We have a site built using NodeJS as a demo. Now we want to convert into a Drupal template with Bootstrap 3 capacities. We need to make sure all the URL structures are exactly the same such as and category-tid.html. Need to get done very quickly. Chinese speakers are preferred because the site is in Chinese.
1. 需求: 根据用户输入的目标关键词,通过多维度搜索,获取尽可能全面的结果,基于这些结果进行联想,从而获取跟目标关键词相关的尽可能多的结果。提供用户数据抽取关键词输入界面,在结果中根据用户提供的关键词进行结果抽取,并进行自动合并以及去重。 2. 输入 手动输入关键词 导入Excel 从数据库获取关键词 3. 输出 结果另存为Excel(2010以上版本) 直接导入DataBase 可根据用户需求选择导出保存为Office文件(Word,Excel) 4. 开发工具 Eclipe J2ee 5. 数据库 MSSQL2008 6. 是否需要界面 需要 7. 开发文档 程序流程图 程序开发文档 代码中必要位置添加注释 如有用到开源项目,请说明 8. 其他说明 该项目需要程序能够进行二次开发,支持分布式部署,并发多线程进行搜索,自动平衡各节点资源消耗 完成后的项目要作为一个独立的项目存在,将整个项目连带所用到的JAR包一起打包作为最后的交付内容。
需要 接过IB(interactive brokers)的case 用VBA建立过足以交易的程式 懂中文 将别人未完成的项目给完成 需要看得懂别人已写好的程式码 和我的需求之间的关係 具备编写IB 软件的能力 目前我需要的功能是 部位管理 和 部位显示 以 及交易过程纪录 修復已写好 但不能运作的资料输出功能 我希望能先讨论内容 我会尽量说明现有的文件与我的要求等等 再来讨论价格 付费机制 以及我能拿到的时间
1. 需求: 用户输入公司名称或者程序从数据库中批量获取公司名称之后,程序能自动从网上搜索获取该公司的具体信息(字段需求见其他说明),该公司对应的同行业排名靠前的公司信息,该公司控股股东公司的信息,并对结果自动去重非重复同字段信息,自动合并,并将处理后的结果存入数据库中 2. 输入 用户手动输入公司名称 用户通过Excel导入公司名称列表 直接从数据库中获取公司名称列表 3. 输出 输入公司的信息 输入公司的股东信息 输入公司同行业的公司信息 输入公司上下游公司信息 服务于输入公司的第三方企业信息 4. 开发语言 Java 5. 数据库 MSSQL2008 6. 是否需要界面 需要 7. 开发文档 程序流程图 程序开发文档 代码中必要位置添加注释 如有用到开源项目,请说明 8. 其他说明 公司信息字段列表: 公司名称(中/英) 国家 成立时间 员工数 年销售额 月销售额 所属行业 注册资本 企业法人 主营产品或服务 是否主营虚拟产品 经营模式 主要客户群 品牌名称 公司主页 公司注册地址 地址 邮编 电话 Email 传真 程序要支持多线程并发,同时搜索多个目标公司
建立一个程序,用于读出ERP或企业EXCEL表的BOM(物料清单)数据,模具,夹治具条码数据,设备点检的日常条码数据标签. 一个控制设备开关的输入. 类似于用于企业的物联网.
