Simplified insurance management english texts工作


    2,000 simplified insurance management english texts 找到工作

    0 自由职业者 正在查看 0 全部 观看 项目描述: I need 100 short poster job texts. 3-5 words one text,like these: "DREAM JOB AHEAD, IT’S TIME FOR A NEW JOB, WE ARE HIRING, GLOBE JOB SEARCH, YOUR ARE THE ONE, I LOVE MY JOB, FIND GOOD JOB, NEW JOB NEW LIFE,"

    $233 - $233
    $233 - $233
    0 个竞标

    We are releasing a product that provides a range of discount services to clients. We are going to sell this product on the chinese wechat platform. As such we need to develop articles to highlight the benefits of the product. This project is to develop 10 articles which I have developed the theme/headi...going to sell this product on the chinese wechat platform. As such we need to develop articles to highlight the benefits of the product. This project is to develop 10 articles which I have developed the theme/heading and dot pointed the key issues that the article could cover. It would be preferable that these articles are developed in mandarin/simplified chinese however we would be willing to hire someone to develop these articles in English and then hire someone t...

    $1001 Average bid
    $1001 平均报价
    32 个竞标

    Auto Spare Parts Manufacturing and Trading company website, mainly for engine parts. 1. PHP website, english and spanish languages. 2. Need html 5 special performance. 3. High requirements of webdesign. 4. Email notice once get inquiry. 't use wordpress. Write code. Gente hispanohablante es mejor.

    $3462 Average bid
    $3462 平均报价
    11 个竞标

    需求如下: 1. 网站有两种外语版本。 2. 用Drupal或者wordpress做。 3. 支持Bluehost的空间。 4. 需要码农定制网站。对搜索引擎相应标签有专门设置菜单。 详细需求请联系雇主! 开发周期:1-2周 服务商要求:专业有经验的 项目预计多久开始启动:谈好启动 是否有域名空间:雇主提供

    $4735 Average bid
    $4735 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    I want the following document be translated from Chinese to English. ABSTRACT 本实用新型公开了一种刀片刀具磨屑器,属于刀片刀具保养设备技术领域,其技术要点包括底座,其中所述的底座上表面设有软质TPE层;本实用新型旨在提供一种结构简单、使用方便且效果好的刀片刀具磨屑器;用于刀片刀具的保养。 CLAIMS(4) 1. 一种刀片刀具磨屑器,包括底座(I),其特征在于,所述的底座(I)上表面设有软质TPE 层(2)。 2.根据权利要求I所述的刀片刀具磨屑器,其特征在于,所述软质TPE层(2)的厚度为2 〜4mm。 3.根据权利要求I或2所述的刀片刀具磨屑器,其特征在于,所述的软质TPE层(2)上设有磨屑槽(3)。 4.根据权利要求3所述的刀片刀具磨屑器,其特征在于,所述的底座(I)上表面为平面,所述的软质TPE层(2)包裹在该平面外围。 DESCRIPTION 刀片刀具磨屑器 技术领域 [0001] 本实用新型涉及一种磨屑器,更具体地说,尤其涉及一种刀片刀具磨屑器。 背景技术 [0002]目前,尚无对剃须刀片、理发修毛刀及美容美发剪刀具等产品做保养磨屑的相关产品。刀片刀具在长期使用后,常因刀刃处的残留物而出现刃尖变钝的情况。美容美发行业,刀片刀具等是使用最多,消耗最大的。而其中又以刀片消耗最大,通常一片剃须刀片有效使用30次即需要更换,否则就会因为刀片变钝而达不到理想的剃须效果,还会给客户造成不适感。 实用新型内容 [0003] 本实用新型的目的在于针对上述现有技术的不足,提供一种结构简单、使用方便且效果好的刀片刀具磨屑器。 [0004] 本实用新型的技术方案是这样实现的:一种刀片刀具磨屑器,包括底座,其中所述的底座上表面设有软质TP...

