我在POPO写发泄文,后来删除。但我的文章被大陆盗版。不知道能不能直接完全清除大陸盜我文章的網站。(宅宅宅宅) (魏承风)这篇一定要先下架,也希望不要有任何的作品。 把Google或是其它能看到的移動版全都刪除。
根据我们提供的一个html前端模板和我们的设计宏观理念,设计一个类似传统知识付费网站的前端html,不需要后端,不需要对接,页面用到bootstrap 5、CSS 和 html,不用angular,有能力的联系,价格面议,感谢
职位描述 1、本科以上学历 2、2年及以上前端开发经验 3、能熟练使用常见类库或框架 4、善于web性能优化与前端效果的实现 5、熟悉react技术栈 职位要求: 1.有证券从业资格证 / 基金从业资格证优先考虑; 2.掌握各种前端技术,包括HTML/CSS/JavaScript/TypeScript等,js基础必须扎实; 3.对前端工程化有一定了解,深刻理解web标准,对前端性能/可访问性、可维护性等相关知识有实际的了解和实践,有移动端H5经验优先; 3.熟练使用react 全家桶,熟练使用react-hooks; 4.有基于Ant Design Pro搭建经验优先,基于Ant Design进行需求开发,有实际工作者优先; 5.熟练css预编译、后编译等工具,如less/sass/postcss等; 6.熟练使用echarts等图表,针对需求可以进行二次分装; 7.熟悉es6常用特性,熟悉组件化,模块化开发模式; 8.有使用lodash等 js库使用优先; 9.有webpack配置、优化优先; 10.熟练使用Gitlab进行项目代码管理以及版本控制,并遵循一定的流行规范,熟练使用git命令;
最近在建一个外卖送餐的网站,需要接入Xunhupay的(微信和支付宝)支付模块。 网站使用的是foodomaa的整站代码: 需要的技能有: Software Version: PHP 7.x Software Framework: Laravel File Types Included: JavaScript JSJavaScript JSON HTML CSS PHP SQL Layered PNG 如果您感兴趣,可以写信给我,价格好商量。 另外网站还有其它的一些改版工作要做,我们可以具体讨论一下能不能一并做。 等您回复哦……
Adjust the configuration of Amazon s3 backup function, we have a server on Amazon, created s3 for storing database and web page backup, changed the server's key a few days ago, the function of storing backup is abnormal, do not know how to deal with it, it should be changed The relationship of the key, will not be adjusted, the function of the previous s3 backup is helped by others. Now there is a problem with the backup function. The s3 bucket is used to back up the website and database to the bucket every 1 minute. Now it is not backed up. 1, the server inside, the backup password I have modified, but still can not be backed up, but also restarted the scheduled task, the server apache also restarted, still useless 2. There is a backup script file in the attachment .sh...
資料會以问卷式輸入,可以自由用任何程式建造 (Web base or apple App) 但必須能夠在ipad 上使用 ,把需要资料输入后, 可建立一份报表( html , pdf or excel 格式 ) , 报表包括pie chart , table . —————————————————— Create a questionnaire form and print out a report based on the data from questionnaire , the form should be able to run on ipad , so it can be web based or ios app , the output report can be html , pdf , excel or any else ( as long as it can be print out in A4 side ) . The report are including a pie chart & table .
We have completed the graphic design and graphic materials, to speed up the project that want additional resource to help us to code for HTML 5 pages. - Adaptive HTML for mobile devices - Multi- environment support(Iphone 6 - 8, Iphone X and android phones) - Expected 2.5 weeks to complete entire page development, 0.5 weeks for testing and fixing - Basic test from developer before releasing every build to us. Final acceptance test will done by us - NDA is needed before start sharing project infomation 目前我们正在开发一个餐厅订单后台处理的平台,需要另外一名freelance来加速HTML5的开发进程。 - 目前我们已经完成了页面额设计和PS素材的制作,开发人员可以直接使用。 - 自适应网页制作,尤其是针对不同的移动设备(Iphone 6 - 8, Iphone X and android phones) - 希望在两周半的时候完成页面的开发(希望每两两天提交代码,以便早点检查和反馈),大概3-5天做验收测试和问题修复 - 希望开发人员会做基本的自测,确保发给我们验收的内容有一定的质量。当然我们也很希望开发者可用提出一些专业的建议和意见 - 需要和...
