1. Project Overview A multilingual, international customer service platform that allows users to configure multiple chatbots with GPT API integration for AI-powered responses. The platform will offer flexible permission management, business features (e.g., chatbot-based pricing, coupon support, affiliate marketing), and support user-defined group management to meet the needs of enterprise clients. 2. System Roles and Permissions 1. Administrator (Admin) • Manage global functions and configurations, including user management, subscription management, affiliate marketing, cashback rewards, etc. 2. B-End Users (Enterprise Customers/Platform Users) • Primary Account: Responsible for creating and managing chatbots, configuring customer service permissions, grouping users, etc. ...
... including: Extending membership durations. Adjusting quotas. The backend should allow admins to view each user's login status and recent login IP for better management. Customizable Model Aliases Support customizable aliases for all models. Admins should be able to set names and descriptions for each model in the backend, providing flexible model management. Preset Chatbot Role Add a default bot role setting to automatically load a preset role when users first interact with the chatbot. All role configurations should be customizable in the backend for easy adjustments of role content and policies. (This item is missing; there is no number 7 in the original document.) Chat Voice Functionality Add a voice interaction feature allowing users to engage with the chatbot throu...
项目名称:AI智慧园区管理平台 项目概述: 我们正在寻找一支富有创新精神、技术实力雄厚的开发团队,共同打造一款集AI技术与大数据分析于一体的智慧园区管理平台。该平台旨在通过智能化、数字化的手段,全面升级园区管理效率,提升用户体验,促进园区内商业、生活、安全、税务等多方面的智能化融合。本项目将以Java为开发基础,采用分布式与微服务架构,确保系统的高可用性、可扩展性和灵活性。 项目技术要求: 1. 技术栈: 主要编程语言:Java(包括但不限于Spring Boot、Spring Cloud等框架) 分布式架构:基于Kubernetes或Docker容器化部署,实现服务间的松耦合与高效调度。 微服务架构:将系统拆分为多个独立的服务,如用户服务、支付服务、数据分析服务等,通过API Gateway进行服务间的通信与管理。 数据库:采用MySQL/PostgreSQL等关系型数据库存储结构化数据,结合Redis、MongoDB等NoSQL数据库处理高并发访问与缓存。 消息队列:Kafka/RabbitMQ等,用于解耦系统组件间的依赖,提高系统响应速度和容错性。 大数据处理:Hadoop/Spark等用于海量数据的存储与处理,结合Elasticsearch等实现快速检索与分析。 AI与机器学习:集成TensorFlow/PyTorch等深度学习框架,实现图像识别、自然语言处理等AI功能。 2. 功能需求: AI数字名片:通过人脸识别与AI分析技术,为园区内人员生成个性化的数字名片,支持快速识别与社交互动。 智慧园区:集成物联网(IoT)技术,实时监控园区内环境(如温湿度、空气质量)、能源使用情况及设备状态,实现智能化管理。 智慧商城+跨境电商:搭建在线商城平台,支持商品展示、在线交易、物流跟踪...
网站的名字:威牛证劵 () 翻译成英文大概的意思:Powerful smart cow LOGO设计可以打开你的想象力 ,可以是一头威猛的雄牛 可以是头可爱的小牛,让我们看到你的不一样的思维 ,因为用牛做商标的已经很多,你需要从众多的商标吸取灵感,让这个LOGO变的有爱,有新型的感觉!
