鉴于现目前的网站基础(java为主)写出CMS平台出來用于日常內容update。 或者 采用wordpress, 根据我方提出的layout design,写code和完成整个网站代码建设,拼接和修改。 具体信息详谈
项目: - 一个牙医软件模块; - 部分功能基于开源控件实现; - 开发环境为C#, MSSQL Server, MS Access (MDB); - 1.1 版本已经完成并在使用; - 现按照用户要求有所改动; - 改动分为2个阶段,1.2版本和2.0版本; - 1.2版本预计一个月内完成; - 2.0版本预计二个月; 要求: - 熟识C#,.NET, MSSQL,MS ACCESS; - 使用第三方控件经验; - 懂看简单英文需求; 项目本身是加拿大外包的,我人在东莞,可以到我这里开会,也可以到深圳开会,让你了解该程序和其需求以便报价。 有兴趣的,请QQ 1073158942 联系,或电 15820998667 (何生)
1. 设计及建立公司内部网站(登录访问),主要信息包括各部门主要架构、流程及手册,同时包括最新公司动态,行业信息等。信息披露分层,二层不超过10页,三层以上不超过30页。简单的网页间连接。同时包括一个内部Forum (论坛)可以让员工共享相关行业及知识信息。 2. 在同一网站上建立一个内部应用系统加数据库,主要流程涵盖客户记录及贷款状态录入及更新。数据库不超过10个表, 每个表大概10-20个字段,主数据每月新数据不超过500条记录,总数据量大概每年新增50000条。 数据库机构初步包括:客户表、介绍人表、佣金表、新交易表、交易历史记录表等。 应用系统主要功能是录入、查询及产生报表。 安全考虑上可以根据访问人员的ID呈现可以访问的界面及相关报表。 3. 希望网站建设可以使用较简单的HTML5、Access数据库设计,以方便未来的自行维护。 4. 全部网页为英文。
*見附件"功能需求簡介" 功能1 1、輸入等級、國別、功能、代碼後,進而篩選出合適數據並呈現出圖表 2、代碼可打入多種進而讓不同數據比較、並呈現出圖表 功能2 1、輸入F、G或H、I按下Button後可篩選出所有符合的數值並呈現圖表 功能3 檔案來源為json或csv
SQL注入/代码审计/数据库权限/渗透测试技术 接渗透单子高手,联系电子邮箱:aqcp#(#改成@)语言要求:中文 熟练掌握各种内网渗透测试工具与相关知识,精通常见安全攻防技术:sql注入、xss、文件上传、文件包含、命令执行等漏洞 熟悉linux、unix、Windows、oracle、J2EE等各种环境下WEB的安全配置与安全检查及WEB漏洞防范; 熟悉各种脚本语言(asp,php,jsp,java,net、perl、python等)具备独立挖掘web安全漏洞与入侵手段 具备一定的网络安全知识,对网络安全结构、系统漏洞、入侵检测、病毒防护等有深入理论基础和实践经验; 熟悉渗透测试黑客攻防的步骤、方法、流程、熟练掌握各种渗透测试攻防工具有实际渗透经验者优先; 求大虾接单,脱裤,要求,电话,手机,姓名,邮箱,其他的一概不要。每笔单1000美金起步,根据站的难度而定价格,具体可以详谈,寻找长期合作. 态度认真、中介勿扰,请技术实力说话。
1.要識中文,善於溝通 2. Access 基本運作 (關聯圖,報表,表單等等) -要將所有資料整理及關聯,方便我們尋找客人的資料 -要按我們需要及要求製作表單和報表 -需要各負責人交代有關運作及其用途
安全测试、漏洞发掘、漏洞渗透测试、安全审核、安全风险、服务器安全漏洞渗透测试评估与分析及加固; 联系QQ:840555737 2、对产品代码进行审视,找出安全漏洞并提出修改建议; 3、研究各种安全技术,编写和维护用于安全测试的攻击工具、防御工具和分析工具; 4、负责公司Web产品涉及到的安全性研究; 5、负责响应公司的安全事件; 6、为公司员工提供信息安全教育及培训。 岗位要求: 1、熟悉渗透测试的各类技术及方法,熟练掌握各种渗透测试工具;熟练操作各类操作系统、应用平台; 2、精通或熟练掌握php/perl/python/javascript/shell等多种脚本语言; 3、熟悉asp,php、jsp等主流的Web安全技术,包括SQL注入、XSS、CSRF等常见的安全漏洞利用; 4、熟悉国内外主流安全产品、工具,如:AppScan扫描器、wvs等; 5、对Web安全测试有自己的理解; 6、熟悉常见攻击和防御办法,熟悉web安全和渗透技术,能自行进行web渗透测试,恶意代码监测和分析; 7、熟悉ddos攻击类型和原理有一定的ddos攻防经验,能有效防御黑客挂马和恶意流量攻击,会熟练搭建负载均衡系统。
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Convert excel data to APK file(run under android)'