工作职责: 1、负责Web前端表现层及与前后端交互的架构设计、研发和性能优化,并保持良好兼容性; 2、负责Web前沿技术研究和新技术调研并用于实践。 职责要求: 1、本科及以上学历,计算机相关专业; 2、5年以上Web前端开发经验; 3、熟悉W3C标准,对表现与数据分离、Web语义化等有深刻理解; 4、熟练掌握HTML/XHTML、CSS等网页制作技术,熟悉页面架构和布局; 5、精通Backbone前端常用类库; 6、熟练掌握JavaScript、Ajax等Web开发技术 7、熟练跨浏览器、跨终端的开发; 8、有良好的沟通与表达能力、思路清晰,较强的动手能力与逻辑分析能力; 9、善于学习新事物,善于沟通和表达,有良好的团队合作意识; 10、熟悉ES6,了解前端工程化工具,如Gulp、Webpack等; 11、熟悉单页应用开发, 有移动站点开发经验(优先考虑); 12、了解响应式设计,对移动端开发有一定了解(优先考虑)。
实现PDF转html,熟悉css/css3, 使用javascript,考虑性能与兼容除非客户要求不会用jQuery。做出成品后,3个星期内(与页面不符)只要客户发邮件提出,免费小范围修改,但是大范围的修改要加价。重要的事说三遍:存手写代码切图,存手写代码切图,存手写代码切图。
A games live streaming website like twitch (handling large amount of video data? ) with user registration and account information, upload video, leave comments on real time living videos. Need experienced developer who can be able to build up the front end, back end, database and server for efficiently storing and retrieving videos data. If you think the price is below your expectation, please leave the price works for you, we can negotiate it.
we need a HTML 5 micro-site for a campaign. The user can upload files, images or video on the micro-site. This micro-site need to link with Wechat (a Chinese app), and he can share the micro-site via Facebook, Instagram, Wechat and other popular social media platform
开发一款WEB在线编辑MG(Motion Graphic )动画的工具(是显示中文字幕) 普通用户将自己的照片或用摄像机、手机拍摄的视频通过在线或下载软件(下载自动把我们网站生成在桌面上)导入,然后可以自己加字幕、音乐、片头片尾,选择现有MG视频作为模版(模版是开源代码) 管理者可上传已经制作好的模版 生成MP4格式的视频文件,并保存 网页后端语言是PHP,服务器是NGINX 注:视频编码为H264, 720P,需要源代码归我司,同时需要有保密及不能对其他公司同类型软件。 可参考如下网站 视频效果如这条链接
1. 网页的语言是中文 2. 我们提供LOGO (用 上的金色LOGO) 3. 我们会自行把设计接入代码 4. 不需要制作flash 5. 主色避免使用紅色, 设计者可以自行決定其他颜色 6. 感觉必須大气,轻松,成功感,信任感 7. 参考网页:(1) (2) (3) 8. 需要10天左右完成 9. 中间沟通可以使用相片截图。最终交HTML, CSS, JS, 相片和图标等等
PSD转HTML,支持PC即可。为开发做准备用的。 PSD转HTML,支持PC即可。为开发做准备用的。
我需要一个人帮我设计一个模拟彩票网址叫"快乐8",需要跟手机版一样。我需要它是用Photoshop 设计的 UI, 现在不需要用HTML 设计。 细节: 模拟竞猜网站主要界面设计,参考附件。这些图片是我找了相近的网站截图自己修改的,你i可以拿它作为参考。方块是我删除的不要的东西。PSD文件是手机版。 这个网站是模拟竞猜北京快乐8彩票 网站用积分投注 积分主要用bitcoin兑换,或活动赠送 中奖后的积分可以兑换bitcoin 请又用Photoshop设计UI.