1.在几分钟内获得职业威客的竞标。 2.查看威客个人信息以及评价,并与他们即时聊天! 3.只需 3%* 的佣金费用, 您喜爱的威客就可以立即为您开始工作! 4.只有您100%满意才需支付给威客。 *最小费用。 了解更多 您需要什么工作? 网站资讯科技及软件移动写作设计数据输入产品采购和生产销售及市场推广商业、会计及法律自定义(手动选择技能)选择工作分类(可选) 选择一个工作(可选)发表文章分析数据将数据填入电子表格发布广告雇用虚拟助手在网上搜索东西在网上寻找资料做些Excel工作帮助客户支持 需求名称:
1.在几分钟内获得职业威客的竞标。 2.查看威客个人信息以及评价,并与他们即时聊天! 3.只需 3%* 的佣金费用, 您喜爱的威客就可以立即为您开始工作! 4.只有您100%满意才需支付给威客。 *最小费用。 了解更多 您需要什么工作? 网站资讯科技及软件移动写作设计数据输入产品采购和生产销售及市场推广商业、会计及法律自定义(手动选择技能)选择工作分类(可选) 选择一个工作(可选)发表文章分析数据将数据填入电子表格发布广告雇用虚拟助手在网上搜索东西在网上寻找资料做些Excel工作帮助客户支持 需求名称:
SQL注入/代码审计/数据库权限/渗透测试技术 接渗透单子高手,联系电子邮箱:aqcp#(#改成@)语言要求:中文 熟练掌握各种内网渗透测试工具与相关知识,精通常见安全攻防技术:sql注入、xss、文件上传、文件包含、命令执行等漏洞 熟悉linux、unix、Windows、oracle、J2EE等各种环境下WEB的安全配置与安全检查及WEB漏洞防范; 熟悉各种脚本语言(asp,php,jsp,java,net、perl、python等)具备独立挖掘web安全漏洞与入侵手段 具备一定的网络安全知识,对网络安全结构、系统漏洞、入侵检测、病毒防护等有深入理论基础和实践经验; 熟悉渗透测试黑客攻防的步骤、方法、流程、熟练掌握各种渗透测试攻防工具有实际渗透经验者优先; 求大虾接单,脱裤,要求,电话,手机,姓名,邮箱,其他的一概不要。每笔单1000美金起步,根据站的难度而定价格,具体可以详谈,寻找长期合作. 态度认真、中介勿扰,请技术实力说话。
我的網頁是用MAGENTO編寫的, 接近完成的階段, 但有以下事項需要完成 (詳情請參考附件PDF.): 1) 改PAGE LINK 2) 小量版面修改 3) 我網頁有一個FLASH的試衣程式, 需要導入網頁和輸出XML數據同步.(我的試衣程式設計員會給你指引怎樣去完成工作.) 如有任何問題請與我聯繫.
Operating Theatre Scheduling Problem(手术室调度问题)
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Convert excel data to APK file(run under android)'
定制PrestaShop, 基于1.6版本,UK的英文网站, 大多数功能1.6版本已可实现, 不需要在线付费, 后台基本不用改, 所需四点定制如下 1. 实时更新价格 -已有live xml feed,需要根据feed每过几分钟更新一下产品价格即可 2. 根据公司现有的主网站定制shop的模板, - 只需重用现有的css,layout和图片 3. 产品价格的基础上增加percentage based commission - 类似折扣但是增加一个百分比,比如产品价格是100圆,commission是2%,那么价格应为 100 + 2 = 102 4. 扩展用户注册 - 第一步和现有的prestshop一样 - 第二步要根据公司的用户登记pdf表格增加一些信息 价格可议, 有意者请留skype,QQ 或email
1. 需要3000句英-日例句。 格式: (交付档案时请用Microsoft Excel檔) jog When I was young, I used to jog in the morning. 私は、若かった時、よく朝ジョギングしました。 2. 会提供单词列表. 3. 所有的句子(包括英文与日文)不能有文法错误且要母语人士用法。 4. 所有的句子必须是原创的,并且不侵害到任何知识产权。 5. 雇主拥有独家版权,不可转售或交付给第三者。 6. 需先签合同。
...得到最大化。 利润最大化通过开发和制作百度,搜狗,360显示广告,规划和部署PPC活动。 -赢得优质的、显著的PPC项目进展。 -通过PPC或付费点击追踪、更新跟踪和更新流量模式。 -负责PPC报告,包括每周和每月项目报告,分析该项目的表现,评估投资回报率对关键指标和优化支出的最大价值。 -培训营销人员,监督各项目进展,以确保团队的优质表现。 -参与或主持高级管理层及营销团队的会议。 -发掘、聘用、指导和激励线上营销人员在技术及应用层面发挥最大潜能。 技能与经验要求: -良好的教育背景。 -渴望成功。 -拥有5年以上的任职PPC经理/百度网盟专家的经历。 -有参与SEM竞标技术、自动化功能的经验。 -善写广告文案,懂得就项目进行专业层面的比较。 -能够管理、指导大批富有经验的团队成员工作。 -有从众多数据中获取信息、做出清晰判断与明智角色的经验,善用Excel与Access. -优秀的客户处理能力和书面、口头沟通技巧。 -杰出的项目管理能力,能同时管理多个项目,并确保项目按时运作。 -能够适应瞬息万变的线上营销趋势。 -能够萌生新创意、执行新想法。 -能够从头至尾地带领、管理并参与任一项目。 -富有职业道德及旺盛的精力。
整个产品拍卖系统采用B/S结构、J2EE技术框架,采用基于J2EE技术是为了充分利用众所周知的Java所具有独特的跨平台的优势。 技术框架流程 技术标准 1.基于J2EE的技术标准 2.基于SOA的标准 3.基于XML的技术标准 4.缓存技术 5.Comet技术 逻辑层采用Spring 3.0技术,主要实现对数据层的操作、事务管理及系统调度等。 持久层采用OR-MAPPING工具Ibatis 来完成与数据库、缓存池的交互。 控制层采用Struts2.3.4 来完成与数据库、页面的交互。 系统安全控制采用目前业界优秀的安全组件Acegi Security来保护网络资源及领域对象。 数据访问接口采用符合SOA(SCA )标准的JAVA +Webservices(Xfire) + XML技术 。 客户端与服务器的数据交换采用缓存技术(Ehcache)减少数据库服务器的压力,并提高客户端和服务器端交互效率。