    $210 Average bid
    $210 平均报价
    11 个竞标

    Hello, for my web-project I ma seraching a native Chinese speaker & writer, who can write me texts for the website 生日祝福语 (Birthday greetings). I need that you undrestand good english to be able to understand your tasks, with attachment. Then I need that all texts (35 birthday wishes second my instructions) are written in SIMPLIFIED CHINESE CHARACTERS. PLease, read really cerfully my instructions, thank you

    $171 Average bid
    $171 平均报价
    10 个竞标
    Chinese Content Writing
    已经结束 left

    i am looking for Chinese writer for my website in simplified word. Around 50-60 words for 1 video. 50 video to be done at the moment. Content need to be fresh. Long term job. prefer somebody who is chinese educated waiting for your bid.

    $1040 Average bid
    $1040 平均报价
    13 个竞标
    Tvorba textů,
    已经结束 left

    Hello, for my web-project I ma seraching a native Chinese speaker & writer, who can write me texts for the website 生日祝福语 (Birthday greetings). I need that you undrestand good english to be able to undrestand your tasks, viz attechment. Than I need that all texts (all together 9 introduction texts) are written in SIMPLIFIED CHINESE CHARACTERS. I will need from you 1 text for home page, 3 texts for directory pages and 5 introduction texts. PLease, read very cerefully my instructions!!

    $171 Average bid
    $171 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    Translate into english
    已经结束 left

    Jane-how much would you charge to translate this into English?1、中国肿瘤患者转院美国权威医院就医。即由我公司负责联系客户,并进行初步问诊,而后转到美国医院治疗。贵公司主要负责美国方面提供医学翻译、接洽医院,并为病人提供接送机、室内交通、食宿、旅游等配套服务。 2、肿瘤患者远程会诊。即我公司负责联系客户,贵公司负责落实美国医院和专家,患者通过远程视频系统,或通过电子邮箱邮寄患者病例及在中国医疗机构的诊断证明,贵公司负责落实美国专家诊断,并将诊断结果回馈我公司。 3、中国医院高级管理人员培训技术交流学习。即我公司负责客户召集、会务组织,贵公司协调美国方面的权威专家。美国方面的会由贵司协调会场,食宿,接送机,美国本土包机等,培训内容和时间安排由我公司负责;按照我公司提供的培训内容和时间安排,确定授课专家并起草讲义; 中国方面办会由贵司聘请美方专家并按时到中国授课培训,或技术交流的工作,会务有我由公司负责。 4、包机。我公司所有客户,从中国到美国的签证、航班预定等工作,由我公司负责。到达美国境内后,客户如有的包机需求,空中交通,由贵公司负责。 5、诚邀Jane作为我公司波士顿大新英格兰地区业务的名誉首席执行官,请允许我公司在对外宣传当中使用您的名字及照片,以及您的个人资料(情况介绍)包括您的包机业务我们公司也无偿替您一并宣传。 二、前期工作 如贵公司愿意就以上内容与我公司合作,建议尽快落实以下几个方面的工作应在两周内。 1、美国波士顿或其他城市,寻找肿瘤权威合作机构,并以北京丽湾国际医院管理有限公司名义与联盟医疗体系或者美国前十权威医院正式签署合作文件,与权威医疗机构签署 “合作协议书”或“授权书”。顺利开展中国对美国的转诊业务。...

    $310 Average bid
    $310 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    Hey how are you? I’m Kate and just wondering if you could take a precious moment to help me translate this Simplified Chinese article in Australian English in regards to Arts. This is fairly important to me as it is mainly for my little private business’s art project description. I need it as soon as possible (within a couple of days). Thank you for your cooperation!

    $163 Average bid
    $163 平均报价
    7 个竞标

    我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'english translation to Latin American Portuguese'

    $116 / hr Average bid
    $116 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    I have a list of English company names (156 names), I will need to find their name in Chinese, also their phone number. 我有一份英文公司名单(156个),需要找出他们的中文名,联系方式等信息