聘请中国黑客/骇客/渗透/入侵技术人员 网站攻防技术人员,网站检测,漏洞修补,漏洞挖掘,数据库修补 1、精通web攻击、渗透技术,精通asp/php/java/gov/MD5解密/服务器 入侵目标:中国gov,政府站,教育网,网站数据库,提取数据,渗透/入侵网站数据库获取数据即可,说明白一点就是拿站,需要收定金,不支持验证的,不支持担保的,请绕道. 诚聘渗透经验丰富者,做事态度认真、敬业者;中介勿扰,者勿扰,自大狂傲者勿扰.请以技术实力说话。非诚心者请走.skype:dujiaoxi2014 @
drupal modules workflow: 我要实现目的: 用views workflow summary 页面,增加workflow字段,使用workflow formatter; 要求: 1、在summary 页面,可以使用更新状态(update workflow) 2、显示示workflow 历史状态及相应的用户名; 3、可以批量update workflow
... 利润最大化通过开发和制作百度,搜狗,360显示广告,规划和部署PPC活动。 -赢得优质的、显著的PPC项目进展。 -通过PPC或付费点击追踪、更新跟踪和更新流量模式。 -负责PPC报告,包括每周和每月项目报告,分析该项目的表现,评估投资回报率对关键指标和优化支出的最大价值。 -培训营销人员,监督各项目进展,以确保团队的优质表现。 -参与或主持高级管理层及营销团队的会议。 -发掘、聘用、指导和激励线上营销人员在技术及应用层面发挥最大潜能。 技能与经验要求: -良好的教育背景。 -渴望成功。 -拥有5年以上的任职PPC经理/百度网盟专家的经历。 -有参与SEM竞标技术、自动化功能的经验。 -善写广告文案,懂得就项目进行专业层面的比较。 -能够管理、指导大批富有经验的团队成员工作。 -有从众多数据中获取信息、做出清晰判断与明智角色的经验,善用Excel与Access. -优秀的客户处理能力和书面、口头沟通技巧。 -杰出的项目管理能力,能同时管理多个项目,并确保项目按时运作。 -能够适应瞬息万变的线上营销趋势。 -能够萌生新创意、执行新想法。 -能够从头至尾地带领、管理并参与任一项目。 -富有职业道德及旺盛的精力。
...-定期重新评估这关键词,以确保其依旧有效且适用。 -开展详细的范文链接分析,设计创新链接建设活动。 -不断更新自己的搜索引擎营销及相关知识。 -启动和运用的客观的测试工具、资源及技术。 管理与操作层面: -有效地管理你的工作,并使用Outlook准确地记录所耗工作时长。 -有效地管理可用资源。 -进行基本的风险评估。 -自由地分享知识、见地、实践方法、战术及想法。 -为同事及客户提供持续的指导及帮助。 -帮助推动SEO团队及Qumin其他部门的发展。 技能与经验: -精通中文及英语,流利的英语至关重要。 -三至五年的SEO从业经验,及在数字营销领域的广泛经验。 -拥有对新兴平台和有效的搜索引擎优化策略的完整而广泛的知识与技术。 -透彻了解百度、谷歌和其他搜索引擎的排名页面。 -熟悉HTML,CSS和WEB标准。 -掌握并善于运用如PHP、ASP等编程知识和技术。 -丰富的搜索引擎优化经验。 -能够解析大量熟悉、信息,并迅速作出清晰判断及明智决策。 -高超的数据处理及书面报告呈现能力。 -丰富的博客运作经验。 -掌握中国主要社会化媒体渠道信息,包括微博和人人网。 -善用百度分析工具、搜索引擎优化、社交工具和其他主要的第三方分析平台,例如百度统计和CNZZ。 -具有较强的时间管理和计划能力。 -能够在紧迫的期限和压力下保持冷静,并开展高水准的工作。 -渴望成功,关注细节,追求卓越。 -自信,具有良好的沟通及表达能力,思路清晰,富有创意。
Access 2013 Web App 在线的顾客管理系统。用户登录后在主页看每日摘要: 1.近一个月内新加入的顾客 2.正在处理中的顾客列表 3.总顾客数量 点击添加新顾客按钮可以弹出窗口添加新顾客 点击顾客名可以弹出顾客详细信息,并可以打印该详细信息
I want 100% real facebook 50,000 users to like my Facebook Fan Page. I want people to be from PAKISTAN ONLY no World Wide. No Time Waters Please ! Project Description: 50,000 Facebook Likes from ONLY Pakistani Facebook users. (NO world wide Likes) • All LIKES must be real people with active account Facebook accounts (no fake accounts or accounts at risk of being suspended.) • NO bots, NO Blackhat techniques, NO Farmville or any other game. • Must be achieved by NO means of Illegal activity • No fake fans that will risk my page deleted. • Fans and Followers must be active. • No spammers or distasteful, illegal or plain sick profile pictures • You must use good practices when gathering LIKES. ^^Facebook account must not be...