您好, 请问一下我想要跟你讨论一种Betting Bot的项目,您方便加个微信来聊天吗 ? 谢谢您 微信 : rpkt13
...着:和你在一起感觉自卑;不自然。躲避别人的眼神就意味着:自己做了或想到什么不希望你知道的事;害怕接触别人的目光,感觉自己的会被看穿,秘密会被别人发现。这就需要我们放平心态,真诚面对。 5.独立承担责任 有位哲人这样说过:“一个人的幸福程度取决与他能够在多大程度上独立于这个世界”。这句话包含着深刻的智慧。很多的时候,独立意味着完整地承担必要的责任;能够运用自己的能力承担必要责任的人必然相对更加自信。别人能帮你一时,不会帮你一世的,谁都不喜欢和没有独立承担能力的人相处。别人有的能力是别人的,自己要有,让自己有价值,才会让自己有自信。 6.坚持微笑 微笑是对生活的一种态度,对自己的一种肯定鼓励。有时候不是说谁有多坚强,而是因为懂得,唯有微笑着坚持,如同一盏明灯,能驱散人心中的黑暗,微笑,是粒神奇的种子,撒在哪里,就在哪里生根发芽。当你微笑的时候,整个世界都在微笑。,戴姆勒近日宣布 Smart品牌将退出北美市场,烈史庞匪问,东北神兽“傻狍子”究竟有多傻?,记烙雅谛米,宫崎美学,再登神坛——《只狼:影逝二度》评测,辈欣优医嘲,限量500台 WEY VV5 1.5T倾橙版启动,贾磊官扯囱,美国传教士费佩德拍摄的杭州西湖百年老照片,孛教吩氖喊,香港出现HPV"水货针" 诊所以正版疫苗诱骗内地,乔暗泌纫是https://www.freelancer.com/projects/website-design/project-19496575/ https://www.freelancer.com/projects/website-design/project-19496574/ https://www.freelancer.com/projects/website-des...
要求如下: 1、搜集网上资料,用英语写一篇对小米新品“米家投影仪”的评测文章。 米家投影仪: 可参考该篇文章: 2、800-1000字; 3、5张以上图片; 4、内容原创,有自己独特的对该款米家投影仪的观点,杜绝抄袭!
你好,我想大概了解一下做一个discord bot用作monitor shopify sites,需要多久和多少钱呢?
A school course introduction concerning smart city, entrepreneurship and extra. Need to be done in three days. Sample: 我们所收集到的需求内容涉及范围较广且类型多样。从基本需求类型来划分,包括客户数据分析、新城与地区设计、新科技的应用、城市发展规划、政府政策分析及产业发展研究等。从研究层面来划分,包含了产业层面、城市层面及地块层面等。从涉及领域来划分,包含空间中人的数据收集、集成和分析、能源、智能交通、建造技术、物业管理及城市研究类等。
...change and update in future. no need register to post but if use an email to register an account can manage the ads. when posting need fill title ,location,descraption, all in chinese please cookie remembers the ads were read show in red colour. when user browse different ads, go back to ads list page cookie remember where were read. use id search ,not the whole website. fit in smart phone thanks for reading ,please contact me ,...
公司名称:ShangHai Smart Bay Automotive Service 公司产品及服务:汽车聪明维修服务、汽车聪明维修产品销售、汽车聪明维修产品使用培训、汽车聪明维修店建店指导。
We are looking for a video competition content site which it can be voted either on the website or the mobile version as well. It can be showed up like a chart on the smart phone to see the total numbers each one, maybe something like this: I am not sure if it is still working and YES this project ideally will be operated in Simplified Chinese
...With Certain Features. and Capability to bypass two anti cheat in particular. And Also be compatible on A Specific Operating System. Needs to be done in a Reasonable Amount of time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Needs to have one or two the Following Features And Proof From Leagues Smooth-Aimbot (Human Like, I want to be able to adjust the bot also) ------------------------------------------------------------- Needs to be Proof for the Following Anti-Cheats. CEVO (Paladin/CEVO) [url removed, login to view] ESEA (ESEACLIENT) [url removed, login to view] ----------------------------------------------------------- Needs to be Compatible with the Following Operating System. Windows 7 32 bit and 64 Bit. -------------...
1. App download to allow user to access the internet thru our company servers.. 2. GEO Location of device for clients ...A-GPS and GPS to access location INSIDE the building and on different floors 5. Allow downloading of pamphlets and documents helps references for services provided in the entire 10 story building along with each specific floors 7. Will need ongoing support for at least 1 year, 8. Within the app, the layout for the client changes and makes changes based on the wifi positioning. 9. Smart app controller, allowing the app to control simple internet connected items (lights, switches) will have a timer based on when the client enters the building, if exceeding that time, all app functionality is disable until client contacts IT for new download session of the ap...