    $233 Average bid
    $233 平均报价
    12 个竞标

    可持續采捕 阿拉斯加海湾以清洁和未受污染的水域而闻名于世,而在这清澈的海水里经验丰富的潜水人员细心挑选每根海参。捕获后的海参会即时送到水面上切开,放干及存放好,预备送到认可的处理工场去。在码头上,第三方监察公司将产品量重,并从其个人配额中扣除此总数,从而确保在任何既定的区域内没有过度采捕。沸水,脱水处理后的海参再进行日光干燥,即制成淡干海参。整个处理过程受到严密监察,确保每个步骤都符合最高管理标准的要求。 季节 为期八周的采捕季节由每年十月开始,但大部分的采捕会在首四个星期内完成。选定年中这时段是为求掌握海参肌肉及表皮的最高质量和复原期。

    $140 Average bid
    $140 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'channel management- starbucks'

    $776 / hr Average bid
    $776 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    1.我想让您帮忙翻译一份 海参的泡发方法, 已经把文件放在附件里了。 这份东西我是想要放在我们的食品包装上的。 2. 还有两个也是会放在我们的食品包装上的 : 1. 产品的说明 2. 公司的简介 这两个我希望是写得非常native (翻译的好的话,我愿意多付钱。) 公司的简介: 我们美国kb家族来自于美国最冷的费尔班克斯,真的很冷,每年的五月到八月,我们会在Ketchikan从熊嘴里为你抢来king三文,也会在十月至十二月经过晕机和风浪,为你带来Wrangell的海参一家。 我们这里没有流行乐,也没有好莱坞,只有硬汉和他们的海参们。如果你喜欢我们的产品,给我们留言,我们可以直接邮寄给您,还可以带你去看北极光。保证免费。 产品的说明: 我们上级的红参捕捞于属于冷水域的阿拉斯加海湾,生长缓慢,营养丰富。经由天然日光干制而成,口感美味且富有弹性。

    $85 / hr Average bid
    $85 / hr 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    1.我想让您帮忙翻译一份 海参的泡发方法, 已经把文件放在附件里了。 这份东西我是想要放在我们的食品包装上的。 2. 还有两个也是会放在我们的食品包装上的 : 1. 产品的说明 2. 公司的简介 这两个我希望是写得非常native (翻译的好的话,我愿意多付钱。) 公司的简介: 我们美国kb家族来自于美国最冷的费尔班克斯,真的很冷,每年的五月到八月,我们会在Ketchikan从熊嘴里为你抢来king三文,也会在十月至十二月经过晕机和风浪,为你带来Wrangell的海参一家。 我们这里没有流行乐,也没有好莱坞,只有硬汉和他们的海参们。如果你喜欢我们的产品,给我们留言,我们可以直接邮寄给您,还可以带你去看北极光。保证免费。 产品的说明: 我们上级的红参捕捞于属于冷水域的阿拉斯加海湾,生长缓慢,营养丰富。经由天然日光干制而成,口感美味且富有弹性。

    $70 / hr Average bid
    $70 / hr 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    1.我想让您帮忙翻译一份 海参的泡发方法, 已经把文件放在附件里了。 这份东西我是想要放在我们的食品包装上的。 2. 还有两个也是会放在我们的食品包装上的 : 1. 产品的说明 2. 公司的简介 这两个我希望是写得非常native (翻译的好的话,我愿意多付钱。) 公司的简介: 我们美国kb家族来自于美国最冷的费尔班克斯,真的很冷,每年的五月到八月,我们会在Ketchikan从熊嘴里为你抢来king三文,也会在十月至十二月经过晕机和风浪,为你带来Wrangell的海参一家。 我们这里没有流行乐,也没有好莱坞,只有硬汉和他们的海参们。如果你喜欢我们的产品,给我们留言,我们可以直接邮寄给您,还可以带你去看北极光。保证免费。 产品的说明: 我们上级的红参捕捞于属于冷水域的阿拉斯加海湾,生长缓慢,营养丰富。经由天然日光干制而成,口感美味且富有弹性。

    $70 / hr Average bid
    $70 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    Need an iPhone application in Simplified Chinese. See below for project requirements. APP is divided into two parts: 1. APP basic function is to allow customers to contact individual service providers in his area. App allows customers to place orders, pay through Paypal / micro-channel payments, and rated by the service providers. 2. Service providers use a separate app interface ( like Didi taxi driver version ) . Allowing him to enter personal service information , and see all of his orders. Development / functional requirements: -APP must be in Simplified Chinese - Preferably mixed-mode mobile applications (hybrid) - Paypal / micro-channel payment functions - Geographical location ---------------------------------------------------------------- APP分两大部...