web developer,if you are good at it ……网校招聘大牛渗透/入侵检测网站数据库/服务器,信息安全技术,菜鸟回避! 对技术的要求: 年龄不限 专业且经验丰富者,做事态度认真、敬业者,中介勿扰,倒单者勿扰。 会者不难,难者不会,对于专业的人来说这个非常简单.请以技术实力说话。 渗透/入侵网站测试 精通数据库/服务器 0、熟悉网络安全体系,了解最新网络安全漏洞,熟悉各种渗透入侵技术;1、熟悉以及擅长于脚本渗透,能独立分析各种脚本寻找以及发现问题;2、熟悉ASP语言;3、工作经验不限,有耐力,有毅力。 招揽反入侵方面的专业人士 检测内容:安全性较高的服务器 可通过各种途径,检测指定服务器或网站的漏洞,加以利用. 非诚心者请走,骗子请绕道. 只要你有实力-长期有单 这个只是广告.有能力接单的请联系邮箱:(年薪16万美元)
web developer,if you are good at it ……网校招聘大牛渗透/入侵检测网站数据库/服务器,信息安全技术,菜鸟回避! 对技术的要求: 年龄不限 专业且经验丰富者,做事态度认真、敬业者,中介勿扰,倒单者勿扰。 会者不难,难者不会,对于专业的人来说这个非常简单.请以技术实力说话。 渗透/入侵网站测试 精通数据库/服务器 0、熟悉网络安全体系,了解最新网络安全漏洞,熟悉各种渗透入侵技术;1、熟悉以及擅长于脚本渗透,能独立分析各种脚本寻找以及发现问题;2、熟悉ASP语言;3、工作经验不限,有耐力,有毅力。 招揽反入侵方面的专业人士 检测内容:安全性较高的服务器 可通过各种途径,检测指定服务器或网站的漏洞,加以利用. 非诚心者请走,骗子请绕道. 只要你有实力-长期有单 这个只是广告.有能力接单的请联系邮箱:qqdujiaoxi@(年薪16万美元) if you want to have this work ,please leave your QQ or telephone
web developer,if you are good at it ……网校招聘大牛渗透/入侵检测网站数据库/服务器,信息安全技术,菜鸟回避! 对技术的要求: 年龄不限 专业且经验丰富者,做事态度认真、敬业者,中介勿扰,倒单者勿扰。 会者不难,难者不会,对于专业的人来说这个非常简单.请以技术实力说话。 渗透/入侵网站测试 精通数据库/服务器 0、熟悉网络安全体系,了解最新网络安全漏洞,熟悉各种渗透入侵技术;1、熟悉以及擅长于脚本渗透,能独立分析各种脚本寻找以及发现问题;2、熟悉ASP语言;3、工作经验不限,有耐力,有毅力。 招揽反入侵方面的专业人士 检测内容:安全性较高的服务器 可通过各种途径,检测指定服务器或网站的漏洞,加以利用. 非诚心者请走,骗子请绕道. 只要你有实力-长期有单 这个只是广告.有能力接单的请联系邮箱:(年薪16万美元)
I'm seeking an experienced Android developer to create an offline-compatible app utilizing Neuro Technology's VeriLook for fac...from Kobo/ODK and scan the farmer's face to match with pre-loaded images on the tablet. - If a match is found, the app will display the farmer's ID and prompt for activity enrolment. - If no match is found, the app continues with the new registration process. - The data to be stored and retrieved for each farmer includes their ID and photo. - The solution must operate efficiently without internet access. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Android app development. - Previous experience with facial recognition technology, specifically Neuro Technology's VeriLook. - Familiarity with Kobo Collect and ODK. - Ability to devel...