The brand of projector called Holight. it's target to christian church. Now we are doing Holight's facebook marketing. need you have compywrting experience of Chinese ads, and know how to do facebook marketing. 2. You will be responsible for the content renew of our facebook page. 3. Great communication skills
sammyboyforum Hi, i need a bot that can help me auto bump my thread in sammyboyforum board. Total i got 2-4 user id. every user id i got 5-10 topics to bump. I hope to be able to bump these 20 topic on every 2 hours basics (Please leave a box for me to write what i want to bump not just a prefixed bump) (Please let me choose the timing that i want to bump the thread. which means i got at least 12 time slot to choose)
我们需要你的帮助来修改我们WordPress上的网站。 1. 在的网站上, 重新命名两个菜单选项的名称 - Smart Advice更改为Smart News(菜单选项上的"精明育儿") - Smart Buys更改为Smart Products (菜单选项上的"精明优选") 2. 更新这两个页面的模板(pages templates),包括URL路径,横幅图片和标题 3. 更新仪表板(dashboard)的标题 如果你对项目有兴趣,请联系我们,我们会给你详细的项目需求。 ***在我们的管理面板上,部分文字含有简体中文,能閱讀简体中文為佳。
我们需要你的帮助来修改我们WordPress上的网站。 1. 在的网站上, 重新命名两个菜单选项的名称 - Smart Advice更改为Smart News(菜单选项上的"精明育儿") - Smart Buys更改为Smart Products (菜单选项上的"精明优选") 2. 更新这两个页面的模板(pages templates),包括URL路径,横幅图片和标题 3. 更新仪表板(dashboard)的标题 如果你对项目有兴趣,请联系我们,我们会给你详细的项目需求。 ***在我们的管理面板上,部分文字含有简体中文,能閱讀简体中文為佳。
我们需要你的帮助来修改我们WordPress上的网站。 1. 在的网站上, 重新命名两个菜单选项的名称 - Smart Advice更改为Smart News(菜单选项上的"精明育儿") - Smart Buys更改为Smart Products (菜单选项上的"精明优选") 2. 更新这两个页面的模板(pages templates),包括URL路径,横幅图片和标题 3. 更新仪表板(dashboard)的标题 如果你对项目有兴趣,请联系我们,我们会给你详细的项目需求。
你好,你能做NIKE RSVP BOT 吗,,这个视频是个例子,就需要这样子的。 需要能用多个twitter账户发送DM到指定的NIKETOWN官方账户,一个账户也需要同时发送多个DM 我的QQ317814420 谢谢
I'm seeking a developer to create a cross-platform (Android and iOS) app, HESP PODS, mirroring the capabilities of the ReactionX app. This app will connect with multiple smart wireless lamps via Bluetooth, aimed at facilitating a variety of professional training exercises. Core Features: - Sync with Wireless Lamps: The app should seamlessly connect with smart, wireless lamps, enabling real-time interaction during training. - Exercise Support: The app should cater to a diverse range of exercises, including speed and agility drills, strength training routines, and cognitive training tasks. - User Activity Logging: While not a core requirement, a feature that tracks and logs user activity could enhance the app's utility. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in c...
I'm seeking a professional who can help me build a WhatsApp chatbot hosted on a cloud-based service. This bot should automatically reply to customer messages, handle FAQs, and send my ladies' suits catalog (in PDF format) when requested. Key Features: - Auto-reply to customer messages - Instant catalog delivery upon request - Handle frequently asked questions (Pricing, MOQ, Delivery, Payment methods, etc.) - Support for Hindi, English, and Hinglish - Moderate level of customization for bot's responses - Managed and updated via a web dashboard Ideal Skills: - WhatsApp API integration - Chatbot development - Automation & AI Please provide your portfolio and estimated timeline for this project. I'm looking for a quick and efficient setup. Budget is open for ...
...modern styling or React where applicable for lightweight dynamic components GSAP / Framer Motion for animations (e.g., smooth transitions, hover effects) SEO & Schema Markup Implementation for high organic rankings Accessibility (WCAG 2.1 compliance) to ensure usability for all users ✅ Advanced Functionality Mega Menu Navigation (dynamic categories, trending products) Sticky Header & Smart Search with Predictive Results Dynamic Product Filters & Sorting (by brand, price, features) AJAX Cart & Quick View Custom Page Templates (Homepage, Collection, Product, Blog, About) Integrated Review System ( integration) Related Products & "Frequently Bought Together" section Custom Pre-Order & Back-in-Stock Alerts ✅ Performance & Speed Optimization Im...