    $28488 Average bid
    $28488 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    现有一个翻译文件,字数在223字,需从英语翻译成捷克语,主要是用在电子商务的网站上,所以质量要求比较高,不能出现一些低级的错误,不然会取消付款,在翻译中需将英语替换成捷克语。 We have a translation project for a document (223 words) that needs to be translated from English to Czech. It will be used on an online business website, hence we need the quality to be high, and free of errors. We will not release payment if there are errors in translation.

    $147 Average bid
    $147 平均报价
    7 个竞标

    我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Strategic Management Paper'

    $78 / hr Average bid
    $78 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Translate English to German (no more than 350 words)'

    $116 - $116 / hr
    $116 - $116 / hr
    0 个竞标

    I need somebody who is born in native English country and know Chinese culture or live in Chinese before, to help us translate Chinese to English. Example: 生活在北地湿寒林地带的神奇生物,因为数量极为稀少,所以几乎没有人见过它们的身影。它们拥有几乎不老不死的生命,关于它们的传说不绝于世。独角兽在漫长的生命中有一次机会遇到共生的精灵,它们多数会选择牺牲掉自己极为漫长的寿命,用来换取短暂的一生有人相伴左右。共生的独角兽死去后,尸骸将不复存在。有传说,正是亿万年前第一只选择结束生命的独角兽,死后的魂魄孕育了繁盛的精灵种族。

    $1126 Average bid
    $1126 平均报价
    13 个竞标

    I need somebody who is born in native English country and know Chinese culture or live in Chinese before, to help us translate Chinese to English. Example: 生活在北地湿寒林地带的神奇生物,因为数量极为稀少,所以几乎没有人见过它们的身影。它们拥有几乎不老不死的生命,关于它们的传说不绝于世。独角兽在漫长的生命中有一次机会遇到共生的精灵,它们多数会选择牺牲掉自己极为漫长的寿命,用来换取短暂的一生有人相伴左右。共生的独角兽死去后,尸骸将不复存在。有传说,正是亿万年前第一只选择结束生命的独角兽,死后的魂魄孕育了繁盛的精灵种族。

    $699 Average bid
    $699 平均报价
    14 个竞标

    I need somebody who is born in native English country and know Chinese culture or live in Chinese before, to help us translate Chinese to English. Example: 生活在北地湿寒林地带的神奇生物,因为数量极为稀少,所以几乎没有人见过它们的身影。它们拥有几乎不老不死的生命,关于它们的传说不绝于世。独角兽在漫长的生命中有一次机会遇到共生的精灵,它们多数会选择牺牲掉自己极为漫长的寿命,用来换取短暂的一生有人相伴左右。共生的独角兽死去后,尸骸将不复存在。有传说,正是亿万年前第一只选择结束生命的独角兽,死后的魂魄孕育了繁盛的精灵种族。

    $528 Average bid
    $528 平均报价
    19 个竞标

    Need to translate below Chinese simplify language content to English: 1. 楠迪国际投资控股集团是英国亿世界国际控股集团,龙领企业集团有限公司,印度尼西亚楠迪国际地产集团,在分析国际经济发展趋势,综合国际经济发展形势和国际经济发展现状,强强联手,合力打造的超规模跨国企业王国。 集团秉承:"求同存异,公平公正,健康发展,共铸辉煌"的合作方略,"为世界经济的复苏和发展作贡献"的企业发展宗旨,将企业集团打造成为世界经济的复苏和发展作贡献的平台,服务世界,造福人类! 在全球经济一体化进程中,集团旗下产业发展迅速,主营业务领域:矿业,石油业,航空业,地产业,科技业,交通运输业,百货业,酒店业等等 今天我们奉行"进取,求实,严谨,团结"的方针,不断开拓创新,以技术为核心,视质量为生命,奉用户为上帝,竭诚为您提供性价比最高的品牌及无微不至的服务. 2. 楠迪国际集团主席兼集团首席执行员 ALLEN HARTONO是主席兼集团首席执行员 他是一位成功的企业家,业务编佈在英国,中国,印度尼西亚,马来西亚,泰国,柬埔寨等多个国家, 集团主席思想解放,观念超前,擅长利用现代科学理论和方法,对国际企业进行组织架构,体制,机制创新,在企业实际基础上建立现代企业制度,实现资产重组,提高企业的运行效率和经营效益,使企业走上可永久持续发展的良性轨道.被誉为现代企业制度的"先行官"。 他也是一位精明和经验丰富的投资家,,熟悉商业市场,,科学投资决策,,规划实体战略,整合人脉资源,在他的专业和行政精英团队的领导下,"达至目标,共享成果"将发挥至淋漓尽致. 楠迪国际集团副主席 ...