I'm seeking a professional PHP developer to assist with some modifications on my checkout page. The primary focus will be on altering existing fields, specifically the payment method field. Key Tasks: - Modify the payment method field on the checkout page. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in PHP and web development - Prior experience with e-commerce checkout page modifications - Strong understanding of user interface design - Excellent problem-solving skills
...modules and fixing existing bugs. Key Requirements: - Create a robust User Management Module that includes: - Role-based access control to ensure security and proper access levels - User authentication and registration for new staff and patients - Profile management to maintain and update user information - Develop a comprehensive Payment Processing Module that handles: - Billing for patients - Insurance processing - Payment tracking - Build a Reporting and Analytics Module that can: - Generate reports on various hospital metrics - Analyze data for trends and insights - Implement a User Management Module with features like: - Role-based access control to maintain security - User authentication and registration for new staff and patien...
...widget to talk on voice with chatgpt and used a template for it. I want that template + chatgpt talking also in APP. So i want at the corner a speech logo. When click on it then i get that new talking page. Delete the section for “Kapper” see red cross. Check also for januari. Because it is now januari but if i scroll to 1 2 3 then the month need to jump on Februari. Because that 1 2 3 is not januari anymore. And we need to modify the booking and also rebooking system. Discuss with JayCee how the new system work. Because with dates + time + person we gone search for a free staff = table. And we dont search with a free staff + date for a time anymore. Instead of that Bij Salon change it and add the adress there. Then delete the kapper section also...
I'm looking for a professional app tester with experience in usability testing for iOS apps. The primary focus of this project will be: RemindCounter App You need to test all the possible features of the app for creating different events and ...The primary focus of this project will be: RemindCounter App You need to test all the possible features of the app for creating different events and counters with different iPhones possible. The testing should be conducted on both an iPhone and an iPad. Ideal candidates should have: - Prior experience in usability testing, specifically for iOS apps. - Access to an iPhone and an iPad for thorough testing. - Excellent attention to detail and a user-centric mindset.
Project Overview: This project aims to update and optimize our existing WordPress website to improve user experience, navigation, and performance. The focus will be on enhancing contract pages, usability, and overall speed without adding new content. Objectives: 1. Contract Pages Update: Ensure all contract-related pages are well-structured and easy to navigate. Improve layout, readability, and accessibility. 2. Usability Enhancements: Optimize the site’s design for a smoother and more intuitive user experience. Enhance mobile responsiveness. Improve menu structure and internal linking for better navigation. 3. Speed & Performance Optimization: Minimize loading times by optimizing images, scripts, and caching. Improve database efficiency and remove unnec...
...order status update to "Completed" upon successful payment processing Workflow 1️⃣ Website1: The user places an order and selects Stripe as the payment method. A button or redirection sends the order amount and order_id to Mobropa.com. 2️⃣ Mobropa: Receives the order data (amount and order ID from Website1). Creates a Stripe Checkout session, adding the order_id as metadata. Redirects the user to the Stripe Checkout payment page. 3️⃣ Stripe Checkout: Processes the card payment. Redirects the user back to a confirmation page on Website1. Sends a webhook notification to upon successful payment. 4️⃣ Webhook: Listens for events from Stripe. Extracts the order_id from the metadata. Calls the WooCommerce REST API on Website1to update the order
...server. Create a file to manage all containers. MySQL Database: Set up a MySQL container with a persistent volume. Configure a secure root password and a dedicated WordPress database. Optimize database performance settings. Nginx Web Server: Set up an Nginx container as a reverse proxy for WordPress. Configure SSL (Let’s Encrypt or provided SSL certificate). Optimize Nginx settings for security and performance. WordPress Installation: Deploy a WordPress container with a persistent volume for data storage. Connect WordPress to the MySQL database. Ensure proper permissions and security measures. Provide basic setup (admin user, database connection, etc.). Security & Performance Optimization: Restrict unauthorized access to MySQL and WordPress. Ena...