I'm seeking a skilled programmer with experience in creating Telegram bots for a unique project. The bot's primary function will be facilitating quizzes and polls. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a Telegram bot that can conduct quizzes and polls - Ensure the bot can handle automated responses to quiz participants Ideal Skills: - Proficient in programming, specifically for Telegram bots - Experience with creating interactive features - Understanding of quiz and poll dynamics Your expertise will help me create an engaging bot that can entertain and challenge users with a variety of quizzes.
...government forms. Project Overview aims to simplify the user experience by integrating AI Bot guidance for completing various county/state applications. The platform must: ✅ Retrieve and process government-issued forms and applications securely and efficiently. ✅ Present an intuitive, branded interface that reconfigures official application questions into a user-friendly format. ✅ Utilize AI-driven dynamic workflows to guide users through form completion while ensuring regulatory compliance. ✅ Auto-populate and submit completed applications in the appropriate county/state-approved format. Key Features and Requirements ✅ AI Bot Guidance & Dynamic Questioning • The AI Bot must intelligently guide users through restructured application questi...
We are looking for a talented and creative designer to develop the logo and full branding for MindMate, an AI-driven mental wellness app that provides personalized support for mental health. This is a serious, professional project aimed at creating a positive impact on people’s lives, so we need a branding identity that reflects trust, empathy, and inno...sleek, and clean design (no clutter, no complex graphics) No AI-Generated Logos or Designs – Every submission must be 100% original and created by a human designer. We will conduct thorough checks, and any AI-generated content will be rejected immediately. No Stock Icons or Templates – We want a unique and custom design. Submissions using generic stock icons will not be considered. If you are a bot, start your m...
I am looking for an experienced Solana Web3 Developer to help complete my MinesRush betting game. The game is built on Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and React.js, with handling Solana transactions. Ideal Candidate ? Experience with Solana (wallet connections, transactions, smart contracts) ? Strong skills in Node.js & ? MongoDB experience (database optimization, schema design) ? Frontend: React.js + Zustand or Redux ? Experience with WebSockets () ? Able to test & deploy the project on Solana Devnet/Mainnet Budget & Timeline ? Budget: Flexible, depending on experience and skills. ? Timeline: Looking to finish within 4-6 weeks. ? If you're interested, please send: 1️⃣ Your experience with Solana & 2️⃣ Examples of similar projects you've worked on 3️⃣
I'm facing a compilation error on my Beb20 smart contract. Here is the warning I see whenever I view the contract on Bscsan Compiler specific version warnings: The compiled contract might be susceptible to FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder (low-severity), MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess (low-severity), AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup (medium-severity), DirtyBytesArrayToStorage (low-severity), DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride (very low-severity), NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation (very low-severity), SignedImmutables (very low-severity), ABIDecodeTwoDimensionalArrayMemory (very low-severity) Solidity Compiler Bugs. I need an expert in smart contracts who can help me troubleshoot and resolve this compilation error ...
Looking for someone to do in post production changes to a video, specifically to a glass of water add and remove saliva in various parts of it. Please see this link with all the details ONLY SERIOUS PEOPLE. use the word NOW so i know you are real and not a bot
...platform must be developed in Albanian ✅ Seller Registration: Sellers can list orders for delivery ✅ Order Management: Acceptance, assignment to drivers, and delivery tracking ✅ Admin Dashboard: Full control over orders, users, and reports ✅ Driver Panel: Drivers can access their orders, track, and update statuses ✅ Order Statuses: Created, In Delivery, Pending, Delivered, Rejected, In Warehouse ✅ Smart Scanning: Drivers can scan packages using a camera or scanner ✅ Warehouse Management: Accept and process incoming shipments ✅ API Integration: Connect with other courier companies in Albania and North Macedonia ✅ Reports & Analytics: Generate reports for orders, drivers, and sellers ✅ Order Printing: Print orders in A4 format and label prints ✅ Excel Import: Bulk order registr...