    $1747 Average bid
    $1747 平均报价
    10 个竞标
    forex metatrader project
    已经结束 left

    Development language : php Reference website : Specific requirements: 1 , web design and production: First , the product details page , commodity list page , order submission pages, etc. , to the overall style of the atmosphere on the grade. 2, the functional modules: Reception function: product management systems, search systems, shopping cart functionality , payment systems , order management systems ...... Background function: membership management system ; news, information , advertising systems ; Page Views Statistics ; Links ; station information retrieval system ...... 3 , website maintenance : Service providers need to provide ongoing maintenance support and training site back-office functions 4, can make a separate payment systems can also c...

    $19468 Average bid
    $19468 平均报价
    17 个竞标

    Project budget is US$10 to US$100. Also, deliver in 2 days JAN 事業 事業上崎嶇不平,工作中諸多困阻,必須謹慎操作,步步為營。 羊 財運 收入不錯,但開支較大,宜量入為出,避免財來財去。 愛情 感情生活不太穩定,需心平氣和處理與伴侶間的問題。 健康 健康運沒有太大問題,惟需注意飲食、留意胃部問題。 FEB 事業 事業上易生困局,宜積極面對,努力工作,便可開創新的局面。 猴 財運 正財運較佳,可透過閒暇時的兼職或副業賺取額外收入,不宜投資。 愛情 情侶間易因金錢問題發生口角,需多包容及體諒對方。 健康 注意肺部及呼吸道感染毛病,宜多喝水,好好保養身體。 MAR 事業 事業上會遇上考驗,宜抱信心及實力面對,即可轉危為安。 雞 財運 整體財運不錯,正財運尤為旺盛,可放膽嘗試投資。 愛情 愛情運佳,易出現追求者,但不可濫用感情,提防爛桃花。 健康 情緒上的波動較大,要調理好心態,坦然面對,以免影響身體。 APR 事業 事業上競爭較大,在辦公室人緣一般,需提防小人暗害。 狗 財運 偏財運不錯,但避免賭博及高風險投資,適當的理財可帶來回報收益。 愛情 愛情運一般,情侶間容易因瑣事吵架,需注意自己的情緒。 健康 要小心病從口入,提防上呼吸道感染及注意飲食。 MAY 事業 事業方面,有貴人的賞識及提攜,要抓緊機會,有望大展拳腳。 豬 財運 財運平穩,避免不必要的開支,宜守不宜攻,投資可免則免。 愛情 感情運勢不俗,頗有異性緣,若把握良機則可佳偶天成。 健康 健康運佳,但仍需注意咽喉疾病,遠離煙酒。 ...