I'm looking for a skilled Excel VBA programmer who can help me fix my current VBA code. The code is supposed to automate repetitive tasks, but it's producing incorrect results. - Code Fixing: The primary task will be troubleshooting and fixing the existing VBA code. - Automation: After fixing, I will need the coder to enhance the script to automate more tasks in Excel. Ideal candidate should possess: - Proficient knowledge in Excel VBA - Experience in coding for task automation - Problem-solving skills to rectify existing code - Attention to detail to ensure accuracy in results.
I'm seeking a seasoned developer to build a Java Spring based utility. This utility will convert XML metadata to JSON metadata, with a keen focus on: - Handling the mapping of XML to JSON tag - Implementing a set of predefined business rules (data transformation rules such as field renaming, data type conversion, data merging/splitting) - Ensuring robust error handling throughout the conversion process These business rules are thoroughly documented in a file, which will be provided. The ideal candidate will have extensive experience with Java Spring and a solid understanding of XML and JSON structures. Attention to detail and ability to implement error handling effectively are crucial for the success of this project.
I need 50 thousand companies name and Email. This should be only from CHINA region and the companies should be manufacturer. This is on urgent basis The data should be provided in an Excel file format. Focus on manufacturers in the Technology industry. The data should be delivered within 2 days. Please include the following details: Email and company name. No Please include the following additional details for each company: None. The data should be collected from: any site. Ensure all email addresses are verified for authenticity and validity. None. Please ensure the emails are specific to the Manufacturing department.. PLEASE SEND 5000 SAMPLE FIRST TO GET AWARDED THIS IS URGENT SO ONLY REAL PERSON.
...40). The sessions should be held on separate dates, March 3-7, 2025, and March 24-28, 2025. May choose to hire for one or both sessions. Pay: $4,000 per session, not to exceed $8,000 total for both sessions. Travel costs will not be provided. Trainee Skill Levels: Attendees have varying levels of experience with Power BI, ranging from basic to intermediate, with many being advanced Microsoft Excel users. The training should accommodate this diverse skill set. Content: The training must cover topics such as connecting to data sources, data cleaning, data visualization, advanced analysis techniques, creating dashboards, and sharing reports. All training materials must be provided digitally at least one day prior to the start of training. The training must also include demos a...