...extension that allows users to extract lead data (emails, phone numbers, job titles, LinkedIn profiles, etc.) from websites and social media platforms (e.g., LinkedIn, Gmail, etc.), similar to Apollo, Skrapp, and Lusha. Integrate the extension with for easy export and management of leads. Build an intuitive and user-friendly interface that lets users view, filter, and export their leads (CSV, Google Sheets, etc.). Add features for email validation, contact enrichment, and automatic syncing with accounts. Ensure the extension works efficiently and is optimized for fast performance, without consuming too many system resources. Adhere to data privacy regulations (GDPR, CCPA, etc.) in terms of how data is scraped and stored. Perform cross-browser compatibility testing and debugging
I'm looking for a skilled React developer to build a Queue Interface for scheduling appointments. The project will encompass a home page, an organization page, and an admin page, all of which need to interact seamlessly with my REST backend APIs. Key Requirements: - User Authentication: The login system will be based on an email and password setup, so experience with implementing secure login systems is essential. - Home Page Features: The home page should include an introduction and description of the service, a quick access section for scheduling appointments, and a user login/signup area. - API Interaction: All pages must efficiently interact with the specified REST APIs. Prior experience with REST is necessary. - React Proficiency: High p...
I must do a web application in wordpress. It must have a landing page stile, the payment of service, so creation of account, login and payment. It must have a form plugin to do questionnaire. At th eend of the questionnaire the AI must show a report baed on answers. The web must have a form plugin jotform) The job to do: make the landing pages with information of service, add the buy page of service using table price and direct ckeckout (you can use woocommerce); add jotform; integrate the questionnaire of jotform and the answer with AI to create the authomatic report. The questions of jotform and the answer of jotform must be saved inside my mysql database. So it is necessary use a plugin to create the tables and save the answer add a plugin or code to comunicate wi...
I'm seeking a professional CV update tailored for submission with a book proposal to a publisher. Key Aspects: - Preferred Style: Traditional - Most Effective Focus: I'm unsure on what aspects - whether it be professional experience, academic achievements, or skills and competencies - will be most impactful for the target audience, so guidance here is crucial. - Section Inclusions: I would like to incorporate a summary of qualifications, publications and articles, and awards and recognitions, along with any other sections deemed appropriate for the target audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in CV writing, particularly for the publishing industry - Excellent understanding of traditional CV styles - Ability to effectively highlight and tai...
I'm looking for an expert in SSH who can help me with secure remote access to my Linux/Unix servers. Requirements: - Establish and configure SSH connections for secure remote access - Provide guidance on best practices for SSH security - Troubleshoot any issues with remote connections Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with SSH and Linux/Unix servers - Strong understanding of network security - Excellent problem-solving skills
I'm looking for a professional web developer...web developer with extensive experience in Wix Studio. The project entails creating an Admin Dashboard for my e-commerce site, focused primarily on product management and sales analytics. Here's a breakdown of the key components: Product Management: - The ability to add, edit, and delete products - Product categorization Analytics: - The dashboard should include sales reports User Roles: - Access control for Admin, Manager, and Staff The ideal candidate should have a strong background in e-commerce platform development, specifically with Wix, and should be proficient in creating user-friendly interfaces with robust back-end support. Prior experience with product management systems and sales analytics integration will b...
...certificate on my website, ensuring that the URL is updated to https and that all visitors can access the site without security warnings. The task also includes updating the Really Simple Security WordPress plugin to ensure the website's health and security are up to date. I'm also open to any other plugin if you feel there is a better solution for monitoring the site. - SSL Certificate: I need assistance purchasing an SSL certificate. I'm unsure which type of SSL certificate would be best for my website, so I would appreciate your expert advice on this matter. - Really Simple Security Plugin: The plugin is currently set to standard settings, with no customizations. Your task will be to update the plugin to its latest version and ensure all settings are...
