和邮箱密码到邮件内容页. 3.保证界面美观大方,手机要求适配. 范围: 1.必须支持pop3信箱收取. 2.必须支持 outlook/hotmail , 163.com 3.我会在需求中提出需要适配的其他pop3邮箱. 4.如果能收取以上邮箱邮件, IMAP协议不是必须支持的. 选稿: 难度应该不大,请首先制作 163读取页面并提供demo. 被选中后完善外围. 项目成果: 源文件 2.配置说明书
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网络爬虫,爬取谷歌 的搜索结果 发布到帝国cms。帝国cms二次我来。采集搜索结果的20个内容, 标题+简介+链接 发布到帝国。需要有个代理池,或者谷歌api也可以。不要出现谷歌拒绝服务器和限制即可,每天需要处理 5-10万个搜索请求。这只是第一步。第一步做好后第二步开发可以继续交给你。人民币或者美元付款都可以。另外搜索请求抓取 www.5118.com的内容。、 第二步外包价格约为 200美元 第一步做的可以再继续第二步。 下面两张图一个是请求搜索数据的搜索词。一个是请求抓取内容。 另外一个项目接受合作。要有实际的技术。有一个比较好的思路开发起来也简单。国内市场很好。利润也很好。
Our client has a news website based on Wordpress and it has a mobile adapted plugin already. What we need is an app to be wrote and submitted to the apple store and Android marketplace: Requirements: 1) Submitted successfully and be able to be searched by key words; 2) Be able to push messages to those who has installed the app; 3) Be able to read bas...and it has a mobile adapted plugin already. What we need is an app to be wrote and submitted to the apple store and Android marketplace: Requirements: 1) Submitted successfully and be able to be searched by key words; 2) Be able to push messages to those who has installed the app; 3) Be able to read basic statistics for the administrators. The website address is : [dot]com (Pls replace the [doc] with "."...
...com),扩展性很强(可以在此基础上进行快速迭代开发) 网站定位:类似Craigslist的分类信息平台,同样的市场用户,但是有更多的功能和创新,实现本地信息生活服务交易,实现向世界任何一个可以上网的人群和角落扩张。 手机应用开发:网站的设计和开发,能够很好的考虑到和手机ios,android 应用的无缝对接 交易功能:用户可以通过网站或者手机应用进行交易,确保交易安全。 界面设计:本网站已经完成界面设计(总共有一百多个页面),开发时,完全按照界面设计进行开发,某些设计不专业的地方,可以相互沟通修改,以提高用户体验。 Overall requirement: The website could work within >10Million PV/day, every high efficient website (like airbnb,com, Craigslist). The website should be very easy to maintain or expand, for development in the next steps. Type: The website is classified website similar to Craigslist, however, it could mediate the transaction for the items, service (restaurant, housing, renting). The market and users are same as Craigslist. However, the design and function of the website is to...
hao5599导航_上网从这里开始 hao5599导航_上网从这里开始 hao5599导航_上网从这里开始 hao5599导航_上网从这里开始
你好请接收这个项目,跟“需要一个人帮我设计一个彩票网址” 的要求一样。 你可以看一 下WWW.KH2888.COM 做为参考。文件请到“需要一个人帮我设计一个彩票网址” 去下载。谢谢
参考网站: & 具体要求: 我已经拥有 FocalPrice 网站的 API token 及 API 档案。 目前需要把API系统结合我的购物网站 ()。 我的购物网站是采用 Zen Cart 建架的。 重点:在使用API 系统调用FocalPrice产品时,在Zen Cart后台可以设定卖价。 例如在FocalPrice的售价是USD10,我在购物网站后台设定110%,则售价就会自动变成USD11。 有能力设计者,请直接电邮给我,并说明您的标价。 谢谢。 LS KU 请发邮件到:liaoyuanci后面是@加上hotmail点com