    $202 Average bid
    $202 平均报价
    9 个竞标

    ame levelmin levelmax type getlevel area npc prize description 铁匠 6 10 生产 5 各大主城 长老、铁匠 制造武器 完美世界中的生活技能之一,可以生产各类武器。 药师 6 10 生产 5 各大主城 长老、药师 制造药品 完美世界中的生活技能之一,可以生产药品和各种攻击优化符。 裁缝 6 10 生产 5 各大主城 长老、裁缝 制造防具 完美世界中的生活技能之一,可以生产各部位的防具。 巧匠 6 10 生产 5 各大主城 长老、巧匠 制造饰品 完美世界中的生活技能之一,可以生产各种戒指、腰饰、项链。 青衣冢 31 40 地城冒险 30 英雄冢密道 祖龙城幻境神之石 修真历练 怨灵建造的密室,每个完美世界的修真者都要到此进行历练。此地凶险异常,最好结伴前往。 黄昏圣殿 61 100 副本冒险 60 龙战之野以西 祖龙城幻境神之石 获取装备 5000年前盛极一时的黄昏王朝再现完美大陆,无尽宝藏的传言迅速散播开来……此地凶险异常,最好结伴前往。 神月谷 86 100 副本冒险 85 踏箭峰以西 祖龙城幻境神之石 获取装备 您可以通过踏箭山庄的NPC“神之子·四名”,一窥“神寂之地”的全貌。此地凶险异常,最好结伴前往。 霜履城 76 85 副本冒险 75 刺骨之地西部 祖龙城幻境神之石 快速升级 百年前,一场罕见的大雪袭击了整个完美北路,昔日威震一域的霜

    $1318 - $3955
    $1318 - $3955
    0 个竞标

    聘请Online Marketing 网络销售人员 Promote & Sell Löwe QMS-5500RF Queue Management System 排队按号码系统 Salary: Direct Commission( USD 30.00 ~ USD 50.00 per sale ) & Target Bonus Contact: Charles Lai 016 711 5203 WhatsApp: 016 711 5203 Product:

    $233 Average bid
    $233 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    需要有人把附件的内容缩成若172中国文的说明,然后翻成英文。 会给2usd (完成工作) 希望有专业的人去做。 我们还有很多其他工作的,希望长期合作。

    $23 / hr Average bid
    $23 / hr 平均报价
    9 个竞标

    I have already mentioned my requirements. 天曌山,我的山 亿万年日月经天 辉映你笑傲群芳的双眼 天曌山,女儿山 千百载风吹云卷 雕琢你妩媚如画的容颜 从此娥眉伟业高悬 红袖指点江山无限 你用纤纤兰指撩动惊天波澜 你屹立盛世开启的源头 你瞩望神州昌盛的平安 惯看日月湖水潋滟挟雷滚电 啊, 天曌山,我的山 天曌山,女儿山 山有魂,见巍然 水有灵,映九天

    $683 Average bid
    $683 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    I have already mentioned my requirements. 天曌山,我的山 亿万年日月经天 辉映你笑傲群芳的双眼 天曌山,女儿山 千百载风吹云卷 雕琢你妩媚如画的容颜 从此娥眉伟业高悬 红袖指点江山无限 你用纤纤兰指撩动惊天波澜 你屹立盛世开启的源头 你瞩望神州昌盛的平安 惯看日月湖水潋滟挟雷滚电 啊, 天曌山,我的山 天曌山,女儿山 山有魂,见巍然 水有灵,映九天

    $310 Average bid
    $310 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Translate From English to Chinese using PO EDIT..'

    $124 / hr Average bid
    $124 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    关于customer relationship management的 lolayty progamme. 有特定的4个问题(问题联系后提供,价格详谈),3000字的小论文。

    $776 Average bid
    $776 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    Hello - I have six documents I need translated from Simplified Chinese into English. Pretty straightforward, right? I will send you the first document and we will complete that as a milestone. If that works out, two more milestones for 2/3 projects each. If you think you have what it takes, please translate the following passage and send the translation to me. 1 教学目的:使业务人员熟悉建筑漫游动画和虚拟漫游的制作流程、制作周期、制作报价以及相关业务范围。 2 建筑动画简介: 建筑动画又称房地产动画,是根据建筑设计图纸在专业的计算机上制作出虚拟的建筑环境, 有地理位置、建筑物外观、建筑物内部装修、园林景观、配套设施、人物、动物、自然现象如风、雨、雷鸣、日出日落、阴晴月缺等等都是动态地存在于建筑环境中,可以以任意角度浏览。房地产动画应用最广的是房地产开发商对房产项目的广告宣传、工程投标、建设项目审批、环境介绍、古建筑保护、古建筑复原等。房地产动画片的优势是能在房产开发前进行全方位宣传。 建筑动画使用的软件: CAD、3DS MAX、MAYA、Photoshop、After Effects、Premiere、Fusion等 建筑动画服务流程: Thanks.