As we discussed in chat before
...Key Features AI-Driven Air Quality Forecasting: Real-time air quality monitoring and forecasting using AI/ML models. Alerts for citizens and authorities when air quality deteriorates. Smart Traffic Flow Optimization: Real-time traffic monitoring and optimization using AI. Suggestions for alternate routes to reduce congestion. Water Leak Detection & Smart Irrigation: Detect water leaks in the city’s infrastructure. Optimize water usage through smart irrigation systems. Waste & Recycling Optimization: Track waste collection and recycling efforts. Provide insights for optimizing waste management. Smart Energy Management: Monitor energy consumption across the city. Suggest energy-saving measures for households and businesses. Communit...
I'm seeking a skilled Python developer who can create a trade bot for the Forex market that generates buy/sell signals specifically for the XAUUSD trading instrument. Requirements: - Proficiency in Python programming. - Experience in developing trading algorithms or bots. - Ability to implement real-time data fetching and signal generation based on market analysis. - Familiarity with Forex trading, especially XAUUSD. Deliverables: - A fully functional trade bot written in Python. - Documentation explaining how to use the bot and its features.
i will train open source AI Model (lama or deepseek) on your custom data . and i will create a complete bot
I need a professional to convert my TV broadcast UDP stream into a 10...broadcast UDP stream into a 1080p HLS video stream. The output should be optimized primarily for Smart TVs. Our requirement is straight forward. At present we have multicast that provide UDP urls which we need to play in Samsung Tizen Smart TVs and the TV do not natively support it so we need to convert it into HLS so we can play it. So we need to build a system that can do the conversion without consuming resource. Key Requirements: - Convert UDP stream from a TV broadcast into an HLS stream - Ensure the output is 1080p resolution - Optimize the stream for Smart TV compatibility Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video streaming technologies - Experience with HLS and UDP formats - Knowledge of S...
...polished and optimized for conversions. All stores will follow a cookie-cutter layout, built in a Shopify development store, so the process is streamlined. Ideal candidates should have experience with Shopify customization and a strong sense of aesthetics for eCommerce sales. ✅ Requirements: Shopify theme customization experience Strong design sense and attention to detail Ability to make quick, smart design decisions Efficient and reliable freelancer This is a freelance role with repeat work for the right candidate. Fast turnaround is a plus!...
Looking for someone to do in post production changes to a video, specifically to a glass of water add and remove saliva in various parts of it. Please see this link with all the details ONLY SERIOUS PEOPLE. use the word NOW so i know you are real and not a bot
...abilities. Ability to work independently and in a collaborative team environment. Adaptability to a fast-paced, dynamic work environment. Strong organizational and time-management skills. Bonus Skills (Learnable on the Job) Experience working on fintech products or platforms. Building high-speed interfaces. Interest or experience in market-related projects. Understanding and enthusiasm for blockchain, smart contracts, and Web3....
...method: "eth_subscribe", params: ["alchemy_pendingTransactions", { toAddress: "DEX_CONTRACT_ADDRESS" }] })); }); ("message", (data) => { const tx = (data); ("Pending TX:", tx); }); Replace DEX_CONTRACT_ADDRESS with the contract addresses of Uniswap, Sushiswap, etc. --- #### *B. Filter Transactions for Swaps* Look for transactions interacting with *DEX smart contracts* (e.g., Uniswap, SushiSwap): • Check toAddress to identify transactions interacting with swap contracts. • Decode input data ( data field) to extract *swap details*. Use ** to decode swap transactions: javascript const { ethers } = require("ethers"); const abi = ["function swapExactTokensForTokens(uint256...
...reserves and utilizing blockchain technology for transparency, security, and efficiency. Key Objectives 1. Develop a smart contract to issue and manage stablecoins. 2. Implement a reserve-backed system to maintain a 1:1 USD peg. 3. Ensure compliance with AML/KYC regulations. 4. Integrate with payment gateways for seamless fiat on/off-ramp. 5. List the stablecoin on decentralized & centralized exchanges. Technical Requirements 1. Blockchain Selection • Ethereum (ERC-20): High security & adoption. • Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20): Lower fees & fast transactions. • Polygon: Scalability & cost-efficiency. 2. Smart Contract Development • Develop and audit Solidity-based smart contracts for minting/burning tokens. &bu...