任务描述 仿站 - 1.多用户卖家 2.积分 支付 (支持国际信用卡和国际银行卡) 4.支付宝免签支付 5.多国语言(中英) 6.商品价格同时双显示人民币及美元 7.支付时,可选择特殊日子送货 8.支付时,可选项填写贺卡片祝福语(200字) 9.商城模板PC+手机+微信三合一 如需要请参考 " ShopNC " 及 " ECmall " 前台及后台演示 参考网站: http://136888.com/ 网站所需功能: 用户注册,生成用户账号 支持社交网站(Facebook/Twitter)登录 在线支付 用户发表评论及反馈 用户可填写表格 用户论坛 多语言 全站搜索 用户博客/空间 搜索引擎优化(SEO) 需要 需要技能: MySQL, PayPal, PHP
百度钱包,百度理财注册,一稿最低可获20元,抽奖更有机会获得4888元大奖!! 【1】点击 进去注册【或者关联百度账号登陆】 【2】点击【我要参与】,购买1元基金即可完成任务!!!记得抽奖,大奖等着你!!!提交身份证前后四位即可!!在线审核!!! 不懂的可以看视频做 视频教程: http://www.56.com/u14/ 视频密码:654321
游戏制作简介 这个案例开发成网络版游戏,我这有单机版的源文件,最好配套的官网也能做起来 网站用dz做,域名www.sk2012.com 请告知,开发成网络游戏 账号注册、改名、数据库 科技树战车系统+道具积分购买功能 (科技树可以参考坦克世界) 个性装扮系统+徽章、等级、称号、战绩系统 死亡视角、观战模式 战队、好友系统、聊天系统 强制退出系统强行退出类型1.外挂/非法软件2.恶意使用BUG3.辱骂及诽谤他人4.长时间挂机5.其他 语音对讲 这些功能需要多少钱呢? 其他的还没想好,你也可以帮我补充,[The administrator removed this message for containing contact details which breaches our Terms and Conditions - Section 13:Communication With Other Users.]
1.开发综合性博彩网站,如www.bet365.com 2.含体育、living、casino、彩票、affiliate、APP 3.含前台和后台(front side and back side) 4.含操作平台(operation platform) 5.交付源码(含数据库字段文档和程序文档) 6.包维护1年
我有一个很有创意的app想法,我觉得这个app软件所带来的效益远远大于app软件本身,我想和你合作。希望能和你共同讨论。对于这个项目的经费我觉得咱们可以商量。这是我的邮箱zhangfei199007@163.com,希望能和你讨论 。
...developer,if you are good at it ……网校招聘大牛渗透/入侵检测网站数据库/服务器,信息安全技术,菜鸟回避! 对技术的要求: 年龄不限 专业且经验丰富者,做事态度认真、敬业者,中介勿扰,倒单者勿扰。 会者不难,难者不会,对于专业的人来说这个非常简单.请以技术实力说话。 渗透/入侵网站测试 精通数据库/服务器 0、熟悉网络安全体系,了解最新网络安全漏洞,熟悉各种渗透入侵技术;1、熟悉以及擅长于脚本渗透,能独立分析各种脚本寻找以及发现问题;2、熟悉ASP语言;3、工作经验不限,有耐力,有毅力。 招揽反入侵方面的专业人士 检测内容:安全性较高的服务器 可通过各种途径,检测指定服务器或网站的漏洞,加以利用. 非诚心者请走,骗子请绕道. 只要你有实力-长期有单 这个只是广告.有能力接单的请联系邮箱:qqdujiaoxi@163.com(年薪16万美元) if you want to have this work ,please leave your QQ or telephone
hi, 我想做个程序,能够对bet365.com网站进行交互。在程序里面我想实现以下功能, 1.能够实时获取球赛的数据与赔率。 2.能够进行自动投注 3.能够获取基本的账户信息。 具体的需求可以继续沟通
...Twilio for inbound and outbound calls in GHL Set up Twilio webhooks to process calls via a custom server AI-Powered Voice Processing Implement Speech-to-Text (STT) using OpenAI's Whisper Use GPT-4 to generate AI-driven responses Convert AI responses back to speech with OpenAI's TTS API Automation & CRM Integration Log AI-generated call summaries into GHL’s CRM Notes Trigger follow-up actions (e.g., SMS, emails, appointment scheduling) Deployment & Optimization Host the solution on a cloud platform (AWS, Heroku, or similar) Optimize AI responses for natural and engaging conversations Provide basic documentation for future maintenance Ideal Candidate: ✅ Proficient in Python (Flask, FastAPI) or Node.js ✅ Experience with Twilio Voice API & Webhooks ✅ St...