...details (name, industry, location, etc.). o Option to verify company email or phone number. 2. Employee Onboarding & Invitations: o Admin can invite employees via email or a unique code. o Employees sign up and join the company channel. 3. Company Channels & Groups: o A dedicated company-wide channel for announcements. o Ability to create department-specific or project-based channels. 4. Direct Messaging & Group Chats: o Employees can chat one-on-one or create group conversations. o Read receipts and typing indicators for real-time communication. 5. File Sharing & Storage: o Upload and share documents (Word, PDFs, Excel, images, etc.). o Cloud storage integration for easy file access. 6. Communication History & Search: o Chat history is saved for future...
...research to optimize navigation & user experience. ? Deliverables for UI/UX: ✅ Wireframes covering all screens (desktop & mobile). ✅ Interactive user flows & navigation structure. ✅ UX recommendations based on industry best practices. 3️⃣ Functional Requirements Specification (FRS) Purpose: Define system functionalities, workflows, and technical interactions. ? Tasks for Business Analyst: ✔ Convert feature list into structured functional requirements. ✔ Define user stories, use cases, and workflows for key processes. ✔ Develop workflow diagrams covering financial transactions, approval mechanisms, and API interactions. ✔ Specify role-based permissions & access control for different user types. ✔ Develop acceptance criteria for testing & quality assurance. ...
I am seeking a skilled WordPress developer to upgrade my existing website. The project involves enhancing the site's design, improving functionality, and ensuring responsiveness across devices. Familiarity with the latest WordPress plugins, firebase, GTM and themes is essential. The ideal candidate should have a keen eye for deta...link to the store visit history page that shows the visitors of a specific store. 3. add graphical elements like a bar chart on the store visit history page to show the first 10 store visits per day. it should be related to the filter. 4. add a category statics page with a date filter and it should have charts like bar, pie and others. 5. detect user city and country from IP. 6. export data as Excel from the store visit history page. my website is c...
I need assistance with a data entry task involving mixed data (both text and numbers). The data is sourced from digital files in Excel format. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Excel, with excellent data entry skills. - Able to accurately transcribe mixed data (text and numbers). - Detail-oriented to ensure data integrity. - Prior experience in similar data entry tasks is preferred.
I have a basic rules file edited in...basic rules file edited in notepad or similar. I would like to duplicate and modify the rules (name, 5 conditions and 2 values) into the duplicated rules. I have all the data that needs inputting in an excel table. I am happy to enter the required data but am looking for a tool that will create/edit the rules file with the desired amounts. I have a rules file in notepad that needs to be rewritten into an Excel file. The rules are conditional formatting rules and are relatively simple. The data in the notepad file is structured as plain text with delimiters. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel - Understanding of conditional formatting rules - Ability to interpret plain text with delimiters Experience in data entry and condition...
I'm looking for a skilled Power BI dashboard developer to assist me in creating a comprehensive dashboard. The primary purpose of this dashboard is to track various performance metrics. Requirements: - Integration with Excel spreadsheets - Visualization of data in the form of charts and graphs Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Power BI - Extensive experience with Excel - Excellent data visualization skills - Strong understanding of performance metrics tracking Please provide examples of your previous work with Power BI dashboards.
We have a multilingual website built with WordPress, currently available in five languages. We need to migrate it to Laravel while maintaining the same design and frontend theme. The new site should use FilamentPHP as the CMS for content management, ensuring flexibility and ease of use. The goal is to replicate the current user experience while improving performance, security, and scalability. Let’s discuss how we can make this transition as seamless as possible!
I'm seeking an Excel expert to upgrade my existing sheet, initially designed for resource capacity planning, to incorporate varying cost calculations dependent on the project at hand. Key Requirements: - The upgraded Excel sheet should be suitable for project management, particularly in resource planning. - It should allow for the use of multiple labor rates in cost calculations, reflecting the different costs associated with various projects. - The sheet should be able to accommodate changes in cost based on the specific project being worked on, enhancing the accuracy of resource cost forecasting. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Excel, particularly in creating complex formulas and calculations. - Prior experience in project management resource plannin...
I'm looking for a professional who can assist me in sending promotional broadcast messages to my customers via WhatsApp. - Content: The broadcast will primarily consist of promotional off...messages to my customers via WhatsApp. - Content: The broadcast will primarily consist of promotional offers. - Customer List: I already have a ready list of customer phone numbers, so I need someone who can efficiently handle the sending of the messages. - Format: My customer list is in an Excel/CSV file, which I can provide. Ideal skills for this project would include experience with WhatsApp Business API, understanding of promotional messaging best practices, and proficiency in handling Excel/CSV files. Knowledge of data privacy regulations and best practices for customer co...