...store the data in a manageable format. Key Responsibilities: Develop a Chrome extension that integrates seamlessly with major websites to scrape user contact information (email, phone, LinkedIn profile, etc.). Implement advanced search and filtering capabilities to refine data. Ensure data privacy and compliance with relevant laws (GDPR, CCPA, etc.). Build features for users to export data to CSV, Google Sheets, etc. Implement a user-friendly interface and dashboard. Perform extensive testing and debugging to ensure smooth performance. Requirements: Proven experience in developing Chrome Extensions (provide examples). Strong knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and related web technologies. Familiarity with web scraping techniques and APIs. Ability to work with third-party serv...
...developer to create a robust web-based CRM system for my business. The system is intended to streamline the management of sales, orders, expenses, and payments, both internally and with external API servers. Key Features: - Automation of data import from CSV/XLSX files and APIs with built-in data validation - Accurate order matching - Comprehensive tracking of expenses, employee salaries, and overall profitability - Fund reconciliation capability with Binance and other payment sources - Support for multi-currency transactions - Role-based access for different user levels: Admins, Managers, and Employees - Generation of detailed financial and operational reports Ideal Candidate: The perfect candidate for this project is an expert in CRM development with a strong backgroun...
I am seeking assistance to expose my local SSH Ubuntu for public access. The main purpose is to facilitate remote management of the system. I have an Ubuntu device, I want to access the terminal, host websites (NGINX) like AWS EC2 or any VPS. Requirements: - Full root access needs to be provided through SSH. - Implementation of key-based authentication for security. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Ubuntu and SSH. - Strong knowledge and experience in system security, particularly key-based authentication. - Prior experience in setting up systems for remote management.
We will update the content across three pages. ( Shockwave therapy, Dry Needling and Pelvic Floor ) Also change the image for Pelvic Floor.
Objective: Develop a comprehensive trading and analytics platform for meme coins, incorporating features for volume generation, bundling, automated trading, and social interaction tools such as commenting and user engagement. Key Features and Functionalities 1. Volume Modes Create various modes to simulate or manage trading volume for meme coins: Gen Volume:...execute volume modes, bundling, and commenting features. Develop efficient task schedulers for delayed and automated actions. Deliverables Fully functional platform with Volume Modes, Bundler, Commenting, and Bump It features. Integration with blockchain APIs and wallets. Admin dashboard for managing platform operations, analytics, and user support. User-friendly interface for traders to access and use all features s...
Arabic Learning School home page design and development
I'm in need of a comprehensive clinic ma...User Roles: The software should be accessible to: - Doctors - Reception Staff - Administrators - Agencies - Medical Stores - Pathology Departments Notifications: The software should support various types of notifications including: - Email Notifications: For sending appointment reminders and other important information. - SMS Notifications: For reaching out to patients who may not have internet access. - WhatsApp Notifications: For instant communication with patients. Ideal skills for this job include software development, cybersecurity for safeguarding patient data, and experience with CRM systems. Familiarity with WhatsApp integration will be a plus. The goal is to enhance the efficiency of our clinic operations and improve patient...
My logo needs an update to a circular design with a unique, high-quality and elegant aesthetic. It's crucial that it stands out from the typical home improvement logos that feature a roof. You will have the freedom to incorporate other elements, beyond just a roof, into the design - tools, abstract shapes, or nature elements - as you see fit. Key requirements: - Exceptional graphic design skills - Experience in logo design - Ability to create a modern, elegant design - Open to creative, out-of-the-box ideas - Strong understanding of color theory and design principles Ultimately, I want a logo that not only communicates high quality and elegance but also sets us apart in the home improvement industry.
...clients (if applicable). 2. Approach and Methodology: o Detailed strategy for achieving our objectives. o Proposed tools, processes, and reporting cadence. 3. Team Structure: o Introduction to the team members who will work on our account. 4. Pricing and Budget: o Transparent breakdown of costs (retainer, hourly rate, performance-based fees, etc.). o Monthly Google Ads budget: Allocated as per the table above. o Any additional costs for tools, audits, or reports. 5. References: o At least two client references with similar project scopes. ________________________________________ Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria: • Demonstrated expertise in Google Ads management. • Success with similar clients or industries. • Understa...