...Store: • Integrated with patient data to recommend products based on prescriptions. • Handles billing, payment processing, and inventory updates. • Supports various payment methods (credit cards, cash, digital wallets). 5. Appointment Scheduling System: • Allows patients to book appointments online for eye exams and consultations. • Sends automated reminders and confirmations via email or SMS. • Displays real-time availability for clinic staff and reduces scheduling conflicts. 6. Inventory and Product Management: • Real-time monitoring of inventory, including glasses, sunglasses, contact lenses, and accessories. • Automatically updates stock levels after each sale or prescription fulfillment. • Sends alerts for low stock lev...
I'm seeking an experienced web developer or team to create a fully functional sportsbook website akin to duelbits.com. Key Components: - Core functionalities: The site should support live betting, a range of engaging casino games, and esports betting. - Platform Compatibility: The website needs to be optimized for both desktop and mobile use, ensuring seamless performance across devices. - Payment Integration: A crucial aspect of the project is the integration of cryptocurrency as the sole payment method. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in developing sportsbook or gambling websites. - Expertise in both desktop and mobile web development. - Familiarity with cryptocurrency payment integration. - Understanding of betting and casino game functionalities. I look forw...
Estou procurando um freelancer para baixar vídeos de várias plataformas, alguns dos quais são cursos com vários vídeos. As tarefas incluirão: - Organizar as pastas, vídeos e arquivos por curso/módulo. - Baixar PDFs e outros documentos. - Enviar tudo para box.com. O pagamento será entre R$ 0,80 a R$ 1,00 reais por vídeo, dependendo do tamanho. Para vídeos com mais de 1 hora, certamente o pagamento será de R$ 1 por vídeo. ------------ ATENÇÃO! Fique tranquilo, pois vamos fornecer os softwares para download dos vídeos, e vamos te enviar o contato de um parceiro para lhe ajudar no que precisar! Normalmente cursos podem ter 80 aulas, em média R$50 a R$100...
I'm in need of a captivating and trendy brand name for my sustainable clothing line aimed at young adults. The name should embody the principles of sustainability, while also appealing to the modern, stylish adult. Key Requirements: - The name should be trendy and resonate with the current fashion landscape. - It must subtly or overtly convey the values of sustainability. - The target audience is adults, so the name should have a certain level of sophistication. Ideal Skills: - Brand naming experience, particularly in the fashion industry. - Understanding of sustainability in fashion. - Ability to create trendy, appealing names for adults.
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I'm on the lookout for a talented and flexible writer who can craft engaging stories across different genres, primarily targeting an adult audience. If you have a knack for weaving tales that can span from fantasy to mystery and romance, we would love to hear from you! Key Requirements: - Ability to write in a variety of genres - Proficient in crafting compelling narratives for adults - Experience in writing different types of stories (short stories, novellas, full-length novels) - Creativity and original thinking If you have a portfolio of diverse stories, please submit it with your proposal. Let's create some magic together!
...Engaging lessons that make learning fun and effective. CTA: "Book Your Free Trial Class Today" "Message Us" (WhatsApp Icon) Success Stories What Our Students Say: "My kids love their Arabic classes at AlLahjah Institute! The teachers are so patient and make learning fun." – Parent of a 7-year-old student "I’ve improved my Emirati Arabic so much thanks to the online classes. Highly recommend it!" – Adult learner CTA: "Book Your Free Trial Class Today" "Message Us" (WhatsApp Icon) Why Learn Emirati Arabic? Speaking Emirati Arabic allows you to connect deeply with the culture and people of the UAE. Here’s why you should learn to speak like a local: ? Cultural Connection: Experience the UAE&rsq...
I'm looking for a talented game developer to create a puzzle game targeted towards adults. The game needs to be engaging, challenging and accessible on both Android and iOS platforms. Key requirements: - Extensive experience in puzzle game development - Proven track record of cross-platform game development - Understanding of adult gaming preferences - Skills in creating engaging and challenging gameplay - Knowledge of Android and iOS game publishing standards Please provide examples of similar games you've developed in your proposal.
I'm looking for an experienced Laravel developer to migrate my old PHP gay adult site to a Laravel format. The site includes a User Membership System, Content Management System, and Video Streaming Capability, among other features. Key Requirements: - Complete migration of all existing features from the old PHP site to the new Laravel version - Enhanced site performance post-migration - Excellent understanding of Laravel framework - Experience with user membership systems, content management systems, and video streaming capabilities The primary goal for this project is to improve the site's performance and makie it Google-search friendly. Please only bid if you have significant experience with Laravel and can ensure a high-quality, efficient migration. Details: 1. Altho...