...research to optimize navigation & user experience. ? Deliverables for UI/UX: ✅ Wireframes covering all screens (desktop & mobile). ✅ Interactive user flows & navigation structure. ✅ UX recommendations based on industry best practices. 3️⃣ Functional Requirements Specification (FRS) Purpose: Define system functionalities, workflows, and technical interactions. ? Tasks for Business Analyst: ✔ Convert feature list into structured functional requirements. ✔ Define user stories, use cases, and workflows for key processes. ✔ Develop workflow diagrams covering financial transactions, approval mechanisms, and API interactions. ✔ Specify role-based permissions & access control for different user types. ✔ Develop acceptance criteria for testing & quality assurance. ...
You will get a high-end and robust calendar based entirely on Excel! I have over ten years of experience in automating tasks in Excel using formulas and VBA code, and I know that a few automations at the right spots can simplify your daily routine, save you dozens of hours, and boost your performance while focusing on what matters! In the delivered calendar, you will have the option to customize the categories/personnel that will be assigned the tasks or appointments. Based on the selected version, more features are available, like customizing colors, attaching documents, exporting to PDF, and more.
Se busca responsable de catálogo ecommerce. Puedes ver todos los detalles del rol en el documento adjunto. Las habilidades principales que se requieren son: - Buena capacidad lógica y de razonamiento - Mucha organización y buen manejo de Excel/Google Sheets - Ganas de trabajar y de aspirar a crecer profesionalmente El manejo de Amazon no es un requisito indispensable ya que te podemos formar internamente para usarlo. Es un ecommerce complejo de más de 600 productos personalizables por el usuario y requiere de alguien capaz, con muy buena organización y capacidad de razonamiento lógico bueno. Remuneración: 100% REMOTO. Es una gran oportunidad. Se paga entre 1,200 y 1,500 USD al mes.
I'm seeking a data analyst with experience in SQL and Crystal Reports. The task invol...crystal report to generate monthly Intrastat declarations derived from our sales data. This data is stored in a SQL database and needs to be transformed into Excel format for the reports. Key components of the reports: - Sales data fields: Product information, Transaction value, Date, Invoice No, Customer Name, Item Description, Quantity, Item Amount Value, Nominal Code, SIC, Weight Each, Line Weight Amount, Gross Amount Value, Type, Customer VAT No. - Customer-based segmentation for the reports. Ideal skills: - Proficiency in SQL and Crystal Reports. - Experience with sales data analysis. - Ability to segment data by customer. - Excel expertise for report formatting. Looki...
...stream/rtmp streams /lock to ip not able to view from other ips. - show current connected connections by username/connected channels/country flag - show users/ online/offline / disable users/ kick connection user (disconnect all connections)/ban user - create stream bouqets /categorys, add streams to categories, user limit access to wach selected stream categories, assign epg to channel - epg xml tv, update every x days reload epg /add epg/delete epg/ sync with channels epg - advanced export playlists mutli option ( rtmp,rtsp,rtp,rtmpe, udp,http,mpegts,ts,hls,dash all protocols) - it should be used with nginx for serving streams. - stream checker auto restart stream after x seconds option if stream disconnect try reconnect, possible to add multiple stream sources (if first...
I'm looking for a professional with extensive experience in MS-Access and VBA to help me fine-tune my existing database. This database tracks the stays (assignments = Ents) of school members (participants = Tln) who are doing internships or foreign courses at specific locations (hosting organizations = AO). Ideal expertise: - MS-Access (2016) proficiency - VBA scripting skills - Data integration troubleshooting - Report generation optimization The project involves: - Modifying the existing forms and layouts - Improving the data integration between tables - Enhancing report generation Most of the tables, forms, queries, and reports are already set. However, some integration points need to be adjusted, and this is where your expertise will come in handy. An extensive do...