*見附件"功能需求簡介" 功能1 1、輸入等級、國別、功能、代碼後,進而篩選出合適數據並呈現出圖表 2、代碼可打入多種進而讓不同數據比較、並呈現出圖表 功能2 1、輸入F、G或H、I按下Button後可篩選出所有符合的數值並呈現圖表 功能3 檔案來源為json或csv
需要在一个问卷网站上发布调研问卷,本问卷有2个重要功能需要实现: 一个是表格计算器,用来输入原料吨数并计算利润 另一个是模拟即时对话框,就是像qq,skype的对话框,但不需要实现即时对话功能,只要 定时给答题者发信息就行 由于该网站功能较强大,可以使用HTML, CSS, Javascript编码,所以这些自定义功能理论 上可以实现,他们客服也说应该可以实现。 或者直接做一个问卷网页,具体需求见附件ppt
推广品牌:LuguLake 推广产品: 新闻稿主题:倡导“健康饮水”的新理念。 相关思路:与传统电热水壶(不锈钢)进行对比;健康饮水;产品外观(印花) 字数:500-1000 语言:英语
...NEARBY SELLERS OR BUYERS 4. ADD FRIENDS AS BUYER OR SELLER. 5. LOGIN WITH QQ,WEIBO,WECHAT,FB,TWITTER 6. PROFILE THAT HAVE BUYERS FOLLOWING,LISTINGS,OFFER MADE STUFF THAT U LIKED 7. INVITE FRIENDS THROUGH ALL CHINA SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORK 8. THIRD PARTY PAYMENT, 支付宝,财付通,paypal 9. Able to choose Delivery companies 10. VIDEO,8 SECS TO SHOW PRODUCT。 11. Full vi design and animation 12. Full html 5 with English and chinese website to show app introduction 13. SHAKE FUNCTION ABLE FOR USERS TO WIN SOMETHING,LIKE SMALL SAMPLES OR RESTURANT VOUCHERS ETC.(ANY BETTER SUGGUESTIONS?) 14. QR CODE 这一场革命的电子商务应用程序将带着大家一起!snapsell是打算让每个人,任何人都立刻卖和买东西! CATEGORIES: 服饰-女装,女鞋,女包,男装,男鞋,男包,内衣,配饰,旅行箱包 运动-运动鞋,运动服户,外健身,运动包 珠宝-珠宝,饰品,眼镜,手表,打火机,烟具 数码-手机,相机,电玩/MP3,笔记本,平板电脑,电脑硬件,台式机,数码配件 ...
...-进行细致的关键词研究,为客户进行关键词选择提供专业意见。 -定期重新评估这关键词,以确保其依旧有效且适用。 -开展详细的范文链接分析,设计创新链接建设活动。 -不断更新自己的搜索引擎营销及相关知识。 -启动和运用的客观的测试工具、资源及技术。 管理与操作层面: -有效地管理你的工作,并使用Outlook准确地记录所耗工作时长。 -有效地管理可用资源。 -进行基本的风险评估。 -自由地分享知识、见地、实践方法、战术及想法。 -为同事及客户提供持续的指导及帮助。 -帮助推动SEO团队及Qumin其他部门的发展。 技能与经验: -精通中文及英语,流利的英语至关重要。 -三至五年的SEO从业经验,及在数字营销领域的广泛经验。 -拥有对新兴平台和有效的搜索引擎优化策略的完整而广泛的知识与技术。 -透彻了解百度、谷歌和其他搜索引擎的排名页面。 -熟悉HTML,CSS和WEB标准。 -掌握并善于运用如PHP、ASP等编程知识和技术。 -丰富的搜索引擎优化经验。 -能够解析大量熟悉、信息,并迅速作出清晰判断及明智决策。 -高超的数据处理及书面报告呈现能力。 -丰富的博客运作经验。 -掌握中国主要社会化媒体渠道信息,包括微博和人人网。 -善用百度分析工具、搜索引擎优化、社交工具和其他主要的第三方分析平台,例如百度统计和CNZZ。 -具有较强的时间管理和计划能力。 -能够在紧迫的期限和压力下保持冷静,并开展高水准的工作。 -渴望成功,关注细节,追求卓越。 -自信,具有良好的沟通及表达能力,思路清晰,富有创意。
Check out: You see the following phrases: 缘分是前世感情的延续, 缘分是今世的擦肩而过。 缘分是前世不变的誓言, 缘分是今生痛苦的约定。 缘分是一次机遇的把握, 缘分是一种爱慕的流逝。 缘分是相遇时美好梦想, 缘分是别离后苦涩回忆 I need 500 10-12 word phrases on 缘分.