...send automated messages based on specific keywords detected. - Duplicate Message Prevention: The tool must detect when a message has been sent to avoid duplicate responses. - Autopilot Functionality: Once set up, it should run on autopilot with minimal to no manual input. - Contextual Messaging: Implement auto-key detection to ensure messages are sent appropriately based on user interaction. - Smart Scheduling: The tool should send messages at optimal times. - Optional AI Responses: Enhance conversations with optional AI-powered responses. - User Behavior Tracking: The system should adapt based on interactions. Ideal Candidates: - Experience with multi-platform software development - Proficiency in creating intelligent, context-aware systems - Familiarity with automating messagi...
I'm looking for a developer who can create a tool that fully automates messaging on specific platforms: Android, Apple, and Laptop. Key Features: - Trigger-based automated messaging - Duplicate message detection - Autopilot operation post-setup - Key detection for appropriate messaging - Smart scheduling for optimal message timing - Optional: AI-powered responses for dynamic conversations - User behavior tracking for system adaptation This tool will mainly handle messaging automation, with interactions spanning customer support inquiries, sales follow-ups, and general information requests. The ideal candidate for this project would be proficient in: - Software development and integration - AI and machine learning - Natural language processing Experience with creating simil...
I am seeking a talented developer to create a Windows-compatible bot for me. This bot should buy skins on CSFloat and sell them on Skinport with a profit margin of 10-15%. while also taking the floats into account Key Requirements: - Proficient in bot development with experience in trading bots preferred. - Understands the CS:GO skin market. - Ability to implement profit margin calculations. Ideal Skills: - Bot Development - CS:GO Skin Market Knowledge - Profit Margin Implementation - Windows Software Development - Any programming language expertise Please note that I am flexible regarding the programming language used for the bot, but it should be compatible with Windows and fully functional within a month.
to develop AI bot for interviewing and evaluating the candidates (technical and personal) based on agreed scope in the proposal. and the CV parsing tool
I'm in need of a professional caller with a smart and articulate demeanor to handle both outbound and inbound calls. Your primary role will be engaging potential clients in the technology industry, answering their inquiries, and ensuring a seamless communication process. Responsibilities: - Making outbound sales calls to potential leads/customers in the technology sector. - Answering inbound calls with professionalism and providing necessary information. - Maintaining clear and effective communication. - Keeping track of call details and reporting feedback. Requirements: - Native English speaker. - Excellent verbal communication skills. - Previous experience in sales, customer service, or telemarketing is a plus. - Reliable internet connection and a quiet work environment (fo...
i need an A.I bot created for my online product search business, needs to -monitor an email address, reply to email, with later follow ups. -do a worldwide search for the best price and delivery times/options. -email findings to customer. -once payment received, bot orders the product and ensure delivery with full tracking and constant communitive updates. Option also for once product sourced and payment confirmed i can be tasked by bot to manually do the actual purchase under instruction of bot. the bots name needs to be Aurora Sinclair. Aurora Sinclair - WeFind Personal Shopping Specialist Profile: • AI-powered personal shopping specialist for SJP Industries • Provides 2-hour response time guarantee • Conducts global product and price search...
...developer to build an AI-powered chatbot for my business. The bot should have the following features: • Answer Business-Related Questions: The bot should provide information about my company, such as services offered, opening hours, and general inquiries. • Calendar Integration: The bot should access my calendar to check availability. • Automated Appointment Booking: Users should be able to schedule, reschedule, or cancel appointments via the bot. • Integration with Existing Tools: The solution should connect to calendar and booking systems (e.g., Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, or a custom booking system). • Scalability: The architecture should allow for future expansions, such as CRM integration or AI-driven analytics. The...
I'm seeking a blockchain developer proficient in smart contract development specifically for the Ethereum platform. The primary task involves creating a token, either ERC20 or ERC721, according to my specifications. Attached test task. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong portfolio demonstrating their ability to develop secure, efficient smart contracts and tokens on the Ethereum network.