...able to track product work status (e.g., “In Progress”, “Completed”). • A Sales Supervisor must approve any modifications to sales orders or inventory. B. CRM Functionality • Objective: Salespeople should be able to manage leads and follow through with potential customers. • Requirements: • Salespeople should gather and track customer information through the CRM module. • If a lead does not convert into a sale, they should be able to enter the reason for failure. • Supervisor Approval is required for any CRM-related changes. 2. Manufacturing Department A. Workshop Supervisors’ Role & Workflow • Objective: Manage the production workflow in the two factories and ensure smooth communication with showrooms...
I'm seeking a proficient English typist to assist with transcribing scanned images into PDF documents. The tasks will include: - Typing documents from scanned images - Data entry into MS Excel - Copy and paste tasks Ideal candidates should have exceptional typing skills with a knack for accuracy and speed. Proficiency in MS Word and MS Excel is a must, as well as experience with data entry. If you're capable of delivering high-quality work in a timely manner, I look forward to your proposal.
Buenos dias, buscamos programador .net , xml ... para realizarnos unas modificaciones en nuestro erp propio con bda Postgresql, entre ellas (QUITAR ESTADO PROCESANDO del ERP (BDA) , PESO INDIVIDUAL de artículos crv(BDA) , Cargar contaminantes en fichas de descontaminación(ERP), hacer funcionar el certificado de destrucción telemático en la comunidad valenciana(XML).
I need a freelancer to transcribe a research questionnaire into an Excel spreadsheet and populate it with 500 dummy data entries. Key Requirements: - The questionnaire consists of 60 questions, most of them in a Likert scale format and focused on collecting demographic and behavioural data. - The final Excel file should simulate 500 responses to the questionnaire, based on criteria provided Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel - Experience with data entry and data simulation - Familiarity with Likert scale and behavioral research. Please ensure that your proposal includes relevant experience and a brief outline of your approach to this task. Include the word 'Ninja' in your PM.
Need help organizing messy Excel data ? I'm here to assist! With expertise in Excel, I offer professional services to clean, format, merge, and split data, ensuring your files are organized and ready for use. Services Provided: Data Cleaning: Eliminate duplicates, fix errors, and maintain data integrity. Data Formatting: Apply consistent styles, format dates, and more. Data Merging: Combine data from multiple sheets or files seamlessly. Data Splitting: Separate data into categories or individual sheets. Custom Solutions: Tailored services to meet your specific needs. Why Choose My Services? Experienced: Skilled in Excel with a focus on accuracy and efficiency. Timely Delivery: Committed to meeting your deadlines. Client-Centric: Your satisfaction is my priority...
I need a skilled professional to install my source code on a Windows-based VPS (Virtual Private Server). The project involves a front end built in React and a backend developed with Node.js. Key Responsibilities: - Install the necessary components on the server, which includes a Node.js runtime, and a web server (IIS). - Set up a database server (like MySQL) if required. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in deploying applications on a VPS. - Deep understanding of React and Node.js. - Experience with Windows server management. - Knowledge in setting up and configuring IIS and MySQL.