... AppChina Anzhi 360 market Lenovo ToDo: - sign up to all app stores - fill in app form (we will send app description, redy to publish .apk and graphics) - send app to review - revise app info when app will be rejected 我们正在寻找母语(中国)与有关移动应用程序,以帮助我们发布的中国Android应用程序商店Android的应用程序的基本知识。 应用程序商店的清单: 百度App Store的 腾讯应用宝石 AppChina 安志 360市场 联想 待办事项: - 注册于所有的应用程序商店 - 填写表单的应用程序(我们将发送给应用程序的描述,REDY发布APK和图形。) - 发送应用程序审查 - 当应用程序将会被拒绝修改应用程序的信息
I'm looking for an expert in Amibroker AFL coding to help me develop some trading strategies. The project will require some exploration of a custom array, which will be used for storing computed indicators. Key aspects of the project include: - Developing effective trading strategies using AFL code - Exploring the potential of a custom array - Utilizing the custom array for storing computed indicators Ideal candidates for this project would have: - Extensive experience with Amibroker and AFL coding - Strong understanding of trading strategies - Ability to create and manipulate custom arrays.
...of collecting property tax delinquent data from public property records. The solution will allow for filtering and sorting between different property types (houses and land) and should extract specific property-related information including owner names, addresses, APN (Assessor’s Parcel Number), delinquency status, county details, lot size, assessed value, and market value. The ideal candidate should have experience building web scrapers, APIs, or data collection tools, with strong programming skills and a focus on extracting and organizing real estate data efficiently. Test Target Area: Iredell County, NC (would like to make this National over time) Key Responsibilities: Develop a software tool/web scraper/app that extracts property tax delinquent data...
I need an expert PHP developer to make comprehensive changes to my web app. The job involves modifying the front-end design, back-end functionality, and performing necessary database upd...Design Changes: While I haven't specified exact improvements, a keen eye for design and user experience will be beneficial. - Modifying Back-end Functionality: The primary focus will be on adding new features. This will require creativity and a deep understanding of PHP. - Performing Database Updates: As needed, to support the changes. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PHP, front-end technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), and database management systems. - Experience in full-stack web development. - Ability to identify and implement design improvements. - Problem-solving skills to add new feature...
ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE A PORTFOLIO ON MOODLE NEED TO APPLY. FULL REQUIREMENT IS GIVEN BELOW. GIVE FULL QUOTE. DONT INCREASE QUOTE ON DISCUSSION. I'm in need of a robust Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) for my existing business. We will be providing the psd for the design. Need to convert that to html and integrate. The design must be responsive. The platform will need to accommodate various types of content, including video courses, interactive quizzes, and text-based lessons. Key Requirements: - The LMS should provide intermediate level user access control. This means it should cater to admins, instructors, and learners, each with their respective privileges. - The system must have the capability to issue certifications upon course completion. - The platform should be ...
...with modern frontend frameworks (React, Vue.js, or Angular). Proficiency in backend development with Python (Django, Flask, or FastAPI) or Node.js. Image Recognition Integration: Experience implementing image upload and processing features. Familiarity with AI service like OpenAI’s GPT-4 for dish recognition. Database Design: Proficient in designing and managing NoSQL databases (MongoDB) for storing user profiles, meal logs, and recipes. Dietary and Nutrition Expertise (Preferred): Understanding of dietary needs and health goals to implement accurate recipe filtering and nutrient tracking systems. Intuitive UI/UX Design: Capable of designing an interface that’s visually appealing and intuitive for users of all technical backgrounds. Expected Deliverables Fully fun...
We are seeking an experienced Web Developer to help us resolve several critical issues on our website, particularly those related to AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) and accessibility. The ideal ca...changes to enhance compliance with WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). Broken Links: Identify and remove two broken links on the website to improve user experience and SEO. Code Cleanup: Remove any unused CSS, JavaScript, and stylesheets to enhance website performance and loading speed. Qualifications: Proven experience in web development, specifically with AMP. Strong knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Familiarity with website accessibility standards (WCAG). Ability to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues efficiently. Strong attention to detail and problem-solvi...