I am seeking an experienced cold caller to help me with outreach to staffing agencies. The primary goal is to secure 2-3 appointments per day with decision-makers within these organizations. Also good knowaldge ig cold outeach like : COld email, IG outreach, facebook outerach, cold sms, twitter outreach Key Responsibilities: - Conduct cold calls to staffing agencies - Gather decision-maker's contact details during the calls - Potentially identify company needs and pain points to facilitate follow-up communications Skills and Experience Required: - Proven track record in cold calling - Excellent communication and persuasion skills - Ability to gather and report information accurately - Experience in the staffing industry is a plus
Uma logo que seja minimalista, sofisticada e moderna que remeta a luxo para perfumaria que mexe com perfumes Importados
Preciso que sejam feitos vídeos para serem publicados no Tik Tok, com o tema Bíblico e seguindo padrões virais da plataforma (vídeo dinâmico, efeitos de transição, legendas, imagens de AI conforme o tema). Alguns exemplos podem ser encontrados no Youtube, pesquisando exatamente "Vídeos virais Bíblicos tik tok". Como este por exemplo: O ChatGPT já da um cronograma de postagens e ideias, não tenho problema em seguirmos as ideias dele. Importante também saber os melhores prompts para gerar imagens de alta qualidade. Tudo isso em inglês (um simples tradutor ou o chatgpt já faz isso). A princípio gostaria de 100 vídeos, e conforme o projeto for escalando mais pacot...
I'm looking for a talented app developer to create a cross-platform (Android and iOS) finance tracking application. The standout feature of this app will be its ability to read SMS texts from banks and automatically add transactions using advanced AI techniques. Key Features: - Primarily focused on AI-based transaction addition. The app should utilize natural language processing (NLP) capabilities to interpret SMS texts from bank and categorize transactions accordingly. - Additional features such as expense tracking, income tracking, and budget management may be considered, but the primary focus is on the AI functionality. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in developing cross-platform mobile applications. - Strong experience with AI and machine learning, particularly with na...
I am seeking a professional with extensive experience in migrating from Okta to Entra for a large enterprise. The primary...experience in migrating from Okta to Entra for a large enterprise. The primary focus of this migration is on user account migration. Key Requirements: - Expertise in user account and application migration from Okta to Entra - Familiarity with application integration and security configurations for large enterprises - Experience with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) - Understanding of MFA methods like SMS-based codes and Authenticator apps Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Entra and Okta platforms - Strong background in enterprise-level migrations - Detailed understanding of Multi-Factor Authentication systems - Excellent problem-solving abilities and attention...
I'm in search of a lead male actor for a short film. The character falls within the adult age range (20-40). This project is an excellent opportunity for an aspiring actor to showcase their talent. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior acting experience ideal but not essential. - Ability to portray a character convincingly with close ups of face and emotion. - Comfortable with having a good time and a laugh with us, It will be a first for us so will be good fun! - Flexible and open to direction. We are looking to film a very short content clip (around 1 minute 30) for our social campaign for Into the Woods festival based in Chepstow. We are creating a concept of escaping the concrete jungle that will show an office worker sick of his day life, waiting and watching for the ...
...log in, view rewards, and book appointments ✅ Businesses can redeem reward dollars for clients ✅ Essential Email/SMS integration (One pre-configured provider: Twilio OR SendGrid) ✅ Basic Business Dashboard & CRUD Management ✅ Admin panel for managing businesses & users ✅ VPS Deployment (Manual, No CI/CD Automation) ✅ Responsive UI (Tailwind / Bootstrap) ✅ Final code uploaded to Git (Git details will be provided) Tech Stack: Backend: Django or FastAPI. Frontend: React.js or Next.js. Database: PostgreSQL (schema-based multi-tenancy). Hosting: VPS (Linux-based, Nginx). Authentication: Magic Links/Biometrics. Payments: Stripe Integration (Basic Setup). Messaging: Twilio (SMS), SendGrid (Email). Key Responsibilities: Develop a fully functional MVP with multi-te...
...spendable, convertible between the wallets(we can send it from one wallet to another). - the software sends the btc instantly with a message to send it or errors when it refuses the wallet address format or there is an issue. - we will need to lock the software and work only with a license key. You can suggest the best way to do this. Flash btc feature details -: 1) Mail Confirmation - Suggest me 2) Sms Confirmation - Suggest me 3) Transaction ID - Yes 4) This BTC can be splited - Yes 5) This BTC can be used for trading - Yes 6) In Binance validity - 60 days 7) In Coinbase validity - 60 days 8) Blockchain and all other wallets validity - 60 days 9) How many times it can be transferred from my Blockchain wallet - Upto 32 times 10) Vaildity - 60 days 11) No balance required &am...