I'm looking for an efficient Executive Assistant who can help me manage my daily workflow. The primary focus will be on data management and organization. Key Responsibilities: - Manage and organize data using Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets - Sync my calendar with existing calendar apps Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets - Experience in data management and organization - Excellent coordination and communication skills Good communication skills Good English spoken as well as written
...a custom theme inspired by: Our current store: Project Scope – Implementation Only A Figma design will be provided, and the selected freelancer will be responsible for the full Shopify implementation, ensuring pixel-perfect accuracy and best-in-class performance. Key Deliverables: ✅ Custom Shopify Theme Development Convert the Figma design into a fully functional Shopify theme Ensure a 100% pixel-perfect match to the Figma file Fully mobile-responsive & optimized Implement advanced UI/UX animations (GSAP, Framer Motion, or CSS animations) Optimized for fast loading speeds (Lazy Loading, WebP images, minimized CSS/JS) ✅ Best-In-Class Technologies & Frameworks Liquid + Tailwind CSS for highly efficient, modern styling
About this Gig: "Is your data messy or not organized? I can help!" With my skills in data cleaning, processing, merging, and splitting, I will turn your raw data into a clean, organized d...I will combine data from multiple sources (spreadsheets, CSV files, databases) into a unified, comprehensive dataset, ensuring smooth integration. Splitting: I will split large datasets into smaller, more manageable segments or break down columns into multiple categories, improving clarity and usability for better decision-making. Why To Choose My Services? : Skilled in Excel, Python and MySQL & Detail: I pay close attention to every aspect of your data to ensure its error-free and well-structured. Pricing: Professional data services at a competitive rate
I'm looking for a seasoned social media marketer to bolster my brand's online presence across Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The primary goal of this project is to generate leads and sales, so a strong emphasis on ...presence across Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The primary goal of this project is to generate leads and sales, so a strong emphasis on converting followers into customers is crucial. Focus would be UAE Key components of the job include: - Crafting and executing an engaging strategy centered around educational content to grow our followers. - Implementing effective promotional techniques to convert our audience into leads and ultimately, sales. Weekly 4 Posts in all the main social media pages (FB,insta, Linked in ,Twitter). Monthly 4 Reels (AI Ba...
I'm a skilled professional to design a Power BI dashboard that analyzes various Human Resource trends. The dashboard will effectively track metrics such as attrition rate, average salary, and retention rate. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Power BI and Excel - Experience with HR analytics - Ability to visualize complex data and trends clearly The dashboard will utilize public datasets alongside our internal data to create a comprehensive view of our HR trends. The primary users of this dashboard will be our HR managers, so the design should cater to their specific needs and decision-making processes. The ultimate goal of this project is to empower our HR team to understand attrition trends and make informed decisions with 100% accuracy. A specific focus will be on how sa...
...skills for various projects. Translation: Professional translation services for documents and content. Medical Writing: Assistance with healthcare-related content and research. Data Entry: Accurate and efficient data management. Diet & Public Health Research: Creating reports and articles related to diet and health. PowerPoint Presentations: Creating professional and engaging presentations. Excel Work: Data analysis, charts, and spreadsheet management. Requirements: Strong attention to detail. Relevant experience in any of the above-mentioned fields. Ability to meet deadlines. Deliverables: High-quality, error-free work. Submission within the agreed timeline. Budget: Flexible, depending on the project scope and quality. These projects are long-term, requirin...
...delivering scroll-stopping content and enjoy working in a supportive, growth-oriented environment, we’d love to hear from you! What We’re Looking For: • Experience: Proven ability to create videos for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok (both organic and ad content). • Creative Skills: Strong understanding of copywriting, hooks, and customer avatars to craft videos that attract and convert. • Technical Knowledge: Proficiency in editing software such as Adobe Premiere, Final Cut, AI tools, or voice-over platforms. • Strategic Thinking: Ability to develop creative angles and adapt to different customer personas to maximize engagement. • Attention to Detail: A meticulous approach to producing high-quality videos that meet specific cr...
I need 4 scanned PDF documents converted into Word documents. The key requirements for this project are: - Formatting: I require a high level of accuracy with exact formatting. The Word documents should match the original scanned PDFs as closely as possible. - Content: The scanned PDFs contain only text, there are no images, charts, or other non-text elements to convert. - Fonts and Styles: You don't need to worry about specific fonts or styles, as standard fonts and styles are fine. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficient in Microsoft Word and PDF conversion tools. - Attention to detail for precise formatting. - Experience with high-accuracy document conversion tasks.
...delivering scroll-stopping content and enjoy working in a supportive, growth-oriented environment, we’d love to hear from you! What We’re Looking For: • Experience: Proven ability to create videos for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok (both organic and ad content). • Creative Skills: Strong understanding of copywriting, hooks, and customer avatars to craft videos that attract and convert. • Technical Knowledge: Proficiency in editing software such as Adobe Premiere, Final Cut, AI tools, or voice-over platforms. • Strategic Thinking: Ability to develop creative angles and adapt to different customer personas to maximize engagement. • Attention to Detail: A meticulous approach to producing high-quality videos that meet specific cr...