There is a private website (You need log in - I will provide you) where there is a form. I need you to replicate the exact same form into my website. I have a flask app and need the html/css or whatever to collect the exact same data as the original website. Then, same as the original website I want you to make a POST with the data but into my own server (not to the real website - Endpoint)
...Responsibilities: Server Setup: Help choose a suitable hosting option (home server or cloud-based). Configure a Linux or Windows server environment as per requirements. Set up networking, including port forwarding, dynamic DNS, or static IP. Application Deployment: Deploy the Angular front-end. Set up Spring Boot REST API services. Install and configure the Spring Boot image server for serving and storing images. Database Configuration: Install and configure a database (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL). Ensure the database is connected to the Spring Boot services. Security: Implement HTTPS (SSL/TLS) for secure access. Configure firewalls and other security measures to protect the server. Testing and Optimization: Test the application for performance and stability. Optimize the serve...
...female entrepreneurship. What You’ll Be Doing Designing and developing a responsive and visually appealing website using our logo and branding colors/fonts, etc. Implementing features like user registration, business submission forms, and a search/filter system. Setting up and managing a database for storing business information. Collaborating with us to ensure the website reflects our vision and values. Skills We’re Looking For Frontend Development: Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript (bonus for frameworks like React or Vue.js). Backend Development: Experience with Node.js, Python (Django/Flask), PHP, or other backend technologies. Database Knowledge: Familiarity with SQL or NoSQL databases (e.g., MySQL, MongoDB). UI/UX Design: Experience wi...
I'm seeking an expert in data processing, specifically with text, to develop a robust encoder and decoder for me. This system should be able to handle plain text and HTML formats, with the applicable encoding schemes being Base64 and URL Encoding. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in handling text data - Extensive experience with developing encoders and decoders - In-depth understanding of Base64 and URL Encoding - Ability to work with plain text and HTML formats
Hello, I am looking to hire a freelancer to create a 1-page website. Here are the details: - Single-page website, mobile responsive (design ready in Figma) - Responsive pie chart, SEO optimized - Implementation of a payment gateway (provider Comgate, PHP implementation) - Backend database that will keep track of successful payments and will add monthly reports to the website (simple structure, the exact look is in the Figma file) Please ensure you can integrate the specified payment gateway () and refer to the Figma design here for layout specifics: The payment gateway provider requires the website to be done before it provides API keys. Therefore, the front-end is the first thing I need you to do. Since the website front-end is pretty simple, I expect you to be able to finish it p...
I am seeking a skilled web design...overall user experience. Your expertise will be pivotal in refining the site's navigation ease and mobile responsiveness. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in UX/UI design principles - Strong understanding of laravel View and mobile-responsive design - Experienced in web design and development -The website is made out of Bootstrap 5.3.3, Jquery 3.7.1 -Most of javascript codes are already done. so Mainly HTML/CSS coding. -Please re-design and code for the areas that are stressed with red rectangle and the modal for "Report", "Buy" *sample page here. (this is just a sample which is copied/pasted of the actual page, so javascript isnt working there.) *if I am so much satisfied, I may go on asking for the other pages as other pr...
I'm seeking a talented web designer to create a pure HTML(mobile-friendly ) landing page for my push-to-talk application, Tera PTT. The primary goal of this landing page is to promote the app's key features and attract potential customers. Key Features to Highlight: - Instant Communication: The app's standout feature is its ability to facilitate real-time, push-to-talk communication. This needs to be presented in a compelling way that showcases its reliability and speed. - User-Friendly Interface: We want to communicate that Tera PTT is easy to navigate. The design should reflect the simplicity and intuitiveness of the app. Visual Style: - The landing page should be as the theme in this link we are rebranding this application from Echo to Tera ptt The below
I'm seeking a professional who can assist me in setting up a WooCommerce website for my upcoming business deal...categorizing and tagging our products correctly to ensure a smooth navigation experience for our customers. - Payment Gateway Integration: This is a critical aspect of the setup. I need a reliable and secure payment gateway incorporated into our website. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience with WooCommerce and e-commerce website setup. - Extensive experience with HTML - A strong understanding of design customization and product listing. - Proven track record of secure payment gateway integration. Your expertise will be invaluable in getting my business off the ground and providing a seamless online shopping experience for our fu...