    $978 Average bid
    $978 平均报价
    10 个竞标
    Chinese Proofreading
    已经结束 left

    We are looking for a Chinese proofreader to collaborate with. We need to proofread 30 pages of text in Chinese Simplified and 30 pages of text in Chinese Traditional. They are the descriptions of mobile applications. Here you can see the example of a description in Chinese and English languages:

    $1498 Average bid
    $1498 平均报价
    9 个竞标

    Check out: You see the following phrases: 缘分是前世感情的延续, 缘分是今世的擦肩而过。 缘分是前世不变的誓言, 缘分是今生痛苦的约定。 缘分是一次机遇的把握, 缘分是一种爱慕的流逝。 缘分是相遇时美好梦想, 缘分是别离后苦涩回忆 I need 500 10-12 word phrases on 缘分.

    $1118 Average bid
    $1118 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    A: 职位要求: 1、对中国文化有较深了解,知道胡同、京剧等中国特色文化; 2、语言基本功扎实,精通该中文与英文的转换; 3、对翻译行业有认同感,有高度的责任感和敬业精神; 4、有3年以上的翻译经验或担任过多年兼职翻译者优先; 5、薪资范围:10000-15000元/月;兼职薪资150-200元/千字中文; 6、工作地点:武汉、上海、广州、成都任选一城市均可;

    $14407 Average bid
    $14407 平均报价
    6 个竞标

    I have an excel list of food that are use in our kitchen Translate it in english If you are not familiar with kitchen chinese and kitchen english PLEASE PASS I'm fluent in both language, I don't do it by myself because lack of time, not of skillz, No mistakes will be allowed in that translation Total : 1725 汉字 to translate this is a sample of the chinese you will have to translate please provide some example 松仁 小土豆 鲜香菇 洋鲍芯 平菇 帕玛臣芝士 火龙果 猪排 紫叶生菜 鸭肫 芦笋 草莓 鸡胸 斜切面 西瓜 白洋葱 苹果 琼脂 鱼 卡派纳去皮番茄 柚子 紫菊菊 味好美蛇蒿叶 牛肉馅 奥妙培根 奥比水瓜榴 丽歌鸡蛋面 牛柳 卡派纳橄榄油 大土豆 鱼片 老火腿 黑鱼 大米 红灯调和油 黑水榄 绿叶生菜 口蘑 金像面 贝克拉黑巧克力 马苏里拉芝士 茴香球 油 带骨肉眼肉 西红柿 韩国砂糖

    $373 Average bid
    $373 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    Simple Drone Simulation App
    6 天 left

    I need a basic cross-platform application like the one available on Google Play but with simplified features and a minimalist design. It should support the Dji controller RC-N1 and be compatible with both Android and iOS. Key Requirements: - A single, simple scene design - Three flying modes: cine, normal, sport - Option to toggle random wind simulation on/off - Option to toggle grid line on/off - Basic controls: Arm / Take Off / Flying

    $1599 Average bid
    $1599 平均报价
    48 个竞标

    I'm looking for an expert web developer who can give my website a modern and clean redesign on Squarespace. The new site should be user-friendly and visually appealing, reflecting a contemporary aesthetic. Key Requireme...You should be proficient in building and customizing sites on Squarespace. - Web Design Skills: A strong portfolio demonstrating modern and clean web designs will be favorable. - Integration of a Booking System: Although I haven't decided on the specific type of booking system yet, you should have experience with various systems such as appointment scheduling, event ticketing, and reservation management. You should be able to provide me with the best options based on my needs. Please note, the specifics of the pages and booking systems will be discussed...

    $136 - $1136
    $136 - $1136
    0 个竞标

    ...your unique needs. Our team ensures seamless user experiences, robust functionality, and reliable hosting solutions. From initial design to ongoing support, we manage your digital assets with precision and excellence. Digital Marketing: Unlock your brand's potential with our data-driven digital marketing strategies. We enhance your online presence through SEO, content marketing, social media management, and targeted campaigns, turning clicks into conversions and connecting you with your audience effectively. Logo & Branding Design: Stand out in the marketplace with our bespoke logo and branding design services. We create distinctive and memorable brand identities that capture your essence and resonate with your target audience, ensuring a strong and impactful brand prese...