...clients (if applicable). 2. Approach and Methodology: o Detailed strategy for achieving our objectives. o Proposed tools, processes, and reporting cadence. 3. Team Structure: o Introduction to the team members who will work on our account. 4. Pricing and Budget: o Transparent breakdown of costs (retainer, hourly rate, performance-based fees, etc.). o Monthly Google Ads budget: Allocated as per the table above. o Any additional costs for tools, audits, or reports. 5. References: o At least two client references with similar project scopes. ________________________________________ Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria: • Demonstrated expertise in Google Ads management. • Success with similar clients or industries. • Understa...
Build transcoding panel budget 250 euro features - dashboard show, cpu utilzation by grapihc using widgets, show total connections, show total streams online/offline/ show per row each gpu statics with utilzation graphics , show total in and outgoing network metrics/ usage of traffic (from uptime second til now realtime) if reboot server then start from 0 traffic data - page live streams , show stream details (kbps/audio/codec/videocodec/total connections/uptime stream/restart stop buttons, mini popup jwplayer or hls player to show live stream - add stream, support multi source setup, select gpu , select profile for transcode, select output http stream/rtmp stream output *( rtmp,rtsp,rtp,rtmpe, udp,http,mpegts,ts,hls,dash all protocols) - profiles for transcoding (attach to gp...
...database professional to design a relational database for me using PostgreSQL. The ultimate goal is to build an internal data warehouse tailored for revenue lifecycle management. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze the provided PDF containing all data feeds and headers. - Design a robust relational database that meets the needs of our business. - Deliver a comprehensive database diagram that includes table relationships, primary and foreign keys, and column data types. - Visualize and outline data flows within the system. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with PostgreSQL and database design. - Familiarity with revenue lifecycle management businesses. - Ability to deliver clear and detailed database diagrams and data flow visualizations. - Excellent analytical skil...
Develop a web-based VPS management system with an admin panel and user interface. The system should allow admins to create and manage user accounts, control VPS instances, and monitor resource usage. Users should be able to access and manage their assigned VPS instances. The system should integrate with multiple VPS providers via their APIs (e.g., HostDzire, Hostycare, STGScloud & More ). Admin Features User Management: * Create, edit, and delete user accounts. * Assign VPS instances to users. * No user self-registration. * Generate random ID, password, and PIN for new users. * Login as any user to troubleshoot or assist. * VPS Management: * Full control over all VPS instances (reboot, stop, start, suspend, unsuspend...
Elite Digital Forensics is seeking trustworthy, qualif...capability. Experience in computer forensics, cell phone forensics, and cyber investigations. • Expertise with tools such as Magnet AXIOM, Cellebrite, Oxygen Forensics, and other relevant platforms. • Strong attention to detail and ability to follow investigative protocols. • Excellent report writing skills with a focus on clarity and professionalism. • Reliable computer and high-speed internet access for remote work. • Team-oriented mindset with the ability to represent the Elite Digital Forensics brand professionally. Position Details • Fully remote, flexible hours. • Subcontractor (1099) status. • Case volume varies from 1-10 cases per month. To Apply: • Please submit your resu...
...considerations and best practices for a robust FinTech application. --- ## 1. Overview ### Widget Objective A **Stock Sentiment Predictor** Widget that: 1. **Scrapes financial news articles** for a given stock ticker and date range. 2. **Applies GPT-4 (or other large language models) and classical sentiment analysis** to generate a quantitative sentiment score (ranging from 1–10). 3. **Outputs**: - A **CSV** with per-article sentiment scores and metadata (e.g., publication date, headline, source). - A **graph** (PNG/SVG) visualizing the sentiment trend over the selected time range. ### Intended Users - **Retail Investors**: Quick insight into market sentiment. - **Financial Analysts**: Additional layer of data-driven signals for research. --- ## 2. Interface Req...
I'm in need of a professional to create a Facebook page for my Senior Placement Service business. Key Requirements: - The primary purpose of this page will be promotion and marketing. Therefore, a strong understanding of digital marketing strategies is crucial. - The page should prominently feature photos and graphics. These will be crucial for capturing the attention of potential clients and their families. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating engaging Facebook business pages. - Strong graphic design skills. - Experience in the senior placement service industry would be a plus. - Knowledge of digital marketing strategies.