...create a trading application for both iOS and Android. The app should function as a broker's interface, allowing it to handle trades for up to 1000 users simultaneously on the GROW platform. Key functionalities include: - Real-time data tracking: Users should be able to see their respective profit, loss, buy, sell, quantity, and investment amount in real-time. - User access management: The app should feature a login page and a new registration page for accessing specific data from GROW. - Data storage: A Cloud-Based Database is preferred for storing user data. The ideal candidate for this project should have proven experience in developing cross-platform applications, with a solid understanding of trading systems. They should also be proficient ...
I'm looking for a professional with experience in WordPress and Elementor to convert my static home page and about page into a WordPress site. The site is here: amazing face art dot com Key Requirements: - Convert those 2 static HTML/CSS into a WordPress theme/Elementor kit - Use Elementor for at least the content you can hard code most of the design with HTML/CSS - We do have the Elementor Pro plugin installed here so you could use features of that one if needed. - Again the design needs to be the same as the website above, the social media icons should be updated, and not have to be images - It's just the home and about page... - Build the site locally on your PC/MAC and send the finish code to me as a Theme or Elementor kit The ideal candidate will do this f...
...comprehensive record of each vehicle's service history. - Automated maintenance reminders: This is a crucial feature and should be prioritized. The system should notify us of upcoming maintenance needs. - Parts inventory management: A system for monitoring the parts inventory and when replacements are necessary. - Assigning vehicles to users: The ability to designate specific vehicles to specific users. - Storing key vehicle and user information and files: A database for important information related to the vehicles and users. - Warranty information: Keeping track of each vehicle's warranty status. - Reports and analytics Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with SharePoint development. - Previous work on vehicle management systems is highly advantageou...
I need a skilled frontend developer to convert a PDF document into HTML for optimal web display. The HTML must be responsive across all devices, ensuring a seamless viewing experience whether on a smartphone, tablet, or desktop. Key Requirements: - Expertise in frontend development, specifically HTML and CSS. - Proven experience in creating responsive web designs. - Ability to accurately convert PDF content into HTML. Note: The PDF does not contain any interactive elements, such as forms or hyperlinks; it is purely content conversion.
... Implement a user-friendly dashboard for managing designs, social media scheduling, and account settings. Ensure seamless workflow automation through tools like Zapier or custom solutions. Set up a secure and scalable backend for storing user data and templates. Optimize the platform for fast loading times and excellent user experience (UX). Incorporate multilingual support (Arabic, Urdu, Turkish, etc.) for global accessibility. Ensure the platform complies with Islamic principles in its design and content. Requirements: Proficiency in frontend technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js or Vue.js). Experience with backend development using Node.js, Django, or Laravel. Strong knowledge of API integration (e.g., OpenAI, Buffer, or Hootsuite). Familiarity with desi...
Type "Riyal" so ik you are not bot and i will send u msg I'm looking for a skilled React or developer who can convert my traditional HTML/CSS/JS files into a project. Please note that I am looking for a freelancer/developer and not an agency with high quotes. Do not ask for budget, just provide your quote and turnaround time. Key Requirements: - Proficient in React and - Experience with converting HTML/CSS/JS to - Ability to work independently as a freelancer - Familiarity with adhering to specific design or style guidelines Additional Information: - I do not have any existing backend or APIs that need to be integrated - The project is fully static, so no complex state management is needed - I have a design or style guide that needs to be followed.
I'm facing a problem with my interactive proposal form, built with Custom HTML/CSS/JS, on my website. The form is failing to submit correctly when utilizing the UK post code and address function linked to Postcodes.io. The ideal freelancer for this project should be: - Proficient in Custom HTML/CSS/JS - Experienced with integrating and debugging form submissions with postcode and address functions. - Familiar with API. - Able to provide efficient and effective solutions to ensure the form submits correctly. Please note, this project requires immediate attention.
I'm seeking a Cyclos expert to implement, adapt, and introduce a digital payment system aimed at creating a regional currency. This platform should cater to daily transactions and trading of goods, primarily serving individuals and businesses. Key Features: - The digital payment system should include transaction history tracking. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge...businesses. Key Features: - The digital payment system should include transaction history tracking. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge and experience with Cyclos - Expertise in digital payment systems - Ability to design user-friendly interfaces for individuals and businesses - Strong understanding of transaction tracking systems The goal is to create a platform that can be used for payments, storing valu...