    $854 Average bid
    $854 平均报价
    18 个竞标

    I've encountered a troubling situation with a Google review for m...troubling situation with a Google review for my corporate entity. The review contains false information that could potentially harm our reputation. I've attempted to contact Google support regarding this issue but, unfortunately, have not received a response. I'm seeking a professional who can assist in removing this review. Key requirements: - Proven experience in dealing with online reputation management, particularly with Google reviews - Strong understanding of corporate entity concerns - Excellent communication skills to liaise with Google support if necessary - Ability to handle this matter with discretion and professionalism Your expertise in this field will be invaluable in helping to pro...

    $900 Average bid
    $900 平均报价
    28 个竞标

    A risk management specialist is a role appointed within organizations to identify potential risks that might negatively affect the business. This role has traditionally focused on financial risks. But more and more, risk managers are being tasked with identifying potential risks affecting employees, third-party risks, cybersecurity threats and privacy-related issues. As a result, the scope of risk management has grown to include finance, employees, facilities, IT, data and reputation. Despite the aspects of market risk that emerged in early 2020, the field of risk management was already one of the fastest-growing jobs in enterprise management. In the wake of recent changes and climate change, companies are increasing the demand for risk management specia...

    $1700 Average bid
    $1700 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    I'm in need of a contact management Android app designed specifically for business use. The app should have a sleek, modern design and be user-friendly. Key Features: - Import/Export of Contacts: The ability to easily manage and transfer contacts is crucial. Integration: - Social Media Platforms: The app should seamlessly integrate with various social media platforms to facilitate easy contact management and networking. Ideal Skills: - Android App Development: Proficient in creating efficient and user-friendly Android applications. - UI/UX Design: Skilled in designing modern and sleek interfaces. - API Integration: Experience in integrating applications with social media platforms. Experience in developing business-oriented apps would be a significant advantage. Pl...

    $217 Average bid
    $217 平均报价
    42 个竞标

    ...functionality and accessibility of all websites. ————— Deliverables 1. Fully hosted and functional websites with correct domain configurations. 2. Individual login credentials for frontend and backend developers. 3. Comprehensive documentation for maintenance and updates. ————— Required Skills • Proven experience with OVH hosting and server management. • Expertise in Linux/Unix server configuration. • Strong skills in website hosting, domain management, and SSL setup. • Proficiency in writing technical documentation. ————— Timeline • Start Date: Sunday, 29 December 2024, 6:00 PM (SG Time) • Completion Date: Tuesday, 31 December 2024, 6:00 PM (SG ...

    $1141 Average bid
    $1141 平均报价
    21 个竞标

    I'm seeking a meticulous data entry professional to help with organizing and validating customer data. The data is currently in Excel/CSV files and requires detailed validation for accuracy. Key Responsibilities: - Input, sort, and organize customer data with precision. - Perform detailed validation checks to ensure data accuracy. - Assist with data management and reporting as needed. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional attention to detail and accuracy. - Proficiency with Excel/CSV files. - Experience with data entry and quality control. - Strong administrative support skills. With over 24 years of experience in administrative roles, including expertise as a Steno-Typist, Personal Assistant, and Admin Manager, I am confident this project will be a success. I look forward to your b...

    $78 / hr Average bid
    $78 / hr 平均报价
    54 个竞标

    ...betting markets: Incorporate a variety of sports betting, not limited to football, basketball and tennis. - Competitive odds: Ensure that the site offers competitive odds compared to other platforms. - Secure payment options: Payment methods should be secure and varied, including cryptocurrencies. - Live betting and streaming: Users should be able to bet while the game is in progress. - Profile management: Users should be able to manage their profiles with options for Agent/Partner/Master ID. - Customizable interface: Allow users to personalize their experience according to their preferences. - Multilingual support: The site should target a global audience. It should implement the currency of the target audience country. - Security and compliance: The platform should comply with ...

    $877 Average bid
    $877 平均报价
    51 个竞标