...blue and look good to go with the site theme. A confirmation box will tell the user the song was submitted successfully and display a custom message. this confirmation box will be written on the same page onsubmit, and not an alert popup etc. image path to use for logo: https://jammin92.com/images/ image path to use in confirmation box table (this will be on the left and the success message will be on the right) Message will read: Thank You! Your song request has been received. https://jammin92.com/images/ This custom message will be stored in the config file as a variable so that i can easily change the message at any time. When the page is complete it will only have the logo, the search field and the submit button (on entry to the page) On submit it will clear every...
I'm in need of a skilled writer who can craft an engaging and entertaining prose piece with a dramatic tone, aimed at an adult audience. Key requirements: - Write a composition in prose, usually nonfiction, on a specific topic. - The composition should be entertaining, with the primary purpose being to entertain the reader. - The tone of the writing should be dramatic, full of tension and emotion. Ideal skills and experience: - Exceptional writing skills, with a strong command of dramatic prose. - Previous experience writing for an adult audience. - A knack for creating engaging, entertaining content.
I'm seeking a skilled developer to assist in the creation of an uptime tracking SaaS product. The MVP is set up and uses Makerkit...seeking a skilled developer to assist in the creation of an uptime tracking SaaS product. The MVP is set up and uses Makerkit, allowing us to focus on product development. Key Features: - Real-time Monitoring: Track server uptime and service availability in real-time - Historical Uptime Reports: Generate and analyze past uptime statistics - Alert Notifications: Get immediate alerts via email and SMS when issues arise Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in SaaS product development - Experience with real-time monitoring systems - Knowledge in creating historical data reports - Ability to set up and manage alert systems - Familiarity with Mak...
Preciso de um site para uma empresa de limpeza, atuamos com lavações de edificos e estabelecimentos comerciais
I need a skilled Flutter developer to enhance my app with a few key features. Key Requirements: - Implement a pinch-to-zoom feature on the HomePage of the app. - Add a 'Bounce' animation to the status updates within the app. - Integrate a 'Page-by-page' transition for the page snapping feature. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Flutter development is a must. - Previous experience with implementing similar features in an app. - Good understanding of user interface and experience design principles.
I'm seeking a talented artist to help me bring my vision to life for an adult coloring book aimed at romance novel enthusiasts. I have the ideas, but need an artist to sketch them out into line work suitable for a coloring book. Key Requirements: - Simple and bold outlines: The line work doesn't need to be overly complicated, but should be clear and easy to follow for the book's audience. - Illustration of romantic moments: The coloring book will need to depict various romantic scenarios, so an understanding and appreciation of romantic themes will be beneficial. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience illustrating for coloring books is a plus. - Comfort with adult themes and language: Since this book will include swear words and smut terms, a level ...
We are seeking a proficient freelance Multilingual AI System Developer to create an advanced cold calling and inbound calling system with seamless integrations for email, SMS texting, and calendar scheduling. The AI system will cater to our real estate and construction businesses, enhancing lead generation, qualification, and appointment setting processes with multilingual capabilities. **Key Tasks:** 1. Develop a multilingual AI system to manage outbound and inbound calls for the real estate and construction industries. 2. Integrate email, SMS texting, and calendar scheduling functionalities into the AI system to facilitate communication and appointment management across multiple languages. 3. Design tailored scripts for outbound calls to identify potential property seller...
...ASP.NET (WebForms ou MVC) com C# para criar um sistema de afiliados que permitirá a revenda dos meus softwares. O sistema deve oferecer um painel administrativo completo para gestão de afiliados, vendas e pagamentos de comissões. Principais Funcionalidades: ✅ Painel do Administrador (Dono do Sistema) Cadastro, aprovação e gerenciamento de afiliados. Gerenciamento de produtos e definição de comissões. Acompanhamento de vendas e geração de relatórios. Processamento e gerenciamento dos pagamentos das comissões. ✅ Painel do Afiliado Geração de links de afiliado exclusivos para divulgação. Monitoramento de vendas e comissões acumuladas. Solicitaç&ati...